Maybe Jesus is Coming Back Today

We do have faith. We just don't require devotion to a sky pixie or gathering every Sunday to repeat lines verbatim and listen to people sing..who shouldn't be singing.
What happens after we leave this rock is anyone's guess. But while I am still on this rock, I WILL have faith. And I will place my faith in man. And I will place my faith in
my belief that no matter how crazy the world seems, it will unfold and work itself out correctly in the end.

I believe Jesus had only two tenants. 1) Love thy neighbor, 2) Do unto others what you would have done to you. There a great many "believers" in this world Christian and other religions who would do well to remember this when
it comes to accepting people that don't look like, act like, or believe what you believe.

Now if we're talking about this group that's been debuting "Jesus gets us" ads for the last week, I dismiss it. Because the group doesn't accept LGBTQ+ lifestyles and is against a woman's right to choose.
I'll be flipping the channel when these ads come on. They have nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus accepted everyone.


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Jesus would talk to anyone. So will I.

Jesus would eat with anyone. So will I.

Jesus will not let everyone into Heaven though. That's why He said, "Go and sin no more".

The time is short. Repent!

1) true
2) you just put this song in my mind :D

Not yet. many things have to happen before Jesus returns read God's word

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