Maybe the "Trump riot" today was a good thing in the long run.

I underestimated the pro Trump nuts and I'm prepared to admit that many of his supporters would indeed qualify as a "cult'. I for one would never have bet more than a few hundred, maybe a thousand at most would pull off a stunt like today.

but they did and now we've got to move beyond it. Perhaps it is a good thing in the long run. I can think of nothing more likely to completely discredit Donald Trump and encourage the GOP to move on from him as fast as possible.
The anti-Trumpers tried to take over DC months ago for a week. What you just wrote applies to them as well.
Exactly. Trump fomented this for the past few months.
Pelosi, Schumer and the Democrat leadership (including Biden) have been fomenting violence for months now. They are responsible for the riots of the summer because of their hatred for Trump and their hatred for law enforcement. Today Biden tried to insert the race card into a speech he just gave today regarding the color of the protestors yesterday. The stupid fuck isn't even President yet and he is already making stupid, racist, bumbling statements.
Exactly. Trump fomented this for the past few months.
Pelosi, Schumer and the Democrat leadership (including Biden) have been fomenting violence for months now. They are responsible for the riots of the summer because of their hatred for Trump and their hatred for law enforcement. Today Biden tried to insert the race card into a speech he just gave today regarding the color of the protestors yesterday. The stupid fuck isn't even President yet and he is already making stupid, racist, bumbling statements.
All of the communist shit is having one wanted effect. It is forcing the country further apart. The demands for purge is a wedge. Every time the communists want to erase someone we get more support. I give it a year before the verbal rhetoric becomes real fights.
If Pres. Trump steps down, which means Pence will be President. That is who the Deep state are trying to do.
And Pence ordered the curfew. And the police listens to his orders but not Pres. Trump's.

The police would not take orders from either Trump or Pence. The authority over the DC police is the DC Mayor

The DC police have no authority over the Capitol building and other government grounds.
I underestimated the pro Trump nuts and I'm prepared to admit that many of his supporters would indeed qualify as a "cult'. I for one would never have bet more than a few hundred, maybe a thousand at most would pull off a stunt like today.

but they did and now we've got to move beyond it. Perhaps it is a good thing in the long run. I can think of nothing more likely to completely discredit Donald Trump and encourage the GOP to move on from him as fast as possible.
"Was"? What makes you think it's over? But I agree that it's a good thing. May it grow in the days and weeks ahead.
You support overthrowing the government? Then what?
replace our founders did. Or get rid of the crooks in washington and start over. The US can survive with China and other buying our politicians.
I underestimated the pro Trump nuts and I'm prepared to admit that many of his supporters would indeed qualify as a "cult'. I for one would never have bet more than a few hundred, maybe a thousand at most would pull off a stunt like today.

but they did and now we've got to move beyond it. Perhaps it is a good thing in the long run. I can think of nothing more likely to completely discredit Donald Trump and encourage the GOP to move on from him as fast as possible.

The DNC/BLM/Antifa terror squads have been doing this stuff for months. It's nothing.

When did BLM storm the Capitol?

BLM stormed Capitalism in cities throughout the US. See 2020.
BLM was about police brutality, not Capitalism.

Police Brutality was a medium. Otherwise, there is no burning, looting, and murdering.
I underestimated the pro Trump nuts and I'm prepared to admit that many of his supporters would indeed qualify as a "cult'. I for one would never have bet more than a few hundred, maybe a thousand at most would pull off a stunt like today.

but they did and now we've got to move beyond it. Perhaps it is a good thing in the long run. I can think of nothing more likely to completely discredit Donald Trump and encourage the GOP to move on from him as fast as possible.

The DNC/BLM/Antifa terror squads have been doing this stuff for months. It's nothing.

When did BLM storm the Capitol?

For some reason, they stuck to destroying minority neighborhoods and black-owned businesses, and killing brown people. While you cheered.
I underestimated the pro Trump nuts and I'm prepared to admit that many of his supporters would indeed qualify as a "cult'. I for one would never have bet more than a few hundred, maybe a thousand at most would pull off a stunt like today.

but they did and now we've got to move beyond it. Perhaps it is a good thing in the long run. I can think of nothing more likely to completely discredit Donald Trump and encourage the GOP to move on from him as fast as possible.

The DNC/BLM/Antifa terror squads have been doing this stuff for months. It's nothing.

When did BLM storm the Capitol?

For some reason, they stuck to destroying minority neighborhoods and black-owned businesses, and killing brown people. While you cheered.

You just pulled that out your ass, didn't you. Why would I cheer when someone loses their life or folks businesses are destroyed.

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