Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing...

Any person of religion that is such a darling of the Left as this Pope deserves strict and unbiased scrutiny. you admit, if anyone worries about the poor, you gotta be a democrat? I thought your party gave a fuck about everybody including the poor....speaks volume on why you shit heads won't be in the white house any time soon....chuckle chuckle

Caring for the poor is giving them a JOB, not alms or unearned, undeserved, fuck-you-I-am-better-than-you charity.
That is the difference between you, your phony ilk and me and my fellow conservatives.
Any person of religion that is such a darling of the Left as this Pope deserves strict and unbiased scrutiny.

He is not really left, he has changed no dogmas or doctrines. He has asked the Church be more accepting of different views and gays, and forgiving of abortions but he is not condoning those.
So he is anti female clergy
anti SSM
anti abortion and birth control
pro family
pro caring for and feeding the hungry
pro caring for pollution, which everyone should be

how is he a liberal?

He's a moonbat, you're a moron.

He promotes bullshit climate change, he sucks up to the faggot agenda, he promote OUR open border and pisses and moans about capitalism.

He's fuckin pinko.

Fuck him.

So, you're not a "true Christian"?
It warms my heart to watch white NaziCon false Christians trying to piss off another block of voters. Democrats welcome Catholic votes. Keep up the good work.
I have a serious problem with an institution with billions in the bank and property claiming they help the poor.
It warms my heart to watch white NaziCon false Christians trying to piss off another block of voters. Democrats welcome Catholic votes. Keep up the good work.

Democrats welcome only pseudo-Catholics, who totally and fully embrace and promote abortion, gay marriage, taking from the productive in order to give to the lazy, evade and dodge taxes, refuse to give to the poor, talking great about volunteering but never having spent a minute to do so, hypocrites like CINO's (Catholic in name only) like John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, just to name a few high profile hypocrite "leaders" of the Democratic party.

How can these phonies go and receive communion in clear conscience boggles the mind.
Any person of religion that is such a darling of the Left as this Pope deserves strict and unbiased scrutiny.
This is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Liberals are responding to the Pope's positive and appropriate message of inclusion and tolerance, where the Pope and American liberals are in complete disagreement on the specific issues.

As already correctly noted: the Pope has changed nothing concerning Catholic doctrine and dogma, he remains in fact a conservative.

But unlike the American authoritarian right, hostile to change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, where those who do not conform to errant conservative dogma must be attacked and vilified, American liberals respect the Pope's position on the issues, although they disagree, where the Pope likewise respects and values those who are gay, or transgender, or women who have had an abortion – it's the respect for individual liberty and that individuals should be free from condemnation and coercion that the Pope and American liberals find common ground, and why most on the right are hostile toward Francis and his message of forbearance, forgiveness, tolerance, and inclusion.
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It warms my heart to watch white NaziCon false Christians trying to piss off another block of voters. Democrats welcome Catholic votes. Keep up the good work.

Democrats welcome only pseudo-Catholics, who totally and fully embrace and promote abortion, gay marriage, taking from the productive in order to give to the lazy, evade and dodge taxes, refuse to give to the poor, talking great about volunteering but never having spent a minute to do so, hypocrites like CINO's (Catholic in name only) like John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, just to name a few high profile hypocrite "leaders" of the Democratic party.

How can these phonies go and receive communion in clear conscience boggles the mind.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

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