Maybe Obama Won't Sign Any Bill Written By GOP. Afraid GOP Will Get All The Credit ?


Have any of you conservatives looked at the crisis in that perspective? Have you observed the attitudes of the Democratic Leaders giving the finger to Boehner Plan? I'ts as if they never really looked it over and just decided that,Well, it was created by the GOP,therefore it's dead on arrival. The Dem's are just in it for themselves. With Obama at a 39/40% approval,they want to make sure that it's "The Democrat Debt Crisis" resolution bill that gets passed. Just To Give Bambi Another Boost !! Just like the week Bambi flew to Afgahnastan and took out Osama with his own AK-47 !!!

God forbid real Americans stand tall to the socialist fucks?

If I was elected into office I wouldn't say a fucking word to the democrats other than: You belong in fucking prison on charges of treason.

When democrats finally realize there is a Bill of Rights and communism violates those rights will they only then get "compromised with."

Yeah, see; I think that's what Obama is doing to the tea pubs.
Are you trying to be intentionally stupid?

Did you miss the fact it has to be sent to the states/

Must have!!!!

Are all Republicans really this fucking stupid? Or is it just the influence of the TeaTards?

You want to craft and pass through Congress an amendment to our Constitution that fundamentally changes our budget process based on four days discussion?

Pay attention, the demand is that it be voted on and sent to the states.


Are all you TeaTards this fucking stupid?

It has to be approved by Congress before it can go to the states

Would you approve a critical Constitutional Amendment based on four days discussion?

Be honest

Have any of you conservatives looked at the crisis in that perspective? Have you observed the attitudes of the Democratic Leaders giving the finger to Boehner Plan? I'ts as if they never really looked it over and just decided that,Well, it was created by the GOP,therefore it's dead on arrival. The Dem's are just in it for themselves. With Obama at a 39/40% approval,they want to make sure that it's "The Democrat Debt Crisis" resolution bill that gets passed. Just To Give Bambi Another Boost !! Just like the week Bambi flew to Afgahnastan and took out Osama with his own AK-47 !!!

God forbid real Americans stand tall to the socialist fucks?

If I was elected into office I wouldn't say a fucking word to the democrats other than: You belong in fucking prison on charges of treason.

When democrats finally realize there is a Bill of Rights and communism violates those rights will they only then get "compromised with."

Typical right wing voter.......see why they are so fucked up?
All things considered....looks like this one will be blamed on the Republicans and the TeaTards

Is it any surprise?

Good luck with that.

Republicans have already passed an effective piece of legislation in The House. Now it's up to Democrats to put down the ice cream cones and come back off the golf course long enough for the senate to pass it and for Our Kenyan President to sign it. But that would require responsibility that, since it can't be borrowed, it's in short supply in Democrat circles just now.
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>>> still waiting for the Democrats in this message board to explain why Obama is at 40% and will likely drop to 37% a year from now, so long as 15 Million Americans can't find a job! and what happens after all these years of being unemployed since Jan.2009? They Start Robbing Banks and 7-11's !!!!!
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It is very sad how Papa Obama puts his petty politics over the
needs of Americans
Are you trying to be intentionally stupid?

Did you miss the fact it has to be sent to the states/

Must have!!!!

Are all Republicans really this fucking stupid? Or is it just the influence of the TeaTards?

You want to craft and pass through Congress an amendment to our Constitution that fundamentally changes our budget process based on four days discussion?
What about a 2000 page health care plan nobody has read!!!HYPOCRITE'S :eusa_hand:

You have to remember the left is a klan of egotistical knee-jerk laymen dummies.

The majority of the base works remedial jobs, and the elitists that don't believe they're Gods gift to mankind because they support the socialism that supports the guy who mows their lawn - until its their wealth thats on the line and not the corporations money thats on the line.

They're narcissists that attempt to appear to have normal emotions and a normal sense of right and wrong.

They don't do a good deed to help someone and make that other person they helped happy - they do that deed for aesthetic reasons - to show the world how great they are. Because it's all about them and their image amongst their peers or the public.

They're shallow people..

Sorry I went off course here... :lol:
Are all Republicans really this fucking stupid? Or is it just the influence of the TeaTards?

You want to craft and pass through Congress an amendment to our Constitution that fundamentally changes our budget process based on four days discussion?
What about a 2000 page health care plan nobody has read!!!HYPOCRITE'S :eusa_hand:

You have to remember the left is a klan of egotistical knee-jerk laymen dummies.

The majority of the base works remedial jobs, and the elitists that don't believe they're Gods gift to mankind because they support the socialism that supports the guy who mows their lawn - until its their wealth thats on the line and not the corporations money thats on the line.

They're narcissists that attempt to appear to have normal emotions and a normal sense of right and wrong.

They don't do a good deed to help someone and make that other person they helped happy - they do that deed for aesthetic reasons - to show the world how great they are. Because it's all about them and their image amongst their peers or the public.

They're shallow people..

Sorry I went off course here... :lol:

What about a 2000 page health care plan nobody has read!!!HYPOCRITE'S :eusa_hand:

You have to remember the left is a klan of egotistical knee-jerk laymen dummies.

The majority of the base works remedial jobs, and the elitists that don't believe they're Gods gift to mankind because they support the socialism that supports the guy who mows their lawn - until its their wealth thats on the line and not the corporations money thats on the line.

They're narcissists that attempt to appear to have normal emotions and a normal sense of right and wrong.

They don't do a good deed to help someone and make that other person they helped happy - they do that deed for aesthetic reasons - to show the world how great they are. Because it's all about them and their image amongst their peers or the public.

They're shallow people..

Sorry I went off course here... :lol:


To be fair,

the left has low standards
because no expects much from them
dimocrats ain't got what it takes,, no budget in over 800 days, no ideas, no plan,, all they got is one big assed wet blanket and their tattered old race card. they gots em some high gas o line prices, some high grocery prieces, some high energy prices, some empty promises, some hope but no change, some out of work people about 15-20 million of em.. Yay team.

The Left hurts the US for their own political gains
The problem is that there are 3 political parties with 3 different political agendas - but currently they are masquerading as 2.

Technically, Boehner may be the leader of the majority in the House, but when you deduct Tea Party members who "march to beat of a different drummer," true Republicans are in the minority.

The result is that any Republican legislation passed in the House requires Tea Party support, but the price of that support has proven to be legislation that is unacceptable to the Senate - how else do you explain why 6 Republicans recently voted against the Boehner Plan in the Senate?
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The problem is that there are 3 political parties with 3 different political agendas - but currently they are masquerading as 2.

Technically, Boehner may be the leader of the majority in the House, but when you deduct Tea Party members who "march to beat of a different drummer," true Republicans are in the minority.

The result is that any Republican legislation passed in the House requires Tea Party support, but the price of that support has proven to be legislation that is unexceptable to the Senate. How else do you explain why 6 Republicans recently voted against the Boehner Plan in the Senate?

How do you explain 11 democrats voting against reids.
Whoa, Nellie! This is HOOGE!!!

Maybe someone should look into it? :eek: :doubt: :lol:

How could we elect someone who is not even American? Somebody must be really stupid

I just - as badly as so many didn't want him in there (see: Congress) - you would think SOMEBODY would have vetted him while he was running. The Clintons. The Democrats. The Republicans. The Teat Party, for crying in the proverbial beer. SOMEBODY would have found out "The truth" and he would have been ruled ineligible to run.

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