Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?

Do you believe Trump is an honest person?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Though I detested Barry Oboingo, I accepted that he won two elections....Unlike the reaction that you insane moonbat freaks have had to the 2016 election.
You elected a Mafia Don with not a likable bone in his body
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
BS if you like the pussy grabbing molesting lying thief ,it's your business Says lots about you

Didn't say I liked him, cement head...Just that I accepted the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections, while you haven't accepted the result of 2016 and are still throwing tantrums over it.

Grow the fuck up.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
You elected a Mafia Don with not a likable bone in his body
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
BS if you like the pussy grabbing molesting lying thief ,it's your business Says lots about you

Didn't say I liked him, cement head...Just that I accepted the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections, while you haven't accepted the result of 2016 and are still throwing tantrums over it.

Grow the fuck up.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
BS if you like the pussy grabbing molesting lying thief ,it's your business Says lots about you

Didn't say I liked him, cement head...Just that I accepted the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections, while you haven't accepted the result of 2016 and are still throwing tantrums over it.

Grow the fuck up.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
BS if you like the pussy grabbing molesting lying thief ,it's your business Says lots about you

Didn't say I liked him, cement head...Just that I accepted the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections, while you haven't accepted the result of 2016 and are still throwing tantrums over it.

Grow the fuck up.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Didn't say I liked him, cement head...Just that I accepted the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections, while you haven't accepted the result of 2016 and are still throwing tantrums over it.

Grow the fuck up.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
Didn't say I liked him, cement head...Just that I accepted the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections, while you haven't accepted the result of 2016 and are still throwing tantrums over it.

Grow the fuck up.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum. Republicans tried to work with democrats when Obama was President and they were told to shut up and sit down.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum.
Works with??? MORON remember what McConnell said about Obama's presidency?? Any scumbags around they reside in your congress and red states
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum.
Works with??? MORON remember what McConnell said about Obama's presidency?? Any scumbags around they reside in your congress and red states

I say you sniveling, tinfoil hat wearing chumps lost.

Game over...Get over it.

It's about time that y'all *ahem* MOVE ON!

And, oh yeah.....HONK HONK!

View attachment 259482
Move on???? How long will it take you scum sucking republican dogs to get over Hillary or Obama?? Move on ? When pigs fly
Though I detested Barry Oboingo, I accepted that he won two elections....Unlike the reaction that you insane moonbat freaks have had to the 2016 election.
You elected a Mafia Don with not a likable bone in his body
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
He thinks everyone liked BO. So there’s that.
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.

Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.

Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.

Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.

Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
You are wrong Dead wrong
I say you sniveling, tinfoil hat wearing chumps lost.

Game over...Get over it.

It's about time that y'all *ahem* MOVE ON!

And, oh yeah.....HONK HONK!

View attachment 259482
Move on???? How long will it take you scum sucking republican dogs to get over Hillary or Obama?? Move on ? When pigs fly
Though I detested Barry Oboingo, I accepted that he won two elections....Unlike the reaction that you insane moonbat freaks have had to the 2016 election.
You elected a Mafia Don with not a likable bone in his body
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
He thinks everyone liked BO. So there’s that.
No not everyone He's black so we know lots of Republicans didn't want him BUT there are some good people among you .....and he wasn't outvoted like scump was
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.

Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
And as far as your posts I don't have a fuck to give
STFU, pussy loser....Grow up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.

Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
You are wrong Dead wrong
No I'm not....You're a progressive, so it follows that the Constitution is an impediment to getting the Marxist paradise that you want...You're current cowering behind it is a matter of convenience is as cynical and disingenuous as you can get.

You're not fooling me...Just grow the fuck up.
From real dave
Barr lied to Congress, His summary was tilted to protect Trump. And we are supposed to believe that POS when he redacts somethng? Barr has zero credibility.

So, you think a report of an investigation on the President can be controlled by a man the President just appointed knowing that this man would protect him.

You would piss on the Constitution to protect Trump? Really. You should try giving a shit about our country for a change.

Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
You are wrong Dead wrong
No I'm not....You're a progressive, so it follows that the Constitution is an impediment to getting the Marxist paradise that you want...You're current cowering behind it is a matter of convenience is as cynical and disingenuous as you can get.

You're not fooling me...Just grow the fuck up.
If being a progressive means wanting folks to have a better life if it means not liking the lies and bullshit coming from republicans I plead guilty FYI I call myself a Dem Was a republican all my life until 2000 GWB was my last repub vote
Move on???? How long will it take you scum sucking republican dogs to get over Hillary or Obama?? Move on ? When pigs fly
Though I detested Barry Oboingo, I accepted that he won two elections....Unlike the reaction that you insane moonbat freaks have had to the 2016 election.
You elected a Mafia Don with not a likable bone in his body
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
He thinks everyone liked BO. So there’s that.
No not everyone He's black so we know lots of Republicans didn't want him BUT there are some good people among you .....and he wasn't outvoted like scump was
You really are an ignorant little twit.

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