Mayor of Portland, Oregon gets tear gassed by federal agents

Portland Mayor Gassed By Feds As Large Fires Burn At Courthouse; STILL BLAMES TRUMP

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Brock Simmons
Vichy Portland mayor Ted Wheeler decided to attend the protests on Wednesday evening. After getting yelled at for the better part of an hour by crazed leftists, he walked over to the big fence that lines the federal courthouse, to join the protesters there.
As usual, the rioters broke through the fence, set several fires, and launched fireworks at building.
Wheeler was still getting debris lobbed at him from the communists. Yet he still has the gall to defend the rioters and blame Trump. He claims he saw nothing that warranted that type of response from the feds:
Either Wheeler is blind or he has selective amnesia. Does he not see the fires burning? Did he not see the people climbing over the fence to storm the building? Has he not seen the countless examples of rioters trying to barricade the doors to the building shut and light it on fire?
Wheeler will be using this photo op to make fakenews.
Ted stood by watching Federal authority preventing a fire outside the courthouse from escalating by pushing rioters back, then extinguishing it.​
Wheeler did NOTHING to prevent the radicals from breaching the fence.
— (@wlctv_ca) July 23, 2020
In this video, Wheeler claims he did not hear any orders from the feds
And Wheeler’s evening ended the same way it started, with crazed leftists berating him:

Should Ted Wheeler and other elected leaders in Portland be held responsible for the mayhem caused by the violent leftists?

Portland and Seattle are the two largest Blue Plantation liberal cities on the West Coast. What the heck are they protesting? It's the conditions within the cities they have presided over and implemented themselves for decades.
Yes! .. it’s all about destroying the entire system, and replacing it with a system that everyone is “equally” miserable....accept for a very few at the top. Just typical Progressive Marxist Socialist Communism.....
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.

Nope, they had to go with numbers because threats were coming in that the rioters were going to go to their houses and threaten the families.

I guess you approve of them going to threaten the cops families?
Nope. You seen a link to that info? Or what might be a good search argument for me to find it myself?

Well you could have watched the DHS Secretary's press conference yesterday. See I have a 2 flat screen tvs and 2 24" monitors on a brand spanking new badass computer I just finished building so I can monitor a lot of shit going on when I want to.

They presented the uniforms of both the Federal police agencies in Portland. Showed exactly what ID they had changed and then explained why. They stated 38, I didn't just pull a number out of my ass, had been doxed and the follow up texting of rioters they are monitoring spreading the word of where their families live. Apparently they have undercover embedded.

So you can defend the commies if you want. But I'm going to stand for our law enforcement against the Communists.
I stand for law enfocement. Heck, I have been on the streets of a major city, in BDUs on duty loaded for whatever might come up on duty. I know how it is done. My name, rank, unit designation were stitched to my uniform, my unit and organizational bumper numbers were plainly visible on the Jeep with the fully loaded M-60. So you got me wrong, dude. Sounds like you got a nice computer set up. Enjoy. Try not to get too upset if some of us do not sound totally trusting as we may have been lied to a time or two in this country and foreign countries by government people that were on our side, and still kept on supporting, protecting and performing, but accepting little at face value, accept lawful orders from superior Officers.

Ya, video editing computer that would cost about $6,000 if you bought it. I built it for video editing and the 2 monitors sit below 2 flat screens on the wall above. And yes I can understand about being lied to. I will always tell the truth and I can probably find anything you want to know. All you have to do is ask.

You probably want to go look at the new thread I just started where I'm posting vids of the riots.
I love America.
For many on the left that translates to they tolerate America - which they consider evil to its core - IF all their demands are met

otherwise the gloves come off and the hate America invective begins
Don't give me, your translations. I already did my thing for ya and suspect you never saluted our flag under arms in your life.
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.

Nope, they had to go with numbers because threats were coming in that the rioters were going to go to their houses and threaten the families.

I guess you approve of them going to threaten the cops families?
Nope. You seen a link to that info? Or what might be a good search argument for me to find it myself?

Well you could have watched the DHS Secretary's press conference yesterday. See I have a 2 flat screen tvs and 2 24" monitors on a brand spanking new badass computer I just finished building so I can monitor a lot of shit going on when I want to.

They presented the uniforms of both the Federal police agencies in Portland. Showed exactly what ID they had changed and then explained why. They stated 38, I didn't just pull a number out of my ass, had been doxed and the follow up texting of rioters they are monitoring spreading the word of where their families live. Apparently they have undercover embedded.

So you can defend the commies if you want. But I'm going to stand for our law enforcement against the Communists.
I stand for law enfocement. Heck, I have been on the streets of a major city, in BDUs on duty loaded for whatever might come up on duty. I know how it is done. My name, rank, unit designation were stitched to my uniform, my unit and organizational bumper numbers were plainly visible on the Jeep with the fully loaded M-60. So you got me wrong, dude. Sounds like you got a nice computer set up. Enjoy. Try not to get too upset if some of us do not sound totally trusting as we may have been lied to a time or two in this country and foreign countries by government people that were on our side, and still kept on supporting, protecting and performing, but accepting little at face value, accept lawful orders from superior Officers.

Ya, video editing computer that would cost about $6,000 if you bought it. I built it for video editing and the 2 monitors sit below 2 flat screens on the wall above. And yes I can understand about being lied to. I will always tell the truth and I can probably find anything you want to know. All you have to do is ask.

You probably want to go look at the new thread I just started where I'm posting vids of the riots.
You ought to talk to Rengel. You guys are birds of a feather on the tech side. My tech savvy has waned since the 90s.
Don't give me, your translations. I already did my thing for ya and suspect you never saluted our flag under arms in your life.

I try not to personalize these debates

Nor do I salute PX hero’s if you get my drift
Don't give me, your translations. I already did my thing for ya and suspect you never saluted our flag under arms in your life.

I try not to personalize these debates

Nor do I salute PX hero’s if you get my drift
I don't either, but not too concerned by the opinions of those not allowed into the PX.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

WTF is a hotleg?
And why shouldnt the feds be in their own building?
Or anywhere in America for that matter.

It wasn't the normal Fed Workers or the normal Federal Security. It was a addition of the added Brown Shirts. They were already there. And it was the fact that the Brown Shirts were out in force arresting people just for hanging out because the look suspicious. That is what the Protest was all about. The Feds need to get the Brownshirts off the streets. The Mayors and the Governors need to state arresting the Bownshirts on local and state laws. It's coming, mark my words.

I hope they do start arresting. Get the federal police out of there. Send in army and marines.

Those aren't the Federal Police. If they were, they would have FBI clearly marked on the back or front of their Vests. Those are Rump own Brown Shirts.

You fool. They are DHS agents who have the responsibility of protecting Federal Property MANDATED by Federal law. It isn't a choice.

The Protest was over the use of the DHS Operators for local arresting on the streets of Portland. And the Mayor is trying to find a peaceful solution. There are not peaceful solutions with Rumps Brown Shirts. The Mayor needs to form a task force and arrest each and everyone them harrassing the Tax Payers in Portland. If you want to live in a Fascist state, go start your own. The rest of us want the Brownshirts to stay in their other jobs. What you are tell me is, Rump was right. He really can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you will still blindly support him.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

How are police supposed to target only those throwing shit? If you stand with violent protesters then you are going to get caught up in the retaliation by police.

Funny, other cities didn't have trouble arresting the Rioters. The issue with this one was the Brown Shirts roaming the streets arresting people that "Looked Suspicious". It doesn't matter it they are playing catch and release, the Federal Government (Rump) doesn't have that right.

Oh yes they do. The police can detain you and question you without even reading you your rights as part of an ongoing investigation. If you're charged with a crime then you are read your rights.

You need to start getting an education on law enforcement. Mine comes from the police chief who lives a couple miles down the road.

Then let the Police do that. The Brown Shirts aren't Police. Rules of the Game, even an off duty in civvies must announce he's Police before he can retain a citizen. And he will display his badge in the process. That off duty policeman will hold that person until a Uniformed Cop arrives for transport. The Brown Shirts break all those rules. They aren't there by permission from the Mayor or even the Chief of Police. You can make all your silly excuses but sooner or later, that Police Chief and Mayor will have had enough and start round up the Brown Shirts.

The DHS doesn't need permission to defend Federal Property. The Portland police and mayor have no authority over them. The DOJ would have the FBI arrest anyone interfering with DHS agents protecting Federal property. And if the fucking idiots try to they will be hauled off to face federal crimes.

The Protest was about the DHS Agents arresting people on the streets without any due process. It wasn't about rioting and looting the Federal Build. You want to live in a Fascist State, buy an island and start your own.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Got to admit, that is funny as heck and he deserved the gas attack for being stupid enough to join in. What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town? Dumb ass.

One that is backing law abiding citizens from Fascists. Rump is only doing this to cover up his early messups. But he can't seem to do anything lately without severely screwing the pooch.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

WTF is a hotleg?
And why shouldnt the feds be in their own building?
Or anywhere in America for that matter.

It wasn't the normal Fed Workers or the normal Federal Security. It was a addition of the added Brown Shirts. They were already there. And it was the fact that the Brown Shirts were out in force arresting people just for hanging out because the look suspicious. That is what the Protest was all about. The Feds need to get the Brownshirts off the streets. The Mayors and the Governors need to state arresting the Bownshirts on local and state laws. It's coming, mark my words.

I hope they do start arresting. Get the federal police out of there. Send in army and marines.

Those aren't the Federal Police. If they were, they would have FBI clearly marked on the back or front of their Vests. Those are Rump own Brown Shirts.

You fool. They are DHS agents who have the responsibility of protecting Federal Property MANDATED by Federal law. It isn't a choice.

The Protest was over the use of the DHS Operators for local arresting on the streets of Portland. And the Mayor is trying to find a peaceful solution. There are not peaceful solutions with Rumps Brown Shirts. The Mayor needs to form a task force and arrest each and everyone them harrassing the Tax Payers in Portland. If you want to live in a Fascist state, go start your own. The rest of us want the Brownshirts to stay in their other jobs. What you are tell me is, Rump was right. He really can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you will still blindly support him.

If you want to be a Communist that's your right. If you want to go attack Federal taxpayers property be prepared to get your ass kicked.

Now if you had a brain and a tv you could have watched the DHS presser yesterday where they explained the people detained were pointing lazers at Federal police and they wanted to question them and took them away from the immediate area so they wouldn't get attacked while questioning the idiots.

Chop, chop, get your mask on and go do your commie duty.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

How are police supposed to target only those throwing shit? If you stand with violent protesters then you are going to get caught up in the retaliation by police.

Funny, other cities didn't have trouble arresting the Rioters. The issue with this one was the Brown Shirts roaming the streets arresting people that "Looked Suspicious". It doesn't matter it they are playing catch and release, the Federal Government (Rump) doesn't have that right.

Oh yes they do. The police can detain you and question you without even reading you your rights as part of an ongoing investigation. If you're charged with a crime then you are read your rights.

You need to start getting an education on law enforcement. Mine comes from the police chief who lives a couple miles down the road.

Then let the Police do that. The Brown Shirts aren't Police. Rules of the Game, even an off duty in civvies must announce he's Police before he can retain a citizen. And he will display his badge in the process. That off duty policeman will hold that person until a Uniformed Cop arrives for transport. The Brown Shirts break all those rules. They aren't there by permission from the Mayor or even the Chief of Police. You can make all your silly excuses but sooner or later, that Police Chief and Mayor will have had enough and start round up the Brown Shirts.

The DHS doesn't need permission to defend Federal Property. The Portland police and mayor have no authority over them. The DOJ would have the FBI arrest anyone interfering with DHS agents protecting Federal property. And if the fucking idiots try to they will be hauled off to face federal crimes.

The Protest was about the DHS Agents arresting people on the streets without any due process. It wasn't about rioting and looting the Federal Build. You want to live in a Fascist State, buy an island and start your own.

watch the DHS presser and quit being an idiot. damn you morons are tedious fools

Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

What a load or horse shit. But then your damned good at shitting.

Feds were there to protect the FEDERAL building. They didn't start a riot. The mayor of that city is an utter idiot. Hope he got gassed coming and going.

Anyone coming near that building was going to get gassed. To bad they didn't just shoot the idiots.

You still don't get it. The Protest was about the Feds running around pushing people into civilian vehicles without Identifying themselves in any way. But you keep steering away from the real problem of Rump harrassing people in only certain cities. He's not doing what is right for America, only what he thinks as right for Rump.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Portland police need to round up the feds and put them in "protective custody" until they are recalled.

Umm.... yeah.... the scared little boys should round up the full grown men in tactical gear and put them in 'protective custody'.....

Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

What a load or horse shit. But then your damned good at shitting.

Feds were there to protect the FEDERAL building. They didn't start a riot. The mayor of that city is an utter idiot. Hope he got gassed coming and going.

Anyone coming near that building was going to get gassed. To bad they didn't just shoot the idiots.

You still don't get it. The Protest was about the Feds running around pushing people into civilian vehicles without Identifying themselves in any way. But you keep steering away from the real problem of Rump harrassing people in only certain cities. He's not doing what is right for America, only what he thinks as right for Rump.

watch the presser and quit being a fucking moron
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

WTF is a hotleg?
And why shouldnt the feds be in their own building?
Or anywhere in America for that matter.

It wasn't the normal Fed Workers or the normal Federal Security. It was a addition of the added Brown Shirts. They were already there. And it was the fact that the Brown Shirts were out in force arresting people just for hanging out because the look suspicious. That is what the Protest was all about. The Feds need to get the Brownshirts off the streets. The Mayors and the Governors need to state arresting the Bownshirts on local and state laws. It's coming, mark my words.

I hope they do start arresting. Get the federal police out of there. Send in army and marines.

Those aren't the Federal Police. If they were, they would have FBI clearly marked on the back or front of their Vests. Those are Rump own Brown Shirts.

You fool. They are DHS agents who have the responsibility of protecting Federal Property MANDATED by Federal law. It isn't a choice.

The Protest was over the use of the DHS Operators for local arresting on the streets of Portland. And the Mayor is trying to find a peaceful solution. There are not peaceful solutions with Rumps Brown Shirts. The Mayor needs to form a task force and arrest each and everyone them harrassing the Tax Payers in Portland. If you want to live in a Fascist state, go start your own. The rest of us want the Brownshirts to stay in their other jobs. What you are tell me is, Rump was right. He really can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you will still blindly support him.

If you want to be a Communist that's your right. If you want to go attack Federal taxpayers property be prepared to get your ass kicked.

Now if you had a brain and a tv you could have watched the DHS presser yesterday where they explained the people detained were pointing lazers at Federal police and they wanted to question them and took them away from the immediate area so they wouldn't get attacked while questioning the idiots.

Chop, chop, get your mask on and go do your commie duty.

And you are supporting a Stalinistic attack on the States with Shock Troops. You want to call someone else a commie, stop acting like a Stalinist. You keep going back to the one incident instead of dealing with why the Citizens and the Mayor were protesting in the first place. Rump isn't doing it because it's right. He's doing it to keep people like you fired up so that he "May" win the election. But the more he does this, the less likely he to get another term. Hell, if it wasn't so close to elections, even the Senate might vote for removal. Get the DHS off the streets. If they want to have Tea and Crumpets on Federal Property, go for it. But get them off the city streets.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Portland police need to round up the feds and put them in "protective custody" until they are recalled.

Umm.... yeah.... the scared little boys should round up the full grown men in tactical gear and put them in 'protective custody'.....


Newsflash: There are enough Cops with Tactical Gear to counter the Feds harrassing the Citizens on the street. In fact, if the Cops thought they needed to they would outnumber the Invaders by at least 40 to one. It's coming. It may not wait until November for it to happen. Rump is out of control looking for any way he can to get reelected.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

What a load or horse shit. But then your damned good at shitting.

Feds were there to protect the FEDERAL building. They didn't start a riot. The mayor of that city is an utter idiot. Hope he got gassed coming and going.

Anyone coming near that building was going to get gassed. To bad they didn't just shoot the idiots.

You still don't get it. The Protest was about the Feds running around pushing people into civilian vehicles without Identifying themselves in any way. But you keep steering away from the real problem of Rump harrassing people in only certain cities. He's not doing what is right for America, only what he thinks as right for Rump.

Never happened.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

What a load or horse shit. But then your damned good at shitting.

Feds were there to protect the FEDERAL building. They didn't start a riot. The mayor of that city is an utter idiot. Hope he got gassed coming and going.

Anyone coming near that building was going to get gassed. To bad they didn't just shoot the idiots.

You still don't get it. The Protest was about the Feds running around pushing people into civilian vehicles without Identifying themselves in any way. But you keep steering away from the real problem of Rump harrassing people in only certain cities. He's not doing what is right for America, only what he thinks as right for Rump.

watch the presser and quit being a fucking moron

The first one - possible
The 2nd one - LITERALLY no fucking way

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