Mayor of Portland, Oregon gets tear gassed by federal agents

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.
When does Antifa take it's circus on the road ?

I'd love for them to come here.

They would not last 10 minutes.

I asked our local police captain the other day if he thought that shit would come here. He started laughing and said that question had come up in their meetings.

He told me they had asked to be on standby for a larger city about 100 miles away.

He then told me their discussion had turned to how the police were going to protect the rioters from the people of our town, trying to hold a straight face but he couldn't do it.

Then he told me not to worry about it because by the time I would know about it they would just be cleaning up the mess. I voiced my frustration and demanded he contact me while trying to hold a straight face, which I couldn't.

I asked if they had started digging a big pit to throw all the bodies in and that's when he kinda just had to walk away. He's a great cop, glad we have him.
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.

Nope, they had to go with numbers because threats were coming in that the rioters were going to go to their houses and threaten the families.

I guess you approve of them going to threaten the cops families?
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.
Have you seen anybody in this administration that was good at keeping secrets, even when they tried? Just because they come out on the streets to do their thing, doesn't mean there is anything lawful or above board about these masked shock troops, as the mayors and governors and even state attorney generals are out of the loop.
Hey asshole, no one is as good at keeping secrets as your Obama was. Trump is open and honest, federal police have every lawful right to be there and they will STAY there until order and public safety is restored.
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Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.

Nope, they had to go with numbers because threats were coming in that the rioters were going to go to their houses and threaten the families.

I guess you approve of them going to threaten the cops families?
Nope. You seen a link to that info? Or what might be a good search argument for me to find it myself?
Mayors of these shit buckets don’t want peace restored. Their constituency is the lawless and dysfunctional. To make them stand down would go against their voting block
Some mayors should resort to looting, they will be a shoo in next election
the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse
That unfit-for-office idiot obviously doesn't know he has a police force at his disposal for guarding against unruly mobs.
The city was so enraged at the police having the power to declare a riot that they hurried up and passed a law preventing such cooperation.

The city officials want that building to burn.
this is Chloe the lib city council leftist who wants Portland to burn

View attachment 366387
Fat, ugly, scowling broads are bad to elect. They have a grudge for what Mother Nature dealt them and they are vengeful with their powers.
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.
Do you guys EVER say anything not idiotic, paranoid or hateful of America? Can you even FAKE being a decent person once in a while?
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.

Nope, they had to go with numbers because threats were coming in that the rioters were going to go to their houses and threaten the families.

I guess you approve of them going to threaten the cops families?
Probably run by the NYT.
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.

Nope, they had to go with numbers because threats were coming in that the rioters were going to go to their houses and threaten the families.

I guess you approve of them going to threaten the cops families?
Nope. You seen a link to that info? Or what might be a good search argument for me to find it myself?

Well you could have watched the DHS Secretary's press conference yesterday. See I have a 2 flat screen tvs and 2 24" monitors on a brand spanking new badass computer I just finished building so I can monitor a lot of shit going on when I want to.

They presented the uniforms of both the Federal police agencies in Portland. Showed exactly what ID they had changed and then explained why. They stated 38, I didn't just pull a number out of my ass, had been doxed and the follow up texting of rioters they are monitoring spreading the word of where their families live. Apparently they have undercover embedded.

So you can defend the commies if you want. But I'm going to stand for our law enforcement against the Communists.
Fat, ugly, scowling broads are bad to elect. They have a grudge for what Mother Nature dealt them and they are vengeful with their powers.
There is some truth to that

I have no doubt she is a feminist along with her other crazy ideas
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.
Do you guys EVER say anything not idiotic, paranoid or hateful of America? Can you even FAKE being a decent person once in a while?
I didn't say anything hateful about America. I love America. That is why I served over 20 years Officer and Enlisted. Somebody posted here yesterday showing the id numbers on their shoulder. It was plainly visible as velcro attached, as they showed a close up blown up picture to prove they were showing some kind of identification. I have had velcro attached rank, but never velcro unit or name tag. Just sayin. So, not hateful just factual. What is the matter with facts? The Army insisted on facts. Don't you?
Portland's economy is wrecked. Downtown is shutdown. Now Wheeler can't generate any revenue for the city.
That is a real world fact that leftists dont seem to understand

the democrat mayor and city council are killing the city they are supposed to be protecting
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.

Nope, they had to go with numbers because threats were coming in that the rioters were going to go to their houses and threaten the families.

I guess you approve of them going to threaten the cops families?
Nope. You seen a link to that info? Or what might be a good search argument for me to find it myself?

Well you could have watched the DHS Secretary's press conference yesterday. See I have a 2 flat screen tvs and 2 24" monitors on a brand spanking new badass computer I just finished building so I can monitor a lot of shit going on when I want to.

They presented the uniforms of both the Federal police agencies in Portland. Showed exactly what ID they had changed and then explained why. They stated 38, I didn't just pull a number out of my ass, had been doxed and the follow up texting of rioters they are monitoring spreading the word of where their families live. Apparently they have undercover embedded.

So you can defend the commies if you want. But I'm going to stand for our law enforcement against the Communists.
I stand for law enfocement. Heck, I have been on the streets of a major city, in BDUs on duty loaded for whatever might come up on duty. I know how it is done. My name, rank, unit designation were stitched to my uniform, my unit and organizational bumper numbers were plainly visible on the Jeep with the fully loaded M-60. So you got me wrong, dude. Sounds like you got a nice computer set up. Enjoy. Try not to get too upset if some of us do not sound totally trusting as we may have been lied to a time or two in this country and foreign countries by government people that were on our side, and still kept on supporting, protecting and performing, but accepting little at face value, accept lawful orders from superior Officers.
They don't have any authority to arrest Federal police on Federal property without a warrant from a Federal Court. Not going to happen and I can't wait until Portland is burned to the ground and all the Federal police have to do is blast the idiots with tear gas then go in and drink some coffee.

THE POINT being glazed over here, Rick, is that all these problems, riots, etc., are ALL HAPPENING in Democratic-Progressive strongholds of the DNC. They are being attacked by anarchists, and the DNC's response was first to back off and allow it, then to support them, now to enable them with sympathy, and finally to JOIN THEM against the Federal Government.

This is a war and a coup being nakedly waged against America by a political party and its useful idiots they've been grooming for this for years.

First the Democrats:
  • called a duly elected president illegitimate.
  • spent four years trying to illegally, covertly remove him from office.
  • then called the election process broken because it didn't work their way.
  • then called for mob rule.
  • are now running a candidate with no convention who won't even appear in public, answer questions or debate.
  • have given up on this election.
  • and are now slowly working towards anarchy trying to overthrow the country rather than work within its laws.

The Socialist pacifists got taken over by the Communists and now all the Socialists are looking around going WTF. Wheeler kicked to the curb by the people he appeased.

Portland's economy is wrecked. Downtown is shutdown. Now Wheeler can't generate any revenue for the city. The cops will leave. The stores won't open because they will just be broken in to. It's basically a death spiral now.

Wheeler either has to resign or send in the police. Either way the riots will continue, the police will quit, and Wheeler can wander the streets of the city he destroyed.
According to the brand new law passed unanimously today any action by police would be deemed cooperation with federal authorities subjecting the officer to immediate termination and arrest.
I believe that is a blatant act of sedition... Time for the feds to arrest these scumbags...
Portland's economy is wrecked. Downtown is shutdown. Now Wheeler can't generate any revenue for the city.
That is a real world fact that leftists dont seem to understand

the democrat mayor and city council are killing the city they are supposed to be protecting
They can continue to rule The Planet of the Takes .
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These Prog women will have men fighting and killing themselves at some point as the impoverished grows and the primal ways return. You are seeing it grow and denying it.
I love America.
For many on the left that translates to they tolerate America - which they consider evil to its core - IF all their demands are met

otherwise the gloves come off and the hate America invective begins
Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town?

SECRET POLICE? Show me one person in America who doesn't know they were there? If these are "secret" police, they sure are bad at keeping secrets.

Besides, I bet it says who they are right on their sleeve.

They changed the name tags to numbers because 38 of the Federal police were doxed.
And put them on with velcro so they cannot be tied to any identification? Right.
Do you guys EVER say anything not idiotic, paranoid or hateful of America? Can you even FAKE being a decent person once in a while?

Doesn't seem like it.

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