Maybe Trump does have something here.....uhmmmmmmmm


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!
Methinks the majority of us are on board protecting our boarders, national identity , etc..... it's simply a matter of how it's done.....~S~
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

I disagree.

We HAVE TO maintain military supremacy over China. To even be close to on par means we can't project our will on Taiwan, whatever islands we think are important over there and any possible threat anyplace.

China already buys more new cars than us. At some point that economy is going to pass ours in a real sense and economies build Space Forces.

Our economy is strung pretty tight since we had that Cold War to win and have been running an economic battle with SE Asia. We do everything we can to pump our real estate values, our stock values and our dollar. One trip in the real estate market/banking system and its almost socialist revolution time. Remember, bad economy = bad military. Ask the USSR.

Where do immigrants come in?

We have hollow inner cities and now suburbs all over the rust belt. Cities own properties in things called "land banks" because no one wants to buy them! They're worthless, abandoned properties that don't sell for back taxes at auctions.

Get them folks over here, make them follow the laws, make them work, make them Americans with homes in downtown Cleveland, Detroit or St Louis or export them to Antarctica for all I care. For all our history every new wave of "different" immigrants was going to be the end of the American Way. Look back at the limits we placed on Japanese or Chinese or thisease or thatease. They all seem soo quaint and wrong now.

Just get them here, make them contribute to our GDP and lets build our spaceforce.
Methinks the majority of us are on board protecting our boarders, national identity , etc..... it's simply a matter of how it's done.....~S~
BS, the left doesn't want secure borders, they want votes. It's as simple as that.
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

Oh please. Both parties have supported border security.

This entire thing is 100% Trump being an asshole.

We should continue to allow immigration & not just freom whiyte countrioes like Trump said.

We should continue to accept refugees.
Methinks the majority of us are on board protecting our boarders, national identity , etc..... it's simply a matter of how it's done.....~S~
I have no rent houses for boarders...

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Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

I disagree.

We HAVE TO maintain military supremacy over China. To even be close to on par means we can't project our will on Taiwan, whatever islands we think are important over there and any possible threat anyplace.

China already buys more new cars than us. At some point that economy is going to pass ours in a real sense and economies build Space Forces.

Our economy is strung pretty tight since we had that Cold War to win and have been running an economic battle with SE Asia. We do everything we can to pump our real estate values, our stock values and our dollar. One trip in the real estate market/banking system and its almost socialist revolution time. Remember, bad economy = bad military. Ask the USSR.

Where do immigrants come in?

We have hollow inner cities and now suburbs all over the rust belt. Cities own properties in things called "land banks" because no one wants to buy them! They're worthless, abandoned properties that don't sell for back taxes at auctions.

Get them folks over here, make them follow the laws, make them work, make them Americans with homes in downtown Cleveland, Detroit or St Louis or export them to Antarctica for all I care. For all our history every new wave of "different" immigrants was going to be the end of the American Way. Look back at the limits we placed on Japanese or Chinese or thisease or thatease. They all seem soo quaint and wrong now.

Just get them here, make them contribute to our GDP and lets build our spaceforce.
.......and when the shit hits the fans, the economy slows and it will.....lets blame the immigrants. Nice try, tho
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

We need more of this , and it needs to come from liberals right now. It's perfectly reasonable to dislike Trump , but occasionally say "hey he's right here"

It's not just the healthcare situation either . It is about poor uneducated Americans seeing their low wage jobs with depressed waged because of the overflow of workers willing to work at very low wages. It's simply a matter of supply and demand. Supply of low education workers is high, demand will be low , when demand is low, so to will wages. This is easily illustrated by imagining if there were 100 quarterbacks out there with the abilities of Tom Brady, what would be the first thing to happen? Tom Brady's pay would go down, of course.
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

Oh please. Both parties have supported border security.

This entire thing is 100% Trump being an asshole.

We should continue to allow immigration & not just freom whiyte countrioes like Trump said.

We should continue to accept refugees.

Bullshit, NEITHER party has supported border security, Trump is forcing the issue.

Yeah okay in 2006 and again in 2013 Congress passed security fence bills and they were signed into law, so where is the security fence? See, the dopes in DC have fooled the dopes (like you) out of DC. It's easy to vote for things you know will never be built. Neither Bush nor Obama ever intended to build that security fence, or seriously increase border security.

That's why the very same assholes who voted yes in 2006 and 2013 (like Chuck Schumer) are suddenly "oh no wall's don't work, it's too expensive, racist, blah blah blah " because they know if they give Trump the money, that wall will be built. And they never wanted it, whether you call it a wall , a fence, perimeter security, or anything else.
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

I disagree.

We HAVE TO maintain military supremacy over China. To even be close to on par means we can't project our will on Taiwan, whatever islands we think are important over there and any possible threat anyplace.

China already buys more new cars than us. At some point that economy is going to pass ours in a real sense and economies build Space Forces.

Our economy is strung pretty tight since we had that Cold War to win and have been running an economic battle with SE Asia. We do everything we can to pump our real estate values, our stock values and our dollar. One trip in the real estate market/banking system and its almost socialist revolution time. Remember, bad economy = bad military. Ask the USSR.

Where do immigrants come in?

We have hollow inner cities and now suburbs all over the rust belt. Cities own properties in things called "land banks" because no one wants to buy them! They're worthless, abandoned properties that don't sell for back taxes at auctions.

Get them folks over here, make them follow the laws, make them work, make them Americans with homes in downtown Cleveland, Detroit or St Louis or export them to Antarctica for all I care. For all our history every new wave of "different" immigrants was going to be the end of the American Way. Look back at the limits we placed on Japanese or Chinese or thisease or thatease. They all seem soo quaint and wrong now.

Just get them here, make them contribute to our GDP and lets build our spaceforce.
.......and when the shit hits the fans, the economy slows and it will.....lets blame the immigrants. Nice try, tho

I'm not blaming the immigrants.

Check this out:


Its not the best source, but that red bar is the American GDP of Immigrants not natives! We darn near exterminated the natives.

So to be clear,

Immigrants build/built our economy.
We have empty spaces in this country.
People living in downtown St Louis is better than big government owning decaying properties.
Capitalistic supply and DEMAND for real estate is better for property values than any trick of interest rates and mortgage insurance trick Donald or Nancy can come up with.
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

I disagree.

We HAVE TO maintain military supremacy over China. To even be close to on par means we can't project our will on Taiwan, whatever islands we think are important over there and any possible threat anyplace.

China already buys more new cars than us. At some point that economy is going to pass ours in a real sense and economies build Space Forces.

Our economy is strung pretty tight since we had that Cold War to win and have been running an economic battle with SE Asia. We do everything we can to pump our real estate values, our stock values and our dollar. One trip in the real estate market/banking system and its almost socialist revolution time. Remember, bad economy = bad military. Ask the USSR.

Where do immigrants come in?

We have hollow inner cities and now suburbs all over the rust belt. Cities own properties in things called "land banks" because no one wants to buy them! They're worthless, abandoned properties that don't sell for back taxes at auctions.

Get them folks over here, make them follow the laws, make them work, make them Americans with homes in downtown Cleveland, Detroit or St Louis or export them to Antarctica for all I care. For all our history every new wave of "different" immigrants was going to be the end of the American Way. Look back at the limits we placed on Japanese or Chinese or thisease or thatease. They all seem soo quaint and wrong now.

Just get them here, make them contribute to our GDP and lets build our spaceforce.
.......and when the shit hits the fans, the economy slows and it will.....lets blame the immigrants. Nice try, tho

I'm not blaming the immigrants.

Check this out:


Its not the best source, but that red bar is the American GDP of Immigrants not natives! We darn near exterminated the natives.

So to be clear,

Immigrants build/built our economy.
We have empty spaces in this country.
People living in downtown St Louis is better than big government owning decaying properties.
Capitalistic supply and DEMAND for real estate is better for property values than any trick of interest rates and mortgage insurance trick Donald or Nancy can come up with.

but that red bar is the American GDP of Immigrants not natives!

how much of that red bar is caused by illegal immigrants?
I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T.
Except if we don't build the wall, as soon as the left is back in charge, border security will disappear and every miserable bastard in the world wanting to come here will once again be able to.
I work with many illegals they all hate America.. I can’t do anything
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And how do you suppose they will be able to afford to remediate those properties so they are no longer run down?
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

I disagree.

We HAVE TO maintain military supremacy over China. To even be close to on par means we can't project our will on Taiwan, whatever islands we think are important over there and any possible threat anyplace.

China already buys more new cars than us. At some point that economy is going to pass ours in a real sense and economies build Space Forces.

Our economy is strung pretty tight since we had that Cold War to win and have been running an economic battle with SE Asia. We do everything we can to pump our real estate values, our stock values and our dollar. One trip in the real estate market/banking system and its almost socialist revolution time. Remember, bad economy = bad military. Ask the USSR.

Where do immigrants come in?

We have hollow inner cities and now suburbs all over the rust belt. Cities own properties in things called "land banks" because no one wants to buy them! They're worthless, abandoned properties that don't sell for back taxes at auctions.

Get them folks over here, make them follow the laws, make them work, make them Americans with homes in downtown Cleveland, Detroit or St Louis or export them to Antarctica for all I care. For all our history every new wave of "different" immigrants was going to be the end of the American Way. Look back at the limits we placed on Japanese or Chinese or thisease or thatease. They all seem soo quaint and wrong now.

Just get them here, make them contribute to our GDP and lets build our spaceforce.
.......and when the shit hits the fans, the economy slows and it will.....lets blame the immigrants. Nice try, tho

I'm not blaming the immigrants.

Check this out:


Its not the best source, but that red bar is the American GDP of Immigrants not natives! We darn near exterminated the natives.

So to be clear,

Immigrants build/built our economy.
We have empty spaces in this country.
People living in downtown St Louis is better than big government owning decaying properties.
Capitalistic supply and DEMAND for real estate is better for property values than any trick of interest rates and mortgage insurance trick Donald or Nancy can come up with.
And how do you suppose they will be able to afford to remediate those properties so they are no longer run down?
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

I disagree.

We HAVE TO maintain military supremacy over China. To even be close to on par means we can't project our will on Taiwan, whatever islands we think are important over there and any possible threat anyplace.

China already buys more new cars than us. At some point that economy is going to pass ours in a real sense and economies build Space Forces.

Our economy is strung pretty tight since we had that Cold War to win and have been running an economic battle with SE Asia. We do everything we can to pump our real estate values, our stock values and our dollar. One trip in the real estate market/banking system and its almost socialist revolution time. Remember, bad economy = bad military. Ask the USSR.

Where do immigrants come in?

We have hollow inner cities and now suburbs all over the rust belt. Cities own properties in things called "land banks" because no one wants to buy them! They're worthless, abandoned properties that don't sell for back taxes at auctions.

Get them folks over here, make them follow the laws, make them work, make them Americans with homes in downtown Cleveland, Detroit or St Louis or export them to Antarctica for all I care. For all our history every new wave of "different" immigrants was going to be the end of the American Way. Look back at the limits we placed on Japanese or Chinese or thisease or thatease. They all seem soo quaint and wrong now.

Just get them here, make them contribute to our GDP and lets build our spaceforce.
.......and when the shit hits the fans, the economy slows and it will.....lets blame the immigrants. Nice try, tho

I'm not blaming the immigrants.

Check this out:


Its not the best source, but that red bar is the American GDP of Immigrants not natives! We darn near exterminated the natives.

So to be clear,

Immigrants build/built our economy.
We have empty spaces in this country.
People living in downtown St Louis is better than big government owning decaying properties.
Capitalistic supply and DEMAND for real estate is better for property values than any trick of interest rates and mortgage insurance trick Donald or Nancy can come up with.

They will work or get exported to a location of Trump's choosing. Heck, I'll volunteer Afghanistan. Judging by the number of Hispanics willing to come here and work for crooked corporations for less than minimum wage I'm predicting some success.
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

Immigrants, legal and illegal, drive down wages. The Dems have always pretended to care about raising the standard of living and lower class wages, yet they support unlimited immigration. Illegals have kept the wages of negroes down at the bottom for decades.

This whole debacle clearly shows the Democrats could care less about lower class wages and enabling a better life for them. They want and need the large lower class that stays lower class in order to stay in power. The more “disenfranchised” people, the more willing they are to vote for Marxists assholes who promise the world and deliver nothing but more misery. And yet the Marxists seem to keep winning more and more people over, despite never being successful.
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

Oh please. Both parties have supported border security.

This entire thing is 100% Trump being an asshole.

We should continue to allow immigration & not just freom whiyte countrioes like Trump said.

We should continue to accept refugees.

Bullshit, NEITHER party has supported border security, Trump is forcing the issue.

Yeah okay in 2006 and again in 2013 Congress passed security fence bills and they were signed into law, so where is the security fence? See, the dopes in DC have fooled the dopes (like you) out of DC. It's easy to vote for things you know will never be built. Neither Bush nor Obama ever intended to build that security fence, or seriously increase border security.

That's why the very same assholes who voted yes in 2006 and 2013 (like Chuck Schumer) are suddenly "oh no wall's don't work, it's too expensive, racist, blah blah blah " because they know if they give Trump the money, that wall will be built. And they never wanted it, whether you call it a wall , a fence, perimeter security, or anything else.

Part of that fence was to be virtual; but it did not work. The physical part was built.

You problem is you are so fucking stypid you think there are no barriers & no border security because no one ever funded them.

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