Matthew's big blunder - and what we can learn fro it

So, everyone knows what school is around them? Unless they have children in grade school? How would they know? And who would they tell?

I don't have any kids, I know where all the schools in my community are. They are on my tax bill. I know where they are because I have to slow down when driving near them. And I would say I am only moderately involved in local affairs.

Once again you get smacked around.

No, it's just tiring talking to an evil crazy person who believes evil shit because his own life is inadequate.

You have to be a truly sad little man to believe that Sandy Hook or 9/11 was a hoax.

Well, if you lived in Newtown, you were getting ripped off if they were charging taxes for a school that became a huge storage area and was no longer in operatyion.

"No, it's just tiring talking to an evil crazy person who believes evil shit because his own life is inadequate"

But yet it is always YOU that brings up Sandy Hoax in threads where it's not even germane to the topic being discussed and then you get all "butthurt" when you get are doing it to yourself....get it now??

"You have to be a truly sad little man to believe that Sandy Hook or 9/11 was a hoax"

You have to be a brain dead idiot of monumental proportions to believe the "official story" of either false flag.
Well, if you lived in Newtown, you were getting ripped off if they were charging taxes for a school that became a huge storage area and was no longer in operatyion.

Exactly my point. Everyone in that town would know if it was in operation or not.

But yet it is always YOU that brings up Sandy Hoax in threads where it's not even germane to the topic being discussed and then you get all "butthurt" when you get are doing it to yourself....get it now??

Yes, because I think everyone needs to be reminded what an evil and sick person you are.

You have to be a brain dead idiot of monumental proportions to believe the "official story" of either false flag.

Um, yeah, we all saw 9/11 happen on TV. So what do you think happened there, special effects?

Oh, wait. For the love of Jesus and C'Thulhu, don't answer that, I don't think we need to go down that crazy-hole.
Well, if you lived in Newtown, you were getting ripped off if they were charging taxes for a school that became a huge storage area and was no longer in operatyion.

Exactly my point. Everyone in that town would know if it was in operation or not.

But yet it is always YOU that brings up Sandy Hoax in threads where it's not even germane to the topic being discussed and then you get all "butthurt" when you get are doing it to yourself....get it now??

Yes, because I think everyone needs to be reminded what an evil and sick person you are.

You have to be a brain dead idiot of monumental proportions to believe the "official story" of either false flag.

Um, yeah, we all saw 9/11 happen on TV. So what do you think happened there, special effects?

Oh, wait. For the love of Jesus and C'Thulhu, don't answer that, I don't think we need to go down that crazy-hole.

LMAO! PLEASE keep bringing it up, Slow Joe!!! Thank you for the segues!

Rogue elements within the deep state and third party entities like the Mossad and Saudi Intel were behind the 9/11 attacks unless you believe that 19 box cutter welding arabs butt-fucked USA.INC on the world stage....that 19 box cutter welding arabs took down NORAD, the CIA, NSA, FBI and the Pentagon with combined yearly budgets of over a TRILLION federal reserve notes.
Rogue elements within the deep state and third party entities like the Mossad and Saudi Intel were behind the 9/11 attacks unless you believe that 19 box cutter welding arabs butt-fucked USA.INC on the world stage....that 19 box cutter welding arabs took down NORAD, the CIA, NSA, FBI and the Pentagon with combined yearly budgets of over a TRILLION federal reserve notes.

Yeah, clearly we didn't see what we saw on TV. It was all a plot, I tell you, a plot.

It was really clever of them to put up the WTC Prop building 30 years before taking it down.
Rogue elements within the deep state and third party entities like the Mossad and Saudi Intel were behind the 9/11 attacks unless you believe that 19 box cutter welding arabs butt-fucked USA.INC on the world stage....that 19 box cutter welding arabs took down NORAD, the CIA, NSA, FBI and the Pentagon with combined yearly budgets of over a TRILLION federal reserve notes.

Yeah, clearly we didn't see what we saw on TV. It was all a plot, I tell you, a plot.

It was really clever of them to put up the WTC Prop building 30 years before taking it down.

Never said the event didn't happen.......look up what a "false flag event" have to know the basics before we can continue.
Never said the event didn't happen.......look up what a "false flag event" have to know the basics before we can continue.

Sorry, guy, you 9/11 Truthers are the epitome of fail.

THREE buildings fall inside their own footprint at free-fall speed after being hit by TWO planes in downtown Manhattan and the concrete is powder-ized and they find molten metal spewing forth like one would see at a steel plant at the bottom of the rubble......but move along, folks......Slow Joe says that there's nothing to see here. LOL!!!!
THREE buildings fall inside their own footprint at free-fall speed after being hit by TWO planes in downtown Manhattan and the concrete is powder-ized and they find molten metal spewing forth like one would see at a steel plant at the bottom of the rubble......but move along,

Right... because clearly those buildings were elaborate props they put up 40 years earlier.

Guy, too bored to deal with your crazy tonight. Take you medications like the nice doctor says, please.
THREE buildings fall inside their own footprint at free-fall speed after being hit by TWO planes in downtown Manhattan and the concrete is powder-ized and they find molten metal spewing forth like one would see at a steel plant at the bottom of the rubble......but move along,

Right... because clearly those buildings were elaborate props they put up 40 years earlier.

Guy, too bored to deal with your crazy tonight. Take you medications like the nice doctor says, please.

Nope, thermite was planted in the three buildings in a controlled demolition fashion before the I said before, you are hopelessly blind.
Nope, thermite was planted in the three buildings in a controlled demolition fashion before the I said before, you are hopelessly blind.

Right, so they had that Thermite in there, hoping that would be the day that the planes would fly into the buildings!!!

So like what would have happened if one of those two planes, the pilots or passengers overpowered the hijackers? Man, they would have looked silly, all that thermite to set off?

Also, thousands of people worked in those buildings, you'd think they would have noticed people bringing in tons of thermite, and putting them on the load bearing structures.
Nope, thermite was planted in the three buildings in a controlled demolition fashion before the I said before, you are hopelessly blind.

Right, so they had that Thermite in there, hoping that would be the day that the planes would fly into the buildings!!!

So like what would have happened if one of those two planes, the pilots or passengers overpowered the hijackers? Man, they would have looked silly, all that thermite to set off?

Also, thousands of people worked in those buildings, you'd think they would have noticed people bringing in tons of thermite, and putting them on the load bearing structures.

See how ignorant you are? It wouldn't take tons of thermite to take down the three buildings.
See how ignorant you are? It wouldn't take tons of thermite to take down the three buildings.

Um, yeah it probably would have. And a shitload of cordite wires running through it, because you couldn't risk a radio accidentally setting them off.

Fuck it, I'm just moving on to mocking you...

Ah, I forgot about this particulalry stupid thread a lomg time ago, and the dumbass illiterate premise of the OP, lifted from Bert Ehrman's rubbish re 'contradictions'. lol I see it quickly derailed by Red Joe.
Ah, I forgot about this particulalry stupid thread a lomg time ago, and the dumbass illiterate premise of the OP, lifted from Bert Ehrman's rubbish re 'contradictions'. lol I see it quickly derailed by Red Joe.
It is a conscious act of fraud in order to make the text fit his own personal opinion ...
you forgot about a relevant thread in 2017 - and for whatever reason wanted everyone to know in 2020 you remembered you forget it in 2017.

and still have not remembered what your response would be if you had remembered to respond -

or that the truth for the forgeries and fallacies of the christian bible and all desert religion text are the same political incentives disguised as religion to reward the backward lowlife mentality that represents the devious minds of so few in control of their willing followers - picaro.

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