Matt Lauer fired for sexual misconduct ?

I think everyone should be careful what they're reading/believing about this story. It sounds like we may not know the actual allegations for awhile. The accuser is remaining anonymous and she has a lawyer.
NBC fired him, sounds like they know what was appropriate here! and since when is caution the prevailing logic to be careful when it comes to sexual harassment, could you make a post telling us that O'Reilly needs to be rehired until all the facts are out? and Roy Moores accuser has gloria alred representing her, that is proof she is liing...DOUBLE DANG!!!,
I was listening to Megan (the Fox chick that got Trump stamped), give a speech on her NBC show about Matt and his firing. Great stuff listening to her whine about systematic sexism in the news industry.
So. They gonna bring in Megyn Kelly to take his place? Assuming, of course, that she isn't the accuser.

With a picture like that, how are we to consider her a top journalist?

The left are eating their own. God I love the Trump Era.
I really am not a trump fan, but yeah...he is an alligator that has the left in a death roll grasp, this is the first time in our political history that he has the left defending men against sexual harassment allegations...he has them claiming that just because it is an accusation does not mean it is true, he is actually educating the commies on American justice, the left is starting to embrace the concept of "innocent until PROVEN guilty", not soviet/communist style "innocent until accused"...ya notice how many of the hard core commies are missing from this thread don't ya?
Another one bites the dust. Amazing.
lol...everyone should take a step back and consider many liberal men have been caught in the left wing net prior to O'Reilly being sabotaged? and how many since then? guess is far more lefties have lost their jobs since O'Reilly's departue less than a year ago than in all the years prior to, you will either be smart enough to figure out where you went wrong or only be able to chalk it up to coincidence
I think the women they work with are more likely to be liberals too--in politics, in the entertainment industry, etc. And I think liberal, progressive women are more likely to report than conservative women...because conservative women are more focused on traditional values, i.e., catering to men, keeping their mouths shut, ptting up with it, etc.
/——/ Bullshyt. Typical Liberal stereotyping
He's been fired.

Matt Lauer fired from NBC News

Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a complaint about "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace," the network announced.

Matt Lauer fired from NBC News after complaint about 'inappropriate sexual behavior'
/——/ These media types make so much money, why not spend a few thousand on a hooker and know there will be no complaints? Leave the staff alone.
All men should be made to watch Fatal Attraction once a month.

To remind us that there are crazyass bitches out there. Good idea.

It won't help. Once Mr. Wanker takes over, you may as well throw in the towel
Hell, men should stay totally away from women. It damn sure ain’t worth it.
/----/ At work in the 1990s I saw it on both sides. We had a sales manager who would hit on the rep's wives and threaten t o fire their husbands if they didn't do the nasty with him. Then we had a female sales rep who flirted with the guys, one fell for it and hopped in the sack with her. When she failed to hit quota, she ran teary eyed to HR and filed a harassment complaint. She got a payoff, kept her job and the guy lost his job. And of course there were men and women who carried on affairs right in front of everyone.
Affairs have nothing to do with it. The first example sure does. THAT's what needs to stop.
/-----/ What about the second one? The guy thought it was just an affair but was being set up.
Not so sure on that one. Sounds like it might have been one side of the story? It's pretty farfetched to "set someone up" like that.
/——/ not far fetched. It happened in my office and I’ve heard similar stories. Another woman rep at a different company was being fired for missing quota and in the exit interview she told HR that her boss said she never had to worry about quota. The HR director asked when he said that and the woman said “when I was sucking his c***k”
Men can be horny or have a job but not both.
Most men, particularly young men, are horny 24/7/365. It is the way God made it...nothing we can do to prevent it.

However, most men learn early on to control your naturally desire for sex and do not commit abusive actions.

Sounds like you are describing animals. I'm not horny 24/7
I suppose my post is a bit of an exaggeration. However, most guys know of men who are always on the hunt for sex.

When I was young I too was not horny 24/7, but it wouldn't take much to trigger it. The sight of a beautiful woman, was enough.

U sound like zoo material
You sound like an asshole.
What does inappropriate sexual conduct mean? It's not sexual assault, or sexual harassment. One complaint in 20 years. When did this happen?
That's exactly the problem. It means whatever the victim wants it to mean. The broad brush is always dangerous and is being used Liberally (for lack of a better word) with sexual misconduct. Isn't rape way worse than "unwanted touching" or some old dude walking around in his boxers? It all seems to be getting lumped into the same box.
In essence, in the media and entertainment, women sex their way up the ladder and then when they reach their own top rung, or fall off of it, they lash out
This is not and should not be true for corporate or public work but in the movies, tv, music and politics that is Exactly how it is with everyone as willing participants until the ceiling is hit
In the 50's it was "communists"
In the 2000's it was "racists"
Now it's "sexists"
So. They gonna bring in Megyn Kelly to take his place? Assuming, of course, that she isn't the accuser.

That is some real fine journalism skills she is putting on display
After it gets/got her to the top she will vigorously complain "they looked at me"

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