Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..

Every accessory that I can see in that pic serves a purpose.

Would you criticize a man who who thought had too many tools in his shop?

Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..

Every accessory that I can see in that pic serves a purpose.

Would you criticize a man who who thought had too many tools in his shop?

Looks like a serial killer to me LOL.

In the wake of the Orlando shootings, the AR-15 and weapons like it are in the spotlight because, once again, a semi-automatic rifle was used in the shooting. This time, it was technically a Sig Sauer MCX, but it's in the same classification of gun. It's a category of weapon called “military” or “assault rifles.”Jun 16, 2016
Stop Saying AR-15s Aren't Assault Rifles ...
HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost › ar15s-...
Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..

Every accessory that I can see in that pic serves a purpose.

Would you criticize a man who who thought had too many tools in his shop?

Looks like a serial killer to me LOL.

In the wake of the Orlando shootings, the AR-15 and weapons like it are in the spotlight because, once again, a semi-automatic rifle was used in the shooting. This time, it was technically a Sig Sauer MCX, but it's in the same classification of gun. It's a category of weapon called “military” or “assault rifles.”Jun 16, 2016
Stop Saying AR-15s Aren't Assault Rifles ...
HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost › ar15s-...

‘Stop saying the AR-15 isn’t an assault rifle’

Because your facts are screwing up our memes.
Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..

Every accessory that I can see in that pic serves a purpose.

Would you criticize a man who who thought had too many tools in his shop?

Looks like a serial killer to me LOL.

In the wake of the Orlando shootings, the AR-15 and weapons like it are in the spotlight because, once again, a semi-automatic rifle was used in the shooting. This time, it was technically a Sig Sauer MCX, but it's in the same classification of gun. It's a category of weapon called “military” or “assault rifles.”Jun 16, 2016
Stop Saying AR-15s Aren't Assault Rifles ...
HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost › ar15s-...
Conservatives need to stop with their childish semantics shell game, they succeed in only exhibiting their ignorance and stupidity – in this case their ignorance of the law.

What constitutes an assault weapon is determined by lawmaking bodies, they decide what is or is not an assault weapon for the purpose of regulatory policy.

And if a given lawmaking body designates a semi-automatic rifle to be an assault weapon, then it is as a fact of law an assault weapon – to refer to an AR 15 as such is appropriate and accurate.

Think about it...
See, but, in America...we have FREEDOM, YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!

It’s not ‘your’ country – it belongs to every American, including those with whom you disagree.

It’s understood that you and other hateful, ignorant, authoritarian conservatives would like to silence dissent and punish those who oppose you, but in America you don’t have that freedom – and thankfully so.
Let’s say I don’t like SUVs. So much so I don’t think any person should own one.

So, I’m going to rename SUVs to ‘Killdozers’.

I like that name better. It’s scary and will help win people over to my point of view.

Of course, if someone points out that the term ‘Killdozer’ is not an accurate description of an SUVs function or design. Nor was it the accepted nomenclature of the industry and owners of SUVs. Would I be right to claim that person was engaging in politically-based semantics?

Does it become a killdozer simply because I identify it as one?
we don't see that many mass shootings committed with those sporting style

The common thread to these shootings isn't the weapon ... which are handguns more than 2 to 1. The common thread is the state of mental health of the shooter ... which is always crazy as an outhouse rat.

There are plenty of crazies in countries with strong gun control, they just don’t have easy access to guns for mass killing.

Yet, mass killing in those countries still happen. Comparing to them, we're actually doing pretty good.
Says the gun dealer LOL. Of course it would. Semi automatics should have a 1 second delay between shots...
We should have full autos like we did before 1986, back before all these mass shootings. The ban CAUSED more violence, for some reason.

Full repeal and open carry of all arms seems to be the only REAL alternative. Chicken-shit pussies can move to France.
When the hell did people have automatics? link? And no you can't move to France unless you are a multi-millionaire or marry a French person. So we want to fix your mess of a GOP NRA America. Great job a holes and silly Dupes.

Bingo. Let's be like France.
When the hell did people have automatics? link?
Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia

See, this is why ignorant people should get the fuck out of the gun debate. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Let us make the decisions.
Here, stupid.
Question after Orlando: Are assault rifles banned? No, only fully automatic are ...
PolitiFact › statements › jun › ron-johnson

Jun 20, 2016 · One law in 1935 all but banned automatic weapons like the Tommy gun. And another in 1986 prohibited fully automatic weapons, except for pre-existing weapons that were grandfathered i

PolitiFact should get their "facts" straight. AR-15 is not an assault weapon.

If anything that could kill is called "assault", then we should ban all assault hammers, assault trucks, assault hands, assault swimming pools.
What “sport” are they used for ?

You gun nerds failed to answer .
Sport shooting
Home defense
General hobbies

You not liking the answers doesn't make them less true.

Please . What hunter is using an AR ? Sport hunting is also bullshit . And handguns are far better for home defense .

"General hobbies " is a laughable non answer .

Handguns were used in more shootings than ARs.

What's point of banning ARs?
Mental illness plus scary styled super soldier military weapons equal insane mass shootings.
Those scary looking weapons just cause people to go batshit crazy and start shooting people?

They sure kill a lot of people really fast when a crazy gets one.
So can a big ass 4x4 with an 8 foot steel plow

Roads can be blocked. You want all mass killing options available?
Bombs planes trains automobiles pressure cookers poison

And unlike you I don't think a killing ls less important because only one guy gets killed.

The FACT is that mass shootings account for 1% of all murders
The FACT is that rifles f any kind are used to commit about 2% of all murders

The FACT is that 70% of all murders take place in 5% of all the counties in the USA

These are facts. You argue from fear and emotion

Incorrect. He argue from leftist talking points.

FBI: Crime in United States

Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..

Every accessory that I can see in that pic serves a purpose.

Would you criticize a man who who thought had too many tools in his shop?

Looks like my pegboard, only better organized.
What “sport” are they used for ?

You gun nerds failed to answer .

Sport.....3 gun particular, I could care less about sport, they are a self defense rifle.....

So the sport thing is BS . Let's be honest . The self defense is also BS. Way better options for that.
Target shooting
Match shooting
Small game hunting

All s in the category of sporting

And a semiautomatic rifle can be a very good choice for self defense but you have never even held a rifle so you wouldn't know

Sure I have . My best freind is a gun nut .

I am not against guns by the way . I just find it comical how the gunners try to fool everyone with thier gun nerd speak and pretend these weapons are just deer hunting rifles with a few superfluous add ons .

An AR 15 is not a particularly powerful rifle and in some states it is illegal yo hunt deer with one. When I hunted I preferred a 6.8 for deer but I have used a 5.56 for small game and varmint hunting. Many people use them to hunt wild pigs.

There are plenty of sporting used for a 5.56 and even if you think it's not a defensive weapon it certainly can be very effective in that regard
Target shooting
Match shooting
Small game hunting

All s in the category of sporting

And a semiautomatic rifle can be a very good choice for self defense but you have never even held a rifle so you wouldn't know

Sure I have . My best freind is a gun nut .

I am not against guns by the way . I just find it comical how the gunners try to fool everyone with thier gun nerd speak and pretend these weapons are just deer hunting rifles with a few superfluous add ons .

They are you want to deny this because you want to be able to ban them......and AR-15s in 5.56 are not deer hunting, you can't even get that straight....

Is the 5.56 what the fla shooter used ?

Or are u proving my gun nerd point . Cause if your hunting deer , you want a clean shot . You don’t want flesh destroying ammo .

Moron...the 5.56 is not allowed to hunt know nothing about guns...

Ok great and powerful gun expert ! Explain to us dummies why it’s not allowed in deer hunting ?

Some people think the round is too small and that it is not humane to hunt large animals with it
I'm afraid you're missing the point.

I'm not missing the point, since your argument is based on false premise. You're afraid for no reason.

My argument is that perhaps the very styling of the gun is what makes it more attractive as a weapon with which to commit a gun massacre.

What "styling of the gun" you're referring to? Different shootings were done with different guns. Get your facts straight first, since most shootings were done with semi auto handguns.

For example, Columbine shooting was done with Savage-Springfield pump action shotgun, Hi Point 995 carbine, Stevens 311D double-barreled sawed-off shotgun, and TEC-9 SA handgun.
Fort Hood shooting was done with FN Five-Seven and Smith & Wesson revolver .357 magnum.
Virginia Tech was done with Walther P22 SA handgun, .22 caliber, and Glock 19 SA handgun, 9 mm.

But, but, but... AR-15!!!!!!! ReeeEEE....

If other weapons are just as effective in terms of rate of fire and lethality of round trajectory, why aren't those weapons used as often as the military style weapons?

Other weapons are just as effective, as I sampled above.

Also, I'd like you to refer the shooting where military style weapons were used. I heard of only one, and it was the biggest massacre in US history. Waco, Texas, military style weapons were used by the US government.

If cultural aspects like video games and movies can bear blame, why not cultural aspects like the style of the weapon itself?

I don't see a reason why video games should bear blame more than bad parenting, or more than indoctrination is government schools.

It seems that there are unfortunate people much more interested in protecting guns than protecting the public against lunatic gunmen.

Nobody is protecting guns. What is see is protecting of constitutional rights.

Now, since I answered your questions, you answer mine.

If a police officer shoot an unarmed man, do you blame an officer or a gun?
Let us give the benefit of the doubt to the police officer and assume he was not mentally deranged at the time of the shooting. Further, let us assume the situation the policeman faced was chock full of high tension. And let us further assume that the officer used a gun issued by the department. So, given those assumptions, let us blame the cop.

No need to assume anything. Mentally deranged cannot be police officers. It doesn't matter who issued the gun. It could be personal gun in officer's hand.

OK, let's blame a cop.

Then, in Parkland shooting, or Sandy Hook shooting, why to blame AR-15 and not shooters?
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Conservatives need to stop with their childish semantics shell game, they succeed in only exhibiting their ignorance and stupidity – in this case their ignorance of the law.

What constitutes an assault weapon is determined by lawmaking bodies, they decide what is or is not an assault weapon for the purpose of regulatory policy.

And if a given lawmaking body designates a semi-automatic rifle to be an assault weapon, then it is as a fact of law an assault weapon – to refer to an AR 15 as such is appropriate and accurate.
Yes, assault weapon is a made-up term for gun-grabbing purposes. An assault RIFLE is a specific type of infantry weapon with a mid-sized cartridge and select fire (ability to shoot full-auto and semi-auto).

Stop saying assault rifle when trying to grab all our semi-automatic weapons that we have been in possession of since the 19th Century. It is a fucking lie and is the main reason we know that the ultimate goal is total ban and confiscation.

You are NOT going to ban semi-auto. You are NOT gooing to ban magazine capacity.

Give it up, or we go back to owning full-autos and you can shit your fucking pants and move to France where you belong.
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Would still be many dead. When was last school shooting in the U.K.?
would have save many of the lives that ended up dead. that's on you then.
When was the last school shooting in the U.K.? No dead is better.

Lets ship some of our Negroes from the Democrat controlled shitholes over to the UK. They are the ones that do most of the shootings in the US every year. The ones that are prevented from getting firearms by the same basic State and local anti gun regulations like they have in the UK. Let us then see how their stats will change.
Our school shooters all white...

You mean except for the worst school shooting......Virginia asian guy...right? 32 people murdered with 2 pistols.

Those Asians are pretty effective in everything they do.
Sport.....3 gun particular, I could care less about sport, they are a self defense rifle.....

So the sport thing is BS . Let's be honest . The self defense is also BS. Way better options for that.
Target shooting
Match shooting
Small game hunting

All s in the category of sporting

And a semiautomatic rifle can be a very good choice for self defense but you have never even held a rifle so you wouldn't know

Sure I have . My best freind is a gun nut .

I am not against guns by the way . I just find it comical how the gunners try to fool everyone with thier gun nerd speak and pretend these weapons are just deer hunting rifles with a few superfluous add ons .
They are just sporting rifles, You have fallen into the well too many times...

“Sporting “ is a bullshit euphemism used by the gun crowd to deceive people.
So then tell me what word do you use to define hunting target shooting and competition shooting ?

The above activities are what 99.999% of people who own an AR frame use them for

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