May 2014


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
The ground station data will arrive within a few days. Will May 2014 be the hottest May in the historical record?

Deniers, get it out of your systems now. You know, the "Crap! It's real data! We're so screwed!" part. If it's the hottest May ever, how will you be able to claim no warming? You need to be ready in an instant to handwave away the data, to explain why it doesn't count. Or why it does count, but doesn't mean anything because it's all a natural cycle. Or why it means something, but the warming is actually good. Or why it's not good, but it's too expensive to try to fix. The important thing is for you all get on the same page beforehand.
GISS data is in. The May 2014 temperature anomaly is +0.76C, making it the ... wait for it ... hottest May in the historical record.

What's it mean? For one thing, that deniers will look stranger and stranger if they keep chanting "There's no warming!".

Edit: Gavin Schmidt says this prelim result is wrong, due to the wrong data getting submitted from China. Nick Stokes/Moyhu has rerun the numbers, and suggests the corrected temps will be a little higher.
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GISS data is in. The May 2014 temperature anomaly is +0.76C, making it the ... wait for it ... hottest May in the historical record.

What's it mean? For one thing, that deniers will look stranger and stranger if they keep chanting "There's no warming!".

Edit: Gavin Schmidt says this prelim result is wrong, due to the wrong data getting submitted from China. Nick Stokes/Moyhu has rerun the numbers, and suggests the corrected temps will be a little higher.

moyhu: Another error in GHCN for May - from China CLIMAT form.

May has been getting cooler every year in Houston so what do I care?
And it's not that we dont think the climate may be changing,we just dont believe it's man made,so you can stop with the screeching.
GISS data is in. The May 2014 temperature anomaly is +0.76C, making it the ... wait for it ... hottest May in the historical record.

What's it mean? For one thing, that deniers will look stranger and stranger if they keep chanting "There's no warming!".

Edit: Gavin Schmidt says this prelim result is wrong, due to the wrong data getting submitted from China. Nick Stokes/Moyhu has rerun the numbers, and suggests the corrected temps will be a little higher.

moyhu: Another error in GHCN for May - from China CLIMAT form.

And once this goes through the statisticians and mathematicians hands this will be quietly down graded. Although it will probably take 10 years to do so, like it did for 1998 being the hottest year on record.
The ground station data will arrive within a few days. Will May 2014 be the hottest May in the historical record?

Deniers, get it out of your systems now. You know, the "Crap! It's real data! We're so screwed!" part. If it's the hottest May ever, how will you be able to claim no warming? You need to be ready in an instant to handwave away the data, to explain why it doesn't count. Or why it does count, but doesn't mean anything because it's all a natural cycle. Or why it means something, but the warming is actually good. Or why it's not good, but it's too expensive to try to fix. The important thing is for you all get on the same page beforehand.

Wait, I thought you GW mythers said that weather does not = climate?
So we've got various responses.

-- It's preliminary, so it won't really the hottest, I tell ya!

-- It's just weather!

-- It's all faked by statistics!

-- My backyard was different, so it's meaningless!

Like I said, it would be more effective if you'd all get on the same page concerning why it doesn't matter.
Leading theory of the origin of water on Earth is by comet.

Comets Created Earth's Oceans, Study Concludes | Comets & Asteroids, Water in Space | Earth's Water & Life on Earth

Then it is found that there are oceans of water locked inside Earth that seeps to the surface.

Oceans of Water Locked 400 Miles Inside Earth : Discovery News

A scientific theory is just a theory until it is proven as a scientific fact.

Evolution and global warming are theories based on available findings. They could and most likely will change. Quit believing them as facts. They are not.
And kwc switches tactics again, to simply trying to deflect away from the topic totally.

Look, this isn't going away. One month doesn't mean a whole lot, but we're going to start seeing month after month hitting new all-time average highs. The "there's no warming!" meme is doomed. That means deniers need to plan ahead and come up with some unified talking points to explain why the warming doesn't really matter.
You want to say that global warming is a real and settled science. I'm merely pointing out that it is a theory. Scientists are people and they can misread or draw incorrect conclusions. It happens every day. I gave an example of the theories of the origin of water on Earth.
GISS data is in. The May 2014 temperature anomaly is +0.76C, making it the ... wait for it ... hottest May in the historical record.

What's it mean? For one thing, that deniers will look stranger and stranger if they keep chanting "There's no warming!".

Edit: Gavin Schmidt says this prelim result is wrong, due to the wrong data getting submitted from China. Nick Stokes/Moyhu has rerun the numbers, and suggests the corrected temps will be a little higher.

moyhu: Another error in GHCN for May - from China CLIMAT form.

From the unread attachment

"using elimination of outliers and homogeneity adjustment"

another way of saying they cook the data until it's jusssssst right
So, if the additional 2PPM of CO2 we added last year is so powerful, how easy should be for you to set this up in a lab?

Are you saying that the .21 degree difference between this May and last is because CO2 went from 380 to 382PPM?

Are you saying that the .21 degree difference between this May and last is because CO2 went from 380 to 382PPM?

That's so stupid, I'm at a loss for words as to how to respond.

I couldn't teach the basics to a chimp, no matter how much I'd try to dumb it down. The same applies to Frank.
Are you saying that the .21 degree difference between this May and last is because CO2 went from 380 to 382PPM?

That's so stupid, I'm at a loss for words as to how to respond.

I couldn't teach the basics to a chimp, no matter how much I'd try to dumb it down. The same applies to Frank.

You don't know how to respond because your theory is a total fraud.

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