Mattel is adding Susan B Anthony to their doll line of historical female figures, which also includes Ella Fitzgerald & Billie Jean King

No Hillary doll yet?

Going to need to start wearing welding goggoles, to knock down the blinding glare of all the virtue beacons.
Those little nasty dolls they put out, parents discovering the nasty crap and Toy'R'Us being gone I imagine they took one heck of a hit.
'the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union" ~Susan B Anthony

Woodrow Wilson flip flopped on women's suffrage
i'm getting it for my daughter!

What a friggin' joke. "Inspiring Women" Spare me. I notice that Mattel took great care to be true to Susan B. Anthony's likeness, you know because what really inspires young girls is not a woman's appearance but the great accomplishments in her life.

Yeah....I can really see the likeness (Sarcasm) It's clear to see in these side-by-side images that the REAL Susan B Anthony was no skinny mini. She was a stout woman with a time worn stern looking face. She was, shall we say, less than pretty and petite. By contrast, Mattel portrayed her as this trim waist, gussied up round faced cutie with perfect make-up and hair. Inspirring young girls to what? Wear vintage clothing and make sure their hair and make-up look good?

What a crock. Yeah!......Girl power! pathetic. You NEVER hear anyone running around saying ......Yeah!....Boy power!..... you're a strong can do anything a a girl can do. You're just as smart as a girl. Don't let anyone tell you you're not.

If you really believe your daughter can be anything she want's to be....and she probably can...with a few exceptions..... then just shut up and help her do it.
Abigail Adams wrote to John in 1776: Remember the ladies or we'll rebel

for that, she deserves a statue!
French Feminist Alice Coffin tells folks not to listen to men's music or art or books


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