Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?

Do you believe Trump is an honest person?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Again, Horse Pucky. The premise all along has been the complete failure of the ACA. We all know it needs to be fixed (Yes, Dorathy, we know it's not done) and it could have been fixed. But instead of fixing it, you people have decided to just dump it with nothing to replace it. Well, there is that promise of, "Elect of Re-Elect me and we will have it done by next year". That worked once, maybe twice. It's not working anymore. The General Public trusts the Dems far more than the Reps on Health Care. The genie is out of the bottle. And you can stop with the "Next Year" crap. You next yeared yourself to death in 2016. That's a huge hotspot issue for the Dems this time around and unless you can get something at least presented real fast, it's going to be a real bear in your court. A very well armed Bear that is Pissed off. Yes, the right to arm bears shall not be infringed.

Actually, the Left is now talking about dumping the ACA and not fixing the dam thing at all too.

They want a "Medicare for All" Atrocity which would permanently destroy healthcare in America and comes with a price tag of $90 Trillion.

The Democrats are the ones who fouled up the entire medical system with the ACA, yet they refused to work at all on a real repair of it.

BTW, President Trump did have an idea, tremendous healthcare which would be lower priced and higher quality. No D's voted for it, and McCain stabbed the country in the back after promising to back it.

Ooh,let's change the subject. Okay. Medicare for all will do the same thing but it's one hell of a lot less messier. Your bunch has fouled up ACA so bad, there is probably no way to salvage it. So you end up with what you feared the most, Medicare for All. Are you aware that my Medicare costs me a135 bucks a month whether I use it or not? Yes, Dorathy, I pay a premium. The amount is dependent on your income. And almost EVERY babyboomer is on it now. Meaning, the largest group of Americans are already on it. Then, let's not forget that it only pays 80% on the average for services. The remainder has to come out of someone's pocket (for me, it's my pocket). And that pocket is the Social Security Pay I receive each month that is NOT an entitlement since I payed into ti for over 50 years and still do and that's MY money. And in order to afford health care even with Medicare, I have to have a supplemental policy.

Your figures do not take everything to account. It's like the Employment Rate Counts. You don't take into account the money was have to spend even when we are on it for the health care or the premiums we have to pay to have it. Would I like to drop Medicare part B which is what charges the Premium? You betcha. But if I do that, I have trouble getting suppliment. And any long care would have to come out of my pocket meaning complete financial ruin and even that won't be enough. So I pay the Medicare Premium regardless and you don't figure that into the equation. What you are repeating is the Insurance Company Lobbyists diatribe.

That being said, the largest group of Americans are already ON Medicare for All. And we are paying our way. Again, you aren't factoring in that.
Bullshit. It wasn't Republicans that muffed away half a billion on a nonfunctioning web site. Do you remember when Obamacare rolled out in October of 2013? Do you remember all the craziness because the web site didn't work? Democrats built that.

Yet, the one made by the States worked flawlessly. The ONLY ones affected by the Federal Website was the Americans in states that didn't do their own. And the idea from the very beginning was for the States to handle most of the administration. This is another case of YOU people screwing your own people and blaming someone else to hide the fact that you are a bunch of vindictive bastards.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.

Hate to break it to you but in my state, it went smoothly except for a handful of true blue (or red) people that bought your BS. The rest of us are doing fine. The State handled things quite well. Can your "Red" states say the same? Does that mean that the Blue States are smarter than the Red States? Of that we don't try and harm the citizens of the states to try and make a political point.
That's a lie. Republicans tried to include some measures into it and were rebuffed. I followed the entire thing from start to finish. If some Republican ideas would have been included, it would have received some Republican votes. How many did it get? Liar.

How about listen those ideas so the rest of us can research them. Just saying that they existed doesn't make them believable when all the other things are considered in.
I think it's 100% BS Republicans wanted no part of HC

Absolutely not true, ed.

Trump Care which would have provided unbelievably tremendous care and saved the taxpayers billions was rejected unanimously by the D's , in spite of its excellence

It's been 6 years awaiting the replacement. Each time (Including Strumpcare) that it's been "Re-elect me and you can have it next year". Next year has come and gone a few times. Still no program has been presented. Promises become lies at a certain point. And this one has long since reached it's sell by date.
The American people that work and buy their own health insurance were better off before Obamacare.

And those millions that were refused health care insurance or could not afford it were just sent home to die, right? But anyone making aver a certain amount without prior conditions were doing just great. Lie to us more.
Again, Horse Pucky. The premise all along has been the complete failure of the ACA. We all know it needs to be fixed (Yes, Dorathy, we know it's not done) and it could have been fixed. But instead of fixing it, you people have decided to just dump it with nothing to replace it. Well, there is that promise of, "Elect of Re-Elect me and we will have it done by next year". That worked once, maybe twice. It's not working anymore. The General Public trusts the Dems far more than the Reps on Health Care. The genie is out of the bottle. And you can stop with the "Next Year" crap. You next yeared yourself to death in 2016. That's a huge hotspot issue for the Dems this time around and unless you can get something at least presented real fast, it's going to be a real bear in your court. A very well armed Bear that is Pissed off. Yes, the right to arm bears shall not be infringed.

Actually, the Left is now talking about dumping the ACA and not fixing the dam thing at all too.

They want a "Medicare for All" Atrocity which would permanently destroy healthcare in America and comes with a price tag of $90 Trillion.

The Democrats are the ones who fouled up the entire medical system with the ACA, yet they refused to work at all on a real repair of it.

BTW, President Trump did have an idea, tremendous healthcare which would be lower priced and higher quality. No D's voted for it, and McCain stabbed the country in the back after promising to back it.

Ooh,let's change the subject. Okay. Medicare for all will do the same thing but it's one hell of a lot less messier. Your bunch has fouled up ACA so bad, there is probably no way to salvage it. So you end up with what you feared the most, Medicare for All. Are you aware that my Medicare costs me a135 bucks a month whether I use it or not? Yes, Dorathy, I pay a premium. The amount is dependent on your income. And almost EVERY babyboomer is on it now. Meaning, the largest group of Americans are already on it. Then, let's not forget that it only pays 80% on the average for services. The remainder has to come out of someone's pocket (for me, it's my pocket). And that pocket is the Social Security Pay I receive each month that is NOT an entitlement since I payed into ti for over 50 years and still do and that's MY money. And in order to afford health care even with Medicare, I have to have a supplemental policy.

Your figures do not take everything to account. It's like the Employment Rate Counts. You don't take into account the money was have to spend even when we are on it for the health care or the premiums we have to pay to have it. Would I like to drop Medicare part B which is what charges the Premium? You betcha. But if I do that, I have trouble getting suppliment. And any long care would have to come out of my pocket meaning complete financial ruin and even that won't be enough. So I pay the Medicare Premium regardless and you don't figure that into the equation. What you are repeating is the Insurance Company Lobbyists diatribe.

That being said, the largest group of Americans are already ON Medicare for All. And we are paying our way. Again, you aren't factoring in that.
Bullshit. It wasn't Republicans that muffed away half a billion on a nonfunctioning web site. Do you remember when Obamacare rolled out in October of 2013? Do you remember all the craziness because the web site didn't work? Democrats built that.

Yet, the one made by the States worked flawlessly. The ONLY ones affected by the Federal Website was the Americans in states that didn't do their own. And the idea from the very beginning was for the States to handle most of the administration. This is another case of YOU people screwing your own people and blaming someone else to hide the fact that you are a bunch of vindictive bastards.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
How about listen those ideas so the rest of us can research them. Just saying that they existed doesn't make them believable when all the other things are considered in.
I think it's 100% BS Republicans wanted no part of HC

Absolutely not true, ed.

Trump Care which would have provided unbelievably tremendous care and saved the taxpayers billions was rejected unanimously by the D's , in spite of its excellence

It's been 6 years awaiting the replacement. Each time (Including Strumpcare) that it's been "Re-elect me and you can have it next year". Next year has come and gone a few times. Still no program has been presented. Promises become lies at a certain point. And this one has long since reached it's sell by date.
The American people that work and buy their own health insurance were better off before Obamacare.

And those millions that were refused health care insurance or could not afford it were just sent home to die, right? But anyone making aver a certain amount without prior conditions were doing just great. Lie to us more.
Yeah, they were sent home to die like people have for over 200 years in America. Are you gonna cry? Why should I pay for your health insurance?
Actually, the Left is now talking about dumping the ACA and not fixing the dam thing at all too.

They want a "Medicare for All" Atrocity which would permanently destroy healthcare in America and comes with a price tag of $90 Trillion.

The Democrats are the ones who fouled up the entire medical system with the ACA, yet they refused to work at all on a real repair of it.

BTW, President Trump did have an idea, tremendous healthcare which would be lower priced and higher quality. No D's voted for it, and McCain stabbed the country in the back after promising to back it.

Ooh,let's change the subject. Okay. Medicare for all will do the same thing but it's one hell of a lot less messier. Your bunch has fouled up ACA so bad, there is probably no way to salvage it. So you end up with what you feared the most, Medicare for All. Are you aware that my Medicare costs me a135 bucks a month whether I use it or not? Yes, Dorathy, I pay a premium. The amount is dependent on your income. And almost EVERY babyboomer is on it now. Meaning, the largest group of Americans are already on it. Then, let's not forget that it only pays 80% on the average for services. The remainder has to come out of someone's pocket (for me, it's my pocket). And that pocket is the Social Security Pay I receive each month that is NOT an entitlement since I payed into ti for over 50 years and still do and that's MY money. And in order to afford health care even with Medicare, I have to have a supplemental policy.

Your figures do not take everything to account. It's like the Employment Rate Counts. You don't take into account the money was have to spend even when we are on it for the health care or the premiums we have to pay to have it. Would I like to drop Medicare part B which is what charges the Premium? You betcha. But if I do that, I have trouble getting suppliment. And any long care would have to come out of my pocket meaning complete financial ruin and even that won't be enough. So I pay the Medicare Premium regardless and you don't figure that into the equation. What you are repeating is the Insurance Company Lobbyists diatribe.

That being said, the largest group of Americans are already ON Medicare for All. And we are paying our way. Again, you aren't factoring in that.
Bullshit. It wasn't Republicans that muffed away half a billion on a nonfunctioning web site. Do you remember when Obamacare rolled out in October of 2013? Do you remember all the craziness because the web site didn't work? Democrats built that.

Yet, the one made by the States worked flawlessly. The ONLY ones affected by the Federal Website was the Americans in states that didn't do their own. And the idea from the very beginning was for the States to handle most of the administration. This is another case of YOU people screwing your own people and blaming someone else to hide the fact that you are a bunch of vindictive bastards.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Ooh,let's change the subject. Okay. Medicare for all will do the same thing but it's one hell of a lot less messier. Your bunch has fouled up ACA so bad, there is probably no way to salvage it. So you end up with what you feared the most, Medicare for All. Are you aware that my Medicare costs me a135 bucks a month whether I use it or not? Yes, Dorathy, I pay a premium. The amount is dependent on your income. And almost EVERY babyboomer is on it now. Meaning, the largest group of Americans are already on it. Then, let's not forget that it only pays 80% on the average for services. The remainder has to come out of someone's pocket (for me, it's my pocket). And that pocket is the Social Security Pay I receive each month that is NOT an entitlement since I payed into ti for over 50 years and still do and that's MY money. And in order to afford health care even with Medicare, I have to have a supplemental policy.

Your figures do not take everything to account. It's like the Employment Rate Counts. You don't take into account the money was have to spend even when we are on it for the health care or the premiums we have to pay to have it. Would I like to drop Medicare part B which is what charges the Premium? You betcha. But if I do that, I have trouble getting suppliment. And any long care would have to come out of my pocket meaning complete financial ruin and even that won't be enough. So I pay the Medicare Premium regardless and you don't figure that into the equation. What you are repeating is the Insurance Company Lobbyists diatribe.

That being said, the largest group of Americans are already ON Medicare for All. And we are paying our way. Again, you aren't factoring in that.
Bullshit. It wasn't Republicans that muffed away half a billion on a nonfunctioning web site. Do you remember when Obamacare rolled out in October of 2013? Do you remember all the craziness because the web site didn't work? Democrats built that.

Yet, the one made by the States worked flawlessly. The ONLY ones affected by the Federal Website was the Americans in states that didn't do their own. And the idea from the very beginning was for the States to handle most of the administration. This is another case of YOU people screwing your own people and blaming someone else to hide the fact that you are a bunch of vindictive bastards.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
Bullshit. It wasn't Republicans that muffed away half a billion on a nonfunctioning web site. Do you remember when Obamacare rolled out in October of 2013? Do you remember all the craziness because the web site didn't work? Democrats built that.

Yet, the one made by the States worked flawlessly. The ONLY ones affected by the Federal Website was the Americans in states that didn't do their own. And the idea from the very beginning was for the States to handle most of the administration. This is another case of YOU people screwing your own people and blaming someone else to hide the fact that you are a bunch of vindictive bastards.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Yet, the one made by the States worked flawlessly. The ONLY ones affected by the Federal Website was the Americans in states that didn't do their own. And the idea from the very beginning was for the States to handle most of the administration. This is another case of YOU people screwing your own people and blaming someone else to hide the fact that you are a bunch of vindictive bastards.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Cool, so is this what the Democrats will impeach the President for?
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?
I'm sorry, I didn't see the stick stuck in your ass.

You look at guy's asses do ya?.?

LOL, somethings are just to abstract for you to comprehend, and even a common idiom is well above your head, err, your understanding.

Someone with "a stiff, stern and uptight manner"
Gallup says Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same time in Obama's Presidency. What say you?

Two things:
  1. The one time was directly before the 2010 Election, when the voters had been inundated with attacks on the Democratic Party as Socialist, a result of the passage of the ACA (Obamacare)
  2. See:
From the link:

  • Obama: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2011, Barack Obama’s approval rating was 50.2 percent.
  • Trump: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, Donald Trump’s approval rating is 39.6 percent.
The point I made stands. According to Gallup, Trump is more popular at this point in his Presidency than Obama was. Suck on it.

You're really dumb, aren't you?
You look at guy's asses do ya?.?

LOL, somethings are just to abstract for you to comprehend, and even a common idiom is well above your head, err, your understanding.

Someone with "a stiff, stern and uptight manner"
Gallup says Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same time in Obama's Presidency. What say you?

Two things:
  1. The one time was directly before the 2010 Election, when the voters had been inundated with attacks on the Democratic Party as Socialist, a result of the passage of the ACA (Obamacare)
  2. See:
From the link:

  • Obama: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2011, Barack Obama’s approval rating was 50.2 percent.
  • Trump: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, Donald Trump’s approval rating is 39.6 percent.
The point I made stands. According to Gallup, Trump is more popular at this point in his Presidency than Obama was. Suck on it.

You're really dumb, aren't you?
Yup, I'm really dumb. Yup yup.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?
BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?
BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question
Yes, America won. A President was elected according to the Constitution. We win.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Looks like more prog-projection to me. The investigation was a fabrication, so what do progs do? Course they point into the wrong direction.

TRUMP 2020
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?
BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question
Yes, America won. A President was elected according to the Constitution. We win.
They're ALL elected according to our constitution ,,,With this pos we lost Stone walling congressional probes?
trump did everything he could to stop the investigation do all our little scumbag republicans think thats all well and good? If so go to russia and kiss putins ass too
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?
BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question

So far, we're doing exponentially better than the brown buffoon before him. It will take a few years to remove that abhorrent stain.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?

BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question

So far, we're doing exponentially better than the brown buffoon before him. It will take a few years to remove that abhorrent stain.

"Brown buffoon"

I bet you will object if I call you for what you are, a Racist. And act as if the hate rhetoric expressed in your post is benign.

You're a cancer on the American social scene, and disgusting.

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