Mattis: Obama ignored Iranian bomb plot of DC restaurant, ‘act of war’ due to nuke deal talks

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
In his newly-released book “Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead,” Jim Mattis took shots at President Barack Obama for failing to act in response to a 2011 Iranian bomb blot in the U.S. due to secret nuclear deal negotiations that were underway at the time.

After two Iranian nationals were arrested in October 2011 for planning a bomb attack on the Washington, D.C. restaurant Café Milao, a site frequented by powerful figures like the Saudi Arabia ambassador, Mattis said he wanted a firm response to what he described as an “act of war,” but Obama was unwilling to do so as negotiations with Iran were ongoing, the Washington Examiner reported.

“I believed we had to respond forcefully. My military options would raise the cost for this attack beyond anything the mullahs and the Qods generals could pay,” Mattis wrote. “First, though, the President had to go before the American people and forcefully lay out the enormous savagery of the intended attack. The American public — and the global public — had to understand the gravity of the plot.”

Instead, “We treated an act of war as a law enforcement violation, jailing the low-level courier,” Mattis noted.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Ah...that slippery Surrender zmonkey...

When you're a traitor, you're a traitor all the way
from your first cigarette
to your last lying day

OBAMA....Worst and most corrupt president in American history...
Actual treason and collusion with the enemy.

If there was real justice, the Hussein and Dems like him would be in prison.
Oh my God. I don’t even remember this. How big of a bomb was it? How many people were killed?
Where in DC did the bombing happen?
Oh my God. I don’t even remember this. How big of a bomb was it? How many people were killed?
Where in DC did the bombing happen?
That is because you are a fucking asshole that knows nothing....using the Hildebeast defense...I KNOW NOTHING!

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