Matt Gaetz: The Chinese Communist Party can pay every grifter in the Biden family, but Trump can't pay Stormy Daniels?

Prove it.

The GQP has investigatory powers. Find out.

When you can prove it, nail Biden's ass.

Seems like proving things is only complicated for Trumpsters. Why is that?
That's because the Justice dept. is fully owned and operated by the Democrat party. They will always delay, obstruct, deflect and cover up for their party members.
justice...for all or for some? for the regular outsiders like Trump or for the privileged wealthy like the Bidens?
There are a number of factual inaccuracies in Matt Gaetz's question, which, in fact, is a rhetorical question making an inaccurate accusation.

Firstly, the evidence of documents from Hunter Biden's recovered laptop does not reveal that the "Biden family" is involved in any illicit activities, nor does it show that the 'Biden family" includes Joe Biden.

[CNN]The claim involves a cross-border private equity fund involving some state-owned financial companies in China. Hunter Biden served on the management company’s board while his father was vice president, but his attorney says that was an unpaid position, that he did not create the company and has not yet received any money, let alone millions. [Hunter's] attorney says Hunter Biden only acquired a minority stake in the investment management company after his father left office. [...] Hunter Biden did serve on BHR’s original board of directors while his father was vice president, but Mesires told the Washington Post that Biden was on the board of the advisory firm that did not directly invest, but instead advised those who did.

[CNN] The memo, which representatives for the White House and Hunter Biden’s legal team quickly dismissed, does not provide any evidence tying the payments directly to President Joe Biden, which Republicans have said is the purpose of their investigation.

Secondly, while entrepreneurship is indeed a core American value, it is not appropriate to conflate it with potentially illegal or unethical business dealings. The fact that Hunter Biden conducted business in China and shared the proceeds (IF true) with his brother and his widowed sister-in-law does not necessarily make it a illegitimate or unethical business deal

Thirdly, it is incorrect to suggest that everyone is faulting Trump for the hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, as some are, some aren't. In fact, Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to the payments, which were made just before the 2016 election in order to prevent Daniels from going public with allegations of an affair with Trump. Notwithstanding the legality of the payments, is not the timing and motivation behind them certainly evident, which was to hide the fact of the hush money payment from the electorate?

Finally, Gaetz's statement is misleading in its characterization of the situation. Trump did not simply "pay Stormy Daniels"; he directed his lawyer to arrange a hush money payment to her specifically to benefit his election campaign. This is what makes the payments potentially illegal, as they could be seen as an illegal campaign contribution made outside of the normal reporting requirements.

Does paying hush money by a presidential candidate in order to prevent disclosure of information likely harmful to the president's campaign constitute a crime? And, if so, which federal or NY State crime or crimes?

Here is my layman's opinion, as I understand the law:

Trump's attorney is claiming that the Cohen reimbursement checks paid to Cohen, reimbursing him for his payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, a number of them written to Cohen at $35k each, all totaling enough to cover Cohen's payments to Daniels and McDougal, plus enough to cover Cohen's taxes on those receipts, were made from Trump's personal account, and the photocopies of the checks to reflect this fact paid with the ostensible purpose of depriving the electorate of information they could have used to make a more informed choice for president. The specific details and circumstances surrounding the payments made by President Trump and his attorney to Michael Cohen to reimburse him for payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal could potentially constitute violations of federal and New York state laws.

If the payments made to Cohen were intended to influence the outcome of the election and exceeded the legal limits for campaign contributions, it could be considered a violation of federal campaign finance laws. Additionally, if the payments were made with the intent to conceal information from the electorate, it could be considered a form of election fraud.

Under New York state law, it is illegal to make false statements or commit fraud in connection with an election. If the payments made by President Trump and his attorney were intended to deceive the public and influence the outcome of the election, it could be considered a violation of state law, no to mention the false entries in their records concealing their true purpose.

It is important to note that any determination of criminal liability would depend on the specific facts and circumstances of the case and would be subject to investigation and review by law enforcement officials and the courts.

Overall, someone should inform Sen. Matt Gaetz that, especially from someone who holds an office of public trust paid for with taxpayer funds, it is important to base statements and opinions on factual information, rather than making inaccurate or misleading claims in order to score a quick sound bite to score political points.
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That's because the Justice dept. is fully owned and operated by the Democrat party. They will always delay, obstruct, deflect and cover up for their party members.

Well, then tell that to US Attorney Delaware David Weiss, assigned as Special Counsel by the former AG Bill Barr (Trump's AG), to the task of investigating Hunter Biden, and left to finish the job by Joe Biden, noting the investigation is into his own son, an investigation of which has been going on three years, noting that no evidence of any wrongdoing by Hunter or Joe, or any family member, as yet to be produced.
That's because the Justice dept. is fully owned and operated by the Democrat party. They will always delay, obstruct, deflect and cover up for their party members.
Sure, sure, always the victims.

That doesn't stop the House from investigating and telling us what they found.

It really isn't asking too much for you people to PROVE your conspiracy theories.
You vermin have been doing 'do overs' for years, and still failing.

but you REALLY got him this time though, right? rotflmao

Explain that to the 'vermin' who tried, and failed, for some 25 years, to pin anything they could find on the Clintons and came up with zilch, squat, zero, nada as in nada damn thing.
Explain that to the 'vermin' who tried, and failed, for some 25 years, to pin anything they could find on the Clintons and came up with zilch, squat, zero, nada as in nada damn thing.

Keep trying to deflect from your criminal syndicate's sleazy actions, Hero. lol I'm not a Republican, moron, but you can't grasp anything outside your little Hope Chest.
Prove it.

The GQP has investigatory powers. Find out.

When you can prove it, nail Biden's ass.

Seems like proving things is only complicated for Trumpsters. Why is that?
Funny how, if indicting someone is so easy, why Hillary Clinton was never indicted.
Investigate. You have the House. GO.
The House is investigating but it does no good when solid evidence is found and the DOJ ignores it.

More and more Americans are waking up to the fact that there are multiple standards of Justice In our nation today. More and more Americans now feel we are living in a banana republic.
Keep trying to deflect from your criminal syndicate's sleazy actions, Hero. lol I'm not a Republican, moron, but you can't grasp anything outside your little Hope Chest.
I'm glad I'm ignoring that idiot. Leftards are bad enough, but leftard blowhards are entirely too much.
justice...for all or for some? for the regular outsiders like Trump or for the privileged wealthy like the Bidens?

Thank you for my morning laugh. Matt Gaetz, the sleaze who bragged about sex trafficking young women, whose wealthy bought him a House seat, talking about the Bidens being corrupt.
Do you think Biden gets any kickbacks from the Chinese company that makes MAGA hats and flags?
Dems are dirtier than an organized crime family yet flail about yapping about Trump, it's hilarious.

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