Max income tax rate

Tax increases are not the answer, that's shooting spit wads at the real problems. In fact it would only further enable the bad behaviors that got us into this mess, in short order the increased tax revenue would be gone and we'd be right back to square one with the same problems.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.

17% is not the magic number - it continues to fund excess spending on big government nonsense.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.

17% is not the magic number - it continues to fund excess spending on big government nonsense.

And government corruption.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.

17% is not the magic number - it continues to fund excess spending on big government nonsense.
Spending is a separate issue. The question is what percentage would adequately fund the gov't at current levels of spending. Yes, spending is way too high. But that's another question.
Tax rate oughta be such that everybody has skin in the game. So that everybody pays income tax whether employed or not. All at the same rate. That way nobody gets a free ride; everybody feels it when their elected representatives try to grab more. Within two election cycles the whole outlook of government would change.

As it is, those who don't pay taxes, including illegals, stand to gain on tax day because they get a chunk even though they don't pay in. Of course, they will vote for tax increases.
Ages ago, before I retired, when the hubby and I were both working and not retired, we made around $150k a year, with all of our itemized deductions, we ended up paying around 9% in Federal Income addition, we paid social security taxes on all of what Matt made, and most of what I made....but not all because I went over the SS cap on earnings back then...but basically another 15% of our income was also taxed if you include the mandatory SS employer tax in our names, so that puts us at 24% of our income in taxes going to the federal government and we are running a $500 billion dollar yearly deficit cuz the government is not paying for all that is spent...and because we have a $400 billion dollar payment for just the Interest on our National goes towards no services, it does not pay for one bomber or one military soldier, just the interest to the countries we borrowed from....

There is no way Jose, that a flat tax could be 15% if we include Social Security taxes and Medicare federal taxes in that 15%.

It's a dreamer's dream...and I would LOVE it to be the case, but reality says it can't be....

And it's bull crap that cutting what the gvt collects in taxes will force Congress to reduce the size of gvt.....we haven't collected enough in taxes to pay our bills since the year 2001, so for 15 years we have been doing nothing but BORROWING what they have not collected from us to pay our bills.
But you ignore the fact that the major money never pays those rates at all.

When you tax ALL income without loopholes you will find a LOT more money.
there isn't a single soul in the USA that does not pay government taxes, PERIOD, and it is the biggest LIE ever, when you claim everyone does not have a stake in them....

it's utter bull crap....and it's lying to say do you want to be a LIAR....and that's why you all keep regurgitating this lie?

the subject is INCOME taxes, and half of the US populations does not pay any income taxes. That, my libtardian friend, is wrong.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.

you are leaving out the fact that we borrow 40% of what the government spends.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.

you are leaving out the fact that we borrow 40% of what the government spends.

and worse than the 40%, as I understand it some of the "non-borrowed" funds come from social security......
Sometimes I think we do need a balanced budget amendment. The Republican "conservatives" recently added 90 billion I think to the defense budget by using accounting gimmicks to "hide" it from the sequester. you think there is an outcry over heavy taxes in this country now...try actually having a strict balanced budget amendment and passing a "fair" flat tax....or a consumption tax.........

The only realistic way to get this country back on track financially is to tax the rich more. ...and cut down on the corporate welfare dolled out by Cobb county style "republicans" at the local level.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.

you are leaving out the fact that we borrow 40% of what the government spends.

and worse than the 40%, as I understand it some of the "non-borrowed" funds come from social security......
Sometimes I think we do need a balanced budget amendment. The Republican "conservatives" recently added 90 billion I think to the defense budget by using accounting gimmicks to "hide" it from the sequester. you think there is an outcry over heavy taxes in this country now...try actually having a strict balanced budget amendment and passing a "fair" flat tax....or a consumption tax.........

The only realistic way to get this country back on track financially is to tax the rich more. ...and cut down on the corporate welfare dolled out by Cobb county style "republicans" at the local level.

you were doing pretty good until your last paragraph. The answer is not taxing the evil rich and the evil corporations, if you do that they will simply leave this country.

the answer is to cut government spending. we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. All of our congressmen are trying to buy their next election by spending govt money in their districts. Term limits would help with this. Serving in congress should not be a career, it should be a short term sacrifice for your country.
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


agree, but 15% is probably too low, maybe 17% or 18%, and it should apply to all income, from $1 to the maximum income of any american, no exemptions, no deductions, ALL income.
The country's GNI (Gross National Earnings--basically how much was earned) was almost $17T. Total revenue to the fed gov last year was $3T. So it looks like 17% is the magic number, efficiencies would increase GNI to make up for any deficit.

you are leaving out the fact that we borrow 40% of what the government spends.

and worse than the 40%, as I understand it some of the "non-borrowed" funds come from social security......
Sometimes I think we do need a balanced budget amendment. The Republican "conservatives" recently added 90 billion I think to the defense budget by using accounting gimmicks to "hide" it from the sequester. you think there is an outcry over heavy taxes in this country now...try actually having a strict balanced budget amendment and passing a "fair" flat tax....or a consumption tax.........

The only realistic way to get this country back on track financially is to tax the rich more. ...and cut down on the corporate welfare dolled out by Cobb county style "republicans" at the local level.

you were doing pretty good until your last paragraph. The answer is not taxing the evil rich and the evil corporations, if you do that they will simply leave this country.

the answer is to cut government spending. we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. All of our congressmen are trying to buy their next election by spending govt money in their districts. Term limits would help with this. Serving in congress should not be a career, it should be a short term sacrifice for your country.

Good, we aught to push them the hell out, their inability to accept what has to be done is going to destroy this country....

.."we have a spending problem".....yes, maybe we do, one that ages of "conservative" lawmakers has failed to solve.....spending that people rely on for their livelihoods....and so lobby for.....Cobb county republicans.........and a lot of it is at the local level....

Im near to the point where I say pass a balanced budget amendment and lets see these saps sweat. ......

but the answer surely isn't going to be helped by passing a flat tax or consumption tax in the meantime.

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