Maybe Obama Won't Sign Any Bill Written By GOP. Afraid GOP Will Get All The Credit ?

Yeah right.. uh huh.

Why'd you close your public msg box WT? :(

It's open to anyone on my friends list. I did it to stop the stealthy filthy pigs who like to creep over there and use the C word. Now when they do so they have to do it out in the open forums. keeps me out of trouble from inadvertanly printing something I should not have.. got it? Thanks.
Ok. THEY BETTER LEAVE YOU ALONE!!! :mad: Unless it's Article15 of course :p
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I don't know why you people must constantly lie. That is not at all who Obama is. Or the Dermocratic party. It's pathetic the way you just make things up.

That's exactly what obama and the dimocrat party is all about. and yes, it is pathetic. vewy pathetic.

No, it isn't. Grow up.

It isnt? Then please explain the previous negotiation with the dem party call of EXTREME.

Yes..this congress has been so busy and put up so many bills that were vetoed by Obama..

Oh wait.

They didn't. Something like 22 bills were passed by the 112th Congress. - Laws Passed by the 112th Congress

Check out the vetoes at the bottom.

Wow... 22 (It's actually 23, btw). That's a lot, huh.


The 111th Congress passed 383 bills through both houses which have been signed into law by the President.

The current Congress on both sides has been sitting on it's ass. They are on pace for a whopping 72 laws before the session is over in December 2012.

Whoosh..over your head.

Check out the OP again.

the OP in this thread is a completely different topic... this appears to be a tangent. I was simply comparing the inaction of this congress to the previous one (and many other previous ones), stating that the lack of action at this point in the term makes it look like both sides are sittin on their collective asses, fixated on a few things to the exclusion of all else.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion... even you.
Obama seems to be in a hurry to get to Martha's Vinyard. He will probably sign anything at this point so that he wont lose any precious time on his 3 week vacation,,,,AT THE COST OF TAX PAYERS? So how much is this Martha's Vinyard getaway gonna cost us when Our Nation Is Bankrupt? hmm, now this includes the round-trip on that Air-Force one 747? isnt gas 3.75 a gallon?
Obama seems to be in a hurry to get to Martha's Vinyard. He will probably sign anything at this point so that he wont lose any precious time on his 3 week vacation,,,,AT THE COST OF TAX PAYERS? So how much is this Martha's Vinyard getaway gonna cost us when Our Nation Is Bankrupt? hmm, now this includes the round-trip on that Air-Force one 747? isnt gas 3.75 a gallon?

Don't worry, Boehner gets all the credit for this mess. Obama made sure everyone in America knows that Republicans walked away, tried to get this piece of crap bill passed and failed. Everyone knows who gets credit.

Obama wants this to be the same clean process Bush was always afforded when it came time to raise the debt ceiling. Your party is politicizing it. Everyone knows that.
I don't support Boehner's plan but i can't understand why this President and Democrats wont sign onto it. There's very little cuts in it. The Democrats should definitely be on board with it. The only reason they're not has to be because a Republican created the plan. More Party before Country for them i guess. Boehner's plan is very weak on cuts. This President & Democrats should just shut up and pass it. It's not good for the Country but it would be good for them.
well we can all agree it's more a war on "Who Get's The Credit". It doesn't matter how fair any bill comes from the GOP side, It has to be written up by Democrats,so Obama will get all the credit for saving our nation. Well, it's a little too late now!!! Everything, every aspect of our way of living HAS DECLINED !!!!!! Right? and you have to feel for all those who bought homes as an investment in 2005/06.Assuming they could sell them one day to support their retirement years&kids college.
Wow... 22 (It's actually 23, btw). That's a lot, huh.


The 111th Congress passed 383 bills through both houses which have been signed into law by the President.

The current Congress on both sides has been sitting on it's ass. They are on pace for a whopping 72 laws before the session is over in December 2012.

Whoosh..over your head.

Check out the OP again.

the OP in this thread is a completely different topic... this appears to be a tangent. I was simply comparing the inaction of this congress to the previous one (and many other previous ones), stating that the lack of action at this point in the term makes it look like both sides are sittin on their collective asses, fixated on a few things to the exclusion of all else.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion... even you.

If inaction is the what's being scored as a negative..and the last congress is benchmark..this present congress is an utter failure.

So what are you saying?
well we can all agree it's more a war on "Who Get's The Credit". It doesn't matter how fair any bill comes from the GOP side, It has to be written up by Democrats,so Obama will get all the credit for saving our nation. Well, it's a little too late now!!! Everything, every aspect of our way of living HAS DECLINED !!!!!! Right? and you have to feel for all those who bought homes as an investment in 2005/06.Assuming they could sell them one day to support their retirement years&kids college.

Yea it has to be all about Party before Country for the President & Democrats. That's all i can conclude at this point. Boehner's plan is a terrible plan for Conservatives but the President & Democrats should love it. The cuts are very minor. It has to be petty partisan politics for the Democrats. I can't see any other reason why they wont sign onto Boehner's plan.
JUST SIGN A BILL !!!! THIS IS OBAMA-CARE 2.0 !!!! This is the summer of 2009 all over again. Have you ever known of a President WHO CAN'T MAKE A SOLID and SWIFT Decision on a bill that is causing so much economic kaos as we wait????
Actually, he figures if we push it back, as Boehner wants, the same exact thing will happen again next time. No consensus.
Obviously that's a big part of it. Him and the Democrats are only all about Party before Country at this point. He's already running for Re-Election. He's not a leader in my opinion. He has divided the nation more than any other President i've ever seen. I know that's the "Community Organizer" way but it's not right.

Really? And when Bachmann and McConnell make it clear that they're doing all this shit to make sure he's a one-term President - that's a good thing, in your world? Then it's fine. Right?
When is the GOP actually going to write a bill so we can find out?

The problem for the GOP is that all bills require compromise in order to proceed on the floor. Until the GOP learns that the minority party doesn't make the rules and that you have to give something to get something, the GOP will not be sending any bills to Obama anytime soon

I'm telling ya. Somehow, in their little pea brains, even being IN the House equals a majority. Dimwits.
Have the Democrats given their reasons for Stonewalling on Boehner's Plan? I haven't heard any coherent reasons from them yet. His cuts are very minor and basically meaningless. This President and Democrats should be ecstatic. Is it only because it's a Republican-created Plan? Because i see no other reason for the Democrats to Stonewall this plan.
Why nobody is signing:

The reason? Any bill that seeks to amend the Constitution requires a two-thirds vote in the House and Senate. The Boehner bill would raise the debt-ceiling in two stages and make the second stage, around six months from now, contingent on passage of the amendment-- basically requiring a supermajority to approve the increase.

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), the assistant majority leader, called tying a balanced-budget amendment vote to the debt-ceiling “outrageous.” And Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, said it was “an absurd proposition.”

“Speaker Boehner should just give it up,” Schumer said. “He throws piece after piece after piece of red meat to the right wing lion that seems to dominate his caucus. It’s time he tame that lion for the good of the country.”

Boehner pandering to tea party over debt ceiling, Democrats say -
I do like the Balanced-Budget Amendment part of his plan though. I guess that's what the President & Democrats are getting so hysterical over. Otherwise,his plan makes no real cuts. The Democrats should be behind it.
I don't get the opposition to the BBA, you can write exceptions into the law so that emergencies can bypass the law if necessary. Maybe require a 2/3 majority vote, I see no reason why the federal gov't shouldn't be constrained in it's spending.
I do like the Balanced-Budget Amendment part of his plan though. I guess that's what the President & Democrats are getting so hysterical over. Otherwise,his plan makes no real cuts. The Democrats should be behind it.

How does one amend the constitution through a budget bill?
They are not and cannot amend the constitution through a budget bil. The Boehner bill requires passage of a BBA through Congress to get the 2nd half of the debt ceiling increase. Then it goes to the states to be ratified, I think it's 35 states have to approve the change, assuming Obama doesn't veto it. Could take years for that to happen, if ever.

I don't see it as a big deal, the democrats can create all kinds of ways around whatever the amendment eventually says. This is really just political bullshit by the GOP freshmen reps. I lik that they want to hold down spending and prevent tax increases, but in perhaps winning a battle they may be losing the war. Some of 'em are going to lose their jobs next year if they don't wise up and work with the speaker to get stuff done.
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