Maxine Waters Charged with Three Ethics Violations


Couldn't happen to a better person. Just a shame there aren't more - and criminal charges as well.

The first charge against Waters states she violated a House rule that members must "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House." Waters should have instructed her chief of staff to stop assisting OneUnited once it became clear she should not be involved in helping the bank, but she failed to do so, the charges state.

Her staff's "continued involvement in assisting OneUnited created an appearance that [Waters] was taking official action for [Waters'] personal benefit, which did not reflect creditably on the House," the charges state.

Waters was also charged with violating the "spirit" of the House rule that prohibits a member from receiving compensation for exerting improper influence from her position in Congress. Waters' husband's investments in OneUnited constituted compensation, according to the charges.

The congresswoman was also charged with violating the Code of Ethics for Government Service.

From CBS News @ Maxine Waters Charged with Three Ethics Violations
Yes, we ALL know how concerned Trumpkins are with maintaining a strict code of ethics. ;)

More or less than Obamonkeys?
Oh, CLEARLY far more. You and your orange idiot are truly a bastion of ethics. So much so, that the ethics watchdogs are resigning... apparently because they are no longer needed, amirite?

Sorry. Didn't see the date being so busy trying to shaw what a twit she is.

you misspelled *didn't see the date because i was busy pleasuring myself*

does the picture of david duke enhance it?

Couldn't happen to a better person. Just a shame there aren't more - and criminal charges as well.

The first charge against Waters states she violated a House rule that members must "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House." Waters should have instructed her chief of staff to stop assisting OneUnited once it became clear she should not be involved in helping the bank, but she failed to do so, the charges state.

Her staff's "continued involvement in assisting OneUnited created an appearance that [Waters] was taking official action for [Waters'] personal benefit, which did not reflect creditably on the House," the charges state.

Waters was also charged with violating the "spirit" of the House rule that prohibits a member from receiving compensation for exerting improper influence from her position in Congress. Waters' husband's investments in OneUnited constituted compensation, according to the charges.

The congresswoman was also charged with violating the Code of Ethics for Government Service.

From CBS News @ Maxine Waters Charged with Three Ethics Violations
She should get 10 to 15 just for that face and another 5 to 10 for the wig.

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