Maybe THAT's what's wrong with message boards

I do not doubt that there are some paid political operatives working community boards.

I am quite certain that were I running the RNC or DNC I would AT MINIMUM have people monitoring community boards to see what issues were of most interest to people.

If you gave your candidate cyanide with an arsenic chaser, you couldn't kill them faster than you would if you based your strategy on what you saw here. Politics is a profession.

Clinton was the master at it...triangulate the issue and meet in the middle. That would be the best political advice in nearly every situation.

Clinton could sell some people their own socks, and leave them wondering how he got them installed. :) There wasn't much that I admired about him, but that ability is at the top of the list. :beer: :)
I do not doubt that there are some paid political operatives working community boards.

I am quite certain that were I running the RNC or DNC I would AT MINIMUM have people monitoring community boards to see what issues were of most interest to people.

If you gave your candidate cyanide with an arsenic chaser, you couldn't kill them faster than you would if you based your strategy on what you saw here. Politics is a profession.

Clinton was the master at it...triangulate the issue and meet in the middle. That would be the best political advice in nearly every situation.

Clinton could sell some people their own socks, and leave them wondering how he got them installed. :) There wasn't much that I admired about him, but that ability is at the top of the list. :beer: :)

For better or worse....thats professional politics.
OH.and by "job" I meant for a living. Somebody is paying for it perhaps with tax exempt money. Now that may be unlawful.

See how quickly we have been led from the premise of the original post. QED perhaps?
You are absolutely correct. I've looked into how to make a living at it. It isn't pretty. You need to post what "they" want you to. Not only that, but you post according to your skill, and you need to post at forums that they want you to.

You start at a certain clearing house forums, where they evaluate your skills, there you post stupid crap, where you have to write about, well, anything and everything. What you ate, what you read, what movies you like, what cell phones and products you use, then they field you out to different forums and different topics. It is an industry. I've looked into it.

A lot of it has to do with advertising. What you read, and what you write are two different perceptions as well. Sometimes, when you think you are changing the world with a thread or a post, it might be instructive to log out and view that advertisements are being posted beside that thread. Remember, the board owners and operators don't really care about freedom of speech, enlightening the public, and all that good old fashioned American jazz, they care about the almighty buck. Anything that threatens this has got to go.

It's all about molding public opinion. Beware of people on social networking sites that have oodles and oodles of friends. This is their job as well. Though, as part of their contract, they are not allowed to reveal it.

I once watched a movie or show that made light of these folks, forgot what it was now. But they do exist. They are paid to push products and ideas. We are more willing to accept ideas and products if we see others using them. It is the nature of the game. It takes a strong mind to form YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND OWN THOUGHTS.


[ame=]The Science of Truth and Reality - YouTube[/ame]​
OH.and by "job" I meant for a living. Somebody is paying for it perhaps with tax exempt money. Now that may be unlawful.

See how quickly we have been led from the premise of the original post. QED perhaps?
You are absolutely correct. I've looked into how to make a living at it. It isn't pretty. You need to post what "they" want you to. Not only that, but you post according to your skill, and you need to post at forums that they want you to.

You start at a certain clearing house forums, where they evaluate your skills, there you post stupid crap, where you have to write about, well, anything and everything. What you ate, what you read, what movies you like, what cell phones and products you use, then they field you out to different forums and different topics. It is an industry. I've looked into it.

A lot of it has to do with advertising. What you read, and what you write are two different perceptions as well. Sometimes, when you think you are changing the world with a thread or a post, it might be instructive to log out and view that advertisements are being posted beside that thread. Remember, the board owners and operators don't really care about freedom of speech, enlightening the public, and all that good old fashioned American jazz, they care about the almighty buck. Anything that threatens this has got to go.

It's all about molding public opinion. Beware of people on social networking sites that have oodles and oodles of friends. This is their job as well. Though, as part of their contract, they are not allowed to reveal it.

I once watched a movie or show that made light of these folks, forgot what it was now. But they do exist. They are paid to push products and ideas. We are more willing to accept ideas and products if we see others using them. It is the nature of the game. It takes a strong mind to form YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND OWN THOUGHTS.


[ame=]The Science of Truth and Reality - YouTube[/ame]​

Yeah, well OK. Sheesh
Dogonit I wasn't talking about lies. I was talking about insincerity

Well how can sincere amateurs carry on a productive discussion with paid professionals?

Got to to got work in my private sector job. Bye now

Violation removed.
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I have heard that there are people whose JOB is pounding out advocacy messages on boards such as this.

If so what goes on here and on many other boards is a waste of time and mental energy for those who are sincere rather than professionally partisan.

I get paid $5 a post

You do this shit for free?
I entirely agree with the premise. In the 2 decades I've been following discussion forums, it has been very clear that there is a group of posters who do nothing more - day in and day out - than to defend liberal policies. They avidly attack anyone of a conservative or libertarian viewpoint to the point of downright libelous smears.

And, they all seem to have the same mantra - it was Bush's fault and that some other group tried to smear Clinton.

As for a conspiracy theory - I believe they are back and funded by George Soros. :eusa_whistle:
I entirely agree with the premise. In the 2 decades I've been following discussion forums, it has been very clear that there is a group of posters who do nothing more - day in and day out - than to defend liberal policies. They avidly attack anyone of a conservative or libertarian viewpoint to the point of downright libelous smears.

And, they all seem to have the same mantra - it was Bush's fault and that some other group tried to smear Clinton.

As for a conspiracy theory - I believe they are back and funded by George Soros. :eusa_whistle:

I am paid directly by Obama

I also get an Obamaphone and I don't have to worry about paying for my mortgage or gas

We have a Christmas Party at the end of the year, I'll see if I can get you an invite
I have heard that there are people whose JOB is pounding out advocacy messages on boards such as this.

If so what goes on here and on many other boards is a waste of time and mental energy for those who are sincere rather than professionally partisan.

I get paid $5 a post

You do this shit for free?

If thats the case, you are stealing $4.99 from them per post.
I entirely agree with the premise. In the 2 decades I've been following discussion forums, it has been very clear that there is a group of posters who do nothing more - day in and day out - than to defend liberal policies. They avidly attack anyone of a conservative or libertarian viewpoint to the point of downright libelous smears.

And, they all seem to have the same mantra - it was Bush's fault and that some other group tried to smear Clinton.

As for a conspiracy theory - I believe they are back and funded by George Soros. :eusa_whistle:

I am paid directly by Obama

I also get an Obamaphone and I don't have to worry about paying for my mortgage or gas

We have a Christmas Party at the end of the year, I'll see if I can get you an invite

Yuk-yuk I don't think there's anything anything funny about this.
Its the new town hall.

Do you really think no politician ever sent a minion to the town hall to try and promote his favorite lies?

THANK GOD... I hope it's PERMANENT this time...

I have heard that there are people whose JOB is pounding out advocacy messages on boards such as this.

If so what goes on here and on many other boards is a waste of time and mental energy for those who are sincere rather than professionally partisan.

Wondering where you heard this. Can you cite your source?
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Just to add something to the discussion:

Why People Troll and How to Stop Them
posted by Howard Fosdick on Wed 25th Jan 2012 06:58 UTC @ Why People Troll and How to Stop Them

Why do people troll? Can we prevent trolling or limit the damage trolls do? Here are some thoughts on trollology derived from academic studies and web research.

Identifying Trolls
Trolls divert online discussions into non-productive, off-topic venues. They pose as part of a community only to disrupt it. Trolling is anti-social behavior.

Some of the techniques trolls use to accomplish their objectives are:

Pithy put-downs
Name-calling and insults
Ad hominem attacks that try to negate an opinion by alleging negatives about the person supporting it
Impugning other's motives
Emotional rants
Bullying and harassment
Completely off-topic posts
Posting inaccurate "facts"

The traditional definition of trolling includes intent. That is, trolls purposely disrupt forums. This definition is too narrow. Whether someone intends to disrupt a thread or not, the results are the same if they do.

Read more at the link and it will explain what you're up against in participating in forums like this.
It has been pretty obvious to me for quite some time that there are at least agents provocateurs here. It would be no surprise if there are paid posters.
Anyone can tell mine are not paid; I only insist or non-alegiance to ideology.
I entirely agree with the premise. In the 2 decades I've been following discussion forums, it has been very clear that there is a group of posters who do nothing more - day in and day out - than to defend liberal policies. They avidly attack anyone of a conservative or libertarian viewpoint to the point of downright libelous smears.

And, they all seem to have the same mantra - it was Bush's fault and that some other group tried to smear Clinton.

As for a conspiracy theory - I believe they are back and funded by George Soros. :eusa_whistle:

I am paid directly by Obama

I also get an Obamaphone and I don't have to worry about paying for my mortgage or gas

We have a Christmas Party at the end of the year, I'll see if I can get you an invite

Yuk-yuk I don't think there's anything anything funny about this.

Just backing up your OP

Trying to be honest with the rest of you. I pulled in over $120,000 posting on this board. I also make money by reporting posters who I consider to be subversive. Most just disappear from the board with the word "banned" posted beneith their name.

They are generally sent to FEMA Death Camps where they are brainwashed by Obama and his carefully selected minions amd forced to watch MSNBC until they worship Rachel Maddow
I am paid directly by Obama

I also get an Obamaphone and I don't have to worry about paying for my mortgage or gas

We have a Christmas Party at the end of the year, I'll see if I can get you an invite

Yuk-yuk I don't think there's anything anything funny about this.

Just backing up your OP

Trying to be honest with the rest of you. I pulled in over $120,000 posting on this board. I also make money by reporting posters who I consider to be subversive. Most just disappear from the board with the word "banned" posted beneith their name.

They are generally sent to FEMA Death Camps where they are brainwashed by Obama and his carefully selected minions amd forced to watch MSNBC until they worship Rachel Maddow

I guess that I then have no choice but to report you to The Tea Party Patriots so they can take you to one of their re-education camps and attempt to de-program your anti-social tendencies.
I entirely agree with the premise. In the 2 decades I've been following discussion forums, it has been very clear that there is a group of posters who do nothing more - day in and day out - than to defend liberal policies. They avidly attack anyone of a conservative or libertarian viewpoint to the point of downright libelous smears.

And, they all seem to have the same mantra - it was Bush's fault and that some other group tried to smear Clinton.

As for a conspiracy theory - I believe they are back and funded by George Soros. :eusa_whistle:

I am paid directly by Obama

I also get an Obamaphone and I don't have to worry about paying for my mortgage or gas

We have a Christmas Party at the end of the year, I'll see if I can get you an invite

Yuk-yuk I don't think there's anything anything funny about this.

You don't?

Anyone that can be swayed politically by something they read on a message board isn't worth swaying. Because if you're paying someone to post A, C, and E, someone else will post B, D and F. If a person is swayed by the first guy, they can be swayed back by the second guy. So if you're paying someone, you've wasted your money.

On top of that all too real dynamic is that message boards are the low-hanging-fruit of political involvement. You want energized people if you're running a campaign--someone who will knock on doors, make phone calls, create other votes. You won't find that here or even on

One should never say "never" as to if there has ever been a paid poster...but if you think that 500 days before the midterms that someone is trying to shape public opinion on a message board...well, you should re-examine the reality of the situation and human behavior in that dynamic.

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