Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?

Do you believe Trump is an honest person?

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Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.
Did she show her taxes ? Did Bill show them? Is she 100% above board? Of course not Who is?? But now you're talking about Trump ,the vilest piece of garbage ever to enter our WH and you can't see the difference? Shame on GOD
What the fuck do taxes have to do with anything? Trump never lied about his taxes. Your argument is terrible.
Damn it must be my ears Coulda sworn I heard the liar say he would show his taxes after he became president and now you find out the reason why he won't show them HE PAID SHIT except for 1 year,,,
Psssst! If you don't have any income, you don't have to pay taxes.

You of all people should know that.
Ha Ha dave Probably lost more in the last 3 days than you make in a year
Let's see your tax returns. I'm sure you're guilty of some wrongdoing.
Accept??? I have no choice BUT like the POS ,?Never .. He brought his cesspool to Washington with him and makes a mockery of our constitution ,,and isn't this board full of comments pro and con ?
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
Those are the very people you need to convince of the rightness of your views and get them to vote with you.

You, and people like you, are why Trump won last time.
You really know how to hurt a guy
You can...and do...reject reality all day long.

That doesn't change reality.
Reality is Trump is a scumbag pulling America down into the cesspool where he resides
Did she show her taxes ? Did Bill show them? Is she 100% above board? Of course not Who is?? But now you're talking about Trump ,the vilest piece of garbage ever to enter our WH and you can't see the difference? Shame on GOD
What the fuck do taxes have to do with anything? Trump never lied about his taxes. Your argument is terrible.
Damn it must be my ears Coulda sworn I heard the liar say he would show his taxes after he became president and now you find out the reason why he won't show them HE PAID SHIT except for 1 year,,,
Psssst! If you don't have any income, you don't have to pay taxes.

You of all people should know that.
Ha Ha dave Probably lost more in the last 3 days than you make in a year
Let's see your tax returns. I'm sure you're guilty of some wrongdoing.
You'll have to be satisfied with this
+$1,400,942.54 (27.01%)
YTD Change
You haven't accepted the fact....Grow up, pussy.
What I haven't accepted putz,is that so many dotards support the garbage and sing his praise
Those are the very people you need to convince of the rightness of your views and get them to vote with you.

You, and people like you, are why Trump won last time.
You really know how to hurt a guy
You can...and do...reject reality all day long.

That doesn't change reality.
Reality is Trump is a scumbag pulling America down into the cesspool where he resides
Yes, people with irrational hatred say the same thing.
What the fuck do taxes have to do with anything? Trump never lied about his taxes. Your argument is terrible.
Damn it must be my ears Coulda sworn I heard the liar say he would show his taxes after he became president and now you find out the reason why he won't show them HE PAID SHIT except for 1 year,,,
Psssst! If you don't have any income, you don't have to pay taxes.

You of all people should know that.
Ha Ha dave Probably lost more in the last 3 days than you make in a year
Let's see your tax returns. I'm sure you're guilty of some wrongdoing.
You'll have to be satisfied with this
+$1,400,942.54 (27.01%)
YTD Change
Did you know anyone can say anything on the internet? Really!
And yet, one polls much better and it's still early. Who knows, another one might come on strong later. Be afraid, be very afraid.
So, you support the rich white old guy?

How very progressive of you.

Which one do you mean? There are several of them. It's easy to lose count.
They're ideologically interchangeable. Democrats don't encourage independent thought.

You left out your fearful Orange Leader. You seem to forget that HE is also a rich white guy. And for the most part, if the Orange One were not here, it would still be some rich white old guy in his place.
I must have missed the part where President Trump announced his candidacy for President as a Democrat.

Or are you just blindly flailing around again?

And you missed the part where you worship him as a Republican. He's a fruitcake and always was a fruitcake.
So, you support the rich white old guy?

How very progressive of you.

Which one do you mean? There are several of them. It's easy to lose count.
They're ideologically interchangeable. Democrats don't encourage independent thought.

You left out your fearful Orange Leader. You seem to forget that HE is also a rich white guy. And for the most part, if the Orange One were not here, it would still be some rich white old guy in his place.
I must have missed the part where President Trump announced his candidacy for President as a Democrat.

Or are you just blindly flailing around again?

And you missed the part where you worship him as a Republican. He's a fruitcake and always was a fruitcake.
I don't worship any man, you fucking moron.

Good Gaea, you lefties project every single moral failing you have on others.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.

Well said

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If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.
Did she show her taxes ? Did Bill show them? Is she 100% above board? Of course not Who is?? But now you're talking about Trump ,the vilest piece of garbage ever to enter our WH and you can't see the difference? Shame on GOD

No I think the Clintons got him beat on vilest piece of garbage.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.
Did she show her taxes ? Did Bill show them? Is she 100% above board? Of course not Who is?? But now you're talking about Trump ,the vilest piece of garbage ever to enter our WH and you can't see the difference? Shame on GOD
What the fuck do taxes have to do with anything? Trump never lied about his taxes. Your argument is terrible.
Damn it must be my ears Coulda sworn I heard the liar say he would show his taxes after he became president and now you find out the reason why he won't show them HE PAID SHIT except for 1 year,,,

I heard Obama say he was a Christian and we’d free healthcare before it turned into affordable. You should be more inquisitive on why Bill and Hillary got $500,000 for hour speeches and now their selling tickets for $2.50 to he’s d them speak.

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Which one do you mean? There are several of them. It's easy to lose count.
They're ideologically interchangeable. Democrats don't encourage independent thought.

You left out your fearful Orange Leader. You seem to forget that HE is also a rich white guy. And for the most part, if the Orange One were not here, it would still be some rich white old guy in his place.
I must have missed the part where President Trump announced his candidacy for President as a Democrat.

Or are you just blindly flailing around again?

And you missed the part where you worship him as a Republican. He's a fruitcake and always was a fruitcake.
I don't worship any man, you fucking moron.

Good Gaea, you lefties project every single moral failing you have on others.

I keep looking for the reasoning behind the blind following of the Orange one and not a single rational reason comes to bare. And as many others know, I am far from a leftie. Or a rightie for that matter. I used to be a registered Republican and have NEVER been a registered Democrat. I am part of a large group of people that the GOP moved away from and left without representation. So, the only answer has to be a religious one since non secular reasoning is out the window. Denying your Orange God could get you cast into the burning fires of hell, or Detroit, whichever is closest.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Trump on his best day is vile lying garbage
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Trump on his best day is vile lying garbage

Suck my nutz [emoji631]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Trump on his best day is vile lying garbage

Suck my nutz [emoji631]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bet you don't have any
They're ideologically interchangeable. Democrats don't encourage independent thought.

You left out your fearful Orange Leader. You seem to forget that HE is also a rich white guy. And for the most part, if the Orange One were not here, it would still be some rich white old guy in his place.
I must have missed the part where President Trump announced his candidacy for President as a Democrat.

Or are you just blindly flailing around again?

And you missed the part where you worship him as a Republican. He's a fruitcake and always was a fruitcake.
I don't worship any man, you fucking moron.

Good Gaea, you lefties project every single moral failing you have on others.

I keep looking for the reasoning behind the blind following of the Orange one and not a single rational reason comes to bare. And as many others know, I am far from a leftie. Or a rightie for that matter. I used to be a registered Republican and have NEVER been a registered Democrat. I am part of a large group of people that the GOP moved away from and left without representation. So, the only answer has to be a religious one since non secular reasoning is out the window. Denying your Orange God could get you cast into the burning fires of hell, or Detroit, whichever is closest.
And you suck at logic, too.
Where did you get the idiotic notion that the President has to be liked by everyone?
He thinks everyone liked BO. So there’s that.
No not everyone He's black so we know lots of Republicans didn't want him BUT there are some good people among you .....and he wasn't outvoted like scump was
You really are an ignorant little twit.
BS I'm a few months past 82 and have been around the block a time or 2 And I'm 6 ft 180 lbs And really I'm smart Smarter than the Generals the lawyers Un and putin and scientists
No, you're not really that smart. How old you are means nothing. My mother in law is 82 and gets letters from political action groups telling her that Trump is going to take her Social Security and Medicare and she believes them.
No, you're not really that smart. How old you are means nothing. My mother in law is 82 and gets letters from political action groups telling her that Trump is going to take her Social Security and Medicare and she believes them.

She should.
Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3.
Yet, the one made by the States worked flawlessly. The ONLY ones affected by the Federal Website was the Americans in states that didn't do their own. And the idea from the very beginning was for the States to handle most of the administration. This is another case of YOU people screwing your own people and blaming someone else to hide the fact that you are a bunch of vindictive bastards.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.

Gore won the popular vote, fool.
That's hilarious. Classic Democrat blaming someone else for their mess.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.

Gore won the popular vote, fool.
Winning the popular vote for President means absolutely nothing, fool. My point stands. If Gore would have won his home state he would have been President. Idiot.

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