Maybe Obama Really is a Racist...


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
After sitting in Pastor Wright's church for 20 years, defending Henry Gates' actions calling the police officer a racist just because he is white, and now hiring this Van Jones guy who obviously has something against white people, talking about white people poisoning black communities, it is becoming increasingly obvious that he does not like white people.

Just imagine if the shoe was on the other foot..... A white President sat in a church with a Pastor who routinely criticizes black people, he hired a Czar who dislikes white people, etc... Jesse Jackson would be on TV more than Obama has been on TV... which would be pretty hard to do.

Conclusion... Obama is a racist...
Maybe he is a really great president
Maybe monkeys will fly out yer' butt.

That's more likely to happen.

Lets look at the great presidents in history and what made them great. A common thread is that great presidents followed horrible presidents.
-Lincoln followed Buchannon
- FDR followed Hoover
- Reagan followed Carter
Obama gets to follow George Bush, the worst president in history

Great presidents also faced great challenges
- Lincoln: the civil war
- FDR: the depression and WWII
- Reagan: the Carter recession and Cold War

Obama entered office in the worst recession in 70 years, two wars and declining US reputation around the globe. The recession appears to be recovering, he is working to draw down troops, he has traveled the globe repairing the US image. Healthcare reform would provide a lasting accomplishment

Like it or not, all the pieces are there. We will see what happens in the next eight years. At that time, I will watch monkeys fly out of your butt
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Maybe monkeys will fly out yer' butt.

That's more likely to happen.

Lets look at the great presidents in history and what made them great. A common thread is that great presidents followed horrible presidents.
-Lincoln followed Buchannon
- FDR followed Hoover
- Reagan followed Carter
Obama gets to follow George Bush, the worst president in history

Great presidents also faced great challenges
- Lincoln: the civil war
- FDR: the depression and WWII
- Reagan: the Carter recession and Cold War

Obama entered office in the worst recession in 70 years, two wars and declining US reputation around the globe. The recession appears to be recovering, he is working to draw down troops, he has traveled the glope repairing the US image. Healthcare reform would provide a lasting accomplishment

Like it or not, all the pieces are there. We will see what happens in the next eight years. At that time, I will watch monkeys fly out of your butt

One more analogy...Lincoln was viciously hated, FDR was viciously hated, Reagan was viciously the opposition.
ACThe exception was a tall 65-year-old man in an orange shirt who Kuns said "was displaying what I would consider to be intimidating behavior." He first picked on a pro-reform woman more than a foot shorter than him, stretching his arms out and shooing her away as he advanced on her and she backpedaled.

"It appeared to me that he was saying, basically, get on your own side of the street now," Kuns said. "He was chasing her."

Next on the anti-reformer's harassment list was a pro-reformer who appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s, was stocky, and several inches shorter than the 65-year-old. Though Kuns isn't sure how the pro-reformer ended up on the anti side of the street, she saw the two men face to face, exchanging words.

Then the anti-reformer in the orange shirt "punches him straight up in the face, right between the eyes." The smaller pro-reformer's glasses and hat flew off, and he fell into the street.

"I don't know who started it wordwise," Kuns said, "but I can tell you for sure that the guy who threw the first punch was the anti guy. And can he punch hard! He knocked this guy down into the street."

The pro-reformer got up. The anti-reformer tried to block him from standing on the curb. A short scuffle ensued, and it was unclear to Kuns who was doing what to whom. The anti-reformers surrounding the fighting men stayed back. When the fight ended, the pro-reformer crossed the street and announced to the MoveOn rally that he'd bitten the man's finger off.
The exception was a tall 65-year-old man in an orange shirt who Kuns said "was displaying what I would consider to be intimidating behavior." He first picked on a pro-reform woman more than a foot shorter than him, stretching his arms out and shooing her away as he advanced on her and she backpedaled.

"It appeared to me that he was saying, basically, get on your own side of the street now," Kuns said. "He was chasing her."

Next on the anti-reformer's harassment list was a pro-reformer who appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s, was stocky, and several inches shorter than the 65-year-old. Though Kuns isn't sure how the pro-reformer ended up on the anti side of the street, she saw the two men face to face, exchanging words.

Then the anti-reformer in the orange shirt "punches him straight up in the face, right between the eyes." The smaller pro-reformer's glasses and hat flew off, and he fell into the street.

"I don't know who started it wordwise," Kuns said, "but I can tell you for sure that the guy who threw the first punch was the anti guy. And can he punch hard! He knocked this guy down into the street."

The pro-reformer got up. The anti-reformer tried to block him from standing on the curb. A short scuffle ensued, and it was unclear to Kuns who was doing what to whom. The anti-reformers surrounding the fighting men stayed back. When the fight ended, the pro-reformer crossed the street and announced to the MoveOn rally that he'd bitten the man's finger off.
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Maybe he is a really great president

Maybe Santa Claus will be here in just three more days too! Best hang up your stocking. I believe more in Santa Claus than I do in Obama. At least with Santa Claus, the story doesn't keep changing.:lol:
the tact that claims Obama is racists is completely transparent.

He was born to a white mother, loved her dearly by all accounts.

He was then raised by his White grandparents, loved them dearly by all accounts.

Because black people mention the wrong done to the black community by the people in power does not give anyone with a brain the idea that they hate white people.

This is why we have had so much trouble overcoming race in this country. Every time the history of race realtions is mentioned brain dead closet racists say things like "your pulling the race card".

This is not a fucking poker game. This is human relations. The right can NEVER admitt that something done on their behalf is wrong.

WMDs : think how long the fools insisted that they were there when it was obvious they were not.

AQ ties: same thing

WP in Fallugia: same thing

Our voting machines are insecure: same thing

Obama's religion: same thing

Obama's birth: same thing

US tortured: same thing

It is their pattern of behavior. Deny facts even when the facts are blindingly clear, never ever appologise for anything to anyone and act agressively to back people down.

Your children are watching and they will either see your stupidity and walk away from you as soon as they can OR they will become the same type of people you have let yourself become. They will act violently and ruin their lives.
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Once again liberals ignore the topic... Big surprise there
Once again liberals ignore the topic... Big surprise there

Because *** BIG SUPRISE*** your topic is rather obtuse.

Does he hate half of himself as well?
Although I can't say for certain -haven't interviewed the little twirp- that would explain some of his somewhat bizarre behavior and statements when racial topics come up.
It's too early for me to call him a Racist but he certainly does surround himself with an awful lot of hateful Leftist radicals. Maybe we're just starting to learn more about Barack Obama and that might just be a bad thing for him in the end. It does seem the more you learn about the man and his friends,the more you oppose him. Hmm?
Maybe he is a really great president

well we all know what you mean when you say "great president" you mean a "racsist anti-American friend of terrorists and malignant cancer on the freedom loving people of America." for you this is a good thing, for normal people its vile and disgusting.
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Maybe monkeys will fly out yer' butt.

That's more likely to happen.

Lets look at the great presidents in history and what made them great. A common thread is that great presidents followed horrible presidents.
-Lincoln followed Buchannon
- FDR followed Hoover
- Reagan followed Carter
Obama gets to follow George Bush, the worst president in history

Great presidents also faced great challenges
- Lincoln: the civil war
- FDR: the depression and WWII
- Reagan: the Carter recession and Cold War

Obama entered office in the worst recession in 70 years, two wars and declining US reputation around the globe. The recession appears to be recovering, he is working to draw down troops, he has traveled the globe repairing the US image. Healthcare reform would provide a lasting accomplishment

Like it or not, all the pieces are there. We will see what happens in the next eight years. At that time, I will watch monkeys fly out of your butt

So because your OPINION is that Bush was a President...Obama will be a great President?

That is funny.

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