Mauna Loa shows that reducing economic Activity has NO EFFECT on CO2

Bullshit---stop drinking the kool-aid.
CO2 is great for plants----and of the green house gases, it is but a tiny tiny percentage. It is to tiny to raise temperatures. WATER VAPER might since it is far more plentiful. Largest greenhouse gas is WATER VAPER by far and away. We are in a cooling cycle btw---we tend to spend a few years cooler, then a few years warmer, then we go back to cooler only to return warmer over and over and over again.

This said, there have been many periods where CO2 levels were very high--------they tend to LAG behind a warming period as ice and permafrost melt releasing their stores of CO2 into the atmosphere---------the EARTH always cools off following them.

It is nice to have so many virologists, immunologists and climate scientists on one board! :heehee:
How many inches of sea level rise until Obama's home is wiped out? How many years?

We calculated that several months back. Based on current increases of 2-3 inches per year, Obama's place should be fine for another 400 years. :)
H2O is good too, unless it is a storm surge aimed at your house. CO2 is vital but if that was all you had to breath you'd be dead.

YOU expel 1000 pounds of CO2 every year.

Stop doing that.
There are cycles within cycles so it is hard to parse what is happening but go to a glacier and see how much it has receded. No matter the cause it is a warning sign.
Warming in relation to the Earth and the SUN...gee who would have guessed. Magnetic poles flipping on top of this affecting Ocean currents that are a huge factor in Carbon and weather both? you expect people not to understand these basics.
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I'm not worried about the rich surviving. Farmers in Bangladesh or Louisiana living a few feet above sea level, them I worry about.
OMG---lets say that man made carbon can affect the planet and that it isnt the sun........and we tax everyone in the west to get emissions down to nothing---this would only create business opportunities for china and bangledesh to ramp up their dirty ways who would release more and more carbon as you would force the west economies down.
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Magnetic poles flipping on top of this affecting Ocean currents that are huge factor in Carbon and weather both? you expect people not to understand these basics.
I guess I don't understand the basics. What is the relationship between magnetic poles and ocean currents?
OMG---lets say that man made carbon can affect the planet and that it isnt the sun........and we tax everyone in the west to get emissions down to nothing---this would only create a business opportunities for china and bangledesh to ramp up their dirty ways who would release more and more carbon as you would force the west economies down.
That sounds like a very stupid idea. Is that our only option?
I guess you deny Google too?
100 mm is 10 cm, which is about 4 inches, you dullard.
675,000 square meters is about 1/4 of a square mile. You really aren't that educated about measurements. How many times did you fail basic mathematics?
Wow, you and that calculator are really something Mr. Metric. Any other statements of the obvious you care to share?
Which will result in how much beach erosion, Mr. Science?
I used to live in Virginia. We had an area called Sandbridge to our east on the Atlantic. The government spent millions on beach replenishment over the many years I lived there. Why? Every hurricane or nor'easter washed all the sand off the beach back into the ocean! Sea level rise of a few millimeters would have had zero impact, except there was none occurring.

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