Maybe it is the scary looking gun

They are you want to deny this because you want to be able to ban them......and AR-15s in 5.56 are not deer hunting, you can't even get that straight....

Is the 5.56 what the fla shooter used ?

Or are u proving my gun nerd point . Cause if your hunting deer , you want a clean shot . You don’t want flesh destroying ammo .

Moron...the 5.56 is not allowed to hunt know nothing about guns...

Ok great and powerful gun expert ! Explain to us dummies why it’s not allowed in deer hunting ?

It is too small a bullet, it won't ensure a kill....... let them explain it too you....
can you hunt deer with a 5.56 caliber rifle in Nebraska?

Nice to know we have more gun laws to protect deer than we have to protect people .
It is still legal to kill and eat a deer not so for people so don't worry people have far more protection

Think about it...
People kill
People have always killed
People will always kill

Only idiots want people to be unable to defend themselves from people who kill
Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..
It's only scary looking to limp wristed pantywaist pussies
So the sport thing is BS . Let's be honest . The self defense is also BS. Way better options for that.
Target shooting
Match shooting
Small game hunting

All s in the category of sporting

And a semiautomatic rifle can be a very good choice for self defense but you have never even held a rifle so you wouldn't know

Sure I have . My best freind is a gun nut .

I am not against guns by the way . I just find it comical how the gunners try to fool everyone with thier gun nerd speak and pretend these weapons are just deer hunting rifles with a few superfluous add ons .

They are you want to deny this because you want to be able to ban them......and AR-15s in 5.56 are not deer hunting, you can't even get that straight....

Is the 5.56 what the fla shooter used ?

Or are u proving my gun nerd point . Cause if your hunting deer , you want a clean shot . You don’t want flesh destroying ammo .

Moron...the 5.56 is not allowed to hunt know nothing about guns...

Depends on a State. Some States don't allow it, some does.
Looks like a serial killer to me LOL.

In the wake of the Orlando shootings, the AR-15 and weapons like it are in the spotlight because, once again, a semi-automatic rifle was used in the shooting. This time, it was technically a Sig Sauer MCX, but it's in the same classification of gun. It's a category of weapon called “military” or “assault rifles.”Jun 16, 2016
Stop Saying AR-15s Aren't Assault Rifles ...
HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost › ar15s-...

AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

With rare exceptions, the assault rifles are not available for sale in the United States.

You're judging the book by it's cover. Just because it looks like military weapon, it doesn't make it assault rifle.

Can it be used to assault someone? Sure can. So can watermelon.
Handguns were used in more shootings than ARs.

What's the point of banning ARs?
Because Heller blew up their gun grab on handguns. The SCOTUS basically held that owning a handgun is a protected right. The Court mentioned M16s "and the like" as a different class than handguns, so the communist gun-graggers are hoping to somehow twist that dicta statement into a ban on "and the like" weapons like the AR 15, which, common sense would tell anyone who does not have a communist gun-grabbing agenda that Scalia meant automatic weapons when he stated "and the like" in his dicta comments.

A careful and honest reading of the holding would lead a reasonable person to conclude that "common use" includes ARs, given that at the time of Heller, at least 5-6 million ARs were owned by civilians nationwide.

Communist gun grabbers are dishonest at every turn. They have to be. Honesty from the commie left gets them thrown out of office at election time. So, they will try to spin and torture that holding to grab more guns while saving their jobs as lawmakers. They know a frontal assault on guns leads to massive losses in political power.

In short, all those yelling for "common sense" gun control are either lying or they are a useful idiot.
Yes, assault weapon is a made-up term for gun-grabbing purposes. An assault RIFLE is a specific type of infantry weapon with a mid-sized cartridge and select fire (ability to shoot full-auto and semi-auto).

Stop saying assault rifle when trying to grab all our semi-automatic weapons that we have been in possession of since the 19th Century. It is a fucking lie and is the main reason we know that the ultimate goal is total ban and confiscation.

You are NOT going to ban semi-auto. You are NOT gooing to ban magazine capacity.

Give it up, or we go back to owning full-autos and you can shit your fucking pants and move to France where you belong.

What lefties are calling an "assault rifle" is used just for control of narrative.

"Assault rifles" seem to be appropriate for home defense, and significantly less appropriate for most crimes committed with a gun. Handguns will be preferred for robberies and murders usually.

The leftists are focusing the media on the mass shootings committed with AR-15s, although most of shootings are done with handguns. "Assault rifles" do not account for a high proportion of violence in American society.

It does not seem that an "assault weapons" ban has much chance of helping the gun violence situation in America. Beyond the moral and legal problems of violating the constitution, an assault weapons ban would not be easy to enforce in America and would just increase the power of criminals with black market weapons relative to law abiding citizens. Enforcing the laws on the books would have much better effect.

If Parkland sheriff and police did their job, instead of hiding it for purpose of increased funding, and if FBI reacted to tips, shooter wouldn't be able to get guns. I'm not saying that would prevent shooting, but would largely reduce the possibility.
Handguns were used in more shootings than ARs.

What's the point of banning ARs?
Because Heller blew up their gun grab on handguns. The SCOTUS basically held that owning a handgun is a protected right. The Court mentioned M16s "and the like" as a different class than handguns, so the communist gun-graggers are hoping to somehow twist that dicta statement into a ban on "and the like" weapons like the AR 15, which, common sense would tell anyone who does not have a communist gun-grabbing agenda that Scalia meant automatic weapons when he stated "and the like" in his dicta comments.

A careful and honest reading of the holding would lead a reasonable person to conclude that "common use" includes ARs, given that at the time of Heller, at least 5-6 million ARs were owned by civilians nationwide.

Communist gun grabbers are dishonest at every turn. They have to be. Honesty from the commie left gets them thrown out of office at election time. So, they will try to spin and torture that holding to grab more guns while saving their jobs as lawmakers. They know a frontal assault on guns leads to massive losses in political power.

In short, all those yelling for "common sense" gun control are either lying or they are a useful idiot.

Someone said earlier that schools today are not teaching kids how to think for themselves, but are trained how to finish their tests. Recognizing and circling out something that might look, or feel like a right answer doesn't require critical thinking. Without critical thinking kids are falling into Democrat preferred demographics.

The reason the leftists focuses on mass shootings is because it involves their all important evil black assault murder death kill guns. Its the one series of statistically anomalous events to actually involve the gun that they need to ban first. That's why it's so important to them. 17 dead kids is nothing to the left under the right circumstances. A woman who murdered 17 of her own children on the state dime is a hero. A literal autistic ignored by the education and legal system because of too many brown kids going to jail. Quick burn the fucking Constitution, immediately.

AR owners are a growing demographic and as we all know demographics are everything. That is why they need them banned and confiscated. They can't have new gun owners especially non middle aged white men buying guns. It fucks their whole program up.

Gun control isn't nearly so much about the guns as it is about the control.

More civilian ARs equals less police state control.

No civilian ARs equal complete police state control. Still bad, but now forcibly compliant dependent zombie who will shut up and do and think as they're told or they get the boots again.
Last edited:
Handguns were used in more shootings than ARs.

What's the point of banning ARs?
Because Heller blew up their gun grab on handguns. The SCOTUS basically held that owning a handgun is a protected right. The Court mentioned M16s "and the like" as a different class than handguns, so the communist gun-graggers are hoping to somehow twist that dicta statement into a ban on "and the like" weapons like the AR 15, which, common sense would tell anyone who does not have a communist gun-grabbing agenda that Scalia meant automatic weapons when he stated "and the like" in his dicta comments.

A careful and honest reading of the holding would lead a reasonable person to conclude that "common use" includes ARs, given that at the time of Heller, at least 5-6 million ARs were owned by civilians nationwide.

Communist gun grabbers are dishonest at every turn. They have to be. Honesty from the commie left gets them thrown out of office at election time. So, they will try to spin and torture that holding to grab more guns while saving their jobs as lawmakers. They know a frontal assault on guns leads to massive losses in political power.

In short, all those yelling for "common sense" gun control are either lying or they are a useful idiot.

Someone said earlier that schools today are not teaching kids how to think for themselves, but are trained how to finished the tests. Recognizing and circling out something that might look, or feel like a right answer doesn't require critical thinking. Without critical thinking kids are falling into Democrat preferred demographics.

The reason the leftists focuses on mass shootings is because it involves their all important evil black assault murder death kill guns. Its the one series of statistically anomalous events to actually involve the gun that they need to ban first. That's why it's so important to them. 17 dead kids is nothing to the left under the right circumstances. A woman who murdered 17 of her own children on the state dime is a hero. A literal autistic ignored by the education and legal system because of too many brown kids going to jail. Quick burn the fucking Constitution, immediately.

AR owners are a growing demographic and as we all know demographics are everything. That is why they need them banned and confiscated. They can't have new gun owners especially non middle aged white men buying guns. It fucks their whole program up.

Gun control isn't nearly so much about the guns as it is about the control.

More civilian ARs equals less police state control.

No civilian ARs equal complete police state control. Still bad, but now forcibly compliant dependent zombie who will shut up and do and think as they're told or they get the boots again.
I wish kids knew that in cities like Chicago and Detroit, poor black kids die everyday to illegal guns in cities with the strictest gun laws. i truly wish ignorant leftist would just stay the fk away from this discussion, they offer up absolutely nothing.
And those previously banned guns have been used in our worst mass shootings.
Which mass shootings?
Newtown, Orlando, Vegas...

And in each case any other gun could have been substituted for the AR-15....and the more important point.....all 3 were gun free zones....
But everybody, especially the semi insane, loves the ARs. Nobody gives a s*** about gun free zones. Never meant a damn thing d u h.

End loopholes in background checks, ban bump stocks and conversion kits, raise age to 21. I don't like that last one- ok limit them to bolt action- but you people have perverted guns totally.
Nobody gives a s*** about gun free zones. Never meant a damn thing d u h.

Well every nutjob in the country loves them! LOL you truly have no clue.
Sport.....3 gun particular, I could care less about sport, they are a self defense rifle.....

So the sport thing is BS . Let's be honest . The self defense is also BS. Way better options for that.
Target shooting
Match shooting
Small game hunting

All s in the category of sporting

And a semiautomatic rifle can be a very good choice for self defense but you have never even held a rifle so you wouldn't know

Sure I have . My best freind is a gun nut .

I am not against guns by the way . I just find it comical how the gunners try to fool everyone with thier gun nerd speak and pretend these weapons are just deer hunting rifles with a few superfluous add ons .
They are just sporting rifles, You have fallen into the well too many times...

“Sporting “ is a bullshit euphemism used by the gun crowd to deceive people.
ok genius, which weapon is used in most murders? Gun or knife? tick, tock, tick, tock.
would have save many of the lives that ended up dead. that's on you then.
When was the last school shooting in the U.K.? No dead is better.
22 March 2017 2017 Westminster attack London, England 6 49 A vehicle and knife attack. Islamist terror attack.
22 May 2017 Manchester Arena Bombing Manchester, England 23 400+ Islamist terror attack/suicide attack.[11]
3 June 2017 June 2017 London Bridge attack London, England 8 48 Islamist terror/vehicle and knife attack.[12]
Not school shootings...
Never seemed to be an issue in GB. two incidents 1987 and in 1996.

"Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to licensing, but handguns were effectively banned after the Dunblane school massacre in 1996 with the exception of Northern Ireland. Dunblane was the UK's first and only school shooting. There has been one spree killing since Dunblane, in June 2010 involving a shotgun and a .22 caliber rifle, both legally-held. Prior to Dunblane though there has only been one mass shooting carried out by a civilian in the entire history of Great Britain, which took place in Hungerford on 19 August 1987.[7]"

Wasn't an issue here in the past. Gun free zones is new, offers up a killing field.

Britain almost had 2 recently....a 19 year old with a glock pistol and an elementary school student with a shotgun...the 19 year old was caught when he posted his planned attack on his former university on social media, and the elementary student changed his mind and called the police on himself...

Dumb luck saved them from having 2 in 2 years, after the ban and confiscation....
so banning guns did not save schools, smart detective work did. there you go, flat out evidence ignorant leftist in here.
And in each case any other gun could have been substituted for the AR-15....and the more important point.....all 3 were gun free zones....
But everybody, especially the semi insane, loves the ARs. Nobody gives a s*** about gun free zones. Never meant a damn thing d u h.

End loopholes in background checks, ban bump stocks and conversion kits, raise age to 21. I don't like that last one- ok limit them to bolt action- but you people have perverted guns totally.

Mass shooters in custody state they picked gun free zones, dumb ass.....the notes of dead mass shooters state they picked gun free zones...dumb ass....

There is no background check loophole, and bump stocks were used one time and likely kept people alive.
Bulshit, super dupe. Take your AR and go fight the government you love so much as a patriot, you goddamn stupid assholes. are told your post is you attack me......nothing you posted is true or accurate, that is on you.....not me....
No background check loopholes? How can you be so stupid?

There are no background check loopholes. That is a fact.
Moron...the 5.56 is not allowed to hunt know nothing about guns...

Ok great and powerful gun expert ! Explain to us dummies why it’s not allowed in deer hunting ?

It is too small a bullet, it won't ensure a kill....... let them explain it too you....
can you hunt deer with a 5.56 caliber rifle in Nebraska?

Then what’s the point of the bullet ? What’s its purpose ?

Here you go....from left wing, anti gun, The Atlantic...

Gun Trouble

Some of the soldiers present later reported that in the midst of battle their rifles overheated and jammed. The Wanat story is reminiscent of experiences in Vietnam: in fact, other than a few cosmetic changes, the rifles from both wars are virtually the same.

And the M4’s shorter barrel makes it lesseffective at long ranges than the older M16—an especially serious disadvantage in modern combat, which is increasingly taking place over long ranges.

The military must change the caliber and cartridge of the guns it gives infantry soldiers.

Stoner’s little 5.56-mm cartridge was ideal for softening the recoil of World War II infantry calibers in order to allow fully automatic fire.

But today’s cartridge is simply too small for modern combat. Its lack of mass limits its range to less than 400 meters.

The optimum caliber for tomorrow’s rifle is between 6.5 and 7 millimeters. The cartridge could be made almost as light as the older brass-cased 5.56-mm by using a plastic shell casing, which is now in final development by the Marine Corps.

Great. It’s a weapon of war . That’s all I was asking . are talking about a bullet....not the AR-15, which is a civilian rifle....and no, the 5.56 is not a bullet for is a bullet that is smaller than more powerful rifle rounds so that our guys can carry more of them when they are isolated from supply lines....
Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
Great. It’s a weapon of war . That’s all I was asking .
An AR 15 has never ever, ever, ever ever ever, FUCKING HEHEEEEVER been used in a war. Every other motherfucking gun imaginable has been used in a war EXCEPT the AR 15 or its copycats.



So, go ahead and quit with that WRONG argument.
No it's just a psycho weapon for psycho GOP NRA Dupes...

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
Maybe it is the scary looking gun

Yes, it is a scary looking gun - especially when combined with a Rambo mentality and/or mental illness and high-capacity magazines.

looks just like a sporting rifle... If shooting people is Sport. It's a crazy NRA GOP world! Now what would a high school kid want with that? Only brainwashed tools would support that crap..

Every accessory that I can see in that pic serves a purpose.

Would you criticize a man who who thought had too many tools in his shop?

Looks like a serial killer to me LOL.

In the wake of the Orlando shootings, the AR-15 and weapons like it are in the spotlight because, once again, a semi-automatic rifle was used in the shooting. This time, it was technically a Sig Sauer MCX, but it's in the same classification of gun. It's a category of weapon called “military” or “assault rifles.”Jun 16, 2016
Stop Saying AR-15s Aren't Assault Rifles ...
HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost › ar15s-...

And again....those rifles have never been in the military, never been used by the can't lie and make it true....
Mental illness plus scary styled super soldier military weapons equal insane mass shootings.

You do realize that assault weapons are not legally sold (with few exceptions) in the United States, do ya?
do you know what an assault weapon actually is? can a leftist give us the definition?
I think most do not even know what a selector switch is or rhe difference between semi and full auto.
If you do not want a "scary" looking rifle, get yourself a Ruger Mini 14.

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