Matt Gaetz gets schooled on Critical Race Theory

Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
Here .... Let me "dodge" yours too ....

Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Dodging just affirms that you don't know what you're talking about. Good night
I didn't dodge you and you have NO RESPONSE!!!!

Fuckin' commie.
Haha, did you think I was talking to you? Having a hard time following the thread?
Nope. Just giving you a courtesy ass beating.
Excellent, that comment wasn't it was it?! Go ahead give it your best shot!
Right. John T. Ford wasn't talking to you either. Explain that.
Easily... He was asked to specifically name some CRT points that he takes issue with and he dodged because he knows nothing about CRT. I called him on it and he ignored me because he knows he can't debate the substance. That's a John T. Ford ignorance problem. Why do you think it's an ass beating for me? Johnny boy has the tucked tail here.
Yes. Here's what happened. Boceabutthole asked ME a question. John T. Ford told him to fuck off. You came in and said "nice dodge." I came and gave a response.

Haha, no that's not what happened. Off per usual. Bodecea asked Johnny a question and instead of answering John tucked tail and and told him to fuck off instead of winning on the merits of an argument. (See Below) I called him on it and he tucked tail again. Then you jumped in. Why? You're just making yourself look as dumb as Johnny looks

Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Anyone who supports CRT is a sick evil Racist.

You have exposed yourself you know .....

What is it in CRT that you object to? Link to the section you don't like.
the sheer proud ignorance and Maga mantra laden first paragraph is EXACTLY akin to the views expressed by the yahoos that stormed the capitol on Jan. 6th. Yep, Cheeto Jeezus hung those dummies out to dry as he sat at home watching TV and tweeting. Milley smartly stated that the military (made up of Americans) has to understand these folks, and will look at all information & opinions available (the old saying, "know your enemy" comes to mind).

Let me clue you in: the ridiculous tactic that started under Davey Duke....calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.

Oh, and don't get to the Joint Chiefs by being a "marxist traitor". As for your wonkish obsession with Obama...grow up and get over it. He whupped your ideological clap trap twice, fair and square, and pulled this country from a economic tailspin brought on by 8 years of the Shrub. A matter of fact and history....something Maga hat wearers seem to have trouble with. Carry on.
That's bullshit, of course. If what Milley said is true the Pentagon would have long ago taught Marxist theory
or the Koran to it's officers and enlisted personnel.
The idea that the Pentagon must teach CRT to "know" about it is patently absurd.

And do you get to be a Joint Chief by being a "Marxist traitor"?
Yes! If that's what your superiors want you to put into people's heads...a sense that whites are hopelessly
racist and blacks are hopelessly exploited and kept subservient.

Milley is a squirming quisling and did exactly what he was ordered to do....defend the indefensible.
If he thinks the Pentagon has something to learn from this Marxist agitprop then he is even a bigger
traitorous quisling then I first thought when I heard his pathetic rationalizing earlier today.
That Milley says he wants to understand his "white rage" demonstrates just how deep he is down the rabbit hole and how the military leadership sees white potential enemies.
It will be a self fulfilling prophecy for the Pentagon if they persist seeing whites as something to
be studied and feared.
Any words about BLM at all? None that I could see.

And your post was even more egregious than Milley's sickening act before Congress.
But no one has to listen to you. No one!
What's patently absurd is that you think your supposition and conjecture passes as fact.
- If Milley is telling you he has read various writings of ideological enemies of the USA, would it not dawn on you that "know your enemy" is not just a empty saying? You think West Point didn't teach the history of the Soviet Union and it's base philosophy? Come on, man. THINK!

- The rest of your screed is sheer ignorant blathering found INFOWARS or some Fox News fodder, calling a Joint Chief a communist agent of sorts. Come on, man! That BS went down the drain with Joe McCarthy before you were born.... for all your BS, you cannot justify or dismiss the Jan. 6th insurrection or how Cheeto Jeezus left folk like you out to dry while he sat at home tweeting. Your reaction here fits precisely into Milley's schooling of a creep like Gaetz. Carry on.
Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
Here .... Let me "dodge" yours too ....

Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Dodging just affirms that you don't know what you're talking about. Good night
I didn't dodge you and you have NO RESPONSE!!!!

Fuckin' commie.
Oh, such a brilliantly scathing intellectual retort! How shall I ever carry on? :auiqs.jpg:

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
This is true ...

Now look forward to our Communist Federal Government making it mandatory.

That's why private and homeschool exist
No, we teach our kids how to spot the goose-stepper and do like I did in college--write like my name is Mao and get all As, then tell them to fuck off and die.

Do you have any responses beyond 9th grade?
Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
Here .... Let me "dodge" yours too ....

Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Dodging just affirms that you don't know what you're talking about. Good night
I didn't dodge you and you have NO RESPONSE!!!!

Fuckin' commie.
Oh, such a brilliantly scathing intellectual retort! How shall I ever carry on? :auiqs.jpg:
Best part is I wasn't even talking to him... Haha, and now he is trying to play it off like he put me in my place with that comment. I don't know where these guys come from. Stupidtown USA
I heard Milley "schooling" Gaetz (i.e. spouting rationalized bullshit).
He should be busted down like a cheap GI Joe doll. He's a dupe and a monkey with a chest full
of pretty ribbons lying to defend the Marxist-bred critical race theory.

He's a shameful tool.
Smfh. Here is a man who has dedicated 41yrs of his life to his country, but he needs to be busted down to a private for a spoiled, punk who has had a silver spoon shoved up his ass all his life. You right wing, fools are a joke.
Tucker shit-dicked that cucked sissy for the first 11 minutes of his show tonite. :abgg2q.jpg:

"He's not just a pig.... he's stupid", Tucker laughs and points at it.... OMG, it was brutal.

How that sniveling marxist shitstain made it past cleaning tires in the motor pool is anybody's guess.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

The General let him have it for sure. The look on that radio-active Republican from Florida's face sure was on display. Who defends that guy?

Trump Humpers who are just as dumb as he is.
Tucker shit-dicked that cucked sissy for the first 11 minutes of his show tonite. :abgg2q.jpg:

"He's not just a pig.... he's stupid", Tucker laughs and points at it.... OMG, it was brutal.

How that sniveling marxist shitstain made it past cleaning tires in the motor pool is anybody's guess.
Tucker Carlson, another candy ass clown who has never done shit but ride off of somebody else's coat tail.
the sheer proud ignorance and Maga mantra laden first paragraph is EXACTLY akin to the views expressed by the yahoos that stormed the capitol on Jan. 6th. Yep, Cheeto Jeezus hung those dummies out to dry as he sat at home watching TV and tweeting. Milley smartly stated that the military (made up of Americans) has to understand these folks, and will look at all information & opinions available (the old saying, "know your enemy" comes to mind).

Let me clue you in: the ridiculous tactic that started under Davey Duke....calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.

Oh, and don't get to the Joint Chiefs by being a "marxist traitor". As for your wonkish obsession with Obama...grow up and get over it. He whupped your ideological clap trap twice, fair and square, and pulled this country from a economic tailspin brought on by 8 years of the Shrub. A matter of fact and history....something Maga hat wearers seem to have trouble with. Carry on.
That's bullshit, of course. If what Milley said is true the Pentagon would have long ago taught Marxist theory
or the Koran to it's officers and enlisted personnel.
The idea that the Pentagon must teach CRT to "know" about it is patently absurd.

And do you get to be a Joint Chief by being a "Marxist traitor"?
Yes! If that's what your superiors want you to put into people's heads...a sense that whites are hopelessly
racist and blacks are hopelessly exploited and kept subservient.

Milley is a squirming quisling and did exactly what he was ordered to do....defend the indefensible.
If he thinks the Pentagon has something to learn from this Marxist agitprop then he is even a bigger
traitorous quisling then I first thought when I heard his pathetic rationalizing earlier today.
That Milley says he wants to understand his "white rage" demonstrates just how deep he is down the rabbit hole and how the military leadership sees white potential enemies.
It will be a self fulfilling prophecy for the Pentagon if they persist seeing whites as something to
be studied and feared.
Any words about BLM at all? None that I could see.

And your post was even more egregious than Milley's sickening act before Congress.
But no one has to listen to you. No one!
What's patently absurd is that you think your supposition and conjecture passes as fact.
- If Milley is telling you he has read various writings of ideological enemies of the USA, would it not dawn on you that "know your enemy" is not just a empty saying? You think West Point didn't teach the history of the Soviet Union and it's base philosophy? Come on, man. THINK!

- The rest of your screed is sheer ignorant blathering found INFOWARS or some Fox News fodder, calling a Joint Chief a communist agent of sorts. Come on, man! That BS went down the drain with Joe McCarthy before you were born.... for all your BS, you cannot justify or dismiss the Jan. 6th insurrection or how Cheeto Jeezus left folk like you out to dry while he sat at home tweeting. Your reaction here fits precisely into Milley's schooling of a creep like Gaetz. Carry on.
The Commies of the 50's went away and came back as Marxists. Obama is a Marxist. There is nothing wrong with availing oneself of different media news sources and facing uncomfortable facts, You should try it because you come off as a Leftist-Marxist tool.
Tucker shit-dicked that cucked sissy for the first 11 minutes of his show tonite. :abgg2q.jpg:

"He's not just a pig.... he's stupid", Tucker laughs and points at it.... OMG, it was brutal.

How that sniveling marxist shitstain made it past cleaning tires in the motor pool is anybody's guess.
Tucker Carlson, another candy ass clown who has never done shit but ride off of somebody else's coat tail.
Idiot please..... whose coat tails did Tucker ride? Yeah, he skull fucks your handlers with zero effort but that's all Tucker.... writes his own shit too.
Regarding the racist/race baiting black's peddling this shit, you may depart to Liberia anytime you'd like, I'm certain we can even ante up some reparations for you, in form of a canoe, one oar, and one map so you may navigate way back home! As for all of you white cretin's vomiting this hate, you may serve as food source for all of those unhappy blacks as they journey way back home to paradise, they can just drag your hides behind their canoes, where upon successful completion of their journey they'll likely blend right in with all of the other Liberians in shitting and pissing you out on the worlds nastiest beachfront every day, then eating each other every night!

CRT and the asshole democrats peddling it, are racist, and racist scum, let them just keep on poking the bear and see what happens......
Have at little You pathetic little left loons

Last word is you're ignored.

Game, set.....and match. Buh bye
Great move for a checkmate. I made it some time ago., My ignore list is very long.
Yet, I still see your incipient ass crying about the state of your political tribe every day. Is it intentional? Naw. You're just full of shit 24/7.
Tucker shit-dicked that cucked sissy for the first 11 minutes of his show tonite. :abgg2q.jpg:

"He's not just a pig.... he's stupid", Tucker laughs and points at it.... OMG, it was brutal.

How that sniveling marxist shitstain made it past cleaning tires in the motor pool is anybody's guess.
Tucker Carlson, another candy ass clown who has never done shit but ride off of somebody else's coat tail.
Idiot please..... whose coat tails did Tucker ride? Yeah, he skull fucks your handlers with zero effort but that's all Tucker.... writes his own shit too.
He fucks dumb asses like you, that don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Regarding the racist/race baiting black's peddling this shit, you may depart to Liberia anytime you'd like, I'm certain we can even ante up some reparations for you, in form of a canoe, one oar, and one map so you may navigate way back home! As for all of you white cretin's vomiting this hate, you may serve as food source for all of those unhappy blacks as they journey way back home to paradise, they can just drag your hides behind their canoes, where upon successful completion of their journey they'll likely blend right in with all of the other Liberians in shitting and pissing you out on the worlds nastiest beachfront every day, then eating each other every night!

CRT and the asshole democrats peddling it, are racist, and racist scum, let them just keep on poking the bear and see what happens......
Here is one better, why don't the white racist, ass clowns like you jump on a Viking Ship and sail your candy asses over to Siberia everything is lily white just like you like it.
Tucker shit-dicked that cucked sissy for the first 11 minutes of his show tonite. :abgg2q.jpg:

"He's not just a pig.... he's stupid", Tucker laughs and points at it.... OMG, it was brutal.

How that sniveling marxist shitstain made it past cleaning tires in the motor pool is anybody's guess.
The only brutal thing about Tucker calling the General “stupid” is the digression that Tucker took from a newsman to a immature joke. I guess as long as turds like you are out there eating that shit up he has a market. Bravo retard y’all lower the IQ of our great country
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Don't you guys love how green as grass rookies come in here and immediately show us what an idiot they are ? Gonna take a lot of attone to make for this monstrosity.

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