Matt Gaetz gets schooled on Critical Race Theory

the sheer proud ignorance and Maga mantra laden first paragraph is EXACTLY akin to the views expressed by the yahoos that stormed the capitol on Jan. 6th. Yep, Cheeto Jeezus hung those dummies out to dry as he sat at home watching TV and tweeting. Milley smartly stated that the military (made up of Americans) has to understand these folks, and will look at all information & opinions available (the old saying, "know your enemy" comes to mind).

Let me clue you in: the ridiculous tactic that started under Davey Duke....calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.

Oh, and don't get to the Joint Chiefs by being a "marxist traitor". As for your wonkish obsession with Obama...grow up and get over it. He whupped your ideological clap trap twice, fair and square, and pulled this country from a economic tailspin brought on by 8 years of the Shrub. A matter of fact and history....something Maga hat wearers seem to have trouble with. Carry on.
That's bullshit, of course. If what Milley said is true the Pentagon would have long ago taught Marxist theory
or the Koran to it's officers and enlisted personnel.
The idea that the Pentagon must teach CRT to "know" about it is patently absurd.

And do you get to be a Joint Chief by being a "Marxist traitor"?
Yes! If that's what your superiors want you to put into people's heads...a sense that whites are hopelessly
racist and blacks are hopelessly exploited and kept subservient.

Milley is a squirming quisling and did exactly what he was ordered to do....defend the indefensible.
If he thinks the Pentagon has something to learn from this Marxist agitprop then he is even a bigger
traitorous quisling then I first thought when I heard his pathetic rationalizing earlier today.
That Milley says he wants to understand his "white rage" demonstrates just how deep he is down the rabbit hole and how the military leadership sees white potential enemies.
It will be a self fulfilling prophecy for the Pentagon if they persist seeing whites as something to
be studied and feared.
Any words about BLM at all? None that I could see.

And your post was even more egregious than Milley's sickening act before Congress.
But no one has to listen to you. No one!
Another good trump cultist told to hate the military now. When I was in, I would go to a seminar called "Soviet Sea Power" taught by a "Soviet Naval Officer"......I guess that made us all hate the U.S. and support the Soviet Union afterwards, eh? (using your logic)
What is it in CRT that you object to? Link to the section you don't like.
Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
He's been groomed to believe it's bad with no clue what's in it. He's a good little cultist.
Not me....

It's Marxist and YOU KNOW IT!!!
So Gen. Milley is a "globalist libtard" because he schools a dullard like Gaetz that the military does study any and all information to help them defend the country (the phrase "no your enemy" comes to mind)? His military credentials give no credence to your babbling. Thanks for proving the point of the OP.
You clearly are not paying attention. Our military is LOADED with GLOBALIST LIBTARD LEADERS. Miley is just one of them. The soldiers are awesome.
When did you serve again? Tell us some anecdotal stories of you encountering some of those "globalist libtard leaders" you personally encountered.
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
What is it in CRT that you object to? Link to the section you don't like.
Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
He's been groomed to believe it's bad with no clue what's in it. He's a good little cultist.
Not me....

It's Marxist and YOU KNOW IT!!!
Well, give some examples from the CRT curriculum that are Marxist then.....while matching it up with the true definition of Marxist.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Yeah, milley is woke because thats which way the wind is blowing and he wants to be in the “In Crowd”

And how stupid is it to teach black soldiers to hate their white teammates and white soldiers to hate themselves?
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
1. WHO scrubbed that phrase from Wikipedia?

2. WHERE in Wikipedia was it scrubbed from?

3. WHAT is wrong with that statement? (It reminds me a bit of Hari Seldon's psychohistory)
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Yeah, milley is woke because thats which way the wind is blowing and he wants to be in the “In Crowd”

And how stupid is it to teach black soldiers to hate their white teammates and white soldiers to hate themselves?

Talk about being completely brainwashed by the orange cult.....................................
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
1. WHO scrubbed that phrase from Wikipedia?

2. WHERE in Wikipedia was it scrubbed from?

3. WHAT is wrong with that statement? (It reminds me a bit of Hari Seldon's psychohistory)
I am not answering any of your questions until you admit that you're a Marxist.
  • Thanks
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What is it in CRT that you object to? Link to the section you don't like.
Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
He's been groomed to believe it's bad with no clue what's in it. He's a good little cultist.
Not me....

It's Marxist and YOU KNOW IT!!!
Well, give some examples from the CRT curriculum that are Marxist then.....while matching it up with the true definition of Marxist.
Are you a Marxist?

(you are)

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
This is true ...

Now look forward to our Communist Federal Government making it mandatory.

That's why private and homeschool exist
No, we teach our kids how to spot the goose-stepper and do like I did in college--write like my name is Mao and get all As, then tell them to fuck off and die.

Do you have any responses beyond 9th grade?

Your response was about seventh grade
Milley is a suck up and always has been...he placates to whomever can pin another ribbon on his chest....we call officers like him pentagon desktop suckups...and he and others like him in our military are why we are still at war and haven't won the war we engaged in after 9-11...

I guarantee all of you....China's military is not forcing CRT on their ask yourself...after 20 plus years of war....why we can't proclaim a victory....

This is why....
View attachment 505194
Yeah right... because other countries have so easily "won" in Afghanistan, right? Just ask the Brits and the Russians.

At least Afghanistan was actually the right country to hold responsible for 9-11, unlike Iraq...smh at GOP stupidity.

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
This is true ...

Now look forward to our Communist Federal Government making it mandatory.

That's why private and homeschool exist
No, we teach our kids how to spot the goose-stepper and do like I did in college--write like my name is Mao and get all As, then tell them to fuck off and die.

Do you have any responses beyond 9th grade?
Are you a Marxist?
What is it in CRT that you object to? Link to the section you don't like.
Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
He's been groomed to believe it's bad with no clue what's in it. He's a good little cultist.
Not me....

It's Marxist and YOU KNOW IT!!!
Well, give some examples from the CRT curriculum that are Marxist then.....while matching it up with the true definition of Marxist.
Are you a Marxist?

(you are)
If you are claiming that I am a Marxist, what are you basing that on. I'm curious.
  • Funny
Reactions: 007
What is it in CRT that you object to? Link to the section you don't like.
Fuck off ...

I am not up for your D-E-N-I-A-L games tonight.
Nice dodge. You don’t know anything about CRT do you? Just wanna cancel it because you think it is against whitey or against righty
He's been groomed to believe it's bad with no clue what's in it. He's a good little cultist.
Not me....

It's Marxist and YOU KNOW IT!!!
Well, give some examples from the CRT curriculum that are Marxist then.....while matching it up with the true definition of Marxist.
Are you a Marxist?

(you are)
Are you a fascist? Clearly so... and therefore a traitor.

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
This is true ...

Now look forward to our Communist Federal Government making it mandatory.

That's why private and homeschool exist
No, we teach our kids how to spot the goose-stepper and do like I did in college--write like my name is Mao and get all As, then tell them to fuck off and die.

Do you have any responses beyond 9th grade?
Are you a Marxist?
If you are claiming he is a Marxist, what are you basing it on?
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
1. WHO scrubbed that phrase from Wikipedia?

2. WHERE in Wikipedia was it scrubbed from?

3. WHAT is wrong with that statement? (It reminds me a bit of Hari Seldon's psychohistory)
I am not answering any of your questions until you admit that you're a Marxist.
So you don't even know the answer to those three simple questions about something YOU posted. You definitely are a useful tool for the orange cult.
Milley is a suck up and always has been...he placates to whomever can pin another ribbon on his chest....we call officers like him pentagon desktop suckups...and he and others like him in our military are why we are still at war and haven't won the war we engaged in after 9-11...

I guarantee all of you....China's military is not forcing CRT on their ask yourself...after 20 plus years of war....why we can't proclaim a victory....

This is why....
View attachment 505194
Yeah right... because other countries have so easily "won" in Afghanistan, right? Just ask the Brits and the Russians.

At least Afghanistan was actually the right country to hold responsible for 9-11, unlike Iraq...smh at GOP stupidity.

No country was responsible for 911. An idealogy was....Iraq and Afghanistan happened to be where those that had the ideas resided.... that and Pakistan, Syria, Iran....etc, etc
Lol @ " critical race theory"

Another BS scam dreamed up by some leftist BS operator
Can you tell me, in detail, with sources, what it is?

Nope. The moment I heard about it I knew it was leftist BS....nobody in their right fcking mind would dream up that crap

Here's you leftist assholes problem.... everything is RACIST!!!!! Knock it off
Did you just call leftists assholes? Listen up, you pathetic half-witted fascist sociopathic traitor, when you show a basic understanding of civics and democracy, then speak. Until then, keep your idiotic yap shut.

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