Mayor of Portland, Oregon gets tear gassed by federal agents

Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

You're clearly a criminal loving liar.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Too bad he didn't get a good whack to his stupid head with a stick too.
6 years which you know he never served behind bars. Why? Because mommy and daddy are rich folk who live up in River Oaks and run an art shop on Alabama down town. Ask your self this. Say you got convicted of making bombs and CS gas post 9/12. A month or so after you have completed your sentance you get caught in a busy part of town planting a home made bomb on a statue, how you think that would go for you ? I don't think you would have gotten 6 years. The rumor is his parents are buds with Rudy Gulliani. Wouldn't surprise me as Rudy is a piece of shit but there has always bee a justice system for "them" and a justice system for "us". Always has been.
how's that different then the Boston Bombers? can someone explain?

One is dead and one got the death penalty I think? You are right though, it's not different from the bosten guys at all other then those guys in Boston sadly weren't retarded like the guy in the article. The other difference is the guy in Houston has family with political connection and money. Even if it's not bombs. Take DUI. If I blow a hot one my job will fire me and I will begin a long and expensive process of misery. But if a senator does it it gos away. There is and always has been a justice system for normal folks, and one for the elite.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Too bad he didn't get a good whack to his stupid head with a stick too.
To bad they were not using military grade CS.... What he got was low grade pansy stuff...
6 years which you know he never served behind bars. Why? Because mommy and daddy are rich folk who live up in River Oaks and run an art shop on Alabama down town. Ask your self this. Say you got convicted of making bombs and CS gas post 9/12. A month or so after you have completed your sentance you get caught in a busy part of town planting a home made bomb on a statue, how you think that would go for you ? I don't think you would have gotten 6 years. The rumor is his parents are buds with Rudy Gulliani. Wouldn't surprise me as Rudy is a piece of shit but there has always bee a justice system for "them" and a justice system for "us". Always has been.
how's that different then the Boston Bombers? can someone explain?

One is dead and one got the death penalty I think? You are right though, it's not different from the bosten guys at all other then those guys in Boston sadly weren't retarded like the guy in the article. The other difference is the guy in Houston has family with political connection and money. Even if it's not bombs. Take DUI. If I blow a hot one my job will fire me and I will begin a long and expensive process of misery. But if a senator does it it gos away. There is and always has been a justice system for normal folks, and one for the elite.
Only if you are the kind of elite they agree with...
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.

I love it, BJ! I almost created a thread on this myself, I did a subject text string search under Ted's name and got no relevant hits (Attention MODS!), then found a thread on it and it was closed, another thread on it and it too was closed (WTF), and finally this one!

Hilarious. Ted got gassed by the Fed while getting booed by his own white progressive liberal trash as he tried to empathize with them declaring himself "White Privileged." :21:

Then after taking the tear gas, commented that "he couldn't breathe."


PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Too bad he didn't get a good whack to his stupid head with a stick too.
To bad they were not using military grade CS.... What he got was low grade pansy stuff...
I have a feeling it was actually pepper balls. That is what they were using until they didn’t respond. He got out after their warning they would use tear gas.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.

I love it, BJ! I almost created a thread on this myself, I did a subject text string search under Ted's name and got no relevant hits (Attention MODS!), then found a thread on it and it was closed, another thread on it and it too was closed (WTF), and finally this one!

Hilarious. Ted got gassed by the Fed while getting booed by his own white progressive liberal trash as he tried to empathize with them declaring himself "White Privileged." :21:

Then after taking the tear gas, commented that "he couldn't breathe."


View attachment 366375

He kind of reminds me of Joe Dirt. The part where he has to clean up the barf in the lunch room.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

What a load or horse shit. But then your damned good at shitting.

Feds were there to protect the FEDERAL building. They didn't start a riot. The mayor of that city is an utter idiot. Hope he got gassed coming and going.

Anyone coming near that building was going to get gassed. To bad they didn't just shoot the idiots.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Mayor, Ricky? That POS scum and the rest of the democratic leadership attacking our country will soon need to be rounded up and arrested as domestic terrorists and charged with felony sedition.

Trump's gift to us on November 4?
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Actually not. The protestors were climbing the fence, throwing roman candles inside it, and then succeeded in breaking it down and set fires inside it. So no, the feds and the Portland police did not start the riot. They were warned repeatedly to back off or else.
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Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

The mayor and the anarchist crowd should not have been there in the first place

remember social distancing?
the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse
That unfit-for-office idiot obviously doesn't know he has a police force at his disposal for guarding against unruly mobs.
The city was so enraged at the police having the power to declare a riot that they hurried up and passed a law preventing such cooperation.

The city officials want that building to burn.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Dream on, dimwit. Your thugs are soon to all be put down. Time to take America back and restore law and order. When a mayor is out in the street at night with protestors against his own government, it's time to take off the gloves.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

What a load or horse shit. But then your damned good at shitting.

Feds were there to protect the FEDERAL building. They didn't start a riot. The mayor of that city is an utter idiot. Hope he got gassed coming and going.

Anyone coming near that building was going to get gassed. To bad they didn't just shoot the idiots.

The riot has been going on for 59 days. Long before the feds were sent to protect that courthouse.
Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.
I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point.

WHO ARE YOU KIDDING. Those protestors attack federal officers? Do that and you'll get your own heart handed to you, still beating. The fed is not there to play games with you candyasses.

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