Maybe Obama Won't Sign Any Bill Written By GOP. Afraid GOP Will Get All The Credit ?

Feb 13, 2011

Have any of you conservatives looked at the crisis in that perspective? Have you observed the attitudes of the Democratic Leaders giving the finger to Boehner Plan? I'ts as if they never really looked it over and just decided that,Well, it was created by the GOP,therefore it's dead on arrival. The Dem's are just in it for themselves. With Obama at a 39/40% approval,they want to make sure that it's "The Democrat Debt Crisis" resolution bill that gets passed. Just To Give Bambi Another Boost !! Just like the week Bambi flew to Afgahnastan and took out Osama with his own AK-47 !!!
dimocrats ain't got what it takes,, no budget in over 800 days, no ideas, no plan,, all they got is one big assed wet blanket and their tattered old race card. they gots em some high gas o line prices, some high grocery prieces, some high energy prices, some empty promises, some hope but no change, some out of work people about 15-20 million of em.. Yay team.
I have never thought I'd see the day where a President & his posse took their time on any urgent crisis. EVERY TIME !! No Budget! Go On Vacation during an oil spill, Off To Martha's Vinyard during the Health-Care uprising, Wait till Xmas-Eve to sign that Obama-Care Bill. Gas Prices shoot-up to $4.00 a gallon, Democrats just ignore it. IT NEVER ENDS!!! God, if Los Angeles gets creamed by an 8.0 next summer, Obama will be in Cape Cop and will tell the nation "Let's See How It All Plays Out" but I am on my 21 day vacation in Martha's Vinyard, I can't be bothered right now. (That's the typical Obama Attitude !!)
I have never thought I'd see the day where a President & his posse took their time on any urgent crisis. EVERY TIME !! No Budget! Go On Vacation during an oil spill, Off To Martha's Vinyard during the Health-Care uprising, Wait till Xmas-Eve to sign that Obama-Care Bill. Gas Prices shoot-up to $4.00 a gallon, Democrats just ignore it. IT NEVER ENDS!!! God, if Los Angeles gets creamed by an 8.0 next summer, Obama will be in Cape Cop and will tell the nation "Let's See How It All Plays Out" but I am on my 21 day vacation in Martha's Vinyard, I can't be bothered right now. (That's the typical Obama Attitude !!)

Skipped right over the whole "lazy congress" thing and posted nonsense..didja?

Obviously that's a big part of it. Him and the Democrats are only all about Party before Country at this point. He's already running for Re-Election. He's not a leader in my opinion. He has divided the nation more than any other President i've ever seen. I know that's the "Community Organizer" way but it's not right.
Obviously that's a big part of it. Him and the Democrats are only all about Party before Country at this point. He's already running for Re-Election. He's not a leader in my opinion. He has divided the nation more than any other President i've ever seen. I know that's the "Community Organizer" way but it's not right.

That's probably before the last Democratic president divided the nation more then any other president. Yep. They (Republicans) did the same thing with Clinton. Only it's more extreme now.

It's a nullification of the popular vote.

Have any of you conservatives looked at the crisis in that perspective? Have you observed the attitudes of the Democratic Leaders giving the finger to Boehner Plan? I'ts as if they never really looked it over and just decided that,Well, it was created by the GOP,therefore it's dead on arrival. The Dem's are just in it for themselves. With Obama at a 39/40% approval,they want to make sure that it's "The Democrat Debt Crisis" resolution bill that gets passed. Just To Give Bambi Another Boost !! Just like the week Bambi flew to Afgahnastan and took out Osama with his own AK-47 !!!

Hey....what happened to this?

All we can say is "You Betcha !!!" MSNBC is so tempted to blame "The Extreme Right" and all the other "Right Wing Nut Jobs" on the Norway Bombing&Killings. MSNBC must be celebrating that the dude was a Right Winger who hates Muslims. Contessa Brewer must be having another {Big "O") being the last time she was hoping it was a right winger who almost blew up Times Square. Lets just see what happens in the media next week. None Of This Wouldn't Of Happend If Sarah Palin Didn't Assisinate A Reindeer On Live Television!!!
"Maybe Obama Won't Sign Any Bill Written By GOP. Afraid GOP Will Get All The Credit?"

.House voting on GOP bill -- key step in debt fight
House GOP rallies rank and file to vote for debt-limit bill, seen as key step in negotiations
Thursday July 28, 2011, 1:23 pm

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hours before a crucial vote, Republican leaders pleaded with their fractious rank and file Thursday to support a House plan to stave off an unprecedented government default. The vote would bring President Barack Obama and congressional leaders a step closer to endgame efforts before Tuesday's deadline.

..... Earlier in the day, in a closed-door GOP meeting, Boehner, R-Ohio, made headway in securing the 217 votes necessary to pass his plan. No Democrats were expected to support it. Boehner told the Republicans he expected to round up enough votes but was not there yet.
The OP assumes that Boehner can convince enough Tea Party members to support his Plan in the House!
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Yes..this congress has been so busy and put up so many bills that were vetoed by Obama..

Oh wait.

They didn't. Something like 22 bills were passed by the 112th Congress. - Laws Passed by the 112th Congress

Check out the vetoes at the bottom.

Wow... 22 (It's actually 23, btw). That's a lot, huh.


The 111th Congress passed 383 bills through both houses which have been signed into law by the President.

The current Congress on both sides has been sitting on it's ass. They are on pace for a whopping 72 laws before the session is over in December 2012.
Obviously that's a big part of it. Him and the Democrats are only all about Party before Country at this point. He's already running for Re-Election. He's not a leader in my opinion. He has divided the nation more than any other President i've ever seen. I know that's the "Community Organizer" way but it's not right.

No it certainly isn't right, but what can we expect when it's all he's ever done?
Then again I'm not sure it would be much different had McCain somehow blundered his way to victory.
Him and Democrats are deathly afraid the Republicans might get some credit for solving this problem. Obviously they wont admit this publicly,but privately they're shaking in their boots. This President and the Democrats will gladly shut the Country down if they think it will benefit them politically. I don't think they care much about the country at this point. It's all about the Votes now. Party before Country for sure.
I have never thought I'd see the day where a President & his posse took their time on any urgent crisis. EVERY TIME !! No Budget! Go On Vacation during an oil spill, Off To Martha's Vinyard during the Health-Care uprising, Wait till Xmas-Eve to sign that Obama-Care Bill. Gas Prices shoot-up to $4.00 a gallon, Democrats just ignore it. IT NEVER ENDS!!! God, if Los Angeles gets creamed by an 8.0 next summer, Obama will be in Cape Cop and will tell the nation "Let's See How It All Plays Out" but I am on my 21 day vacation in Martha's Vinyard, I can't be bothered right now. (That's the typical Obama Attitude !!)

Skipped right over the whole "lazy congress" thing and posted nonsense..didja?


Hey Swallow, where have you been last few days? I have had no one to spar with! well except for a pussies who spend 8 hours a day here. And hows the weather up there? Is it really 100 degrees in New York? It's wonderful here in Naples. A Comfy 87 degrees!
Him and Democrats are deathly afraid the Republicans might get some credit for solving this problem. Obviously they wont admit this publicly,but privately they're shaking in their boots. This President and the Democrats will gladly shut the Country down if they think it will benefit them politically. I don't think they care much about the country at this point. It's all about the Votes now. Party before Country for sure.

The actions of shutting out two states in the primary more then proves your point.
"Maybe Obama Won't Sign Any Bill Written By GOP. Afraid GOP Will Get All The Credit ?"

Perhaps the GOP would also like to take the credit for:

- the 20.6% debt/GDP ratio increase under Ronald Reagan

- the 13.0% debt/GDP ratio increase under GHW Bush

- the 27.8% debt/GDP ratio increase under George W Bush

These three Republican presidents deserve "all the credit" for that 61.4% increase in the debt/GDP ratio and now Boehner and his associates in the House expect to receive even more credit for attempting to solve the very problem that the GOP created!

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Yes..this congress has been so busy and put up so many bills that were vetoed by Obama..

Oh wait.

They didn't. Something like 22 bills were passed by the 112th Congress. - Laws Passed by the 112th Congress

Check out the vetoes at the bottom.

Wow... 22 (It's actually 23, btw). That's a lot, huh.


The 111th Congress passed 383 bills through both houses which have been signed into law by the President.

The current Congress on both sides has been sitting on it's ass. They are on pace for a whopping 72 laws before the session is over in December 2012.

What's wrong with both of you? Why do we need congress to pass tons of legislation? Why? We have the basics we need to govern our country effectively. In fact some might say (including me) that over legislation is a bad thing. Look at our current situation, certainly caused by over legislating our country. Every time things start going good some bozo on the left or right gets a bright idea and fucks everything up. I'm not placing blame on either side with my argument, I'm just saying enough is enough.

This is more a reference on the Urgent Bills !!! like the last minute bill to extend the Bush tax rate. Obama had already kept the nation in a state of financial uncertainty for two years, and to this day, NOTHING HAS CHANGED! now we are on the verge of collapse? Under Obama's watch? Oh,,but it's gonna be Bush's fault, right?
"Maybe Obama Won't Sign Any Bill Written By GOP. Afraid GOP Will Get All The Credit ?"

Perhaps the GOP would also like to take the credit for:

- the 20.6% debt/GDP ratio increase under Ronald Reagan

- the 13.0% debt/GDP ratio increase under GHW Bush

- the 27.8% debt/GDP ratio increase under George W Bush

These three Republican presidents deserve "all the credit" for that 61.4% increase in the debt/GDP ratio and now Boehner and his associates in the House expect to receive even more credit for attempting to solve the very problem that the GOP created!

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We weren't on the verge of a greece like economic collapse during the Reagan&Bush Years,but too many Americans abused their credit card priviledges during those boom times,too many people maxed out their credit cards,small businesses took out six-digit loans that they couldn't pay back. Look at what happened in 1990. and we did it all over again in 2008. There is just too much Greed in the USA, The "I Want It, And I Want It NOW" attitude is what caused this mess!

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