Matthew 21: 1-3 demonstrates the power of Jesus as God

1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

That had to be the dumbest correlation since Matthew himself mistook the Lineage of Bethlehem EPHRATAH (A PERSON) in Micha 5 as a place-town of Bethlehem.

So you are using a verse by an obvious idiot and non Jew who is claimed to be a Jew and follower of Jesus (a person who never existed)even though the church admits none of the apostles wrote those books in their name? Brilliant!
Tell us when Jesus rode into the city in my name on a donkey and a colt at the same time according to your NT, who trained him to be this trick rider. Icm more interested in this trick rider trainer being a miracle worker. A 4'6" Jesus spread eagle across a colt and donkey at the same time means you admit he was really really a flexible woman, which makes sense as to why
he-she had relations with Lazarus.

you are off topic----but worse---you are making much of a trite
story--------the book of matthew was written in greek----probably more like a novella than a "divine" scriptural writing.
I cannot imagine why anyone would "DISCUSS"----the little story of going to town and getting a donkey
Originally Matthew's Gospel is believed to have been written in Aramaic and then standardized into Greek.

And Mark's was believed originally to be written in Latin then also standardized into Greek.

Similarly, James and Jude were probably originally Aramaic too.

John, Luke, and Paul wrote in Greek, it is believed, apparently.

Eventually the whole compilation was translated into Greek and that is how it came down through the centuries to us today.

But John and Mark are describing Yeshu of 100bc who was the only one sentenced at Passover. AN uncommon event being the Holiday. (sources:John 18-19
and Mark 14-15)
This isn't the Galilean in the time of Herod or the AD era christ. Which Christ trained with Roy Rodgers?

huh? there is a yeshu in history BC "sentenced during Passover"--------you got a citation?
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

That had to be the dumbest correlation since Matthew himself mistook the Lineage of Bethlehem EPHRATAH (A PERSON) in Micha 5 as a place-town of Bethlehem.

So you are using a verse by an obvious idiot and non Jew who is claimed to be a Jew and follower of Jesus (a person who never existed)even though the church admits none of the apostles wrote those books in their name? Brilliant!
Tell us when Jesus rode into the city in my name on a donkey and a colt at the same time according to your NT, who trained him to be this trick rider. Icm more interested in this trick rider trainer being a miracle worker. A 4'6" Jesus spread eagle across a colt and donkey at the same time means you admit he was really really a flexible woman, which makes sense as to why
he-she had relations with Lazarus.

you are off topic----but worse---you are making much of a trite
story--------the book of matthew was written in greek----probably more like a novella than a "divine" scriptural writing.
I cannot imagine why anyone would "DISCUSS"----the little story of going to town and getting a donkey
Originally Matthew's Gospel is believed to have been written in Aramaic and then standardized into Greek.

And Mark's was believed originally to be written in Latin then also standardized into Greek.

Similarly, James and Jude were probably originally Aramaic too.

John, Luke, and Paul wrote in Greek, it is believed, apparently.

Eventually the whole compilation was translated into Greek and that is how it came down through the centuries to us today.

could be....... I was struck by the fact that you seem to be intent on trying to attribute GREAT MEANING to a little story
that you are reading virtually FOURTH HAND-----some unknown related it. Another unknown wrote it down in whatever language----then it got translated into another language-----and on to another language by another translator------and all about going to town to fetch a donkey. -----it somehow became a MIRACLE for you based on <gasp> ----
MIRACULOUSLY JESUS KNEW THAT THERE WAS A DONKEY, YONDER, OVER THAT HILL ------back then---and even since----Donkeys were very common place in Judea.
Just how do you interpret the word "lord"? If translated from
Aramaic-----the word was probably a word which refers to any
I am sure they had a Rent an Ass agency close by...

they has asses all over the place------as prevalent as bicycles
in Berlin. --------in fact such was the case even fairly recently
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

That had to be the dumbest correlation since Matthew himself mistook the Lineage of Bethlehem EPHRATAH (A PERSON) in Micha 5 as a place-town of Bethlehem.

So you are using a verse by an obvious idiot and non Jew who is claimed to be a Jew and follower of Jesus (a person who never existed)even though the church admits none of the apostles wrote those books in their name? Brilliant!
Tell us when Jesus rode into the city in my name on a donkey and a colt at the same time according to your NT, who trained him to be this trick rider. Icm more interested in this trick rider trainer being a miracle worker. A 4'6" Jesus spread eagle across a colt and donkey at the same time means you admit he was really really a flexible woman, which makes sense as to why
he-she had relations with Lazarus.

you are off topic----but worse---you are making much of a trite
story--------the book of matthew was written in greek----probably more like a novella than a "divine" scriptural writing.
I cannot imagine why anyone would "DISCUSS"----the little story of going to town and getting a donkey
Originally Matthew's Gospel is believed to have been written in Aramaic and then standardized into Greek.

And Mark's was believed originally to be written in Latin then also standardized into Greek.

Similarly, James and Jude were probably originally Aramaic too.

John, Luke, and Paul wrote in Greek, it is believed, apparently.

Eventually the whole compilation was translated into Greek and that is how it came down through the centuries to us today.

could be....... I was struck by the fact that you seem to be intent on trying to attribute GREAT MEANING to a little story
that you are reading virtually FOURTH HAND-----some unknown related it. Another unknown wrote it down in whatever language----then it got translated into another language-----and on to another language by another translator------and all about going to town to fetch a donkey. -----it somehow became a MIRACLE for you based on <gasp> ----
MIRACULOUSLY JESUS KNEW THAT THERE WAS A DONKEY, YONDER, OVER THAT HILL ------back then---and even since----Donkeys were very common place in Judea.
Just how do you interpret the word "lord"? If translated from
Aramaic-----the word was probably a word which refers to any

You are right, the term Lord is not just for Kings, but also referred to Master.
The problem is the word Lord is Ba'al, so when do we define the word or
maintain the name is at the manipulation of the interpretations into english. In other words are they blotting out their father's name because of the bad connotation that Father Ba'al and Jesus are one in the same mythology?
It wpuld literally read Ba'al Jesus (lord Jesus) which by irony =666 in ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names. Or dod J0hn of Patmos know this all along when warning of the name of this image Rome created?
And Blackrooks conclusion that knowing something you shouldn't know means you are God is rediculous, because he'd be calling me a god for knowing things I shouldn't have known (as per the challenge I previously discussed). He'd also be calling almost every woman god, because of their woman's intuition. *L*
Sources for the history of (Yeshu) Jesus: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Stada and the father being Pandera. Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a [on passover] & 67a).
This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in ACTS.interestingly the early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus.

Herzog 1 on the Sanhedron 43a:
on the eve of Passover they hanged Y'shu(not Jesus) the NOTZRI (MEANING OFF SHOOT) not meaning Nazarene(guardian) like some missinform interpret.

By placing the words Jesus and Nazarene into Talmud interp they make the error of the combined legend fable with that of the little failed prophets making up that image of the legend.
Last edited:
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

That had to be the dumbest correlation since Matthew himself mistook the Lineage of Bethlehem EPHRATAH (A PERSON) in Micha 5 as a place-town of Bethlehem.

So you are using a verse by an obvious idiot and non Jew who is claimed to be a Jew and follower of Jesus (a person who never existed)even though the church admits none of the apostles wrote those books in their name? Brilliant!
Tell us when Jesus rode into the city in my name on a donkey and a colt at the same time according to your NT, who trained him to be this trick rider. Icm more interested in this trick rider trainer being a miracle worker. A 4'6" Jesus spread eagle across a colt and donkey at the same time means you admit he was really really a flexible woman, which makes sense as to why
he-she had relations with Lazarus.

you are off topic----but worse---you are making much of a trite
story--------the book of matthew was written in greek----probably more like a novella than a "divine" scriptural writing.
I cannot imagine why anyone would "DISCUSS"----the little story of going to town and getting a donkey
Originally Matthew's Gospel is believed to have been written in Aramaic and then standardized into Greek.

And Mark's was believed originally to be written in Latin then also standardized into Greek.

Similarly, James and Jude were probably originally Aramaic too.

John, Luke, and Paul wrote in Greek, it is believed, apparently.

Eventually the whole compilation was translated into Greek and that is how it came down through the centuries to us today.

could be....... I was struck by the fact that you seem to be intent on trying to attribute GREAT MEANING to a little story
that you are reading virtually FOURTH HAND-----some unknown related it. Another unknown wrote it down in whatever language----then it got translated into another language-----and on to another language by another translator------and all about going to town to fetch a donkey. -----it somehow became a MIRACLE for you based on <gasp> ----
MIRACULOUSLY JESUS KNEW THAT THERE WAS A DONKEY, YONDER, OVER THAT HILL ------back then---and even since----Donkeys were very common place in Judea.
Just how do you interpret the word "lord"? If translated from
Aramaic-----the word was probably a word which refers to any

You are right, the term Lord is not just for Kings, but also referred to Master.
The problem is the word Lord is Ba'al, so when do we define the word or
maintain the name is at the manipulation of the interpretations into english. In other words are they blotting out their father's name because of the bad connotation that Father Ba'al and Jesus are one in the same mythology?
And Blackrooks conclusion that knowing something you shouldn't know means you are God is rediculous, because he'd be calling me a god for knowing things I shouldn't have known (as per the challenge I previously discussed). He'd also be calling almost every woman god, because of their woman's intuition. *L*

Intuition is a complex forebrain function------dogs have to manage on highly developed olfactory sense CONNECTED
to a very large area of their total brain volume----but of a far more primitive origin than the female highly developed FOREBRAIN------which is why dogs do not have much of a forehead. The DIVINE is in the forehead

Sources for the history of (Yeshu) Jesus: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Stada and the father being Pandera. Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in ACTS.interestingly the early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus.

oh-----what is the significance of jesus being related to this
"person" ben pandera? is ben Pandera presented as an
HISTORIC person or is the story simply some kind of analogy thing in the Talmud?
It shows there are many spanned eras and figures all with followings who are combined into the one world religion needing a new name and date for the combined image. This is why Paul and James seem to be arguing over reporting or teaching of different christs then each other.
It shows Rome favored the half Roman son of Roman soldier Panderas. This is why they lifyed high the Harlot mother and were called the Harlot church by those following the other christs. The Harlot church term only makes sense when you have the full historical accts of this figure and his mother named Mary "Stada" (strayed). Hence why Yeshu ben Pandera is called Yeshu ben Stada as well, meaning son of the woman who strayed (infidelity). Which is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly (as to not get Mary stoned.)
It shows there are many spanned eras and figures all with followings who are combined into the one world religion needing a new name and date for the combined image. This is why Paul and James seem to be arguing over reporting or teaching of different christs then each other.
It shows Rome favored the half Roman son of Roman soldier Panderas. This is why they lifyed high the Harlot mother and were called the Harlot church by those following the other christs. The Harlot church term only makes sense when you have the full historical accts of this figure and his mother named Mary "Stada" (strayed). Hence why Yeshu ben Pandera is called Yeshu ben Stada as well, meaning son of the woman who strayed (infidelity). Which is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly (as to not get Mary stoned.)

the Yeshu ben Stada was ALSO a cult leader for some people?------why? Is there a history that he did fantastic
stuff or preached fantastic stuff?. By "HUNG" does that mean hanged from that neck with a rope or PINNED up----like crucifixion-------also WHO DID IT------ie did the romans kill him or was he executed by the Sanhedrin for something------being a 'wizard' ? What kind of WIZZING did he do?. Maybe he was called ben stada after his mother because he was executed? ????
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

That had to be the dumbest correlation since Matthew himself mistook the Lineage of Bethlehem EPHRATAH (A PERSON) in Micha 5 as a place-town of Bethlehem.

So you are using a verse by an obvious idiot and non Jew who is claimed to be a Jew and follower of Jesus (a person who never existed)even though the church admits none of the apostles wrote those books in their name? Brilliant!
Tell us when Jesus rode into the city in my name on a donkey and a colt at the same time according to your NT, who trained him to be this trick rider. Icm more interested in this trick rider trainer being a miracle worker. A 4'6" Jesus spread eagle across a colt and donkey at the same time means you admit he was really really a flexible woman, which makes sense as to why
he-she had relations with Lazarus.

you are off topic----but worse---you are making much of a trite
story--------the book of matthew was written in greek----probably more like a novella than a "divine" scriptural writing.
I cannot imagine why anyone would "DISCUSS"----the little story of going to town and getting a donkey
Originally Matthew's Gospel is believed to have been written in Aramaic and then standardized into Greek.

And Mark's was believed originally to be written in Latin then also standardized into Greek.

Similarly, James and Jude were probably originally Aramaic too.

John, Luke, and Paul wrote in Greek, it is believed, apparently.

Eventually the whole compilation was translated into Greek and that is how it came down through the centuries to us today.

could be....... I was struck by the fact that you seem to be intent on trying to attribute GREAT MEANING to a little story
that you are reading virtually FOURTH HAND-----some unknown related it. Another unknown wrote it down in whatever language----then it got translated into another language-----and on to another language by another translator------and all about going to town to fetch a donkey. -----it somehow became a MIRACLE for you based on <gasp> ----
MIRACULOUSLY JESUS KNEW THAT THERE WAS A DONKEY, YONDER, OVER THAT HILL ------back then---and even since----Donkeys were very common place in Judea.
Just how do you interpret the word "lord"? If translated from
Aramaic-----the word was probably a word which refers to any
I am sure they had a Rent an Ass agency close by...
No it was Salome not OJanus Simpsonas who had John the Baptist beheaded.
It shows there are many spanned eras and figures all with followings who are combined into the one world religion needing a new name and date for the combined image. This is why Paul and James seem to be arguing over reporting or teaching of different christs then each other.
It shows Rome favored the half Roman son of Roman soldier Panderas. This is why they lifyed high the Harlot mother and were called the Harlot church by those following the other christs. The Harlot church term only makes sense when you have the full historical accts of this figure and his mother named Mary "Stada" (strayed). Hence why Yeshu ben Pandera is called Yeshu ben Stada as well, meaning son of the woman who strayed (infidelity). Which is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly (as to not get Mary stoned.)

the Yeshu ben Stada was ALSO a cult leader for some people?------why? Is there a history that he did fantastic
stuff or preached fantastic stuff?. By "HUNG" does that mean hanged from that neck with a rope or PINNED up----like crucifixion-------also WHO DID IT------ie did the romans kill him or was he executed by the Sanhedrin for something------being a 'wizard' ? What kind of WIZZING did he do?. Maybe he was called ben stada after his mother because he was executed? ????

No she is refered to as ben Stada herself, but very observant, they could have tagged him the same when coming back from Egypt after fleeing the revolt he strayed from his mentors Rabinnic teaching and was on some mystical light sorcery kick liken to Benny Hinn a forbiden necromancer maggis scam show.
It shows there are many spanned eras and figures all with followings who are combined into the one world religion needing a new name and date for the combined image. This is why Paul and James seem to be arguing over reporting or teaching of different christs then each other.
It shows Rome favored the half Roman son of Roman soldier Panderas. This is why they lifyed high the Harlot mother and were called the Harlot church by those following the other christs. The Harlot church term only makes sense when you have the full historical accts of this figure and his mother named Mary "Stada" (strayed). Hence why Yeshu ben Pandera is called Yeshu ben Stada as well, meaning son of the woman who strayed (infidelity). Which is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly (as to not get Mary stoned.)

the Yeshu ben Stada was ALSO a cult leader for some people?------why? Is there a history that he did fantastic
stuff or preached fantastic stuff?. By "HUNG" does that mean hanged from that neck with a rope or PINNED up----like crucifixion-------also WHO DID IT------ie did the romans kill him or was he executed by the Sanhedrin for something------being a 'wizard' ? What kind of WIZZING did he do?. Maybe he was called ben stada after his mother because he was executed? ????

No she is refered to as ben Stada herself, but very observant, they could have tagged him the same when coming back from Egypt after fleeing the revolt he strayed from his mentors Rabinnic teaching and was on some mystical light sorcery kick liken to Benny Hinn a forbiden necromancer maggis scam show.

I think (or hope) you got your pronouns screwed up------"she is referred as "ben stada" herself"-----who is that "SHE" is it the "HE" the other Yeshu----the ben pandera guy?-----you think that the------other Yeshu cult leader who was the son of the "whore"-----got executed as a necromancer----ON PASSOVER----by the SANHEDRIN or by the ROMANS ????????? I could EASILY believe that there were lots of cult leaders in those days-----in fact, I am sure there were. Seems to me that using the Talmud for HISTORY is just as faulty as using the NT as HISTORY-----
neither were ever meant to accurately chronicle HISTORY and----neither does
But this is where it gets confusing for Protestants.

Is Jesus THE GOD or A GOD ??

If THE GOD then was Jesus his own father ??

And if A GOD then is there more than one ??

Jesus said he was one with the Father, that he was with God, was God, at the time of creation (opening paragraph in John's Gospel). On the other hand, both Catholics and Protestants believe Jesus also lived a finite human existence with God as Father.

When Jesus two natures are considered--one of which is eternally divine; the other which is human--it becomes much less confusing. Sometimes we are speaking of Jesus' human nature; other times his divine nature.
But this is where it gets confusing for Protestants.

Is Jesus THE GOD or A GOD ??

If THE GOD then was Jesus his own father ??

And if A GOD then is there more than one ??

Jesus said he was one with the Father, that he was with God, was God, at the time of creation (opening paragraph in John's Gospel). On the other hand, both Catholics and Protestants believe Jesus also lived a finite human existence with God as Father.

When Jesus two natures are considered--one of which is eternally divine; the other which is human--it becomes much less confusing. Sometimes we are speaking of Jesus' human nature; other times his divine nature.

there is no "JOHN"-------lots of different people who wrote "stuff" are called "JOHN"
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

There is another possibility to consider along side the paranormal one. This was not Jesus' first trip to Jerusalem, and he had many disciples there. It is just as likely Jesus knew this man, knew that he owned a couple of donkeys, and wouldn't mind if Jesus made use of them. I am not saying this was the case, because after all this time, we can't know for certain one way or the other. Either way, I find it a remarkable story, because the faith of the owner of the donkeys is obvious in either version. "Jesus has need of them" was the only words the owner would need to allow men take his donkeys.
there is no "JOHN"-------lots of different people who wrote "stuff" are called "JOHN"

I have a brother named John. However, "John's Gospel" directs people to a specific location should they care to check the reference I used in my post. Had I directed them to John's email, then they would have checked my email account for a note from my brother, John.
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

There is another possibility to consider along side the paranormal one. This was not Jesus' first trip to Jerusalem, and he had many disciples there. It is just as likely Jesus knew this man, knew that he owned a couple of donkeys, and wouldn't mind if Jesus made use of them. I am not saying this was the case, because after all this time, we can't know for certain one way or the other. Either way, I find it a remarkable story, because the faith of the owner of the donkeys is obvious in either version. "Jesus has need of them" was the only words the owner would need to allow men take his donkeys.
1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples. 2“Go to the village ahead of you, He told them, “and at once you will find a donkey tied there,with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone questions you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”…

This passage could easily be overlooked, because in the list of all of Jesus' many miracles it is rarely mentioned.

But here's the thing, Jesus' identity as God is demonstrated in this passage just as certainly as in his more extravagant miracles.

Jesus can see the donkey and its colt, and knows where they are, even though they are far from his physical human eyesight. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the present.

Jesus tells the disciples to go fetch the donkey and its colt, and tells them what to say if they are challenged. They follow his instructions, and like he said would happen, they are allowed to take the donkey and the colt. Jesus is all seeing and all knowing about the future.

Also, Jesus has arranged past events so that the person who owns this donkey and colt will allow them to be taken away by strangers with only a barebones explanation that "the Lord needs them." Jesus is all powerful.

The passage is subtle and easily overlooked, but it does show the enormous power of Jesus as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God, who can see the future, in a story without flashy miracles. It seems like a normal conversation, but it isn't.

There is another possibility to consider along side the paranormal one. This was not Jesus' first trip to Jerusalem, and he had many disciples there. It is just as likely Jesus knew this man, knew that he owned a couple of donkeys, and wouldn't mind if Jesus made use of them. I am not saying this was the case, because after all this time, we can't know for certain one way or the other. Either way, I find it a remarkable story, because the faith of the owner of the donkeys is obvious in either version. "Jesus has need of them" was the only words the owner would need to allow men take his donkeys.

I find your version of the story not only believable but LIKELY
based on what I know about the use of donkeys----in Judea back then----and recently and how people back then functioned --and how they functioned recently------like when people used
donkeys LOTS. Hubby in pre-1948 Palestine-----HAD A DONKEY (ie his father did) and would have easily handed it over to visiting friends on a loan------as in "hey jake---your cousin izzy needs your donkey"
Talmud records history of the Rabbis and kings who have specific dating therefore the accuracy of the Talmud is never an issue.
Salome friend and follower of Yeshu was King Jannaeus wife so we can date Salome by way if her King husband. We candaye Yeshu through his mentor Rabbi Yohoshua ben Parachya. We can date the time period through the Pharise revolt which the Rabbi and his student fled towards Egypt.
Other outside sources historians are not Talmud sources. QUESTIONING the Talmud reliability automatically disqualifies Christian records that contradict every source and known historical records regarding people and their eras and events.
Talmud records history of the Rabbis and kings who have specific dating therefore the accuracy of the Talmud is never an issue.
Salome friend and follower of Yeshu was King Jannaeus wife so we can date Salome by way if her King husband. We candaye Yeshu through his mentor Rabbi Yohoshua ben Parachya. We can date the time period through the Pharise revolt which the Rabbi and his student fled towards Egypt.
Other outside sources historians are not Talmud sources. QUESTIONING the Talmud reliability automatically disqualifies Christian records that contradict every source and known historical records regarding people and their eras and events.

ok---you mentioned KNOWN historic characters and an historic event-----what about
PANDERA and the object of his affections -------uhm "STRADA" that produced the OTHER YESHU-----are you taking that account as "HISTORIC" ??
Already gave you the CHRISTIAN historian source for Pandera.

On another Note: Where did this guy get his source for the same conclusion?
the book:"Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?"by John Blanchard
It's why I left him out of my sources, since I don't know his source for conclusions.
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