Mayor of Portland, Oregon gets tear gassed by federal agents

PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Portland police need to round up the feds and put them in "protective custody" until they are recalled.

If the fucking cops were doing their jobs, the additional feds wouldn't need to be there to protect public property.

The mayor and the rest of the city government don't think they need them. Wouldn't they know better than you?

That has to be the stupidest statement of the day.
It's obvious to anyone with a brain that they cant handle it or it wouldnt have been going on for months.
Don't be silly. They are trying to deescalate. They could do the jack-booted thug thing if they wanted to as well but they know it's not the right way to handle this.

Butt out tRump. Let the folks who actually have functioning brains handle this.

You're a fool. The second the DHS agents leave that building it will be burnt to the ground. And what's left will be a camp full of disgusting, stinking, retarded dope heads demanding free food.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Portland police need to round up the feds and put them in "protective custody" until they are recalled.

If the fucking cops were doing their jobs, the additional feds wouldn't need to be there to protect public property.

The mayor and the rest of the city government don't think they need them. Wouldn't they know better than you?

That has to be the stupidest statement of the day.
It's obvious to anyone with a brain that they cant handle it or it wouldnt have been going on for months.

Exactly. It amazes me how little these fucking libtards know about law, who's responsibly for protecting Federal property, and who has jurisdiction. What we do see is how poor of a job educators do.

I can't even believe they claim Federal police don't have jurisdiction over Federal property. I mean we're talking seriously retarded.

No different than the Chinese embassy in Houston that the liberals got so worked up about.
Thats Chinese land they cant do that!!!!!
But try and protect Federal land? They go ape shit.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Portland police need to round up the feds and put them in "protective custody" until they are recalled.

If the fucking cops were doing their jobs, the additional feds wouldn't need to be there to protect public property.

The mayor and the rest of the city government don't think they need them. Wouldn't they know better than you?

That has to be the stupidest statement of the day.
It's obvious to anyone with a brain that they cant handle it or it wouldnt have been going on for months.

Exactly. It amazes me how little these fucking libtards know about law, who's responsibly for protecting Federal property, and who has jurisdiction. What we do see is how poor of a job educators do.

I can't even believe they claim Federal police don't have jurisdiction over Federal property. I mean we're talking seriously retarded.

No different than the Chinese embassy in Houston that the liberals got so worked up about.
Thats Chinese land they cant do that!!!!!
But try and protect Federal land? They go ape shit.

Ya, but when Obamakov kicked the Russians out of the compound you didn't hear a thing from the lunatics.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

WTF is a hotleg?
And why shouldnt the feds be in their own building?
Or anywhere in America for that matter.

It wasn't the normal Fed Workers or the normal Federal Security. It was a addition of the added Brown Shirts. They were already there. And it was the fact that the Brown Shirts were out in force arresting people just for hanging out because the look suspicious. That is what the Protest was all about. The Feds need to get the Brownshirts off the streets. The Mayors and the Governors need to state arresting the Bownshirts on local and state laws. It's coming, mark my words.


PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Portland police need to round up the feds and put them in "protective custody" until they are recalled.

If the fucking cops were doing their jobs, the additional feds wouldn't need to be there to protect public property.

The mayor and the rest of the city government don't think they need them. Wouldn't they know better than you?

That has to be the stupidest statement of the day.
It's obvious to anyone with a brain that they cant handle it or it wouldnt have been going on for months.
Don't be silly. They are trying to deescalate. They could do the jack-booted thug thing if they wanted to as well but they know it's not the right way to handle this.

Butt out tRump. Let the folks who actually have functioning brains handle this.
Aiding and Abetting is now a de-escalation tactic?

Your a fucking idiot....
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

Total bullshit. The fence is Federal property and it sits on Federal land. The rioters started the fire inside the fence and were warned to disperse. The mayor's own police force declared it a riot. And as it's a Federal Facility the Federal police are bound by LAW to protect it.

It's not Portland's property. This is a Federal Court House.

Are you sure who owns that building and the land? I bet you don't.

Just ignore him. He's trying to hide that fact that Protestors Protesting the Brown Shirts is already happening. The Mayors need to stop protesting with the Protesters and start rounding up the Brown shirts and try and convict them under local laws. What's rump going to do then, send in more Brown Shirts to get arrested? Is he going to try and send in the US Military? That was already tried and failed.

Rump will do anything and say anything to get reelected even try and take away the States Rights to do it.

The fed have every legal right to be there, read the fucking law you ignorant ass.

Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

If mayors and governors start arresting federal agents that state is in open rebellion. Think states firing on Fort Sumpter. Enforce the Insurrection Act. Withdraw all federal law enforcement and send in Active duty military.

I hope they do it.

And really do it. Break bones, split heads and snatch the leadership and charge them and try them publicity
I'm telling you all, this is a trap and it will backfire on the President unless he maintains the message, speaks it directly to America (as he did last night and hopefully tonight on Hannity). Independents and Lbertarians are not hard right, loyal GOP voters. Trump has to tell people he is there to support everyones right and the Constitution. He must make everyone aware that tactical decisions are made by others. He can't be viewed as doing something GWB would be expected to do.

Drawing differences between Biden, AOC and him on law and order is fine, but politically one of Bidens biggest weaknesses with black voters this election was the way he supported laws that put many black citizens in prison for long stretches, it's a weakness that Trump will need to exploit if he wants to win in 2020. The last result he wants is for people of all walks of life to view Trump as a tyrant impeding on local affairs, or viewed even worse than Biden is being viewed for his voting decisions nearly 30 years ago.

This is how it is going to be presented and how Biden will paint him in the debates, you can bet on it. So I hope he is listening to the right advisers and not some who are pulling the wool over his eyes to put him in a weaker position with some voters. The Mayor of Portland is calling this "urban warfare" and it will be presented as such to black voters in particular.

A quote from a Fox article:

Wheeler called the tear-gassing an "egregious overreaction," telling Baker he didn't see anything in the crowd that warranted the reaction by federal officers.

"This is not a de-escalation strategy," he said. "This is flat-out urban warfare and it's being brought on this country by the president and it's got to stop now."

Wheeler leads the march and his minions shoot first then claims it's urban warfare against the people. Yup, truly libtarded propaganda.

And had the Brown Shirts not been there it would have been peaceably handled by local authorities. It's like the claims that Rioting in Detroit are destroying businesses. Newsflash, the locals are protecting the Businesses in Detroit and the Looters have all left for other Cities where they can exist. The Rioters that have been caught aren't even from the local areas. They are imported. The Brown Shirts just make things worse.

More bullshit. First the Portland police report directly to Wheeler and he ordered the police to stand down so there was no way they would have peacefully handled it.

Second, the Portland police had to override the mayor and declared it a riot.

He led the riot there. Got gassed. He is a dipshit.

Do you mean the Mayor was actively rioting? he must have since you claim it was a riot. It had isolated incidents but didn't qualify as a riot until the Brown Shirts started gassing the Protesters including the Mayor.

Ya, "peaceful protesters" launch commercial grade fireworks at the Federal Court House and you lunatics claim the Federal Police started it.

Libtards, never trust these lying bastards.
Those 'fireworks' are considered Class A Explosives and require a license to obtain and detonate. Someone is going to jail real soon as the data (microscopic) pieces identify origions of the explosives.

Doubt it. Awhile back HPD cough a habitual ANTIFA bomb maker planting a bomb on the Dick Dowling statue up town. The bomber had only been off parole for a month at most. He walked because mommy and daddy were connected. These folks doing the rioting, they are your senators and congressmen's children. Nothing will happen to any of them.

If True and the people find out that it is, the double standard justice system will soon degenerate to vigilanty justice where the are just shot and left to rot...

The kid who did the bombings name is Andrew Schneke. I spelled it wrong, but here it is.

6 years which you know he never served behind bars. Why? Because mommy and daddy are rich folk who live up in River Oaks and run an art shop on Alabama down town. Ask your self this. Say you got convicted of making bombs and CS gas post 9/12. A month or so after you have completed your sentance you get caught in a busy part of town planting a home made bomb on a statue, how you think that would go for you ? I don't think you would have gotten 6 years. The rumor is his parents are buds with Rudy Gulliani. Wouldn't surprise me as Rudy is a piece of shit but there has always bee a justice system for "them" and a justice system for "us". Always has been.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Got to admit, that is funny as heck and he deserved the gas attack for being stupid enough to join in. What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town? Dumb ass.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Got to admit, that is funny as heck and he deserved the gas attack for being stupid enough to join in. What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town? Dumb ass.
If your news outlet is reporting Ted Wheeler got tear gassed but leaving out the part that rioters were setting the courthouse on fire you might just want to consider changing the channel
6 years which you know he never served behind bars. Why? Because mommy and daddy are rich folk who live up in River Oaks and run an art shop on Alabama down town. Ask your self this. Say you got convicted of making bombs and CS gas post 9/12. A month or so after you have completed your sentance you get caught in a busy part of town planting a home made bomb on a statue, how you think that would go for you ? I don't think you would have gotten 6 years. The rumor is his parents are buds with Rudy Gulliani. Wouldn't surprise me as Rudy is a piece of shit but there has always bee a justice system for "them" and a justice system for "us". Always has been.
how's that different then the Boston Bombers? can someone explain?
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

Total bullshit. The fence is Federal property and it sits on Federal land. The rioters started the fire inside the fence and were warned to disperse. The mayor's own police force declared it a riot. And as it's a Federal Facility the Federal police are bound by LAW to protect it.

It's not Portland's property. This is a Federal Court House.

Are you sure who owns that building and the land? I bet you don't.

Damn sure do know who owns the land and building. Taxpayers of the entire country. That's why it's called a "Federal Court House. Understand, libtardo?

Prove it.

Fuck, what a dumb ass post. Go educate yourself what the difference is between a "District" and "Federal" court. Damn, they teach you that shit in junior high.

You said the Fed owns the building and the land. Prove it.

Most ignorant and asinine post of the day.

PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Got to admit, that is funny as heck and he deserved the gas attack for being stupid enough to join in. What kind of mayor attends protests outside a federal court building with the fed secret police in town? Dumb ass.

There are no secret police involved.
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

Wrong as usual. The mayor led the charge up to the fence and then the fireworks were shot off. Started a big fire and the Feds warned them to leave. They wouldn't and got their asses gassed.

That fence was NOT Federal. That Fence belonged to the Citizens and the Mayor. I have ears. They didn't gas the ones throwing the fireworks, they gassed the peaceful Protesting including the Mayor. I am surprised that some of the protesters didn't drag out the old hotlegs at that point. But the Protesters and the Mayor showed remarkable restraint. The actions of the Feds who shouldn't be there in the first place could have escalated it into a full blown riot. But with the Mayor there, it didn't go that far. At some point, the Mayors and Governors are going to have to start arresting the Rump Brown Shirts under Local and State laws.

Total bullshit. The fence is Federal property and it sits on Federal land. The rioters started the fire inside the fence and were warned to disperse. The mayor's own police force declared it a riot. And as it's a Federal Facility the Federal police are bound by LAW to protect it.

It's not Portland's property. This is a Federal Court House.

Are you sure who owns that building and the land? I bet you don't.

Damn sure do know who owns the land and building. Taxpayers of the entire country. That's why it's called a "Federal Court House. Understand, libtardo?

Prove it.

Fuck, what a dumb ass post. Go educate yourself what the difference is between a "District" and "Federal" court. Damn, they teach you that shit in junior high.

You said the Fed owns the building and the land. Prove it.

Most ignorant and asinine post of the day.


It's still early....
Here is what your city will look like when you have a Socialist mayor leading the riots.

So this clown leads the pack up to the fence of the Federal Court house and his minions start shooting commercial grade fireworks, sets the place on fire. The Federal police warn them to get the hell out and he won't leave. Gets his ass gassed and his own police force declares it's a riot.

Socialism, coming to a city near you.

Wow, some Riot when it first started. It was due to the overzealous Rump Brown Shirts that it progressed in a more chaotic time. Long before the "Fireworks" the Feds were dispensing Tear Gas on the Crowd.

yes, Fascism coming to a city near you. At least until the Governors and Mayors start arresting the Federal Agents. It's just another case of Rump trying something to get reelected. Mussolini would be proud.

If mayors and governors start arresting federal agents that state is in open rebellion. Think states firing on Fort Sumpter. Enforce the Insurrection Act. Withdraw all federal law enforcement and send in Active duty military.

I hope they do it.

And really do it. Break bones, split heads and snatch the leadership and charge them and try them publicity
I'm telling you all, this is a trap and it will backfire on the President unless he maintains the message, speaks it directly to America (as he did last night and hopefully tonight on Hannity). Independents and Lbertarians are not hard right, loyal GOP voters. Trump has to tell people he is there to support everyones right and the Constitution. He must make everyone aware that tactical decisions are made by others. He can't be viewed as doing something GWB would be expected to do.

Drawing differences between Biden, AOC and him on law and order is fine, but politically one of Bidens biggest weaknesses with black voters this election was the way he supported laws that put many black citizens in prison for long stretches, it's a weakness that Trump will need to exploit if he wants to win in 2020. The last result he wants is for people of all walks of life to view Trump as a tyrant impeding on local affairs, or viewed even worse than Biden is being viewed for his voting decisions nearly 30 years ago.

This is how it is going to be presented and how Biden will paint him in the debates, you can bet on it. So I hope he is listening to the right advisers and not some who are pulling the wool over his eyes to put him in a weaker position with some voters. The Mayor of Portland is calling this "urban warfare" and it will be presented as such to black voters in particular.

A quote from a Fox article:

Wheeler called the tear-gassing an "egregious overreaction," telling Baker he didn't see anything in the crowd that warranted the reaction by federal officers.

"This is not a de-escalation strategy," he said. "This is flat-out urban warfare and it's being brought on this country by the president and it's got to stop now."

Wheeler leads the march and his minions shoot first then claims it's urban warfare against the people. Yup, truly libtarded propaganda.

And had the Brown Shirts not been there it would have been peaceably handled by local authorities. It's like the claims that Rioting in Detroit are destroying businesses. Newsflash, the locals are protecting the Businesses in Detroit and the Looters have all left for other Cities where they can exist. The Rioters that have been caught aren't even from the local areas. They are imported. The Brown Shirts just make things worse.

More bullshit. First the Portland police report directly to Wheeler and he ordered the police to stand down so there was no way they would have peacefully handled it.

Second, the Portland police had to override the mayor and declared it a riot.

He led the riot there. Got gassed. He is a dipshit.

Do you mean the Mayor was actively rioting? he must have since you claim it was a riot. It had isolated incidents but didn't qualify as a riot until the Brown Shirts started gassing the Protesters including the Mayor.

Ya, "peaceful protesters" launch commercial grade fireworks at the Federal Court House and you lunatics claim the Federal Police started it.

Libtards, never trust these lying bastards.
Those 'fireworks' are considered Class A Explosives and require a license to obtain and detonate. Someone is going to jail real soon as the data (microscopic) pieces identify origions of the explosives.

Doubt it. Awhile back HPD cough a habitual ANTIFA bomb maker planting a bomb on the Dick Dowling statue up town. The bomber had only been off parole for a month at most. He walked because mommy and daddy were connected. These folks doing the rioting, they are your senators and congressmen's children. Nothing will happen to any of them.

If True and the people find out that it is, the double standard justice system will soon degenerate to vigilanty justice where the are just shot and left to rot...

The kid who did the bombings name is Andrew Schneke. I spelled it wrong, but here it is.

6 years which you know he never served behind bars. Why? Because mommy and daddy are rich folk who live up in River Oaks and run an art shop on Alabama down town. Ask your self this. Say you got convicted of making bombs and CS gas post 9/12. A month or so after you have completed your sentance you get caught in a busy part of town planting a home made bomb on a statue, how you think that would go for you ? I don't think you would have gotten 6 years. The rumor is his parents are buds with Rudy Gulliani. Wouldn't surprise me as Rudy is a piece of shit but there has always bee a justice system for "them" and a justice system for "us". Always has been.

The second offense should have landed him in federal prison for life... Damn!
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.

Now they to arrest that Communist POS.
PORTLAND, Ore. – the mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn’t leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas.

Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

BJ - Delicious

"It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas."

Oh Dear God - I hope that they did.
Portland police need to round up the feds and put them in "protective custody" until they are recalled.

If the fucking cops were doing their jobs, the additional feds wouldn't need to be there to protect public property.

The mayor and the rest of the city government don't think they need them. Wouldn't they know better than you?

It doesn't matter what they think, they obviously don't have control and refuse to take control. Federal law requires DHS to protect public property, read the damn law. I knew you were stupid, but now you are sinking to new lows of stupidity.


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