Maya also have flood myth, suggests Global Flood?

Why the hell do the same posters continue to post the same tripe? Don't they have anything better to do?
Nearly all civilizations have myths about giants and other bogeymen. So the giants and bogeymen are real by the standards of the OP.
Scientists have found bones of giants in Malta. Scientists have proof of a global flood...sea fossils on the highest peaks all over the world. But moron cons don't believe science either..that's why they deny global warming.

As the old saying goes "there are a flood of flood stories" and just about every culture in antiquity has one. Now I saw an interesting documentary recently where there is evidence that the Black Sea was once much smaller and the land barrier between that and the Medeterranian Sea broke and created a massive flood. I think it said that the civilizations around that area had to walk inland like a mile and a half a day to escape the waters. It was suggested that may be the origin of the flood myths which would make sense.

Not sure it's true, but it's an interesting suggestion
Here you go...

"In 1997, William Ryan and Walter Pitman published evidence that a massive flooding of the Black Sea occurred about 5600 BC through the Bosphorus. Before that date, glacial meltwater had turned the Black and Caspian Seas into vast freshwater lakes draining into the Aegean Sea. As glaciers retreated, some of the rivers emptying into the Black Sea declined in volume and changed course to drain into the North Sea.[4] The levels of the lakes dropped through evaporation, while changes in worldwide hydrology caused overall sea level to rise. The rising Mediterranean finally spilled over a rocky sill at the Bosphorus. The event flooded 155,000 km2 (60,000 sq mi) of land and significantly expanded the Black Sea shoreline to the north and west. According to the researchers, "40 km3 (10 cu mi) of water poured through each day, two hundred times the flow of the Niagara Falls... The Bosphorus flume roared and surged at full spate for at least three hundred days."

Black Sea deluge hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As always with things like this there is criticism and opposing hypotheses, but if true it's easy to see how an event of this magnitude could give rise to the flood stories.
Yes good post I brought this up earlier about the Black Sea..People do not realize that there was a lot of excess water with no place to go until certain events happened when the ice started melting case in point is Lake amazing in parts of Canada and the United states at one point it covered 40 percent of Canada at one time but it drained out after the earthen dam broke... Also there are areas along the coasts that were dry till the sea levels rose from this excess water that forced people to leave these areas...

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