Matt Lauer VS Rachal Dolezal.Why Didn't He Ask Her When She Started Craving "Afro-American" Dishes?

Matt Lauer and the NAACP didn't seem too concerned with this...

Does the NAACP have a rule against white people being members?

I think they'd have an issue with white people pretending to be black and making fun of black stereotypes. Or what some may mistake as black stereotypes.

Thats odd. They didnt seem to have a problem with Rachel. They made a statement that they stood behind her. She resigned.
Matt Lauer and the NAACP didn't seem too concerned with this...

Does the NAACP have a rule against white people being members?

I think they'd have an issue with white people pretending to be black and making fun of black stereotypes. Or what some may mistake as black stereotypes.

Thats odd. They didnt seem to have a problem with Rachel. They made a statement that they stood behind her. She resigned.

You're either naive or obtuse.
Matt Lauer and the NAACP didn't seem too concerned with this...

Does the NAACP have a rule against white people being members?

I think they'd have an issue with white people pretending to be black and making fun of black stereotypes. Or what some may mistake as black stereotypes.

Thats odd. They didnt seem to have a problem with Rachel. They made a statement that they stood behind her. She resigned.

You're either naive or obtuse.

Of course hes lying. I mean, dont get me wrong, hes clearly dumb as fuck, but he is lying in this situation. He knows they werent happy to find out that their leader was pretending to be black. They look like idiots now. The NAACPis an extremely incompetent organization. They dont know what the fuck theyre doing.
I would love to see the day when Bill O'Reilly Interviews Alan Colmes, and makes him explain why he has always felt like a lying sack of cow manure.
they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

^^^ this.

If anything this story shows that liberals are fine with fraud.
they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

^^^ this.

If anything this story shows that liberals are fine with fraud.
and can you imagine if,lets say someone like Jeb Bush claimed that he has been pretending to be an Hispanic since the age of 16 in order to recieve state and government benefits?
they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

^^^ this.

If anything this story shows that liberals are fine with fraud.
and can you imagine if,lets say someone like Jeb Bush claimed that he has been pretending to be an Hispanic since the age of 16 in order to recieve state and government benefits?

Right. This woman who all her life had all the advantages of being born "white".. has been stealing from down trodden and under privileged black kids for years... stealing their education, their jobs etc. Then she makes a mockery of discrimination by sending herself racist hate mail for sympathy and attention. AND the race baiters and bleeding hearts In the democrat party don't care. Does anyone see what is wrong with this picture?
Figures the left would swoop in to circle the wagons around this Fraud

If they are a liar, cheater, adulterer, etc

any of that is AOK in their book if it's FOR THEIR AGENDAS
:afro::wtf:Did anyone else observe this? He asked Rachael when she first felt as if
she was an afro-amercian. She said she was six years old. Later on in the
interview you would think that "The Greatest, Most Respected Man/Interviewer
in America" would of asked her the standard question anyone would of asked
a white girl trapped in a black womans body. "So tell me Racheal, when did
you first start craving foods like fried chicken,fried Okra,Ribs,Cornbread and
watermelon? :uhh:. Now if he asked that question, Matt Lauer would of been a
candidate for " Man Of The Year"
He probably knew it was dumb question. All white people like that type of food. Everytime I go to a soulfood restaurant you see plenty of whites in there sucking their fingers and meat off the bone.
Good food knows no boundaries. You like what you like, and hopefully try as many different kinds as you can.
they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

^^^ this.

If anything this story shows that liberals are fine with fraud.
and can you imagine if,lets say someone like Jeb Bush claimed that he has been pretending to be an Hispanic since the age of 16 in order to recieve state and government benefits?

Right. This woman who all her life had all the advantages of being born "white".. has been stealing from down trodden and under privileged black kids for years... stealing their education, their jobs etc. Then she makes a mockery of discrimination by sending herself racist hate mail for sympathy and attention. AND the race baiters and bleeding hearts In the democrat party don't care. Does anyone see what is wrong with this picture?
Yes, what is wrong are all of the haters who want to keep this African princess down and deny her the right to identify with whatever group she wants to identify. It's time for all those born with the wrong skin color to rise up and throw off oppression!

Oh, and when did she steal education and jobs from a black person?
they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

^^^ this.

If anything this story shows that liberals are fine with fraud.
and can you imagine if,lets say someone like Jeb Bush claimed that he has been pretending to be an Hispanic since the age of 16 in order to recieve state and government benefits?

Right. This woman who all her life had all the advantages of being born "white".. has been stealing from down trodden and under privileged black kids for years... stealing their education, their jobs etc. Then she makes a mockery of discrimination by sending herself racist hate mail for sympathy and attention. AND the race baiters and bleeding hearts In the democrat party don't care. Does anyone see what is wrong with this picture?
Nothing and expensive session with a counselor can't fix....
they need to make a movie about her:

I was a white woman but claimed I was Black: so I could take ADVANTAGE of the Resources that was set aside for Minorities . so basically she stole from someone who NEEDED it.

And the NAACP turned a blinds eye to it...HOW lowdown and untrustworthy They've become

We should sue her to make her pay it back

^^^ this.

If anything this story shows that liberals are fine with fraud.
and can you imagine if,lets say someone like Jeb Bush claimed that he has been pretending to be an Hispanic since the age of 16 in order to recieve state and government benefits?

Right. This woman who all her life had all the advantages of being born "white".. has been stealing from down trodden and under privileged black kids for years... stealing their education, their jobs etc. Then she makes a mockery of discrimination by sending herself racist hate mail for sympathy and attention. AND the race baiters and bleeding hearts In the democrat party don't care. Does anyone see what is wrong with this picture?
Yes, what is wrong are all of the haters who want to keep this African princess down and deny her the right to identify with whatever group she wants to identify. It's time for all those born with the wrong skin color to rise up and throw off oppression!

Oh, and when did she steal education and jobs from a black person?

Well... I identify with the Hilton family. I think I will move into their home and hack their bank accounts. :)

You can't make this stuff up. Now that the local jurisdiction found out she is really White they file ethics charges on an unrelated incident. The question remains whether the jurisdiction knew about the ethics lapses when she was Black.
:afro::wtf:Did anyone else observe this? He asked Rachael when she first felt as if
she was an afro-amercian. She said she was six years old. Later on in the
interview you would think that "The Greatest, Most Respected Man/Interviewer
in America" would of asked her the standard question anyone would of asked
a white girl trapped in a black womans body. "So tell me Racheal, when did
you first start craving foods like fried chicken,fried Okra,Ribs,Cornbread and
watermelon? :uhh:. Now if he asked that question, Matt Lauer would of been a
candidate for " Man Of The Year"
god i wish Matt Lauer interviewed her while eating Chicken McNuggets with a can of grape soda.

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