Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?

Do you believe Trump is an honest person?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Though I detested Barry Oboingo, I accepted that he won two elections....Unlike the reaction that you insane moonbat freaks have had to the 2016 election.
You elected a Mafia Don with not a likable bone in his body
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
He thinks everyone liked BO. So there’s that.
No not everyone He's black so we know lots of Republicans didn't want him BUT there are some good people among you .....and he wasn't outvoted like scump was
You really are an ignorant little twit.
BS I'm a few months past 82 and have been around the block a time or 2 And I'm 6 ft 180 lbs And really I'm smart Smarter than the Generals the lawyers Un and putin and scientists
Quit pretending that you give a fuck about the Constitution...I know that you don't so just stop it.

Oh, and grow the fuck up.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
You are wrong Dead wrong
No I'm not....You're a progressive, so it follows that the Constitution is an impediment to getting the Marxist paradise that you want...You're current cowering behind it is a matter of convenience is as cynical and disingenuous as you can get.

You're not fooling me...Just grow the fuck up.
If being a progressive means wanting folks to have a better life if it means not liking the lies and bullshit coming from republicans I plead guilty FYI I call myself a Dem Was a republican all my life until 2000 GWB was my last repub vote
Being a progressive means that you believe the Constitution to be an outmoded relic, and you want to subvert it......The "want folks to have a better life" crap is just a flimsy and disingenuous cover story...You hate the document and its constraints upon The State, I know it.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
You are wrong Dead wrong
No I'm not....You're a progressive, so it follows that the Constitution is an impediment to getting the Marxist paradise that you want...You're current cowering behind it is a matter of convenience is as cynical and disingenuous as you can get.

You're not fooling me...Just grow the fuck up.
If being a progressive means wanting folks to have a better life if it means not liking the lies and bullshit coming from republicans I plead guilty FYI I call myself a Dem Was a republican all my life until 2000 GWB was my last repub vote
Being a progressive means that you believe the Constitution to be an outmoded relic, and you want to subvert it......The "want folks to have a better life" crap is just a flimsy and disingenuous cover story...You hate the document and its constraints upon The State, I know it.
Can you even admit that a paper written so long ago with there being so many differences in our make up could use a few changes?
You elected a Mafia Don with not a likable bone in his body
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
He thinks everyone liked BO. So there’s that.
No not everyone He's black so we know lots of Republicans didn't want him BUT there are some good people among you .....and he wasn't outvoted like scump was
You really are an ignorant little twit.
BS I'm a few months past 82 and have been around the block a time or 2 And I'm 6 ft 180 lbs And really I'm smart Smarter than the Generals the lawyers Un and putin and scientists
No, you're not really that smart. How old you are means nothing. My mother in law is 82 and gets letters from political action groups telling her that Trump is going to take her Social Security and Medicare and she believes them.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
You are wrong Dead wrong
No I'm not....You're a progressive, so it follows that the Constitution is an impediment to getting the Marxist paradise that you want...You're current cowering behind it is a matter of convenience is as cynical and disingenuous as you can get.

You're not fooling me...Just grow the fuck up.
If being a progressive means wanting folks to have a better life if it means not liking the lies and bullshit coming from republicans I plead guilty FYI I call myself a Dem Was a republican all my life until 2000 GWB was my last repub vote
Being a progressive means that you believe the Constitution to be an outmoded relic, and you want to subvert it......The "want folks to have a better life" crap is just a flimsy and disingenuous cover story...You hate the document and its constraints upon The State, I know it.
Can you even admit that a paper written so long ago with there being so many differences in our make up could use a few changes?
Irrelevant to the fact....You want it undermined entirely, not just a "few changes"....You're an intellectually dishonest fraud and I know it.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum. Republicans tried to work with democrats when Obama was President and they were told to shut up and sit down.

Horse Pucky.
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum. Republicans tried to work with democrats when Obama was President and they were told to shut up and sit down.

Horse Pucky.
Truth. Democrats rejected everything Republicans suggested for Obamacare. That's why there were 0 Republican votes for it in the House and Senate. The Democrats knew they had the votes without Republicans so they didn't have to work with Republicans. Truth.
Y'all say that boy. Y'all use a dowsing rod to see the future?

Let’s get this straight we’re not Republicans we’re Conservatives.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm sorry, I didn't see the stick stuck in your ass.

You look at guy's asses do ya?.?

LOL, somethings are just to abstract for you to comprehend, and even a common idiom is well above your head, err, your understanding.

Someone with "a stiff, stern and uptight manner"
Gallup says Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same time in Obama's Presidency. What say you?

Two things:
  1. The one time was directly before the 2010 Election, when the voters had been inundated with attacks on the Democratic Party as Socialist, a result of the passage of the ACA (Obamacare)
  2. See:
From the link:

  • Obama: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2011, Barack Obama’s approval rating was 50.2 percent.
  • Trump: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, Donald Trump’s approval rating is 39.6 percent.
The Republicans need a strong figure.

Bill Weld is not that amazing.

Kasich is the worst quitter, he could have won the nomination, but backed out, even though he possibly would have had the electoral votes of the other non-Trump candidates who left earlier. So not him either.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum. Republicans tried to work with democrats when Obama was President and they were told to shut up and sit down.

Horse Pucky.
Truth. Democrats rejected everything Republicans suggested for Obamacare. That's why there were 0 Republican votes for it in the House and Senate. The Democrats knew they had the votes without Republicans so they didn't have to work with Republicans. Truth.

The Republicans had a LOT of great ideas to improve the ACA- yet they were all rejected unanimously by the D's.

Who could object, for example, to a GOP proposal to ban Convicted child molesters from receiving Free ED medication?

Not a single Democrat voted for it.
AND TO IMPEACH do you give a fuck odd one?
Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives
  • The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.
  • The House is currently made up of 435 representatives—referred to as congressmen or congresswomen—who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.
  • As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 35 years old.
  • A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.
  • The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials.
House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election.

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees.

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states.

The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nation's federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800.
Nice copypasta....You still don't give a fuck about the Constitution and I know it.
You are wrong Dead wrong
No I'm not....You're a progressive, so it follows that the Constitution is an impediment to getting the Marxist paradise that you want...You're current cowering behind it is a matter of convenience is as cynical and disingenuous as you can get.

You're not fooling me...Just grow the fuck up.
If being a progressive means wanting folks to have a better life if it means not liking the lies and bullshit coming from republicans I plead guilty FYI I call myself a Dem Was a republican all my life until 2000 GWB was my last repub vote
Being a progressive means that you believe the Constitution to be an outmoded relic, and you want to subvert it......The "want folks to have a better life" crap is just a flimsy and disingenuous cover story...You hate the document and its constraints upon The State, I know it.

That outdated document you refer to is the only reason that Trump has not taken over the entire United States. The Constitution of the United States has done it's job admirably. Outside it working to keep it current (this hasn't been done in a very long time) it stands and as long as we follow it, tyrants can't overthrow our Country. And Trump tries over and over. He pushes against the envelope to see just how far he can go. And don't say he doesn't because that's in Trumps nature and always has been. To say that anyone that doesn't support Trump doesn't support the Constitution of the United States is just wrong. But if you blindly follow Trump you are not supporting the Constitution AND you are definitely NOT a Constitutionalist by any stretch of the imagination.
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum. Republicans tried to work with democrats when Obama was President and they were told to shut up and sit down.

Horse Pucky.
Truth. Democrats rejected everything Republicans suggested for Obamacare. That's why there were 0 Republican votes for it in the House and Senate. The Democrats knew they had the votes without Republicans so they didn't have to work with Republicans. Truth.

The Republicans had a LOT of great ideas to improve the ACA- yet they were all rejected unanimously by the D's.

Who could object, for example, to a GOP proposal to ban Convicted child molesters from receiving Free ED medication?

Not a single Democrat voted for it.

If that medication is legally subscribed by a Doctor, then there should be NO restrictions. Especially if that medication is to lesson yearnings to commit such a crime. Crap like that is not only against common sense but it's also just mean spirited. If you are going to use that as an example, every Republican that supported that should be taken from their Government Office and forced to work a few Emergency Rooms in a State Home.
The Republicans need a strong figure.

Bill Weld is not that amazing.

Kasich is the worst quitter, he could have won the nomination, but backed out, even though he possibly would have had the electoral votes of the other non-Trump candidates who left earlier. So not him either.

If the Republican Party would have nominated Mr. Kasich, Kasich would have been schlonged royally. He would have never stood a chance. Actually, none of the other 16 Republican also-rans would have stood a chance against the Clinton War Chest. Kasich couldn't tolerate the little bit of good natured ribbing that Donald J. Trump gave him. If the man were labeled a Racist, hater and Literally Hitler by the media- which he would have- he would have fell apart.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum. Republicans tried to work with democrats when Obama was President and they were told to shut up and sit down.

Horse Pucky.
Truth. Democrats rejected everything Republicans suggested for Obamacare. That's why there were 0 Republican votes for it in the House and Senate. The Democrats knew they had the votes without Republicans so they didn't have to work with Republicans. Truth.

Again, Horse Pucky. The premise all along has been the complete failure of the ACA. We all know it needs to be fixed (Yes, Dorathy, we know it's not done) and it could have been fixed. But instead of fixing it, you people have decided to just dump it with nothing to replace it. Well, there is that promise of, "Elect of Re-Elect me and we will have it done by next year". That worked once, maybe twice. It's not working anymore. The General Public trusts the Dems far more than the Reps on Health Care. The genie is out of the bottle. And you can stop with the "Next Year" crap. You next yeared yourself to death in 2016. That's a huge hotspot issue for the Dems this time around and unless you can get something at least presented real fast, it's going to be a real bear in your court. A very well armed Bear that is Pissed off. Yes, the right to arm bears shall not be infringed.
Right. Trump has a higher approval rating than Obama did at this point. A roaring economy. No major wars going on. An unemployment rate that hasn't been this low in 50 years (1969). Wages experiencing their biggest hike in over 10 years. Record low black and Hispanic unemployment. Etc., etc. etc. Yeah, of course Republicans should dump Trump!
So you're butthurt because Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same point in their Presidency. You're a bad loser. You're not honorable and without integrity. A gracious loser is respectful and keeps their integrity. You're just an immature leftist punk.
Integrity is my middle name and find me a gracious loser like you are ,and you'll find a loser
Wrong. A gracious loser accepts the results, congratulates the winner, and then works with the winner to create a better America. You democrats are scum. Republicans tried to work with democrats when Obama was President and they were told to shut up and sit down.

Horse Pucky.
Truth. Democrats rejected everything Republicans suggested for Obamacare. That's why there were 0 Republican votes for it in the House and Senate. The Democrats knew they had the votes without Republicans so they didn't have to work with Republicans. Truth.

Again, Horse Pucky. The premise all along has been the complete failure of the ACA. We all know it needs to be fixed (Yes, Dorathy, we know it's not done) and it could have been fixed. But instead of fixing it, you people have decided to just dump it with nothing to replace it. Well, there is that promise of, "Elect of Re-Elect me and we will have it done by next year". That worked once, maybe twice. It's not working anymore. The General Public trusts the Dems far more than the Reps on Health Care. The genie is out of the bottle. And you can stop with the "Next Year" crap. You next yeared yourself to death in 2016. That's a huge hotspot issue for the Dems this time around and unless you can get something at least presented real fast, it's going to be a real bear in your court. A very well armed Bear that is Pissed off. Yes, the right to arm bears shall not be infringed.

Actually, the Left is now talking about dumping the ACA and not fixing the dam thing at all too.

They want a "Medicare for All" Atrocity which would permanently destroy healthcare in America and comes with a price tag of $90 Trillion.

The Democrats are the ones who fouled up the entire medical system with the ACA, yet they refused to work at all on a real repair of it.

BTW, President Trump did have an idea, tremendous healthcare which would be lower priced and higher quality. No D's voted for it, and McCain stabbed the country in the back after promising to back it.
Remembering the fact that it is Settled Law that the Individual Mandate is unconstitutional, what changes in the ACA will the D's propose to reform the thing?

I see the ACA as a sinking ship right now, and is irreformable. I'd love to see the Dems quit this impeachment bullshit and instead propose a SERIOUS replacement for the ACA or reform, that can actually be passed in the Senate and signed by President Donald j. Trump.
Let’s get this straight we’re not Republicans we’re Conservatives.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm sorry, I didn't see the stick stuck in your ass.

You look at guy's asses do ya?.?

LOL, somethings are just to abstract for you to comprehend, and even a common idiom is well above your head, err, your understanding.

Someone with "a stiff, stern and uptight manner"
Gallup says Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same time in Obama's Presidency. What say you?

Two things:
  1. The one time was directly before the 2010 Election, when the voters had been inundated with attacks on the Democratic Party as Socialist, a result of the passage of the ACA (Obamacare)
  2. See:
From the link:

  • Obama: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2011, Barack Obama’s approval rating was 50.2 percent.
  • Trump: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, Donald Trump’s approval rating is 39.6 percent.
The point I made stands. According to Gallup, Trump is more popular at this point in his Presidency than Obama was. Suck on it.

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