Matt Lauer fired for sexual misconduct ?

I looked and looked but no sexual misconduct breaking news this morning....

"Me Too" - you're slacking!
I looked and looked but no sexual misconduct breaking news this morning....

"Me Too" - you're slacking!
/——/ Here ya go. Then-married former NBC employee claims Lauer sexually assaulted her until she passed out in office: report
Affairs have nothing to do with it. The first example sure does. THAT's what needs to stop.
/-----/ What about the second one? The guy thought it was just an affair but was being set up.
Not so sure on that one. Sounds like it might have been one side of the story? It's pretty farfetched to "set someone up" like that.
/——/ not far fetched. It happened in my office and I’ve heard similar stories. Another woman rep at a different company was being fired for missing quota and in the exit interview she told HR that her boss said she never had to worry about quota. The HR director asked when he said that and the woman said “when I was sucking his c***k”
I don't know what position you hold in your company, but that sounds a bit like an urban legend to me. If you don't personally know the folks involved and have both their stories, you really don't know.
/——/ no urban legend. It happened. Believe what you want but in light of everything that has gone on in the last few months how could you question it?
It just sounded like some water cooler horror stories. You say it's so, I take your word for it.
Matt is kinda like Trump.....two crazy white mf's that had us all fooled.....I never dreamed in a million years Trump would be this fuckin crazy or Matt would be a walking fuckin who the fuck knew?
This is great. Matt Asked Bill if he ever sent anyone at work lewd texts. lolol. Bill told Matt that every allegation in this field is a conviction. Matt said but but but....

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I looked and looked but no sexual misconduct breaking news this morning....

"Me Too" - you're slacking!
/——/ Here ya go. Then-married former NBC employee claims Lauer sexually assaulted her until she passed out in office: report
That's not assault, that's rape. He locked the damn door too which borders on kidnapping
What Trump said he does ...

What Trump did to one of his Victims .......Any Questions

“He took my hand, and grabbed me, and went for the lips.” Cathy Heller
Age 44 Year: 1997 Location: A Mother’s Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago

Heller alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the lips in public. Source: The Guardian
What Trump said he does ...

What Trump did to one of his Victims .......Any Questions

“He took my hand, and grabbed me, and went for the lips.” Cathy Heller
Age 44 Year: 1997 Location: A Mother’s Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago

Heller alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the lips in public. Source: The Guardian

So your position is that it's okay? Or is your position to deflect from Matt to Donald?

Pretty lame either way.
Matt is kinda like Trump.....two crazy white mf's that had us all fooled.....I never dreamed in a million years Trump would be this fuckin crazy or Matt would be a walking fuckin who the fuck knew?
/—-/ Nice try Stumpy, but you can’t compare the Lib Golden boy Lauer's rape to Trump saying some bad things.
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Camera catches Matt Lauer telling Couric during break to "Keep Bending Over, It's A Nice View"....looking at her breasts.

'Keep Bending Over': Matt Lauer Once Unknowingly Caught Creeping On Katie Couric (VIDEO)

Funny how videos like that come out the moment the guy is fired. They (NBC) knew all along, and allowed it to continue.

Was Couric offended? It's OK to tease a friend if she's not offended. Might have been a running joke between the two of them.
As the co-host of NBC’s “Today,” Matt Laueronce gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. It included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her, which left her mortified.

On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act.

He would sometimes quiz female producers about who they’d slept with, offering to trade names. And he loved to engage in a crass quiz game with men and women in the office: “fuck, marry or kill,” in which he would identify the female co-hosts that he’d most like to sleep with.

Matt Lauer Accused of Sexual Harassment by Multiple Women (EXCLUSIVE)
Matt Lauer Accused of Sexual Harassment by Multiple Women (EXCLUSIVE)

The bottom line is these are not secrets. There have been reports of Lauer for a while now. That is why these men become more and more emboldened. If they keep getting away with it, they are not going to stop.

Hope she kept it. BIG BUCKS ON EBAY!. Especially if she can get it autographed!
So your position is that it's okay? Or is your position to deflect from Matt to Donald?

Pretty lame either way.
deflect from Matt Lauer who has been fired to Donald Trump who is worst oh yeah
/-----/ Got any proof Trump has done worse - unless of course you consider keeping Hildabeast out of the White House worse than rape.

Camera catches Matt Lauer telling Couric during break to "Keep Bending Over, It's A Nice View"....looking at her breasts.

'Keep Bending Over': Matt Lauer Once Unknowingly Caught Creeping On Katie Couric (VIDEO)

Funny how videos like that come out the moment the guy is fired. They (NBC) knew all along, and allowed it to continue.

Was Couric offended? It's OK to tease a friend if she's not offended. Might have been a running joke between the two of them.

Very possible.

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