Matt Lauer VS Rachal Dolezal.Why Didn't He Ask Her When She Started Craving "Afro-American" Dishes?

they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

A remake of "The Jerk" in reverse.

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anyone here think "Im Turning Japanese I Think Im Turning Japanese, I Really Think So".
Matt should of asked her "Maybe the only reason you became a black girl was to avoid getting a real job and just using your race to collect welfare?"
they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

A remake of "The Jerk" in reverse.

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She sure as hell doesn't Deserve to be Interviewed as if she did something honorable. she's a DISGRACE and I'm glad if she takes down the NAACP with her. They've been a joke for a long time. they stopped giving a shit about Colored people a long time ago and is now nothing more but a Political arm in bed with all the Liars in the Democrat party.

ran across these
JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT COULDN’T GET ANY CRAZIER: Rachel Dolezal Sued Howard University For Refusing To Hire Her Because She Was White.

But wait, there’s more! Rachel Dolezal’s Artwork Is Not Only Problematic, It Might Be Plagiarized.

See, lefty social-justice-warrior types always lie. It’s just that often, they lie to other lefty social-justice-warrior types, too.

all of it here:

I don't get what the big deal is here. Can someone explain it to me?
She is pure Caucasian and both of her parents are white but she claimed that she is black with a good tan pretending to be black. Is that good enough?
I don't get what the big deal is here. Can someone explain it to me?

Are you kidding me?
You don't see anything odd about what she has been doing?

Here's a hint.....

She's a white girl who thinks she's black and has been lying about it....
i can just see Whoopie Goldberg interviewing a black man who felt white, asking him the same questions, and at some point Whoopie would of asked the black man, "So at some point, did you become sexually attracted to slightly overweight white females with large breasts and fat asses?"
i can just see Whoopie Goldberg interviewing a black man who felt white, asking him the same questions, and at some point Whoopie would of asked the black man, "So at some point, did you become sexually attracted to slightly overweight white females with large breasts and fat asses?"

oh yeah, if it was the other way around all these people heads would be exploding

I can't stand a liar or two faced hypocrties
Here's a good question?
A dinner party of six people at a nice restaurant....
The bill comes to $300.00
What do you leave as a tip?

Let's see how 'black' she really is....

If she's as black as she says she is....

The correct answer is $5.00
She claims to have starting identifying as black at age 6.

Yet in her 20's she sued Howard university for discrimination against her because she was white.

Go figure......... :cuckoo:
damm! I wish I declared that I was a white woman at six years old!!! then everybody would of bought me barbie dolls!!!
Here's a good question?
A dinner party of six people at a nice restaurant....
The bill comes to $300.00
What do you leave as a tip?

Let's see how 'black' she really is....

If she's as black as she says she is....

The correct answer is $5.00
well, she would of complained about the food and demanded a 50% break.
Here's a good question?
A dinner party of six people at a nice restaurant....
The bill comes to $300.00
What do you leave as a tip?

Let's see how 'black' she really is....

If she's as black as she says she is....

The correct answer is $5.00
well, she would of complained about the food and demanded a 50% break.

And everyone sends the food back a few times....
Here's a good question?
A dinner party of six people at a nice restaurant....
The bill comes to $300.00
What do you leave as a tip?

Let's see how 'black' she really is....

If she's as black as she says she is....

The correct answer is $5.00
well, she would of complained about the food and demanded a 50% break.

And everyone sends the food back a few times....
maybe she figured that if she pretends to be a black woman, she could pull off getting free meals at restaurants just by being a complaining bioootch !!

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