Max income tax rate

You want tax simplification?

Make it a flat progressive tax with no itemized deductions, only the same Standard deduction for can lower the tax rates on all brackets.

Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.
Everyone should have skin in the game............and the business taxes would still be there..................

It's inhumane to continue spending beyond our means and destroying the value of the dollar...............

It's also about creating jobs......and under regressive tax systems it kills jobs....................what the poor need are opportunities to advance...............and there has to be jobs to do they can make more money................

Big money is investing overseas and not here..............a lot being the regs, cost of production and tax combination with straight forward flat taxes we can start raising revenue via tariffs again............which worked for 200 years.............but it is a different discussion..........

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

430 Billion spent on Interest payments on the debt and rising.............

Destroy our economy and the value of the dollar and you destroy the nation...............which is the path we are on................and EVERY AMERICAN has SKIN IN THAT GAME..................

We need to reverse course....................What's not fair is kicking the can down the road so it's even worse......................which needs ending the spending beyond means in Gov't and restoring our economic viability.............

We strenghten the dollar we increase it's buying power..........but today we and other countries are puposely devaluating the currency for trade purposes....................It's like we are dummies in a crash test knowing the end but refusing to hit the brakes.
What do you think about the max income tax rate? What's the right number? 30%? 40%?

10%. That is the rate the people are happy and the government gets maximum revenue. Above ,that the government doesn't get more money because people start putting their effort into evading taxes rather than growing their income, which in turn harms the economy and reduces taxes on the things people do to avoid paying them.

10% is basically programmed into us as fair, the Bible got it right
You want tax simplification?

Make it a flat progressive tax with no itemized deductions, only the same Standard deduction for can lower the tax rates on all brackets.

Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.
Apparently you can't get work out of a leech either.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.
You want tax simplification?

Make it a flat progressive tax with no itemized deductions, only the same Standard deduction for can lower the tax rates on all brackets.

Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.

Hmmmm, exactly who is forcing them to smoke and drink?

as to SS "taxes". they should be collected on all income not just the first 110K. SS is no longer a saving plan, it is a tax, as such it should be collected on all income.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.

Where do you get that? I have two people who work for me who earn over $20K and get government money
Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.
Apparently you can't get work out of a leech either.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.
They drive the same roads and use the same police and fire services as everyone else.

If they have no cash, they should have skin in the game through labor; in other words, work off their taxes.
Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.
Apparently you can't get work out of a leech either.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.

If you can't live as you want on 20K, get a second job, thats what I did when I was young.
You want tax simplification?

Make it a flat progressive tax with no itemized deductions, only the same Standard deduction for can lower the tax rates on all brackets.

Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.

Hmmmm, exactly who is forcing them to smoke and drink?

as to SS "taxes". they should be collected on all income not just the first 110K. SS is no longer a saving plan, it is a tax, as such it should be collected on all income.


Note how many of the 47% have game in the skin, not skin in the game.
there isn't a single soul in the USA that does not pay government taxes, PERIOD, and it is the biggest LIE ever, when you claim everyone does not have a stake in them....

it's utter bull crap....and it's lying to say do you want to be a LIAR....and that's why you all keep regurgitating this lie?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.
Apparently you can't get work out of a leech either.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.

If you can't live as you want on 20K, get a second job, thats what I did when I was young.
If you can't live on what you make, up your skills set.

That is what I did, 50 years ago.

Retired and loving it now.
A flat tax can absolutely work............It would take out the thousands of thousands of rules and loop holes in the system now................

At the end of the year you could file the return on a post card.................Take this much and done..............

Simple and easy and end the argument.............

But but but, the poooooooooooooooor would have to pay taxes and thats just not faaaaair!
tough shit.................

It's across the board and pay the percentage and done...............Too simple I guess.
you are WRONG.
Then we disagree..............

We have program after program to stop poverty............Spent Trillions on it.............and these programs still exist under a flat tax...................they would still be able to get the other safe guards on the grid under the new tax..........................

Regressive taxation and regs drive jobs away................The only restoration of this country is to increase middle class earnings.................which can only be done by creating jobs............regressive taxation only kills jobs when we desperately need better paying ones........

Under the current system, there are cries to raise the wages on the bottom tiers..........which even drives more business off shore.........making the problem even worse.................

The answer is fiscal responsibility.............simple tax system............and Tariffs to level the playing field...............

We need to restore the value of the dollar, not further deflate it....................and that can only come with everyone taking part of the solution..................which means less spending and ............spit.............higher taxation for a save the economy for our future generations................

We spend too dang much and have caused our cost of living to go up up and away.................
there isn't a single soul in the USA that does not pay government taxes, PERIOD, and it is the biggest LIE ever, when you claim everyone does not have a stake in them....

it's utter bull crap....and it's lying to say do you want to be a LIAR....and that's why you all keep regurgitating this lie?
That statement is correct...................As every time you buy gas you are paying taxes............along with many other ways..................

In the individual tax system it's somewhat different..........but still not the whole the SS and Medicare taxes are different.............and under the no taxes paid it accounts for the refunds versus taxes paid to get to the levels posted............

Everyone has skin in it..............some more than others..............which is also correct.................

But to lay a flat tax down isn't unfair or unjust...............if it must be argued then the lower poverty ranges can be taken to lower rates or Zeroed.............but they will no longer get a return via the system when their FEDERAL TAXES are 0 as well............which accounts to another welfare program.............

0 should be the max...............for anyone..............flat tax levels the playing field.........

but it is a pipe dream..............the stooges in gov't like the manipulation of the current system too well.
Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.
Apparently you can't get work out of a leech either.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.
A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Under federal rules, to be eligible for benefits a household's[1] income and resources must meet three tests:[2]

  • Its gross monthly income -- that is, its income before any of the program's deductions are applied -- generally must be at or below 130 percent of the poverty line. For a family of three, the poverty line in federal fiscal year 2015 is $1,650 a month. Thus, 130 percent of the poverty line for a three-person family is $2,144 a month, or about $25,700 a year. The poverty level is higher for bigger families and lower for smaller families.[3]
  • Its net income, or income after deductions are applied, must be at or below the poverty line.
  • Its assets must fall below certain limits: households without an elderly or disabled member must have assets of $2,250 or less, and households with an elderly or disabled member must have assets of $3,250 or less.[4]
A flat tax can absolutely work............It would take out the thousands of thousands of rules and loop holes in the system now................

At the end of the year you could file the return on a post card.................Take this much and done..............

Simple and easy and end the argument.............

But but but, the poooooooooooooooor would have to pay taxes and thats just not faaaaair!
tough shit.................

It's across the board and pay the percentage and done...............Too simple I guess.
you are WRONG.
Then we disagree..............

We have program after program to stop poverty............Spent Trillions on it.............and these programs still exist under a flat tax...................they would still be able to get the other safe guards on the grid under the new tax..........................

Regressive taxation and regs drive jobs away................The only restoration of this country is to increase middle class earnings.................which can only be done by creating jobs............regressive taxation only kills jobs when we desperately need better paying ones........

Under the current system, there are cries to raise the wages on the bottom tiers..........which even drives more business off shore.........making the problem even worse.................

The answer is fiscal responsibility.............simple tax system............and Tariffs to level the playing field...............

We need to restore the value of the dollar, not further deflate it....................and that can only come with everyone taking part of the solution..................which means less spending and ............spit.............higher taxation for a save the economy for our future generations................

We spend too dang much and have caused our cost of living to go up up and away.................
The person making 20k does not qualify for any of those programs for the poor, no TANF, no Food Stamps....they simply do not qualify because they make too much, hitting them with additional fed taxes to the fed taxes already collected from them in payroll taxes puts an undue burden on them, and I don't believe we should do that, to people just starting out in the work force or anyone that only has the skills and capability to hold a job that only pays 20k....I don't think we should cause them the additional financial stress and pain....

I would not want to see this happen to my kids if we had any, or anyone....

And I think it is some sort of distorted envy of the poor, or pure selfishness, for you all to be so insistent on making life even harder than it already is for the guy making 20k.... it's ridiculous and comes from the Devil himself.... The End.
Just wondering. Why do you feel that rich people should pay a higher tax rate? What is the objection to the same tax rate for everyone?

Lets just use 10% to make the math easy, OK?

Now a person making $20,000 would pay $2000, a person making $200,000,000 (like the clintons and romneys) would pay $20,000,000. The rich would pay more but everyone whould have skin in the game.

What specifically is your objection to a flat tax rate?
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.

Hmmmm, exactly who is forcing them to smoke and drink?

as to SS "taxes". they should be collected on all income not just the first 110K. SS is no longer a saving plan, it is a tax, as such it should be collected on all income.


Note how many of the 47% have game in the skin, not skin in the game.
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.
Apparently you can't get work out of a leech either.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.

If you can't live as you want on 20K, get a second job, thats what I did when I was young.

Yes, bring back the 16 hr. workday, that'll show the world what American exceptionalism is all about!!!
A flat tax can absolutely work............It would take out the thousands of thousands of rules and loop holes in the system now................

At the end of the year you could file the return on a post card.................Take this much and done..............

Simple and easy and end the argument.............

But but but, the poooooooooooooooor would have to pay taxes and thats just not faaaaair!
tough shit.................

It's across the board and pay the percentage and done...............Too simple I guess.
you are WRONG.
Then we disagree..............

We have program after program to stop poverty............Spent Trillions on it.............and these programs still exist under a flat tax...................they would still be able to get the other safe guards on the grid under the new tax..........................

Regressive taxation and regs drive jobs away................The only restoration of this country is to increase middle class earnings.................which can only be done by creating jobs............regressive taxation only kills jobs when we desperately need better paying ones........

Under the current system, there are cries to raise the wages on the bottom tiers..........which even drives more business off shore.........making the problem even worse.................

The answer is fiscal responsibility.............simple tax system............and Tariffs to level the playing field...............

We need to restore the value of the dollar, not further deflate it....................and that can only come with everyone taking part of the solution..................which means less spending and ............spit.............higher taxation for a save the economy for our future generations................

We spend too dang much and have caused our cost of living to go up up and away.................
The person making 20k does not qualify for any of those programs for the poor, no TANF, no Food Stamps....they simply do not qualify because they make too much, hitting them with additional fed taxes to the fed taxes already collected from them in payroll taxes puts an undue burden on them, and I don't believe we should do that, to people just starting out in the work force or anyone that only has the skills and capability to hold a job that only pays 20k....I don't think we should cause them the additional financial stress and pain....

I would not want to see this happen to my kids if we had any, or anyone....

And I think it is some sort of distorted envy of the poor, or pure selfishness, for you all to be so insistent on making life even harder than it already is for the guy making 20k.... it's ridiculous and comes from the Devil himself.... The End.
That is a matter of opinion and as my last post states that would qualify for benefits dependent on family size.............The example given was for a family of 3...............which was 25k.
9.1 Million in poverty by the numbers in 2013

not counting the 130% threshold for some states and for benefits
BTW.........Emotions don't pay the bills............the
War on poverty hasn't been won it is being lost after TRILLIONS SPENT ON IT.............

The answer is JOBS.............and not a free ride.................

We need to reverse course, or we will suffer the consequences of our STUPIDITY...............The gov't was never supposed to be the answer to all....................It had basic functions and the rest to be decided by State and locals to deal with the problems of the day LOCALLY..........

We have used emotions to bankrupt ourselves and the solution used all the time is MORE OF THE SAME............

That only makes the problem worse.............
15% flat tax for everyone - for income, dividends, and capital gains. Get rid of SS and medicare taxes. No deductions. No tax credits. No complicated tax code. No favors for Big Government Cronies. No politicized IRS.


That probably wouldn't cover our tax needs.
YES, AGREE, 15% is not even CLOSE to covering our needs if Social Security tax and Medicare tax are Bo suggested....and incorporated in with this flat tax.

RIGHT NOW the government collects MORE than 15% from us and from our employer in our name, in Medicare taxes and Social Security taxes....which have NOTHING to do with the discretionary budget which is suppose to come from an income tax or an outside tax of Social Security and Medicare.

The solution is quite simple: private retirement accounts instead of SS and Medicare.
You want tax simplification?

Make it a flat progressive tax with no itemized deductions, only the same Standard deduction for can lower the tax rates on all brackets.

That's not simplification - it's progressive nonsense that just perpetuates the Big Government Cronyism.
It is inhumane to make everyone have a "stake" in the game on Federal Taxes....when State taxes are regressive and a much higher percentage of the person making 20k a year is going towards State sales taxes and state income taxes and State Property taxes in many many States....this also is running our government....

and cigarette taxes are collected primarily from the poor and liquor taxes and lotto money is taxes on those working for a living as well although is still funding the gvt....both federal and State.

the progressive federal income tax, levels the playing field when combining what the government collects from us.

Also, someone making 20 k is also paying 15% of their salary in social security and medicare taxes with employer contributions included, on every dime they make, verses the wealthiest only paying those taxes up to 100k of salary or so, if NOT paying any at all, like a Romney or a Clinton now....

And on top of all of this, the person making 20k GROSS, can hardly survive...

we should be taxed according to ones means...and those at the bottom should NOT be taxed federally, they are already being taxed by the State government and the federal government for SS and Medicare, and ciggie taxes and liquor taxes,....they never were taxed when income taxes were instituted...the Standard Deduction was the equivalent of $65,ooo per person, before any income was taxed, even for the very wealthy, their first $65k was not taxed....

It's bull crud that you guys think

No representation without taxation!

(so everyone has a stake in the game you claim)

You are turning our History on it's head.

the Term our founder's stood by was,


I don't think those who earn the least should have to pay federal income taxes, because they don't have the means to do such....after all the other government taxes collected from's inhumane.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.

Hmmmm, exactly who is forcing them to smoke and drink?

as to SS "taxes". they should be collected on all income not just the first 110K. SS is no longer a saving plan, it is a tax, as such it should be collected on all income.


Note how many of the 47% have game in the skin, not skin in the game.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect example of liberal idiocy. It's just "inhumane" to ask some people to pay taxes----------------------------WTF is wrong with you?
they are ALREADY PAYING 15% in Federal taxes, along with the majority of ciggie taxes which pays for someone elses kids health care, along with Liquor taxes along with all the State government taxes...

You can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much you want to Redfish.
Apparently you can't get work out of a leech either.
That person making 20k gross qualifies for NOTHING in handouts, so I don't know who you are talking about being a that....NOTHING....they are having to live only on what they make, less all the taxes the government takes from them already.

If you can't live as you want on 20K, get a second job, thats what I did when I was young.

Yes, bring back the 16 hr. workday, that'll show the world what American exceptionalism is all about!!!

Yeah, I get it. you should only have to work about 8 hours a week because you DESERVE your free time.

Get off your lazy ass and make something of yourself. THATS the american way, hard work leads to success.

I worked two jobs for many years while getting started, now I am enjoying a very nice retirement with no money worries and time to travel and enjoy life.

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