Maya Angelou was just another leftist fraud

OK, first off the top of my head show me a liberal review of the life of George Wallace that does not mention his previous life of racism.

Show me that.
What? I am talking about you. And again...poor taste to slam a women before she has even been buried. Down right disgusting and telling. But then again, what else is expected of a felon? I don't think you have the moral compass to judge anyone

While I disagree with Bowie, remember: Most adults in the US have done something in their lives that could be construed as a crime. The phrase "paid his/her debt to society" comes to mind. I see Angelou as rising above her past racism as she grew older, and yes, George Wallace did, but no one forgets his racist past. Bowie made a valid point, he sees Angelou in a different light than do I. His liberty to do so remains.

Lol, well thank you for letting me keep my liberty to disagree.

Face it, if it weren't for sticks in the mud like me, you progressives would have already sterilized everyone with an IQ under 80, instituted a single payer socialized medicine system, made abortion on demand the law of the land and made Obama a formal Dictator.

People like me help the left by forcing you to review your nonsense from time to time and taking the lunatic edge off most of it. We save you from yourselves, from your worst knee jerk instincts, lol.
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored Help Steve Utash @Go Fund Me!: Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)

The writing in this DTN profile is surprisingly restrained. It cites many much of Angelou/Johnson's evils, but without denouncing her. I learned a great deal from it, or so I initially thought. However, one important aspect of her life that it left out was that she is a literary fraud. According a report I read about 10 years ago, researchers sought to track down the people Angelou talked about in her first (and for all I knew, only) autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but couldn't find a single one.

I then read the controversial review black nationalist Wanda Coleman wrote (reprinted below) in 2002 of Angelou's "autobiography," A Song Flung Up to Heaven, in which Coleman maintains that Angelou's black nationalist and civil rights activism were also fictional. At this point, I'm not sure that there's anything coming out of Angelou's pen or mouth that can be believed.

That she is popular with all the biggest liars on the left is s sure indicator of her being a fraud to start with.

You really hate your betters huh slug boy, you wouldn't even be worthy to clean her toilet you bitter old white loser
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored Help Steve Utash @Go Fund Me!: Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)

The writing in this DTN profile is surprisingly restrained. It cites many much of Angelou/Johnson's evils, but without denouncing her. I learned a great deal from it, or so I initially thought. However, one important aspect of her life that it left out was that she is a literary fraud. According a report I read about 10 years ago, researchers sought to track down the people Angelou talked about in her first (and for all I knew, only) autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but couldn't find a single one.

I then read the controversial review black nationalist Wanda Coleman wrote (reprinted below) in 2002 of Angelou's "autobiography," A Song Flung Up to Heaven, in which Coleman maintains that Angelou's black nationalist and civil rights activism were also fictional. At this point, I'm not sure that there's anything coming out of Angelou's pen or mouth that can be believed.

That she is popular with all the biggest liars on the left is s sure indicator of her being a fraud to start with.

You really hate your betters huh slug boy, you wouldn't even be worthy to clean her toilet you bitter old white loser

Why you libtards always have to be so racist?
What? I am talking about you. And again...poor taste to slam a women before she has even been buried. Down right disgusting and telling. But then again, what else is expected of a felon? I don't think you have the moral compass to judge anyone

While I disagree with Bowie, remember: Most adults in the US have done something in their lives that could be construed as a crime. The phrase "paid his/her debt to society" comes to mind. I see Angelou as rising above her past racism as she grew older, and yes, George Wallace did, but no one forgets his racist past. Bowie made a valid point, he sees Angelou in a different light than do I. His liberty to do so remains.

Lol, well thank you for letting me keep my liberty to disagree.

Face it, if it weren't for sticks in the mud like me, you progressives would have already sterilized everyone with an IQ under 80, instituted a single payer socialized medicine system, made abortion on demand the law of the land and made Obama a formal Dictator.

People like me help the left by forcing you to review your nonsense from time to time and taking the lunatic edge off most of it. We save you from yourselves, from your worst knee jerk instincts, lol.

The Founders got into fistfights while writing the Constitution. Heated debate produces the best questions AND answers.
"Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet." - Maya Angelou

It's sad to see so much hate from conservatives all the time on this forum :(

It's sad to see so much partisan stupidity from communists all the time on this forum; but most of us are used to it now.

"Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet." - Maya Angelou

It's sad to see so much hate from conservatives all the time on this forum :(

It's sad to see so much partisan stupidity from communists all the time on this forum; but most of us are used to it now.


Oh so you're a communist now?
OK, first off the top of my head show me a liberal review of the life of George Wallace that does not mention his previous life of racism.

Show me that.
What? I am talking about you. And again...poor taste to slam a women before she has even been buried. Down right disgusting and telling. But then again, what else is expected of a felon? I don't think you have the moral compass to judge anyone

While I disagree with Bowie, remember: Most adults in the US have done something in their lives that could be construed as a crime. The phrase "paid his/her debt to society" comes to mind. I see Angelou as rising above her past racism as she grew older, and yes, George Wallace did, but no one forgets his racist past. Bowie made a valid point, he sees Angelou in a different light than do I. His liberty to do so remains.

He has that liberty, it doesn't mean I have to agree with it or does his liberty over ride my liberty to disagree with him?

When he dies...should we simply remember him as a racist felon and insult his life before his body even gets cold?

He is a felon. Period. He has proven that his moral compass points South. His attitude and vitriol proves that he has not changed. He is a nasty, bitter, hateful man who has and is still capable of committing felonies.
What? I am talking about you. And again...poor taste to slam a women before she has even been buried. Down right disgusting and telling. But then again, what else is expected of a felon? I don't think you have the moral compass to judge anyone

While I disagree with Bowie, remember: Most adults in the US have done something in their lives that could be construed as a crime. The phrase "paid his/her debt to society" comes to mind. I see Angelou as rising above her past racism as she grew older, and yes, George Wallace did, but no one forgets his racist past. Bowie made a valid point, he sees Angelou in a different light than do I. His liberty to do so remains.

He has that liberty, it doesn't mean I have to agree with it or does his liberty over ride my liberty to disagree with him?

When he dies...should we simply remember him as a racist felon and insult his life before his body even gets cold?

He is a felon. Period. He has proven that his moral compass points South. His attitude and vitriol proves that he has not changed. He is a nasty, bitter, hateful man who has and is still capable of committing felonies.

Another? How many right winger nutcases on here are felons? Sheesh!
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored Help Steve Utash @Go Fund Me!: Maya Angelou, Racist Literary and Political Fraud (Biography)

The writing in this DTN profile is surprisingly restrained. It cites many much of Angelou/Johnson's evils, but without denouncing her. I learned a great deal from it, or so I initially thought. However, one important aspect of her life that it left out was that she is a literary fraud. According a report I read about 10 years ago, researchers sought to track down the people Angelou talked about in her first (and for all I knew, only) autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but couldn't find a single one.

I then read the controversial review black nationalist Wanda Coleman wrote (reprinted below) in 2002 of Angelou's "autobiography," A Song Flung Up to Heaven, in which Coleman maintains that Angelou's black nationalist and civil rights activism were also fictional. At this point, I'm not sure that there's anything coming out of Angelou's pen or mouth that can be believed.

That she is popular with all the biggest liars on the left is s sure indicator of her being a fraud to start with.

Seems like major butt hurt, here....:lol::lol:
MLK was a fraud to an extent as he apparently did not actually write his doctoral thesis so much as he plagiarized it. He was also knowingly being a pawn of American communists and other unsavory groups, and Dr Abernathy pointed all that out as well.

But MLK did the hard part in that he marched the marches, spent time in jail on behalf of his cause, etc.

Angelou is just a complete fake with no evidence she did jack shit. She is the female black version of Ward Churchill.

The fact that the American left will defend the worst frauds on the left rather than spare the slightest honest moment about them is very illustrative of your ideological blindness.

Angelou was a FRAUD, Period.

It is the shame of the left that they so easily accept frauds if they are on the left's side.

As I said before...this thread and your consecutive posts in it say so much more about YOU than about Maya. :D

Makes lifting that rock/shining that light sooooooo easy. :D

Again you respond with a variation of 'I know what you are but what am I?"

Go piss up a rope, fucktard.

For you to not like me or what I say is pretty much a good thing. I mean, who wants to be identified with you? I mean....really. :lol:
What? I am talking about you. And again...poor taste to slam a women before she has even been buried. Down right disgusting and telling. But then again, what else is expected of a felon? I don't think you have the moral compass to judge anyone

While I disagree with Bowie, remember: Most adults in the US have done something in their lives that could be construed as a crime. The phrase "paid his/her debt to society" comes to mind. I see Angelou as rising above her past racism as she grew older, and yes, George Wallace did, but no one forgets his racist past. Bowie made a valid point, he sees Angelou in a different light than do I. His liberty to do so remains.

He has that liberty, it doesn't mean I have to agree with it or does his liberty over ride my liberty to disagree with him?

When he dies...should we simply remember him as a racist felon and insult his life before his body even gets cold?

He is a felon. Period. He has proven that his moral compass points South. His attitude and vitriol proves that he has not changed. He is a nasty, bitter, hateful man who has and is still capable of committing felonies.

There an old theory about "rising above". as I do not know him personally, I cannot judge his true character. I do know some fine human beings that were "felons" however.

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