Maybe THAT's what's wrong with message boards

I do not doubt that there are some paid political operatives working community boards.

I am quite certain that were I running the RNC or DNC I would AT MINIMUM have people monitoring community boards to see what issues were of most interest to people.
why ?

its not dishonest to state your case.

LIES are killed by truth.

You just cant tell whats a lie or the truth so you get all confused ttt

It's a reasonable request. You have the word "truth" in your name, and you tell us that "the whole reason" you are here is "to FORCE truths into the faces of the people who would lie."

Okay, I would think that, since you have a vice-like grip on "the truth", that you would be far beyond willing and able to provide us with your definition of "the truth".

So, TM, what is your definition of "the truth"?

I believe you stumped her. :lol:
why ?

its not dishonest to state your case.

LIES are killed by truth.

You just cant tell whats a lie or the truth so you get all confused ttt

It's a reasonable request. You have the word "truth" in your name, and you tell us that "the whole reason" you are here is "to FORCE truths into the faces of the people who would lie."

I would think that, since you have a vice-like grip on "the truth", that you would be far beyond willing and able to provide us with your definition of "the truth".

So, TM, what is your definition of "the truth"?


Off the subject but: A lie is often more compelling, more interesting, more convincing than the truth.

What I find interesting about a lie is that it is often what someone wants to be true. So yes, it would natrually be more compelling, interesting and convincing.
I do not doubt that there are some paid political operatives working community boards.

I am quite certain that were I running the RNC or DNC I would AT MINIMUM have people monitoring community boards to see what issues were of most interest to people.
Yep. I'm likely on Obama's list of enemies. :lol:
FACTS tell you what the truth is.

the right has NO commitment to facts

But you do. I'll tell you, when ever anyone tells me that any given side has no commitment to the facts - that's when I'm pretty sure it's a lie. When it comes to that kind of stuff, there is no difference between the right and the left.
FACTS people.
FACTS tell you what the truth is.

You people deny facts all day long
You HATE sceince

YOU haate education

you hate educators

You hate history

you hate every fact that prooves you historically failed ideas are just that
FACTS tell you what the truth is.

the right has NO commitment to facts

see the lying?

YOU were already answered you lair

Well, I tried. And I wasn't expecting a straight answer, I never do.

TM, you're so deluded by your partisan ideology that you just don't see the vacuum in which you exist. You're not alone, of course, but you're a textbook case.

If believing that you are some kind of "keeper of the truth" provides you with comfort, that's great. I'm certainly not trying to change you.


FACTS tell you what the truth is.

the right has NO commitment to facts

see the lying?

YOU were already answered you lair

Well, I tried. And I wasn't expecting a straight answer, I never do.

TM, you're so deluded by your partisan ideology that you just don't see the vacuum in which you exist. You're not alone, of course, but you're a textbook case.

If believing that you are some kind of "keeper of the truth" provides you with comfort, that's great. I'm certainly not trying to change you.



You never will from a True Believer.
Dogonit I wasn't talking about lies. I was talking about insincerity

Understood. But how do you tell? Let us say you have a poster who is rabid anti-gun. Is this person being sincere in expressing their beliefs, or are they actually paid by the NRA in order to make the anti-gun people look crazy? You don't know. All you can do is react to the ideas expressed. In the free market of ideas you are always going to get some advertisement.
I do not doubt that there are some paid political operatives working community boards.

I am quite certain that were I running the RNC or DNC I would AT MINIMUM have people monitoring community boards to see what issues were of most interest to people.

If you gave your candidate cyanide with an arsenic chaser, you couldn't kill them faster than you would if you based your strategy on what you saw here. Politics is a profession.

Clinton was the master at it...triangulate the issue and meet in the middle. That would be the best political advice in nearly every situation.
See how quickly we have been led from the premise of the original post. QED perhaps?

Hey! If you want polite, relevant posts in your thread, don't start it in the Politics forum. Put it in the Clean Debate Zone or in General Discussions.

The thing that sets this site apart from a lot of others is the freedom of speech throughout the forums. Unfortunately for people interested in serious, civil discussions, the anonymity of users and presence of many adolescent cybernauts work together to ruin many a thread.

I think this is something that we cannot change while maintaining a wide open policy.

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