Maybe Jesus is Coming Back Today

With all the weird stuff going on, who would doubt it?

I am going to church. That would premier, if He comes back while we are in church. But of course I don't count on that.

At any rate, be ready, everyone. God never makes promises He doesn't keep. Believers--see you on the other side!
Let me know if he shows up.
I have questions.
With all the weird stuff going on, who would doubt it?

I am going to church. That would premier, if He comes back while we are in church. But of course I don't count on that.

At any rate, be ready, everyone. God never makes promises He doesn't keep. Believers--see you on the other side!

This is why Fundies are nasty. They hope Jesus comes back so they can have revenge or say, "I told you so."
I am sorry, but Jesus being Jewish would not eat with anyone where the food was not Kosher.

The time is short. Let people be.

You clicked on this thread, opened it, and responded. Right? I certainly didn't "force" you to read my post
You won't have to hear it from me. You will know.
Free speech. We as Jews have the right to comment on what you said.

Can you follow your own thoughts?

You said:

"Let people be"

Then you complain about "free speech" when you were apparently FORCED to come here and respond?

or what
I wished HE could, we need HIM so much.....

But I don't think HE will. :confused:
Can you follow your own thoughts?

You said:

"Let people be"

Then you complain about "free speech" when you were apparently FORCED to come here and respond?

or what
It was meant for Christians who think that a Jewish man would seat and eat, go into their homes, be served non kosher food and accept.

It is meant for Christians who will continue to call on Jesus to return while Christianity continues to persecute, and lie and kill his people in his name.

Dead people do not return to life.

It is Christianity which needs to let people be. ALL people. When will that be?
somewhere in the Bible ...
it's in there Reiny....
But while I am still on this rock, I WILL have faith. And I will place my faith in man
That's actually big of you, considering the shape the human race is in Jack. ....
I am sorry, but Jesus being Jewish would not eat with anyone where the food was not Kosher.
oh that's right, i almost forgot pagan ham day is just around the corner......

It was meant for Christians who think that a Jewish man would seat and eat, go into their homes, be served non kosher food and accept.

It is meant for Christians who will continue to call on Jesus to return while Christianity continues to persecute, and lie and kill his people in his name.

Dead people do not return to life.

It is Christianity which needs to let people be. ALL people. When will that be?

Jesus' disciples ate with unclean hands, which the Pharisees called Him out on. He said, "it's not what goes into the body, but what comes out that makes him unclean."

Mark 7

There goes the entire "kosher" argument.
Hey, just checking. Jesus didn't come back yesterday. I mean, he could have shown up during the middle of the halftime show instead of Rhianna's plastic Bra, but he didn't.

Well, Islamophobic Twat can always hope he'll come back today.

Maybe Jesus is Coming Back Today​

Assuming it is 1990 years since they nailed hm , there have been around 725 000 days that he has failed to show up .

This looks like another cult figure who is neither reliable or trustworthy .

Early on he looked worth a second series but he now seems rather jaded and somewhat boring .

Certainly he has kept no promises . As in Zero .
Jesus would talk to anyone. So will I.

Jesus would eat with anyone. So will I.

Jesus will not let everyone into Heaven though. That's why He said, "Go and sin no more".

The time is short. Repent!
The most common phrase uttered by humanity shall be : Oh Shit It's True
The most common phrase uttered by Yeshua shall be : I never Knew You
With all the weird stuff going on, who would doubt it?

I am going to church. That would premier, if He comes back while we are in church. But of course I don't count on that.

At any rate, be ready, everyone. God never makes promises He doesn't keep. Believers--see you on the other side!


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