Matthew's big blunder - and what we can learn fro it

Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.
Thinking government and score should be the governments domain?
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

No, Wolfgang Halbig believed the official story and was simply inquiring as to where the strategic mistakes were made and what did he get for his trouble? Florida state troopers acting on behalf of the Connecticut state police telling him to stop asking questions........but nothing to see here, right???
Dale, this thread is about the Gospel of Matthew, not your hatred of murdered children.

Nobody cares about your batshit crazy stuff.
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I'm hesitant to call it a hoax in case people actually have lost loved ones in the attack. At the same time, there must have been people in the area who would have seen what happened. Why haven't they come forward, if it was a hoax?
Dale, this thread is about the Gospel of Matthew, not your hatred of murdered children.

Nobody cares about your batshit crazy stuff.

You are the one that brought Sandy Hoax, Slow Joe.......I simply responded in kind. Sucks to be you.

Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I'm hesitant to call it a hoax in case people actually have lost loved ones in the attack. At the same time, there must have been people in the area who would have seen what happened. Why haven't they come forward, if it was a hoax?

If I wasn't 100 percent sure about
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I'm hesitant to call it a hoax in case people actually have lost loved ones in the attack. At the same time, there must have been people in the area who would have seen what happened. Why haven't they come forward, if it was a hoax?

If I wasn't one hundred and ten percent sure that this was a DHS capstone drill portrayed as a real time event? I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole. I have done my due one died at Sandy Hoax. Ask me anything you want about it or how I came to the most obvious conclusion.

BTW, I respect you for being cynical but you haven't done the legwork that I have done......
You are the one that brought Sandy Hoax, Slow Joe.......I simply responded in kind. Sucks to be you.

No, I just felt the need to remind everyone here that you are an evil cocksucker who mocks slaughtered children.

I wasn't the least bit interested in going over your litany of crazy again, and neither was anyone else.

If I wasn't one hundred and ten percent sure that this was a DHS capstone drill portrayed as a real time event? I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole.

Yes, because you are an evil deranged cocksucker with a miserable life. You are an awful person. We've established this.
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I'm hesitant to call it a hoax in case people actually have lost loved ones in the attack. At the same time, there must have been people in the area who would have seen what happened. Why haven't they come forward, if it was a hoax?

If I wasn't 100 percent sure about
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I'm hesitant to call it a hoax in case people actually have lost loved ones in the attack. At the same time, there must have been people in the area who would have seen what happened. Why haven't they come forward, if it was a hoax?

If I wasn't one hundred and ten percent sure that this was a DHS capstone drill portrayed as a real time event? I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole. I have done my due one died at Sandy Hoax. Ask me anything you want about it or how I came to the most obvious conclusion.

BTW, I respect you for being cynical but you haven't done the legwork that I have done......

Not cynical. Simply undecided.
You are the one that brought Sandy Hoax, Slow Joe.......I simply responded in kind. Sucks to be you.

No, I just felt the need to remind everyone here that you are an evil cocksucker who mocks slaughtered children.

I wasn't the least bit interested in going over your litany of crazy again, and neither was anyone else.

If I wasn't one hundred and ten percent sure that this was a DHS capstone drill portrayed as a real time event? I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole.

Yes, because you are an evil deranged cocksucker with a miserable life. You are an awful person. We've established this.

"Remind" to your heart's content, Cocksucker Joe......and how can one mock something that never happened? Hell, you didn't even know who Lenny Posner and Wolfgang Halbig was. You know absolutely nothing about this pathetically pulled off staged event.

So, to sum it all up, you are pissed, Cocksucker Joe, because I refuse to be as stupid as you are and put the blinders back on. You ignore any salient questions that I have placed here and resort to temper tantrums via cyberville.
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I'm hesitant to call it a hoax in case people actually have lost loved ones in the attack. At the same time, there must have been people in the area who would have seen what happened. Why haven't they come forward, if it was a hoax?

If I wasn't 100 percent sure about
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper that became a school safety adviser that was put on national TV after the Columbine shooting

so he's someone who had no knowledge, just someone who got put on TV to fill air time.

So you nuts have a little clubhouse where you all exchange your crazy? That's adorable.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I'm hesitant to call it a hoax in case people actually have lost loved ones in the attack. At the same time, there must have been people in the area who would have seen what happened. Why haven't they come forward, if it was a hoax?

If I wasn't one hundred and ten percent sure that this was a DHS capstone drill portrayed as a real time event? I wouldn't have touched this with a ten foot pole. I have done my due one died at Sandy Hoax. Ask me anything you want about it or how I came to the most obvious conclusion.

BTW, I respect you for being cynical but you haven't done the legwork that I have done......

Not cynical. Simply undecided.

The lawsuit being dropped by Posner because he was going to have to give a deposition should be the "nail in the coffin" for anyone on the fence IMHO.
"Remind" to your heart's content, Cocksucker Joe......and how can one mock something that never happened? Hell, you didn't even know who Lenny Posner and Wolfgang Halbig was. You know absolutely nothing about this pathetically pulled off staged event.

Neither one of them were there, so they don't matter.

I don't keep track of the nuts with conspiracy theories.

So, to sum it all up, you are pissed, Cocksucker Joe, because I refuse to be as stupid as you are and put the blinders back on.

No, Cocksucker Dale, I am pissed because only a TRULY HORRIBLE human being would want to believe this tragedy was something other than what it was. I can't imagine what kind of souless monster would watch footage of little bodies being taken out in body bags and say, "Hey, why is there a porta-potty there! It must be a hoax!"
"Remind" to your heart's content, Cocksucker Joe......and how can one mock something that never happened? Hell, you didn't even know who Lenny Posner and Wolfgang Halbig was. You know absolutely nothing about this pathetically pulled off staged event.

Neither one of them were there, so they don't matter.

I don't keep track of the nuts with conspiracy theories.

So, to sum it all up, you are pissed, Cocksucker Joe, because I refuse to be as stupid as you are and put the blinders back on.

No, Cocksucker Dale, I am pissed because only a TRULY HORRIBLE human being would want to believe this tragedy was something other than what it was. I can't imagine what kind of souless monster would watch footage of little bodies being taken out in body bags and say, "Hey, why is there a porta-potty there! It must be a hoax!"

What is sickening is a leftard that hopes it actually happened in order to push a political agenda . That sickening person would be you, Cocksucker Joe.....any NORMAL person would be relieved that no one was killed.

BTW, there were no bodies that were removed with cameras rolling and they left those alleged "bodies" in the school until early Saturday morning and if you REALLY buy that load of bollocks, you belong to the "short bus" crowd.

Any other questions, Cocksucker Joe???
What is sickening is a leftard that hopes it actually happened in order to push a political agenda . That sickening person would be you, Cocksucker Joe.....any NORMAL person would be relieved that no one was killed.

BTW, there were no bodies that were removed with cameras rolling and they left those alleged "bodies" in the school until early Saturday morning and if you REALLY buy that load of bollocks, you belong to the "short bus" crowd.

Any other questions, Cocksucker Joe???

No questions, cocksucker dale, we've established your level of crazy.

sorry, man, you either have to believe...

Thousands of people were all involved in the conspiracy (to achieve, what, exactly, because you are never entirely sure. I guess to get mental health screenings, I Can see why that terrifies you.) and every last one of them has kept silent about it for three years.


One Crazy Guy with a gun shot up a bunch of kids at his old school.

Yes, buddy, Occam's Razor. Occam's Razor.

simplest solution is the right one. all the Handicapped placards and porta-potties and w hen you think bodies were removed aside... the simplest solution is the right one.
What is sickening is a leftard that hopes it actually happened in order to push a political agenda . That sickening person would be you, Cocksucker Joe.....any NORMAL person would be relieved that no one was killed.

BTW, there were no bodies that were removed with cameras rolling and they left those alleged "bodies" in the school until early Saturday morning and if you REALLY buy that load of bollocks, you belong to the "short bus" crowd.

Any other questions, Cocksucker Joe???

No questions, cocksucker dale, we've established your level of crazy.

sorry, man, you either have to believe...

Thousands of people were all involved in the conspiracy (to achieve, what, exactly, because you are never entirely sure. I guess to get mental health screenings, I Can see why that terrifies you.) and every last one of them has kept silent about it for three years.


One Crazy Guy with a gun shot up a bunch of kids at his old school.

Yes, buddy, Occam's Razor. Occam's Razor.

simplest solution is the right one. all the Handicapped placards and porta-potties and w hen you think bodies were removed aside... the simplest solution is the right one.

Nope, not a thousand people would have to be involved and not if this psy-op requires the signing of NDAs by a hundred or so "like-minded fabian socialists. Those that were not privy to this DHS capstone drill and could blow the whistle on it have either mysteriously died or simply disappeared.

Let's look at the anomalies......and these are just some that I am mentioning off the top of my head. I have a complete list here on this site......

1. No Care-Flite helicopters were requested even though they were on high alert with three copters ready to go.

#2. No EMTs were allowed into the school and most of the ambulances were kept way down the road. So who declared these alleged victims legally dead? My little brother that is a critical RN working on getting his Nurse Practitioner's degree says that he has had senior citizens that have been dead for over 30 minutes but they are still bound to try and revive them.

#3 The official reports say that not a single body was removed until the early morning hours of Saturday, December 15th under the darkness of light but yet CBS interviewed a crisis actor disguised as a mother that she saw policemen carrying out bloody body after bloody body of a child and putting them in an ambulance....but wait? Only two ambulances are seen in the news footage and they are not going anywhere and the roads are so blocked that they couldn't go anywhere anyway.

#4 Two teachers that hid are not found for five hours?

#5 911 calls has a woman whispering into the phone that shots are being fired (155 in less than ten minutes) but yet not a single shot is heard.

#6 There is no footage of the alleged Adam Lanza entering the school even though there is a camera aimed at the entrance that Lanza allegedly shot out.....

#7 In their official reports, a child is told to stay in a room where many children are alleged to have died INCLUDING the body of Adam Lanza by a policeman until the "crime scene" is secured.

Funny how it's fine to leave a child in the same room as alleged murdered children and their alleged killer but yet the scene is too gruesome for policemen to take a leak in the boys room thus porta-potties need to be called in and it's not like it's gonna be minutes before they arrive and neither is the electronic sign telling people that "Everyone Must Sign In".

#8 A bus driver dropped children off in front of Gene Rosen's house that is next door to the fire station? Why would a bus driver only drive FOUR children PAST the fire station and drop them off in the care of a total stranger? BUT WAIT! There is footage of Gene Rosen rehearsing his lines at the fire station and "wandering around" right after news of this event broke.

Once again, get bitchslapped.
Nope, not a thousand people would have to be involved and not if this psy-op requires the signing of NDAs by a hundred or so "like-minded fabian socialists. Those that were not privy to this DHS capstone drill and could blow the whistle on it have either mysteriously died or simply disappeared.

28,000 people live in Newtown. They would all have to keep quiet about the fact that wasn't an active school.

Let's look at the anomalies.....

No, let's not. You've wasted enough of our time with your cocksucking crazy.
Nope, not a thousand people would have to be involved and not if this psy-op requires the signing of NDAs by a hundred or so "like-minded fabian socialists. Those that were not privy to this DHS capstone drill and could blow the whistle on it have either mysteriously died or simply disappeared.

28,000 people live in Newtown. They would all have to keep quiet about the fact that wasn't an active school.

Let's look at the anomalies.....

No, let's not. You've wasted enough of our time with your cocksucking crazy.

"28,000 people live in Newtown. They would all have to keep quiet about the fact that wasn't an active school"

So, everyone knows what school is around them? Unless they have children in grade school? How would they know? And who would they tell?

"No, let's not. You've wasted enough of our time with your cocksucking crazy"

Well, Cocksucker Joe? Once again you get smacked around.
So, everyone knows what school is around them? Unless they have children in grade school? How would they know? And who would they tell?

I don't have any kids, I know where all the schools in my community are. They are on my tax bill. I know where they are because I have to slow down when driving near them. And I would say I am only moderately involved in local affairs.

Once again you get smacked around.

No, it's just tiring talking to an evil crazy person who believes evil shit because his own life is inadequate.

You have to be a truly sad little man to believe that Sandy Hook or 9/11 was a hoax.

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