Mattis Says He Has Cautioned Trump Not To Visit War Zones


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

The Leftists will have you believe that the president doesn’t travel to Afghanistan or the Middle East because he’s afraid to.

Horse puckey!

First of all, it’s never been a secret that he doesn’t want to legitimize our involvement in Afghanistan by visiting there. The second, unlike some POTUS’ who’ve gone for the photo ops, he knows how disruptive his visit would be for the troops. Now we learn this:

While some critics insist that President Donald Trump should visit U.S. troops overseas, Defense Secretary James Mattis thinks it unwise. In fact, the SecDef told reporters on Wednesday that he has urged the president to stay away from war zones.

The president is the commander in chief and he decides where he needs to go,” Mattis said. “There are times I don’t want him in certain locations – to be frank with you – for his security and the troops’ security. There’s places that I’ve been very straightforward, I don’t want him to go at certain times.”

Mattis declined to say which countries he has advised the president not to visit.

Since taking office nearly two years ago, Trump has not visited U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, or elsewhere downrange. The president said during a Nov. 18 Fox News interview that such a trip could be in the works, but he declined to provide specifics, citing security concerns.

As the president prepared to leave the White House for Florida on Tuesday, a reporter asked the president if he is afraid to visit U.S. troops in a war zone.

No, I’m going to a war zone,” Trump replied.

From Mattis Has Cautioned Trump Not To Visit War Zones w/videos

Trump Will Hold Teleconference With Troops Thanksgiving Morning @ Trump Will Hold Teleconference With Troops Thanksgiving Morning

I’m sure the Leftist media will call him a coward for doing this instead of going all the way somewhere for a photo op.

Trump hints could make first visit to Afghanistan @ Trump hints could make first visit to Afghanistan | One America News Network
Mattis is a liar as he is covering for Trump. So much for a officer and gentleman. Obama managed to do it.
First of all, it’s never been a secret that he doesn’t want to legitimize our involvement in Afghanistan by visiting there.
What an overwrought, embarrassing nugget of contrived garbage. He's the goddamn commander in chief. Surely you don't believe this hilariously stupid lie.
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The real reason he did not visit the Troops were because of aggravated bone spurs.
Mattis is a liar as he is covering for Trump. So much for a officer and gentleman. Obama managed to do it.

The Taliban wouldn't ambush Obama because he was letting them win the war with his ROEs and lack of troops. I suggest you write to Barry and demand he visit Baghdad after he ran away and let ISIS take over most of Iraq....two bits says you don't hear back from the jug-earred moron.
Mattis is a liar as he is covering for Trump. So much for a officer and gentleman. Obama managed to do it.

The Taliban wouldn't ambush Obama because he was letting them win the war with his ROEs and lack of troops. I suggest you write to Barry and demand he visit Baghdad after he ran away and let ISIS take over most of Iraq....two bits says you don't hear back from the jug-earred moron.

Why didn't they attack Pres. Bush, it just shows your asinine assessment is :bsflag:
Mattis is a liar as he is covering for Trump. So much for a officer and gentleman. Obama managed to do it.
When you have democrats outright calling for his assassination and leaking sensitive information to foreign governments I can understand Mattis hesitation..
I don't want him to go

especially if he politicizes himself and his issues and whims, like he did on Thursday's call... it is demoralizing and the troops don't need that...

troops are non-political, neutral.... they defend the USA as a whole, and not some democratic or republican political whim

this president does not know how to be the president of ALL Americans and he needs to stay away from our troops... they will be serving us long after he is gone, through democratic and republican presidents that understand the military should never be used and abused by political fodder.
Mattis is a liar as he is covering for Trump. So much for a officer and gentleman. Obama managed to do it.
When you have democrats outright calling for his assassination and leaking sensitive information to foreign governments I can understand Mattis hesitation..

Nobody has called for his assassination, that is just right wing propaganda.

I guess none of this ever happened...

No Kathy Griffin did not Democrats.
I don't want him to go

especially if he politicizes himself and his issues and whims, like he did on Thursday's call... it is demoralizing and the troops don't need that...

troops are non-political, neutral.... they defend the USA as a whole, and not some democratic or republican political whim

this president does not know how to be the president of ALL Americans and he needs to stay away from our troops... they will be serving us long after he is gone, through democratic and republican presidents that understand the military should never be used and abused by political fodder.

Our Troopers love Trump and mostly hated Obama...the blacks liked him solely for racial reasons but the vast white majority knew he didn't have a clue about their patriotism and cut their budget to dangerous levels. Next, if you believe the progs and communists in your party support our warriors, then explain why they try to suppress their votes coming from combat theaters. Why did their elders threw blood and excrement at returning Viet Vets when it was LBJ, a stinking socialist psychopath who started that war... And rewarded his donator/contractor buddies with no-bid contracts to build the bases and dredge the harbors in Vietnam. And then restricted our ability to go up to Hanoi and burn it to the ground and ultimately lost that war by refusing to win it. No, your party has a long history of hatred and abuse toward our Military and your fantasies aside, I believe you know that.
I don't want him to go

especially if he politicizes himself and his issues and whims, like he did on Thursday's call... it is demoralizing and the troops don't need that...

troops are non-political, neutral.... they defend the USA as a whole, and not some democratic or republican political whim

this president does not know how to be the president of ALL Americans and he needs to stay away from our troops... they will be serving us long after he is gone, through democratic and republican presidents that understand the military should never be used and abused by political fodder.

Our Troopers love Trump and mostly hated Obama...the blacks liked him solely for racial reasons but the vast white majority knew he didn't have a clue about their patriotism and cut their budget to dangerous levels. Next, if you believe the progs and communists in your party support our warriors, then explain why they try to suppress their votes coming from combat theaters. Why did their elders threw blood and excrement at returning Viet Vets when it was LBJ, a stinking socialist psychopath who started that war... And rewarded his donator/contractor buddies with no-bid contracts to build the bases and dredge the harbors in Vietnam. And then restricted our ability to go up to Hanoi and burn it to the ground and ultimately lost that war by refusing to win it. No, your party has a long history of hatred and abuse toward our Military and your fantasies aside, I believe you know that.

I guess a lie doesn't care who tells it.
Support for Trump is fading among active-duty troops, new poll shows
Racist whites hated Pres. Obama solely for racial reasons and as far as patriotism goes it's amazing how Pres. Trump didn't find any until after he was too old to serve. Why is it that he hasn't visited any troops serving in combat theaters, while they are putting their lives on the line he was in Mar Lago playing golf. Was it that folks like you are quiet when he attacks veterans and POWs. Your His-Story of Vietnam is bullshit.
Fact Check: Has President Obama 'Depleted' The Military?
Fact Check: Trump and Military Spending
As usual all you are doing is spouting right wing propaganda.

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