Mayor Pete blames Trump for Ohio train derailment. Touts his record of improving rail safety.

While true, why didn't Pete and Biden put these regulations back in place?
As I said Trump was a huge fuck up...

The Trumpsters regular view is that it is Democrats job to fix shit GOP breaks...

With the fire dump they left, it can't be all fixed that quickly... It way easier to break shit than fix it...
You click everything you can't answer or refuse to answer, "FAKE NEWS".

Why are you afraid to answer anything?

Are you really that ignorant or do you like to appear ignorant? Regardless, you look silly. But hey, whatever floats your boat!
Obama put a regulation in place to put electronic monitoring brake systems on trains carrying dangerous chemicals.

Trump rescinded that order.

As with everything else that comes out of a shit for brains Trumphumpers mouth, you look like the idiot you are yet again.
Too bad for you that that EMB system would not have been used here. That train didn’t fall under that regulation. Seems you look like like the idiot here. Again.
Move along. You bore me, simp.

"Speaking to investigative news outlet The Lever, Steven Ditmeyer, a former top official at the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), said the "severity" of the accident was likely increased by the lack of Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) brakes."

"Would ECP brakes have reduced the severity of this accident? Yes," Ditmeyer said."

Wrong simp. This train didn’t fall under the rules for that braking system. It depends what you’re carrying. Their cargo didn’t fall under those regulations due to size/weight/number of cars used to carry said cargo, etc.
Can this guy be any more tone deaf?

When will this regime stop trying to blame Trump for every disaster on their watch?

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Replying to @SecretaryPete
We’re constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation (like the braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015), but we are using the powers we do have to keep people safe.…
4:50 PM · Feb 14, 2023^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1625628605861462016|twgr^d281ae8f3736a1ecbd449707191b2c57bc1af968|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Feb 14, 2023
In the wake of the East Palestine derailment and its impact on hundreds of residents, we’re seeing lots of newfound or renewed (and welcome) interest in our work on rail safety, so I wanted to share more about what we’ve been doing in this area:

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
We are making historic investments on rail safety through funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, work that accelerates this year and continue in the years to come.
4:50 PM · Feb 14, 2023^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1625628592703930370|twgr^d281ae8f3736a1ecbd449707191b2c57bc1af968|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

This is an absolutely insane thing to tweet


Secretary Pete Buttigieg

In the wake of the East Palestine derailment and its impact on hundreds of residents, we’re seeing lots of newfound or renewed (and welcome) interest in our work on rail safety, so I wanted to share more about what we’ve been doing in this area:
11:50 AM · Feb 15, 2023

The NTSB Chair just publicly declared Buttigieg is 'SPREADING MISINFORMATION' about the train derailment disaster in Palestine, Oh, and told him and others to STOP!

if this administration was worth a damn it would respond by 'taking him behind the woodshed'. Buttigieg would / should either be forced to publicly apologize (like CNN made Don Lemon do recently) or outright fire him!

Biden will do neither.
The NTSB Chair just publicly declared Buttigieg is 'SPREADING MISINFORMATION' about the train derailment disaster in Palestine, Oh, and told him and others to STOP!

if this administration was worth a damn it would respond by 'taking him behind the woodshed'. Buttigieg would / should either be forced to publicly apologize (like CNN made Don Lemon do recently) or outright fire him!

Biden will do neither.
No way the wimp Chicom Joe fires him cuz he knows the LBTGQ#@$BR549 crowd would roast him.
The NTSB Chair just publicly declared Buttigieg is 'SPREADING MISINFORMATION' about the train derailment disaster in Palestine, Oh, and told him and others to STOP!

if this administration was worth a damn it would respond by 'taking him behind the woodshed'. Buttigieg would / should either be forced to publicly apologize (like CNN made Don Lemon do recently) or outright fire him!

Biden will do neither.
Can this guy be any more tone deaf?

When will this regime stop trying to blame Trump for every disaster on their watch?

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Replying to @SecretaryPete
We’re constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation (like the braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015), but we are using the powers we do have to keep people safe.…
4:50 PM · Feb 14, 2023^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1625628605861462016|twgr^d281ae8f3736a1ecbd449707191b2c57bc1af968|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Feb 14, 2023
In the wake of the East Palestine derailment and its impact on hundreds of residents, we’re seeing lots of newfound or renewed (and welcome) interest in our work on rail safety, so I wanted to share more about what we’ve been doing in this area:

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
We are making historic investments on rail safety through funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, work that accelerates this year and continue in the years to come.
4:50 PM · Feb 14, 2023^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1625628592703930370|twgr^d281ae8f3736a1ecbd449707191b2c57bc1af968|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

This is an absolutely insane thing to tweet


Secretary Pete Buttigieg

In the wake of the East Palestine derailment and its impact on hundreds of residents, we’re seeing lots of newfound or renewed (and welcome) interest in our work on rail safety, so I wanted to share more about what we’ve been doing in this area:
11:50 AM · Feb 15, 2023

The more Pothole Pete sez, the more he displays what a lame stupid passive-aggressive homo he is.
He should have his kids taken away just in case they turn out like him!!
if this administration was worth a damn it would respond by 'taking him behind the woodshed'. Buttigieg would / should either be forced to publicly apologize (like CNN made Don Lemon do recently) or outright fire him!

One thing of which you can be certain—if Buttplug gets fired, Biden will have no trouble at all finding someone even worse to replace him.
Can this guy be any more tone deaf?

When will this regime stop trying to blame Trump for every disaster on their watch?

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Replying to @SecretaryPete
We’re constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation (like the braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015), but we are using the powers we do have to keep people safe.…
4:50 PM · Feb 14, 2023^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1625628605861462016|twgr^d281ae8f3736a1ecbd449707191b2c57bc1af968|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Feb 14, 2023
In the wake of the East Palestine derailment and its impact on hundreds of residents, we’re seeing lots of newfound or renewed (and welcome) interest in our work on rail safety, so I wanted to share more about what we’ve been doing in this area:

Secretary Pete Buttigieg
We are making historic investments on rail safety through funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, work that accelerates this year and continue in the years to come.
4:50 PM · Feb 14, 2023^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1625628592703930370|twgr^d281ae8f3736a1ecbd449707191b2c57bc1af968|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

This is an absolutely insane thing to tweet


Secretary Pete Buttigieg

In the wake of the East Palestine derailment and its impact on hundreds of residents, we’re seeing lots of newfound or renewed (and welcome) interest in our work on rail safety, so I wanted to share more about what we’ve been doing in this area:
11:50 AM · Feb 15, 2023
The Trump Admin did weaken RR safety regulations.
Look it up.
So? That regulation had nothing to do with this train, much less the accident.

We do not know that to be the case. The regulation was to basically add anti-lock brakes to train cars. We know they help in cars to avoid crashes. They aid in helping the car from sliding.

They have video of a problem with the train 20 miles before it ever crashed. Did one train lock up and an emergency stop situation occurred? One that might have been better handled with a better braking system?

Even if it had nothing to do with it, why would we not want better and safer brakes on trains?
We do not know that to be the case. The regulation was to basically add anti-lock brakes to train cars. We know they help in cars to avoid crashes. They aid in helping the car from sliding.

They have video of a problem with the train 20 miles before it ever crashed. Did one train lock up and an emergency stop situation occurred? One that might have been better handled with a better braking system?

Even if it had nothing to do with it, why would we not want better and safer brakes on trains?
Someone posted a link earlier saying this train wasn't even covered by the Obama regulation, Simp.

Please try to keep up so you don't look like a moron with every post.
Someone posted a link earlier saying this train wasn't even covered by the Obama regulation, Simp.

Please try to keep up so you don't look like a moron with every post.

I'm not all that concerned what someone supposedly said somewhere. All trains should have these brakes just as all cars now do.
I'm not all that concerned what someone supposedly said somewhere. All trains should have these brakes just as all cars now do.
You claimed we don't know the reg didn't apply when we do know.

For some reason you are fixated on trying to pin this on Trump.
You claimed we don't know the reg didn't apply when we do know.

You said someone said somewhere that it wouldn't have. LOL

For some reason you are fixated on trying to pin this on Trump.

NO, I was clear, I blame Biden every bit as much for not bringing it back up AND on top of that I blame Obama for punting it down the road.

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