Matt Lauer equates U.S. Founders with terrorists

NATO AIR said:
crying and giggling between stories, all while "oh that matt lauer is so cute and my, katie has such pretty hair today"

:laugh: Could any other humans wear more make-up than those two?? Personally, I think they're robots, would explain all the make-up needed to cover the nuts and bolts.
Said1 said:
:laugh: Could any other humans where more make-up than those two?? Personally, I think they're robots, would explain all the make-up needed to cover the nuts and bolts.

i whole heartedly agree
NATO AIR said:
i whole heartedly agree

They were a two for one special hahaha!

I know, I know, it's wear not where. >D

Is it just me, or am I making more spelling and grammar errors than what is usually my norm? :huh:
Fucking assholes like Matt Lauer take their freedom for granted. What if we were a pacifist nation? What if people in this country had refused to fight and had followed the path of least resistance? Mr. Lauer would certainly not have the time or opportunity to 'earn' his grandiose paycheck spewing vitriolic nonsense over the air waves.

One day the real America will have enough of this bullshit and we will cast aside political correctness and we will put a whole road of pieces of dogshit like this one back into their places.

I never thought I'd say that I'm glad that my grandfathers are dead. Both lost limbs fighting for this country and both died when Reagan was honoring the White House. I would be ashamed for them to hear jackasses like matt fucking lauer and his den of cronies.

If they did hear him, I might have to hunt that motherfuker down and kill him myself.

I once told my Marines that the source of my world-famous-sweet-disposition was teh sugar in my coffee. Next Morning I come into the Company Office to see three five pound bags of sugar and about 120 packets on my desk. Company CO and Clerk grinning like idiots and the Plt Sgts not looking me in the eye. Thanks for the flashback. Heh heh heh
NATO AIR said:
wasn't he the one fighting back tears on live TV when some mosquito or other bug got him good when he was doing his "where in the world is that idiot matt lauer now?" segment in Egypt... yea the locals were looking at that idiot like "idiot American, doesn't he know not to be wearing shorts and men's perfume at this time of the year"?

between him and katie "i change my personality/hairstyle but never my fake smile cause I'm a skitzo bitch" couric i retch my breakfast when i have to endure the "today" show being rebroadcasted over here on AFN.

I'm telling ya NATO, I'm with ya on this one entirely. That weasly little fucker lauer, I'd like to slap his cake hole so hard his mama would have a black eye. I can't STAND the prick. And his partner in liberalism katie is no frickin' better. That pair are enough to gag a maggot.

I feel sorry for ya having to listen to them, and the dumbass commentary coming from dumbass co-workers too. Just remember, nothing's permanent.

Hang in there man.
Carter replied, "Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we've fought. I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war. Had the British Parliament been a little more sensitive to the colonial's really legitimate complaints and requests the war could have been avoided completely, and of course now we would have been a free country now as is Canada and India and Australia, having gotten our independence in a nonviolent way. I think in many ways the British were very misled in going to war against America and in trying to enforce their will on people who were quite different from them at the time." [/QUOTE]

It's amazing that a man who was once President of the United States, a Navy veteran at that, sounds like he has no clue whatsoever. I don't know. I felt the need to say something about this comment, but now find myself at a loss for words.[/QUOTE]

Ya know, Jimmy Carter was once a nice guy. Even when he was president, he was nice...but stupid. Now I see him lined up on the left with all these other bombthrowers. Here's what I have to tell you, Jim. Screw your propoganda about unnecessary war! The British were all tight@$$ed and the only way anybody was getting independance was through blood. We were the baddest dogs in the pack, so we took 'em on, and that's the only reason the other colonies got let go of so easily. We have to be frickin first at everything. We were the first the hit the Japanese back. We were the first to get truly ruthless with the Nazis (Desden anyone?). We were the first to figure out how stupid Europe was in WWI. We were the first to tell Russia to STFU and tear down the wall. We even invented all those things the Japanese now sell to us. And now, we're the first to take the fight to the terrorists and choose to shoot them in the head in their own country without remorse rather than drag them through a court system before having a fight about whether execution is "cruel and unusual." Everybody else is too much of a weiner to get things done and many of the rest are such big weiners they won't help us when we do.

Oh, and Lauer and Couric suck donkey balls. Only thing either of 'em has is that Couric is hot, so I can stand watching the Today Show as long as I can't hear it. The thing I hate the most, though, is how important people seem to think their lives are. Top headline on Netscape the other day was that Couric had a new boyfriend. WHO THE HELL CARES?! I am *this* close to getting my FIRST girlfriend and the only people who care are the people who have a right to: me, her, and our friends. Media, go crawl back into your whole and drink yourself into a stupor 'cause 'Hitler' won the election and LEAVE ME ALONE!

P.S. I'm not a military man, but many of my friends say I'm suited for it. I'm tempted...
pegwinn said:
I once told my Marines that the source of my world-famous-sweet-disposition was teh sugar in my coffee. Next Morning I come into the Company Office to see three five pound bags of sugar and about 120 packets on my desk. Company CO and Clerk grinning like idiots and the Plt Sgts not looking me in the eye. Thanks for the flashback. Heh heh heh

i told that one to master chief just now, he's dying laughing. that is truly a frigging hilarious story. i'm definitely telling gunny alvarez down in iwakuni about this ASAP.
Pale Rider said:
I'm telling ya NATO, I'm with ya on this one entirely. That weasly little fucker lauer, I'd like to slap his cake hole so hard his mama would have a black eye. I can't STAND the prick. And his partner in liberalism katie is no frickin' better. That pair are enough to gag a maggot.

I feel sorry for ya having to listen to them, and the dumbass commentary coming from dumbass co-workers too. Just remember, nothing's permanent.

Hang in there man.

the worst part about the damn female contractors is they are lazy as all get out. they spend the majority of the day watching TV and telling the techs they don't know how to help them fix their gear.

the worst part is, none of the morning shows are much better. i heard cold pizza on espn 2 was good but we don't get that here on the ship. christ, lauer and couric give me morning sickness listening to their crap... you should have heard that giggly goofy bitch talking about the lady who had twins at 57... bad enough to make you wanna drown yourself.
NATO AIR said:
i told that one to master chief just now, he's dying laughing. that is truly a frigging hilarious story. i'm definitely telling gunny alvarez down in iwakuni about this ASAP.

My best to the Master Chief and the Gunny. Tell em Top Gwinn said Hi and Happy Birthday to both. Back on the road again, see everyone in a month or so.
pegwinn said:
My best to the Master Chief and the Gunny. Tell em Top Gwinn said Hi and Happy Birthday to both. Back on the road again, see everyone in a month or so.

take care pegwinn

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