Maybe the Republicans ought to dump trump?

Do you believe Trump is an honest person?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?

BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question

So far, we're doing exponentially better than the brown buffoon before him. It will take a few years to remove that abhorrent stain.

"Brown buffoon"

I bet you will object if I call you for what you are, a Racist. And act as if the hate rhetoric expressed in your post is benign.

You're a cancer on the American social scene, and disgusting.
It's okay. Is calling Obama "chocolate" okay? CNN wondered how black the royal baby was going to be.

Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?

BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question

So far, we're doing exponentially better than the brown buffoon before him. It will take a few years to remove that abhorrent stain.

"Brown buffoon"

I bet you will object if I call you for what you are, a Racist. And act as if the hate rhetoric expressed in your post is benign.

You're a cancer on the American social scene, and disgusting.
It's okay. Is calling Obama "chocolate" okay? CNN wondered how black the royal baby was going to be.

Another ^^^ unabashed racist. The fact is not until Trump began his nomination, the racists, misogynists and all around bigots began to pound their chests and march in support of white supremacy.

Of course the racial slurs began when Obama got the nomination, and trump took these slurs to the bank and encouraged those bigots to come out of the closet.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Who in the Democrat party would you seriously consider to be honest? by the way, I voted no for Trump. very few people can truly be considered to be honest. Some are just honest enough though for an elected official and you live what you got.
Trump didn't need to win his state. He won, remember?

BUT did America win with that slime in our WH ?/ That is the question

So far, we're doing exponentially better than the brown buffoon before him. It will take a few years to remove that abhorrent stain.

"Brown buffoon"

I bet you will object if I call you for what you are, a Racist. And act as if the hate rhetoric expressed in your post is benign.

You're a cancer on the American social scene, and disgusting.
It's okay. Is calling Obama "chocolate" okay? CNN wondered how black the royal baby was going to be.

Another ^^^ unabashed racist. The fact is not until Trump began his nomination, the racists, misogynists and all around bigots began to pound their chests and march in support of white supremacy.

Of course the racial slurs began when Obama got the nomination, and trump took these slurs to the bank and encouraged those bigots to come out of the closet.[
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

Who in the Democrat party would you seriously consider to be honest? by the way, I voted no for Trump. very few people can truly be considered to be honest. Some are just honest enough though for an elected official and you live what you got.
You voted for the biggest lying pos ever lost billions and makes believe he's smart keep up the good work ah
I think it's 100% BS Republicans wanted no part of HC

Absolutely not true, ed.

Trump Care which would have provided unbelievably tremendous care and saved the taxpayers billions was rejected unanimously by the D's , in spite of its excellence

It's been 6 years awaiting the replacement. Each time (Including Strumpcare) that it's been "Re-elect me and you can have it next year". Next year has come and gone a few times. Still no program has been presented. Promises become lies at a certain point. And this one has long since reached it's sell by date.
The American people that work and buy their own health insurance were better off before Obamacare.

And those millions that were refused health care insurance or could not afford it were just sent home to die, right? But anyone making aver a certain amount without prior conditions were doing just great. Lie to us more.
Yeah, they were sent home to die like people have for over 200 years in America. Are you gonna cry? Why should I pay for your health insurance?

You don't pay for my medical. I sure wish you would volunteer so I could send you the bill.

Okay, stupid (there isn't anything we can do with stupid), when a person without health care allows the illness to get out of hand due to lack of preventive medicine that could have easily and cheaply taken care of it and they go to the Emergency room, we all pay for that trip. When they show up on a Doctors doorstep with a serious condition, we all pay for that. What we pay is just jacked up to pay for it. And did you know that you and I also pay when they die? So you can play stupid all you want. Or are you really that stupid.
LOL yeah like you fine folks didn't blame dems and obama for your repubs and gwb's F ups
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Cool, so is this what the Democrats will impeach the President for?

Nah., we'll wait until he leaves office. But we all have to be aware the line to prosecute Trump is going to be a long one and everyone get's their turn.
Bush did okay, but he wouldn't fight back. Trump hits back and I like that....a lot.
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Cool, so is this what the Democrats will impeach the President for?

Nah., we'll wait until he leaves office. But we all have to be aware the line to prosecute Trump is going to be a long one and everyone get's their turn.

When President Trump leaves office in 2025, what makes you think that libs will be interested in continuing their jihad against him? Personally, I think they'll forget about him, and concentrate their rage President Kushner
Yeah him and his team of lawyers sue sue sue
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Cool, so is this what the Democrats will impeach the President for?

Nah., we'll wait until he leaves office. But we all have to be aware the line to prosecute Trump is going to be a long one and everyone get's their turn.

When President Trump leaves office in 2025, what makes you think that libs will be interested in continuing their jihad against him? Personally, I think they'll forget about him, and concentrate their rage President Kushner

And you are 100% sure he won't leave in 2021? Hell, kid, I ain't sure myself. As it stands right now (and things change) there is about a 55 to 65% chance he will be returning to NY in NY State Police cruiser with his secret service following close behind.

President Kushner? Wow, what a joke that one is. You made a funny.
You really should be angry at Gore. The idiot couldn't even win his home state. If Gore would have won his home state then he would have been President.
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Cool, so is this what the Democrats will impeach the President for?

Nah., we'll wait until he leaves office. But we all have to be aware the line to prosecute Trump is going to be a long one and everyone get's their turn.

When President Trump leaves office in 2025, what makes you think that libs will be interested in continuing their jihad against him? Personally, I think they'll forget about him, and concentrate their rage President Kushner

And you are 100% sure he won't leave in 2021? Hell, kid, I ain't sure myself. As it stands right now (and things change) there is about a 55 to 65% chance he will be returning to NY in NY State Police cruiser with his secret service following close behind.

President Kushner? Wow, what a joke that one is. You made a funny.

The Democrats don't have anyone who can beat Trump. The whole bevy of candidates are lightweight losers. Phonies, frauds, nobodies and has-beens.
Right. Trump has a higher approval rating than Obama did at this point. A roaring economy. No major wars going on. An unemployment rate that hasn't been this low in 50 years (1969). Wages experiencing their biggest hike in over 10 years. Record low black and Hispanic unemployment. Etc., etc. etc. Yeah, of course Republicans should dump Trump!

The difference is, in 1969, only the full time jobs were counted in that count. Only males were counted in that count. Only jobs that provided more than 35 hours a week employment were counted. And there WAS a raging war going on and those people fighting it weren't in that count. I remember 1969 well. Jobs were all over the place. The Draft took many of the workforce that would be counted out of the system. I should know, it removed me that year. I went from a very secure well paying job to a whopping 50 bucks a month Military Job without my consent. In reality, that condition ended in late 1970. Yes, the draft went on until 1973 but from 1971 to 1973, most were not taken like before. Now you had those people on the job markets once again. The numbers went up after 1970.

I got my hands on a study by AT&T in 2002 about the job market. 2002 was a pretty good year, one would think. When you took the figures the way it's figured today, it came out as about a 10% unemployment rate. The study broke it down. It separated the full time from the part time. When added the part time with the unemployed you came up with a whopping 25.4% rate. That's worse than the 24% rate during the worst of the Great Depression. From what I can see about the job market today where we have lost some Full Time jobs to Part Time, it should be still about the same.

Then you ask why we are not in a deep depression? We are lied to and enough people like you buy into it that it prevents panic. And the ONLY differences between recessions, down turns and depressions is panic.

They use a different count these days. They count ALL jobs, even part time, as employed. They count males and females as well. The job counts that you are using are artificial and are easily manipulated and often are. So don't use the 1969 and back figures as comparison. They were arrived at a completely different equation.

Do I believe that the economy is doing better? No. Minimum wage gets an increase of say 10 percent or more to make up for the cost of living hikes. The problem is, the new cost of living goes up that and more leaving those that are just above minimum wage poorer. Meanwhile, the Middle Class Jobs are getting less in pay. The Middle Class is screwed.

I had to replace my keyboard and mouse last night. That 49.95 keyboard ended up costing me 59 bucks. My electrics and gas went up. The Gas at the pumps went up. I am going to have to buy some clothes and you can bet those went up as well. Of course that 2.3% cost of living increase I received was to compensate for that but the real increases of COL went up many times that. Oh, did I mention my rent went up 50 bucks a month as well? And that 2.3% increase in my check bumped me up a tax bracket and I paid more taxes per dollar than the year before. Sorry, Dude but I have to invoke your name on this one, it's a real BOHICA.

We are so used to being lied to that many actually believe the lie. And, cupcake, it's just not the Republicans spreading that lie, it's both sides depending on who is telling the story. The only difference is, Trump is just better at telling that story than the others.

Thank Obama for your little tax bracket problem. I guess your life is hunky-dory for the eight years before Trump right?

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Let’s get this straight we’re not Republicans we’re Conservatives.

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I'm sorry, I didn't see the stick stuck in your ass.

You look at guy's asses do ya?.?

LOL, somethings are just to abstract for you to comprehend, and even a common idiom is well above your head, err, your understanding.

Someone with "a stiff, stern and uptight manner"
Gallup says Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same time in Obama's Presidency. What say you?

Two things:
  1. The one time was directly before the 2010 Election, when the voters had been inundated with attacks on the Democratic Party as Socialist, a result of the passage of the ACA (Obamacare)
  2. See:
From the link:

  • Obama: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2011, Barack Obama’s approval rating was 50.2 percent.
  • Trump: On Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, Donald Trump’s approval rating is 39.6 percent.

Be careful remember what happened last time you believed the liberal media polls. Hillary 98% chance of winning lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?

I say you Tards are Nuts.....

Trump just keeps kicking your asses...
Trump didn't win his either BUT on another note TRUMP BROKE THE LAW
A lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act by “intentionally failing” to keep written accounts of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and others.

The lawsuit — which was filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in Washington, National Security Archive and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations — mentions five specific meetings between Trump and Putin at which no note takers were allowed to document what the two leaders discussed.

“It is clear that President Trump and White House officials have gone to great lengths to hold high-level meetings with foreign governments and carry out foreign policy objectives while blatantly ignoring record keeping laws and preventing national security officials and the American people from understanding what they are doing,” Noah Bookbinder, CREW’s executive director, said in a press release. “The absence of records in these circumstances causes real, incalculable harm to our national security and poses a direct threat to transparency for the American public. We’re asking the court to compel White House officials to make and maintain these important records that let the public know what the government is up to and provide a safeguard to our history.”
Cool, so is this what the Democrats will impeach the President for?

Nah., we'll wait until he leaves office. But we all have to be aware the line to prosecute Trump is going to be a long one and everyone get's their turn.

When President Trump leaves office in 2025, what makes you think that libs will be interested in continuing their jihad against him? Personally, I think they'll forget about him, and concentrate their rage President Kushner

And you are 100% sure he won't leave in 2021? Hell, kid, I ain't sure myself. As it stands right now (and things change) there is about a 55 to 65% chance he will be returning to NY in NY State Police cruiser with his secret service following close behind.

President Kushner? Wow, what a joke that one is. You made a funny.

The Democrats don't have anyone who can beat Trump. The whole bevy of candidates are lightweight losers. Phonies, frauds, nobodies and has-beens.

And yet, one polls much better and it's still early. Who knows, another one might come on strong later. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Right. Trump has a higher approval rating than Obama did at this point. A roaring economy. No major wars going on. An unemployment rate that hasn't been this low in 50 years (1969). Wages experiencing their biggest hike in over 10 years. Record low black and Hispanic unemployment. Etc., etc. etc. Yeah, of course Republicans should dump Trump!

The difference is, in 1969, only the full time jobs were counted in that count. Only males were counted in that count. Only jobs that provided more than 35 hours a week employment were counted. And there WAS a raging war going on and those people fighting it weren't in that count. I remember 1969 well. Jobs were all over the place. The Draft took many of the workforce that would be counted out of the system. I should know, it removed me that year. I went from a very secure well paying job to a whopping 50 bucks a month Military Job without my consent. In reality, that condition ended in late 1970. Yes, the draft went on until 1973 but from 1971 to 1973, most were not taken like before. Now you had those people on the job markets once again. The numbers went up after 1970.

I got my hands on a study by AT&T in 2002 about the job market. 2002 was a pretty good year, one would think. When you took the figures the way it's figured today, it came out as about a 10% unemployment rate. The study broke it down. It separated the full time from the part time. When added the part time with the unemployed you came up with a whopping 25.4% rate. That's worse than the 24% rate during the worst of the Great Depression. From what I can see about the job market today where we have lost some Full Time jobs to Part Time, it should be still about the same.

Then you ask why we are not in a deep depression? We are lied to and enough people like you buy into it that it prevents panic. And the ONLY differences between recessions, down turns and depressions is panic.

They use a different count these days. They count ALL jobs, even part time, as employed. They count males and females as well. The job counts that you are using are artificial and are easily manipulated and often are. So don't use the 1969 and back figures as comparison. They were arrived at a completely different equation.

Do I believe that the economy is doing better? No. Minimum wage gets an increase of say 10 percent or more to make up for the cost of living hikes. The problem is, the new cost of living goes up that and more leaving those that are just above minimum wage poorer. Meanwhile, the Middle Class Jobs are getting less in pay. The Middle Class is screwed.

I had to replace my keyboard and mouse last night. That 49.95 keyboard ended up costing me 59 bucks. My electrics and gas went up. The Gas at the pumps went up. I am going to have to buy some clothes and you can bet those went up as well. Of course that 2.3% cost of living increase I received was to compensate for that but the real increases of COL went up many times that. Oh, did I mention my rent went up 50 bucks a month as well? And that 2.3% increase in my check bumped me up a tax bracket and I paid more taxes per dollar than the year before. Sorry, Dude but I have to invoke your name on this one, it's a real BOHICA.

We are so used to being lied to that many actually believe the lie. And, cupcake, it's just not the Republicans spreading that lie, it's both sides depending on who is telling the story. The only difference is, Trump is just better at telling that story than the others.

Thank Obama for your little tax bracket problem. I guess your life is hunky-dory for the eight years before Trump right?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I had a better percentage of takehome versus taxes and cost of living under Obama. Most of us at a certain level did. But those days are over until we can get someone with some sense into the office and we can get the butt boys out of congress.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?


I think the Reps - outside of a war - have virtually no chance of holding the WH in 2020 with Trump. He has become SUCH a joke.

The indy's who voted for him in 2016 are mostly rolling their eyes at him now (IMO).

He is toast.

But if they put forth a decent candidate with brains, experience and common sense...they would have a decent chance.

The economy has improved - in terms of GDP growth - since Obama left. And the consensus with the ignorant masses is that the economy is doing well
(of course, both are ridiculous as the economy semi-stunk under Obama and it semi-stinks now as both POTUS's simply used the Fed to pump up the economy artificially with LOTS of cheap money thanks to too low interest rates. At least Trump is honest about the Fed's role.).
If the polls say like before that Trump has only a 2% chance of winning I’ll be happy lol TRUMP 2020

Liberals are so stupid to believe anything

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.
Did she show her taxes ? Did Bill show them? Is she 100% above board? Of course not Who is?? But now you're talking about Trump ,the vilest piece of garbage ever to enter our WH and you can't see the difference? Shame on GOD
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.
Did she show her taxes ? Did Bill show them? Is she 100% above board? Of course not Who is?? But now you're talking about Trump ,the vilest piece of garbage ever to enter our WH and you can't see the difference? Shame on GOD
What the fuck do taxes have to do with anything? Trump never lied about his taxes. Your argument is terrible.
If this poll continues and the same results hold true, and other polls verify the same numbers, maybe trump will avoid impeachment and an embarrassment (Goldwater - ish) election loss.

'Hung jury': Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll

From the link:

60 percent say Donald Trump has not been honest and truthful when it comes to the Russia probe
Q: Agree/disagree that Trump has been honest & truthful when it comes to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

What say you?
Do you think Hillary is an honest person? Of course you dont. Did that stop you from voting for her? It wont stop us from voting for him either.
Did she show her taxes ? Did Bill show them? Is she 100% above board? Of course not Who is?? But now you're talking about Trump ,the vilest piece of garbage ever to enter our WH and you can't see the difference? Shame on GOD
What the fuck do taxes have to do with anything? Trump never lied about his taxes. Your argument is terrible.
Damn it must be my ears Coulda sworn I heard the liar say he would show his taxes after he became president and now you find out the reason why he won't show them HE PAID SHIT except for 1 year,,,

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