Maybe THAT's what's wrong with message boards

I am paid directly by Obama

I also get an Obamaphone and I don't have to worry about paying for my mortgage or gas

We have a Christmas Party at the end of the year, I'll see if I can get you an invite

Yuk-yuk I don't think there's anything anything funny about this.

Just backing up your OP

Trying to be honest with the rest of you. I pulled in over $120,000 posting on this board. I also make money by reporting posters who I consider to be subversive. Most just disappear from the board with the word "banned" posted beneith their name.

They are generally sent to FEMA Death Camps where they are brainwashed by Obama and his carefully selected minions amd forced to watch MSNBC until they worship Rachel Maddow

There are people who DON'T worship Rachel Maddow?
Dogonit I wasn't talking about lies. I was talking about insincerity

Well how can sincere amateurs carry on a productive discussion with paid professionals?

Got to to got work in my private sector job. Bye now

BTW cereal_killer thanks for moving the thread to the weeds. RU12?

Yeah, this is another things that pisses me off. Any topic of real import, that really cuts to the heart of what would really raise awareness in the public? Well, have sectioned off the forum to keep from getting views. They especially do this to threads by moving them to the "conspiracy sub-forum." It is like the globalists and the elites fencing off "free speech zones" at cities where they have major international meetings for the elites to talk about how they are going to screw over the common man.

It's nice to see the common man is still out there, wide awake. :eusa_angel:
Just to add something to the discussion:

Why People Troll and How to Stop Them
posted by Howard Fosdick on Wed 25th Jan 2012 06:58 UTC @ Why People Troll and How to Stop Them

Why do people troll? Can we prevent trolling or limit the damage trolls do? Here are some thoughts on trollology derived from academic studies and web research.

Identifying Trolls
Trolls divert online discussions into non-productive, off-topic venues. They pose as part of a community only to disrupt it. Trolling is anti-social behavior.

Some of the techniques trolls use to accomplish their objectives are:

Pithy put-downs
Name-calling and insults
Ad hominem attacks that try to negate an opinion by alleging negatives about the person supporting it
Impugning other's motives
Emotional rants
Bullying and harassment
Completely off-topic posts
Posting inaccurate "facts"

The traditional definition of trolling includes intent. That is, trolls purposely disrupt forums. This definition is too narrow. Whether someone intends to disrupt a thread or not, the results are the same if they do.

Read more at the link and it will explain what you're up against in participating in forums like this.

I am a proponent of this theory:

Dogonit I wasn't talking about lies. I was talking about insincerity

Well how can sincere amateurs carry on a productive discussion with paid professionals?

Got to to got work in my private sector job. Bye now

BTW cereal_killer thanks for moving the thread to the weeds. RU12?

I'm curious; would you like to name someone whom you think is a professional here?
Why would anyone pay someone to post here? What purpose would that serve?

This idea comes up a lot on message boards because it accomplishes two different purposes: It works as both a way to de-legitimize posters you disagree with AND make you feel more important. But it's bullshit.
Why would anyone pay someone to post here? What purpose would that serve?

This idea comes up a lot on message boards because it accomplishes two different purposes: It works as both a way to de-legitimize posters you disagree with AND make you feel more important. But it's bullshit.

Its sort of like those who incessantly quote the dead (Foxy); they always seem to agree with her.
Its the new town hall.

Do you really think no politician ever sent a minion to the town hall to try and promote his favorite lies?

the whole reason Im here is to FORCE truths into the faces of the people who would lie.

a thankless job but the truth is worth it

If people who love the truth are not willing to defend it EVERYWHERE then the truth gets lost in a mountain of lies

why ?

its not dishonest to state your case.

LIES are killed by truth.

You just cant tell whats a lie or the truth so you get all confused ttt

Nope fool its the truth.

You just live in a world of right wing lies

FACTS tell you what the truth is.

the right has NO commitment to facts

FACTS tell you what the truth is.

the right has NO commitment to facts

see the lying?

YOU were already answered you lair

FACTS people.
FACTS tell you what the truth is.

You people deny facts all day long

You HATE sceince

YOU haate education

you hate educators

You hate history

you hate every fact that prooves you historically failed ideas are just that

Speaking of spam and spammers...
I have heard that there are people whose JOB is pounding out advocacy messages on boards such as this.

If so what goes on here and on many other boards is a waste of time and mental energy for those who are sincere rather than professionally partisan.

Eh, they are usually easy to spot. From the left, they post thier huffle puffle piece, add a basic comment, and then just snipe from time to time in the thread.

They also tend to spam 5-6 posts at once, as they get thier marching orders.

But Marty, you seem to think just the left does these things! Who in the fuck are you kidding? I think you can easily include the right, or maybe you never read their posts? :confused:
As a non-partisan hack, I say both sides are guilty of what you assume that just the left does. If I prove it, you leave the boards forever, if I can't, I'll leave these boards forever. Deal?
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If there are any paid professionals here, my political opinions cannot be swayed here. But my votes can be bought. Everything is negotiable. PM me with offers. ;)
the right hates sceince.

hey deny global watrming and all the science that shows being gay is NOT some monster complex.

They rail against schools all the time aNd blame teachers for everyohting in schools.

The right pretends history is not real if it messes with their ideas.

Dems spend less than republicans thatst history

Ronny rayguns balloooned the deficit and raised taxes.

what exactly is wrong with that post?
Rottweiler has to be paid..

Everytime I mistakenly read one of his posts, I come away from it thanking God I, in no way, think like he does.
I don't have time to 'read professional posts' per se. I come here to hang for awhile and talk with fellow posters, not spew party-line left or right-winged drivel paid for by sponsors. Don't want to read it either. Just don't have the time to waste either way.

Too many other things we can bat around; why waste space on a script?
yeah it went really well when people didnt talk politics and Bush cheated his way into office.

screwed the whole country up

You have to pay attention if you want this country to survive
yeah it went really well when people didnt talk politics and Bush cheated his way into office.

screwed the whole country up

You have to pay attention if you want this country to survive

Hey Truth - you're up early this morning........... Or didn't you hit the hay yet?? You're on Cali time, right?
I have heard that there are people whose JOB is pounding out advocacy messages on boards such as this.

If so what goes on here and on many other boards is a waste of time and mental energy for those who are sincere rather than professionally partisan.

Eh, they are usually easy to spot. From the left, they post thier huffle puffle piece, add a basic comment, and then just snipe from time to time in the thread.

They also tend to spam 5-6 posts at once, as they get thier marching orders.

But Marty, you seem to think just the left does these things! Who in the fuck are you kidding? I think you can easily include the right, or maybe you never read their posts? :confused:
As a non-partisan hack, I say both sides are guilty of what you assume that just the left does. If I prove it, you leave the boards forever, if I can't, I'll leave these boards forever. Deal?

Where in my post do I say that only the left does this? Note that I use the left as an example, not excluding the right from doing the same thing.

I left pointing out the right doing it to someone else, I did not exclude the right from being guilty of the same thing.
yeah it went really well when people didnt talk politics and Bush cheated his way into office.

screwed the whole country up

You have to pay attention if you want this country to survive

Hey Truth - you're up early this morning........... Or didn't you hit the hay yet?? You're on Cali time, right?

up way tooo early.

sometimes I wake up and feel ready to go
yeah it went really well when people didnt talk politics and Bush cheated his way into office.

screwed the whole country up

You have to pay attention if you want this country to survive

Hey Truth - you're up early this morning........... Or didn't you hit the hay yet?? You're on Cali time, right?

up way tooo early.

sometimes I wake up and feel ready to go

:lol: Stop by The Tavern. I'm buying the first breakfast round for Two-fer-Tuesdays.
Why would anyone pay someone to post here? What purpose would that serve?

This idea comes up a lot on message boards because it accomplishes two different purposes: It works as both a way to de-legitimize posters you disagree with AND make you feel more important. But it's bullshit.

I am paid to keep conservatives in line and report on subversive activities. Most whack-job ultra right posters are allowed to continue. They do more of a service to the left than the right. Those posters who I find to be subversive disappear without a trace.

It may seem like easy money....but have you ever tried to have a logical discussion with a birther or Libertarian?

I earn every penny

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