Matthew 21: 1-3 demonstrates the power of Jesus as God

Already gave you the CHRISTIAN historian source for Pandera. Where this guy got his source for the same conclusion?
from the book:"Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?"by John Blanchard
It's why I left him out of my sources.

uhm it was not clear to me-----I kinda assumed that the---medieval guy got his stuff also FROM THE TALMUD ????
Is there is an independent source of some guy named Pandera who had a YESHUA several years before the main protagonist? I can imagine some medieval Christian scholar getting all bent out of shape if the name YESHUA shows up
ANYWHERE in the Talmud --------sorry---but it seems to be
a JUMBLE----based on two guys having the same name
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

Quoting the bible is akin to telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. In other words the bible is bullshit, written by men who were attempting an ulterior motive. In other words, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute" or......since there's twice as many folks in the world now as they were when that was quoted, "There's Two Suckers Born Every Minute!"

When you look at things like this you should recognize how successful they've been:



the bible is an ancient scriptural writing----and is NOT BULLSHIT-----anymore than any other ancient scriptural writing-----you jerk

Horse the very beginning man was talking to god....LMAO!!

Surely you jest!!

I have a question for you......just how many of the ancient gods were genuine and which ones were "Sucker Bait?" The church has never done one piece of work which wasn't self serving and it's arguably the richest entity in the least when all faiths are combined. Another thing....all these Sunday morning collections which are supposed to be for charity......damn near all of it ends up being spent on local church activities and church maintenance. How the hell does that translate to "CHARITY?"
there is no "JOHN"-------lots of different people who wrote "stuff" are called "JOHN"

I have a brother named John. However, "John's Gospel" directs people to a specific location should they care to check the reference I used in my post. Had I directed them to John's email, then they would have checked my email account for a note from my brother, John.

JOHN-----the JOHN who wrote stuff in Greek that is included in the New Testament-----has no history other than being some guy named John who wrote lots of weird stuff including the book of revulsions
Already gave you the CHRISTIAN historian source for Pandera. Where this guy got his source for the same conclusion?
from the book:"Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?"by John Blanchard
It's why I left him out of my sources.
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

Quoting the bible is akin to telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. In other words the bible is bullshit, written by men who were attempting an ulterior motive. In other words, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute" or......since there's twice as many folks in the world now as they were when that was quoted, "There's Two Suckers Born Every Minute!"

When you look at things like this you should recognize how successful they've been:



the bible is an ancient scriptural writing----and is NOT BULLSHIT-----anymore than any other ancient scriptural writing-----you jerk

Horse the very beginning man was talking to god....LMAO!!

Surely you jest!!

I have a question for you......just how many of the ancient gods were genuine and which ones were "Sucker Bait?" The church has never done one piece of work which wasn't self serving and it's arguably the richest entity in the least when all faiths are combined. Another thing....all these Sunday morning collections which are supposed to be for charity......damn near all of it ends up being spent on local church activities and church maintenance. How the hell does that translate to "CHARITY?"

I is a jew------I do not do collection plate-----it is very clear to me that donations or "dues" go to temple maintenance and salaries etc as to scriptural writings-----they is LITERATURE------done in ancient times------windows to the times and minds of those by-gone days and PERSONS
there is no "JOHN"-------lots of different people who wrote "stuff" are called "JOHN"

I have a brother named John. However, "John's Gospel" directs people to a specific location should they care to check the reference I used in my post. Had I directed them to John's email, then they would have checked my email account for a note from my brother, John.

JOHN-----the JOHN who wrote stuff in Greek that is included in the New Testament-----has no history other than being some guy named John who wrote lots of weird stuff including the book of revulsions
There were several John's.

The John who wrote "the good message according to ..." is not the same John as wrote "the apocalypse".

Eusebius discusses this at length in his book "History Of The Church".
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

Quoting the bible is akin to telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. In other words the bible is bullshit, written by men who were attempting an ulterior motive. In other words, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute" or......since there's twice as many folks in the world now as they were when that was quoted, "There's Two Suckers Born Every Minute!"

When you look at things like this you should recognize how successful they've been:



the bible is an ancient scriptural writing----and is NOT BULLSHIT-----anymore than any other ancient scriptural writing-----you jerk

Horse the very beginning man was talking to god....LMAO!!

Surely you jest!!

I have a question for you......just how many of the ancient gods were genuine and which ones were "Sucker Bait?" The church has never done one piece of work which wasn't self serving and it's arguably the richest entity in the least when all faiths are combined. Another thing....all these Sunday morning collections which are supposed to be for charity......damn near all of it ends up being spent on local church activities and church maintenance. How the hell does that translate to "CHARITY?"
You guys must still be having a pissing contest over Genesis / Bereshet.

This book/scroll was just Moses' introduction.

I think it is about as reliable as a nursery rhyme.
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.
But this is where it gets confusing for Protestants.

Is Jesus THE GOD or A GOD ??

If THE GOD then was Jesus his own father ??

And if A GOD then is there more than one ??
Protestants believe in the Trinity just as much as Catholics, so I don't see the problem.
We don't call Jesus God. We call him Lord.

We don't say Jesus As God. That is a Protestant phrase.

We say Jesus Our Savior. Different job description.
I don't think you're portraying the Protestant position accurately.

The Trinity is One God with three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Son proceeds from the Father. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the mutual love between the Father and the Son.

My understanding is that Protestants believe this just as much as Catholics do.
You need to consider where that doctrine of trinity came from --

It was cooked up at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD long after all the books/scrolls now in the Bible were written and the authors were long gone.
there is no "JOHN"-------lots of different people who wrote "stuff" are called "JOHN"

I have a brother named John. However, "John's Gospel" directs people to a specific location should they care to check the reference I used in my post. Had I directed them to John's email, then they would have checked my email account for a note from my brother, John.

JOHN-----the JOHN who wrote stuff in Greek that is included in the New Testament-----has no history other than being some guy named John who wrote lots of weird stuff including the book of revulsions
There were several John's.

The John who wrote "the good message according to ..." is not the same John as wrote "the apocalypse".

Eusebius discusses this at length in his book "History Of The Church".

yes----lots of johns who wrote lots of things-----by a PERSONS who called themselves JOHN---one of the most common names of the time---------all JOHN DOES-----unidentified JOHN-----no JOHN ben ----whats-his-name of whats-his-city ------no identifying data at all-------ie ANNONYMOUS WRITINGS
JOHN-----the JOHN who wrote stuff in Greek that is included in the New Testament-----has no history other than being some guy named John who wrote lots of weird stuff including the book of revulsions

I am trying to understand your point. The New Testament includes the Gospel of John,
three letters from John, and Revelation by John. Were they all written by the same John? Most likely not. Early Church Fathers thought not. This makes no difference to my reference found in the Gospel of John--not 1 John, 2 John, 3 John or Revelation. Because there are so many books by John(s) in the New Testament, instead of writing, "According to John" it was more precise for me to say according to the first paragraph of John's Gospel. That way, anyone who wished to check my reference could easily find it.
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.
But this is where it gets confusing for Protestants.

Is Jesus THE GOD or A GOD ??

If THE GOD then was Jesus his own father ??

And if A GOD then is there more than one ??
Protestants believe in the Trinity just as much as Catholics, so I don't see the problem.
We don't call Jesus God. We call him Lord.

We don't say Jesus As God. That is a Protestant phrase.

We say Jesus Our Savior. Different job description.
I don't think you're portraying the Protestant position accurately.

The Trinity is One God with three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Son proceeds from the Father. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the mutual love between the Father and the Son.

My understanding is that Protestants believe this just as much as Catholics do.
You need to consider where that doctrine of trinity came from --

It was cooked up at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD long after all the books/scrolls now in the Bible were written and the authors were long gone.

well----yes-----but allusions to the idea somehow ALSO got into the putative mouth of Jesus
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.
But this is where it gets confusing for Protestants.

Is Jesus THE GOD or A GOD ??

If THE GOD then was Jesus his own father ??

And if A GOD then is there more than one ??
Your ignorance of the Trinity makes me wonder why your in this thread.
You need to consider where that doctrine of trinity came from --

It was cooked up at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD long after all the books/scrolls now in the Bible were written and the authors were long gone.

No, it wasn't "cooked up." Jesus, in the New Testament, reference God the Father, his oneness with the Father (Before Abraham, I am), and the Holy Spirit. People were thinking in terms of, "Three Gods, then" and the Church was teaching One God. Trinity was a model to help people understand one God--not three of them.
JOHN-----the JOHN who wrote stuff in Greek that is included in the New Testament-----has no history other than being some guy named John who wrote lots of weird stuff including the book of revulsions

I am trying to understand your point. The New Testament includes the Gospel of John,
three letters from John, and Revelation by John. Were they all written by the same John? Most likely not. Early Church Fathers thought not. This makes no difference to my reference found in the Gospel of John--not 1 John, 2 John, 3 John or Revelation. Because there are so many books by John(s) in the New Testament, instead of writing, "According to John" it was more precise for me to say according to the first paragraph of John's Gospel. That way, anyone who wished to check my reference could easily find it.

my point is-----not being a believer in Constantine----I take anything written by ""JOHN"" as very suspect-----it could have been written by anyone, including Constantine himself ---
but he probably did not do REVELATIONS-----too poetic and too many Hebrew like images and surrealistic mush
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

That had to be the dumbest correlation since Matthew himself mistook the Lineage of Bethlehem EPHRATAH (A PERSON) in Micha 5 as a place-town of Bethlehem.

So you are using a verse by an obvious idiot and non Jew who is claimed to be a Jew and follower of Jesus (a person who never existed)even though the church admits none of the apostles wrote those books in their name? Brilliant!
Tell us when Jesus rode into the city in my name on a donkey and a colt at the same time according to your NT, who trained him to be this trick rider. Icm more interested in this trick rider trainer being a miracle worker. A 4'6" Jesus spread eagle across a colt and donkey at the same time means you admit he was really really a flexible woman, which makes sense as to why
he-she had relations with Lazarus.

you are off topic----but worse---you are making much of a trite
story--------the book of matthew was written in greek----probably more like a novella than a "divine" scriptural writing.
I cannot imagine why anyone would "DISCUSS"----the little story of going to town and getting a donkey
Originally Matthew's Gospel is believed to have been written in Aramaic and then standardized into Greek.

And Mark's was believed originally to be written in Latin then also standardized into Greek.

Similarly, James and Jude were probably originally Aramaic too.

John, Luke, and Paul wrote in Greek, it is believed, apparently.

Eventually the whole compilation was translated into Greek and that is how it came down through the centuries to us today.

could be....... I was struck by the fact that you seem to be intent on trying to attribute GREAT MEANING to a little story
that you are reading virtually FOURTH HAND-----some unknown related it. Another unknown wrote it down in whatever language----then it got translated into another language-----and on to another language by another translator------and all about going to town to fetch a donkey. -----it somehow became a MIRACLE for you based on <gasp> ----
MIRACULOUSLY JESUS KNEW THAT THERE WAS A DONKEY, YONDER, OVER THAT HILL ------back then---and even since----Donkeys were very common place in Judea.
Just how do you interpret the word "lord"? If translated from
Aramaic-----the word was probably a word which refers to any
"Lord" is an English word and means "One Of The Peers In The House Of Lords".

In Greek the word used in its place originally is Kirios.

In Hebrew it is Adonai.

Adonai and Kirios both mean "boss" more or less.

That's why the English picked "Lord".

Because in England the Lords were the bosses.
JOHN-----the JOHN who wrote stuff in Greek that is included in the New Testament-----has no history other than being some guy named John who wrote lots of weird stuff including the book of revulsions

I am trying to understand your point. The New Testament includes the Gospel of John,
three letters from John, and Revelation by John. Were they all written by the same John? Most likely not. Early Church Fathers thought not. This makes no difference to my reference found in the Gospel of John--not 1 John, 2 John, 3 John or Revelation. Because there are so many books by John(s) in the New Testament, instead of writing, "According to John" it was more precise for me to say according to the first paragraph of John's Gospel. That way, anyone who wished to check my reference could easily find it.

my point is-----not being a believer in Constantine----I take anything written by ""JOHN"" as very suspect-----it could have been written by anyone, including Constantine himself ---
but he probably did not do REVELATIONS-----too poetic and too many Hebrew like images and surrealistic mush
This is precisely why you should read Eusebius -- "History Of The Church".
No, it wasn't "cooked up." Jesus, in the New Testament, reference God the Father, his oneness with the Father (Before Abraham, I am), and the Holy Spirit. People were thinking in terms of, "Three Gods, then" and the Church was teaching One God. Trinity was a model to help people understand one God--not three of them.
What complete bull sh!t.

Amazing what Protestants will believe. And gossip. And hear-say.
my point is-----not being a believer in Constantine----I take anything written by ""JOHN"" as very suspect-----it could have been written by anyone, including Constantine himself ---
but he probably did not do REVELATIONS-----too poetic and too many Hebrew like images and surrealistic mush

And that's fine, but my intent was to present a reference point of where to find the quote I used, not to debate the validity of the New Testament works by John(s).

Revelation is an example of apocalyptic literature, a writing style popular at that time. To properly understand it, one must be knowledgeable of the symbolism--not to mention Old Testament/Hebrew culture and history. Protestant interpretation of Revelation as soon-to-be "End times" often has me climbing the walls. It's not the writing that is mush, because actually, properly understood, it is quite beautiful. It's the interpretation some assign to it that is pure mush.

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