Maybe neither party has a message

Fuck machine guns you pussy, rocket launcher and anti aircraft missiles for all! Do try and keep up. Oh ya let's arm the insane asylums to be sure no one is left out!
Or, you commies can knock it the fuck off and quit trying to fix all problems by banning and cofescating guns and accessories, you lying gungrabbing Bolshevik fucker.

I said missiles tanks and rocket launchers for all you Nazi puss puss!

You can't shame me into giving up, ass clown. I am very familiary with your bullshit Alinsky tactics. Go fuck yourself.

And, I will take tanks and nukes too. Call me whatever you want. Still keeping my guns and getting more.

Now, give it up, you freedom-hating Bolshevik dumb fuck.
If Trump continues to slap tariffs around recklessly as he’s planning, then the next President’s message will be restoring free trade and free markets.
Wait, what?

I thought you were a liberal?

You should be applauding his suggestion of tariffs.

If tomorrow he came out for a $15 dollar minimum wage to help workers, I suppose you would criticize him on that too?

You confuse me. . . .
How are tariffs a Liberal thing?
Fuck machine guns you pussy, rocket launcher and anti aircraft missiles for all! Do try and keep up. Oh ya let's arm the insane asylums to be sure no one is left out!
Or, you commies can knock it the fuck off and quit trying to fix all problems by banning and cofescating guns and accessories, you lying gungrabbing Bolshevik fucker.

I said missiles tanks and rocket launchers for all you Nazi puss puss!


Don't want them. Never have, never will!
Fuck machine guns you pussy, rocket launcher and anti aircraft missiles for all! Do try and keep up. Oh ya let's arm the insane asylums to be sure no one is left out!
Or, you commies can knock it the fuck off and quit trying to fix all problems by banning and cofescating guns and accessories, you lying gungrabbing Bolshevik fucker.

I said missiles tanks and rocket launchers for all you Nazi puss puss!

You can't shame me into giving up, ass clown. I am very familiary with your bullshit Alinsky tactics. Go fuck yourself.

And, I will take tanks and nukes too. Call me whatever you want. Still keeping my guns and getting more.

Now, give it up, you freedom-hating Bolshevik dumb fuck.

We all know you can't be shamed. You're a Rumper, therefore to dumb or insane to be shamed. But sorry, I draw the line at nukes you Nazi pussy!
Fuck machine guns you pussy, rocket launcher and anti aircraft missiles for all! Do try and keep up. Oh ya let's arm the insane asylums to be sure no one is left out!
Or, you commies can knock it the fuck off and quit trying to fix all problems by banning and cofescating guns and accessories, you lying gungrabbing Bolshevik fucker.

I said missiles tanks and rocket launchers for all you Nazi puss puss!

You can't shame me into giving up, ass clown. I am very familiary with your bullshit Alinsky tactics. Go fuck yourself.

And, I will take tanks and nukes too. Call me whatever you want. Still keeping my guns and getting more.

Now, give it up, you freedom-hating Bolshevik dumb fuck.
By all means go get a nuke and please let us know when you get one. I’d love to have you show it off to some of my friends
If Trump continues to slap tariffs around recklessly as he’s planning, then the next President’s message will be restoring free trade and free markets.
Wait, what?

I thought you were a liberal?

You should be applauding his suggestion of tariffs.

If tomorrow he came out for a $15 dollar minimum wage to help workers, I suppose you would criticize him on that too?

You confuse me. . . .
How are tariffs a Liberal thing?

Tariffs have always been seen as a job protection measure to help workers.

Liberals are always fighting for the working man. Conservatives have traditionally been about unfettered competition, as it helps grow the economy and free flow of capital is better for Wall Street and investors.

Protectionism always (hypothetically) helps workers first.

If there is a tariff put on steel for instance, the first beneficiaries of that tariff will be steel workers. The steel union workers will be the primary beneficiaries of that move. The steel corporations will benefit second, as they usually have trade contracts and capital investments in other nations.
If Trump continues to slap tariffs around recklessly as he’s planning, then the next President’s message will be restoring free trade and free markets.
Wait, what?

I thought you were a liberal?

You should be applauding his suggestion of tariffs.

If tomorrow he came out for a $15 dollar minimum wage to help workers, I suppose you would criticize him on that too?

You confuse me. . . .
How are tariffs a Liberal thing?

Tariffs have always been seen as a job protection measure to help workers.

Liberals are always fighting for the working man. Conservatives have traditionally been about unfettered competition, as it helps grow the economy and free flow of capital is better for Wall Street and investors.

Protectionism always (hypothetically) helps workers first.

If there is a tariff put on steel for instance, the first beneficiaries of that tariff will be steel workers. The steel union workers will be the primary beneficiaries of that move. The steel corporations will benefit second, as they usually have trade contracts and capital investments in other nations.
Liberals are about personal freedom, so tarriffs wouldn’t fit. You are getting your terms mixed up. You can say democrats or leftists or progressives if you want to be more accurate
If Trump continues to slap tariffs around recklessly as he’s planning, then the next President’s message will be restoring free trade and free markets.
Wait, what?

I thought you were a liberal?

You should be applauding his suggestion of tariffs.

If tomorrow he came out for a $15 dollar minimum wage to help workers, I suppose you would criticize him on that too?

You confuse me. . . .
How are tariffs a Liberal thing?

Tariffs have always been seen as a job protection measure to help workers.

Liberals are always fighting for the working man. Conservatives have traditionally been about unfettered competition, as it helps grow the economy and free flow of capital is better for Wall Street and investors.

Protectionism always (hypothetically) helps workers first.

If there is a tariff put on steel for instance, the first beneficiaries of that tariff will be steel workers. The steel union workers will be the primary beneficiaries of that move. The steel corporations will benefit second, as they usually have trade contracts and capital investments in other nations.
Liberals are about personal freedom, so tarriffs wouldn’t fit. You are getting your terms mixed up. You can say democrats or leftists or progressives if you want to be more accurate


I'm using modern terms.

What you are using is outdated language, i.e., classical liberal.

That is more akin to what your typical conservative or libertarian stands for today.

Don't attempt to lecture a political scientist.

The problem we have today, is most of our representatives and Senators are all bought and paid for, they all work for the globalists.

They all are either neo-conservatives, or neo-liberals. When it comes to trade and economic policy, folks really HAVE no choice.

The difference between a Clinton and a Bush is, exactly zero.

You have watched much too much mainstream media. EVERYBODY is for the same thing, and they all believe it is in their best interest.

SHIT, We're ALL Keynsians now, aren't we?

The public schools, the mass media, the foundation funded universities, they make sure, it doesn't matter if you are on the right, the left, if you see yourself as a liberal, or a conservative, you all think the same.

You start with the name calling then cry when called one, oh lil snowflake please talk to the NRA about helping you obtain your nuke. You fucking pussy!
Alinsky would be proud.

The communist revolution cannot happen in the U.S. as long as we have guns. Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaa. You lose, you fucking commie.
Both parties treat people differently. Instead of Obamacare, the dems could have enacted tax credits for every American not suffering from a disability and not covered by private insurance, and ended Medicaid for all but those covered under the old disability programs. The problem for them would be that employers would be incentivized to cut insurance ... which would have been the goal all along: a single payer scheme in which the govt provides money for all to buy insurance, and the revenue is recaptured by taxes on people making a living selling insurance and providing the care.

The gop passes tax cuts giving equal % of income level rates reductions when that % has nothing to do with what is really paid in taxes, either in real dollars or in terms of income not going to food and shelter.

But all that's more a symptom. I gave Obama credit for a real desire to help make people's lives better in terms of basically raising wages through HC during a time when profits and the incomes of the 1% are growing ... faster than since Teddy Roosevelt. I think the GOPs move to cut corp taxes was a sincere effort to boost economic performance.

But neither party right now is putting forth a plan for people who want to achieve to have a better shot. Trump is appealing to the folks in the rust belt who live in houses inherited from their parents who worked in union jobs, who now don't pay much if any income taxes and have houses that aren't worth that much for property taxes. They don't have any incentive to move to where there are jobs. The dem primary voters want to see Stormy Daniels cut off the Oranguton's testicles live on TV.

They both have a message, and it is the same message....THE OTHER PARTY SUCKS...VOTE FOR US...
I used to be an NRA member buying into the false rhetoric that someone is going to take my guns. I've been hearing that same lie for 40 some years. The dems offer me nothing either. Those of you who buy into either party...I question your ideals and frankly intelligence.
By all means go get a nuke and please let us know when you get one. I’d love to have you show it off to some of my friends
Talk to that commie about the nukes and tanks bullshit. He was the dumb fuck trying to Alinsky us.
Just because somebody wants to regulate the firepower we arm our citizens with, does not make them a commie gun grabber. Don’t be a drama queen. If you want to be taken seriously then show an intelligent and accurate understanding the people you engage in debate with. When you exaggerate and misrepresent their arguements it just makes you sound clueless
Democrats have had a message for years.

School lunches for poor children
Equal pay for equal work
Gun restrictions on the insane
Voting rights
Help for the middle class and the poor
Job training
Veterans support
Clean air and clean water

Basically everything the GOP is against. Hey, if the GOP is FOR any of these things, let us know so we can read the policy.
And in 8 years you failed at near all of that. Hence, president Trump.

Honestly the only message I heard from the vast majority of the left for the last 10 years is if you are white, rich or religious we have nothing for you. You even shit on your own base by shuttering business that were decades, sometimes a century, old.
Progressives like you have destroyed a once respectable party.
Democrats failed at everything except:

School lunches for poor children
Equal pay for equal work
Voting rights
Help for the middle class and the poor
Job training
Veterans support
Clean air and clean water

The one thing Democrats have really failed on is:
Gun restrictions on the insane - that's a win for the GOP. Giving the insane guns I mean.

And just because Republicans dismantle or abolish things the Democrats have done to help Americans doesn't mean the Democrats failed. It just means Republicans are slime.
And now many in the GOP base are finding out the truth.

Gun grabbing
Authoritarian dictator worship
Non-free markets

Gun grabbing, there it is "They gonna come git my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!"

women complain about pussy grabbing; coincidence or conspiracy?
Democrats have had a message for years.

School lunches for poor children
Equal pay for equal work
Gun restrictions on the insane
Voting rights
Help for the middle class and the poor
Job training
Veterans support
Clean air and clean water

Basically everything the GOP is against. Hey, if the GOP is FOR any of these things, let us know so we can read the policy.
And in 8 years you failed at near all of that. Hence, president Trump.

Honestly the only message I heard from the vast majority of the left for the last 10 years is if you are white, rich or religious we have nothing for you. You even shit on your own base by shuttering business that were decades, sometimes a century, old.
Progressives like you have destroyed a once respectable party.
Democrats failed at everything except:

School lunches for poor children
Equal pay for equal work
Voting rights
Help for the middle class and the poor
Job training
Veterans support
Clean air and clean water

The one thing Democrats have really failed on is:
Gun restrictions on the insane - that's a win for the GOP. Giving the insane guns I mean.

And just because Republicans dismantle or abolish things the Democrats have done to help Americans doesn't mean the Democrats failed. It just means Republicans are slime.
And now many in the GOP base are finding out the truth.

Gun grabbing
Authoritarian dictator worship
Non-free markets

Gun grabbing, there it is "They gonna come git my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!"
Won't even admit that we have an individual right.

Oh, no...Communist Democrats don't want our guns...

If you communists don't want our guns, give up trying to take them, you fucking Bolsheviks.

Get it through you goose-stepping communist head. WE DO NOT FUCKING BELIEVE YOUR LYING COMMIE ASSES.

You are gun grabbers. Quit lying your red army ass off.
don't worry; some federalists are trying to convince them to bear True Witness to our Second Amendment, simply for the sake of social morals for free.
Thousands got their HC for free. One of my clients, a Dr. makin 84000 a year but wit kids actually got it for free. I also several cases where someone making 12000 a year couldn't even get a subsidy.

Obscene, but not surprising. When one begins with an unjust "solution", results that are unjust are a matter of course.

Worthy of note is the cultural tendency toward euphemization. Maybe instead of saying they got their health care for "free", which makes it sound like it magically dropped from the sky, or like the government paid for it as a rich uncle would, we should say what really happened: "So-and-so got his health care at the expense of his neighbors". We all know this, but I think saying it every single time would be useful.

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” -Confucius

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