Maya Angelou was just another leftist fraud

"In the early 1960s, Angelou championed Fidel Castro's rise to power in Cuba. Her first published story appeared in the Cuban periodical Revolucion. In September 1960, she was deeply moved by the sight of Castro's exhuberantly warm public embrace of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in New York, where both men were attending a United Nations session. "The Russians were O.K.," Angelou later reminisced. "Of course, Castro never had called himself white, so he was O.K. from the git. Anyhow … as black people often said, 'Wasn't no Communist country that put my grandpappa in slavery. Wasn't no Communist lynched my poppa or raped my mamma.'"

I knew she wasn't much of a poet, no wonder the Left LOVES her. I never understand how blacks support the KKK Party either, but that's just me

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored Help Steve Utash @Go Fund Me!: Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)

Martin Luther King....Commie
Nelson Mandela.....Commie
Maya Angelou.......Commie

The rightwing playbook never changes

Yeah, she just loved Fidel's beard.

Castro looked good next to Batista, or so my parents said, until....he gained power. Then he became just another Batista, under a different mask.
Martin Luther King....Commie
Nelson Mandela.....Commie
Maya Angelou.......Commie

The rightwing playbook never changes

Yeah, she just loved Fidel's beard.

Castro looked good next to Batista, or so my parents said, until....he gained power. Then he became just another Batista, under a different mask.

At one point Fidel had the biggest fleet of Striker yachts on the planet.

What an amazing guy. All for the good of the people too! No wonder Maya loved him so
Yeah, she just loved Fidel's beard.

Castro looked good next to Batista, or so my parents said, until....he gained power. Then he became just another Batista, under a different mask.

At one point Fidel had the biggest fleet of Striker yachts on the planet.

What an amazing guy. All for the good of the people too! No wonder Maya loved him so

As I wrote, he was a FRAUD, many were taken in, and learned later of his true nature. We learned about him, and those "freedom fighters" that became the Taliban.
Despicable, does your deprived partisanship know no bounds?

Ahhhhh, I am telling the truth about a leftwing fraud perpetrated on the entire public and you want to make it about me and my 'partisanship'?

You are a pathetic dunce.
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored Help Steve Utash @Go Fund Me!: Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)

The writing in this DTN profile is surprisingly restrained. It cites many much of Angelou/Johnson's evils, but without denouncing her. I learned a great deal from it, or so I initially thought. However, one important aspect of her life that it left out was that she is a literary fraud. According a report I read about 10 years ago, researchers sought to track down the people Angelou talked about in her first (and for all I knew, only) autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but couldn't find a single one.

I then read the controversial review black nationalist Wanda Coleman wrote (reprinted below) in 2002 of Angelou's "autobiography," A Song Flung Up to Heaven, in which Coleman maintains that Angelou's black nationalist and civil rights activism were also fictional. At this point, I'm not sure that there's anything coming out of Angelou's pen or mouth that can be believed.

That she is popular with all the biggest liars on the left is s sure indicator of her being a fraud to start with.

She had a particular world view that you apparently do not share. How does that make her a fraud? What makes your worldview right and hers wrong?

Did you read the article, idiot?
She was a racist and a fraud. That's the truth. Other than that she made a fortune off her racisim and fraud. She lived a long full life with the proceeds of her illgotten gains. Now she's gone. May God have mercy on her soul.

I hope she burns in hell.
If you don't like her work don't read it

But to post this crap on the day she died is more repulsive than anything she ever wrote. We saw the same character assasination when Nelson Mandela died

Mandela was a hero who suffered for the cause of human dignity.

Angelou is just a fraud, and your comparison of her to him is just outrageous bile.
60 minutes did an interview with her, best part of it was when she commented the reporter didn't have any black people working for her or any other minorities.

and I love he leftist calling people out for being so mean. seems they forget how they act
Maya Angelou was a great writer, poet and civil rights wonder the Right is trying to besmirch her memory. They did the same to MLK Jr. when he that he is safely dead for several decades, they can safely pretend they admired him all along.

MLK was a fraud to an extent as he apparently did not actually write his doctoral thesis so much as he plagiarized it. He was also knowingly being a pawn of American communists and other unsavory groups, and Dr Abernathy pointed all that out as well.

But MLK did the hard part in that he marched the marches, spent time in jail on behalf of his cause, etc.

Angelou is just a complete fake with no evidence she did jack shit. She is the female black version of Ward Churchill.

The fact that the American left will defend the worst frauds on the left rather than spare the slightest honest moment about them is very illustrative of your ideological blindness.

Angelou was a FRAUD, Period.

It is the shame of the left that they so easily accept frauds if they are on the left's side.
"In the early 1960s, Angelou championed Fidel Castro's rise to power in Cuba. Her first published story appeared in the Cuban periodical Revolucion. In September 1960, she was deeply moved by the sight of Castro's exhuberantly warm public embrace of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in New York, where both men were attending a United Nations session. "The Russians were O.K.," Angelou later reminisced. "Of course, Castro never had called himself white, so he was O.K. from the git. Anyhow … as black people often said, 'Wasn't no Communist country that put my grandpappa in slavery. Wasn't no Communist lynched my poppa or raped my mamma.'"

I knew she wasn't much of a poet, no wonder the Left LOVES her. I never understand how blacks support the KKK Party either, but that's just me

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored Help Steve Utash @Go Fund Me!: Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)

American leftists never fail to kiss commie ass when ever it is exposed and presented for them to kiss.
"In the early 1960s, Angelou championed Fidel Castro's rise to power in Cuba. Her first published story appeared in the Cuban periodical Revolucion. In September 1960, she was deeply moved by the sight of Castro's exhuberantly warm public embrace of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in New York, where both men were attending a United Nations session. "The Russians were O.K.," Angelou later reminisced. "Of course, Castro never had called himself white, so he was O.K. from the git. Anyhow … as black people often said, 'Wasn't no Communist country that put my grandpappa in slavery. Wasn't no Communist lynched my poppa or raped my mamma.'"

I knew she wasn't much of a poet, no wonder the Left LOVES her. I never understand how blacks support the KKK Party either, but that's just me

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored Help Steve Utash @Go Fund Me!: Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)

Martin Luther King....Commie
Nelson Mandela.....Commie
Maya Angelou.......Commie

The rightwing playbook never changes

Lol, you are such an idiot. He didn't say she was a communist but that she supported them.

You lefties just have an eternal hard on for any dicktater, fascist, communist or Democrat.

Lol, you cannot stand honesty at any level.
Character assassination is one common denominator of assholes on the far right.

The left does exactly the same thing. Don't pretend otherwise.

True, but Angelou was more sexist, I guess some would term it, than racist. She backed Hillary Clinton in 2008, against Obama, until her campaign ended. : )

Lol, so you admit that she was a racist and sexist, but still high-five all the people complaining about telling the truth about her?

How did you come in life to love lies so much?

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