Mayor Pete blames Trump for Ohio train derailment. Touts his record of improving rail safety.

How did that regulation pertain to wheel bearings, Dumbass?
Sorry, I didn't know the investigation was complete and the total cause for the accident had been determined.

Can you link me the investigation results please, simp.
It took 10 days for the Biden Administration to focus group different ways to blame Trump...cuz that's what's important.

Turns out the train was too long and too least according to employees.

But the Biden Administration will never let the truth get in the way of a good narrative.

By the end of the week Biden will have once been a train engineer...just like he was a college professor and a truck driver.

"The train totaled 151 cars — equating to about 9,300 feet in length — and weighed 18,000 tons, which is much larger than employees said was safe.

“We shouldn’t be running trains that are 150 car lengths long,” one employee told CBS, adding that they felt there should be limits on the weight and length of the trains."

For those of you that have forgotten your miles to feet conversions (5,280 ft per mile)...that's damn near a two mile long train.
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Trump has made reducing regulations a priority, seeing many rules as an unnecessary burden on industry. Last month he tweeted that his administration “has terminated more UNNECESSARY Regulations, in just 12 months, than any other Administration has terminated during their full term in office...”

“The good news is,” he wrote, “THERE IS MUCH MORE TO COME!”

AP Exclusive: Transport safety rules rolled back under Trump
More trolling.
Sorry, I didn't know the investigation was complete and the total cause for the accident had been determined.

Can you link me the investigation results please, simp.
Links have been provided detailing what they think the cause is, Dumbass.

The regulation in question is completely unrelated.
That's a weak a** deflection. Prove it or it never happened.I can find nothing about it , just like the balloons that flew over our nation under Trump...both are demonstrable lies. Of course that's what Democrats do best.
They are not demonstrable lies just because you couldn't find them.

This is an old link that shows what was planned. Not proof of course but certainly an indication.

Maybe this is what you were looking for?

"The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) today finalized amendments to the Hazardous Materials Regulations which remove the requirement, while still allowing, for certain High Hazard Flammable Unit Trains (HHFUT) to operate using electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) braking systems. The Department's action is based on a Congressional requirement to conduct an updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). The Department's analysis shows that the expected costs of requiring ECP brakes would be significantly higher than the expected benefits of the requirement. This regulatory change does not affect the ability of a railroad to implement ECP brakes."
Links have been provided detailing what they think the cause is, Dumbass.

The regulation in question is completely unrelated.
Move along. You bore me, simp.

"Speaking to investigative news outlet The Lever, Steven Ditmeyer, a former top official at the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), said the "severity" of the accident was likely increased by the lack of Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) brakes."

"Would ECP brakes have reduced the severity of this accident? Yes," Ditmeyer said."

OK. The brakes were still under development and it appears it was for OTR trucks not trains. You evidence is sketchy at best. Nice try though.

And BTW.The article mentions the DOT findings. The DOT does not regulate or govern railroads.The FRA your article is truly wothless.
That’s gonna leave a mark.

Has PNuts ever posted something that wasn’t truly worthless?
"To prevent derailment, stakeholders said it is important that longer trains are arranged appropriately and that crews are trained to operate them."

Nothing to do with brakes...length, weight and weight distribution were the likeliest cause.
Move along. You bore me, simp.

"Speaking to investigative news outlet The Lever, Steven Ditmeyer, a former top official at the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), said the "severity" of the accident was likely increased by the lack of Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) brakes."

"Would ECP brakes have reduced the severity of this accident? Yes," Ditmeyer said."

So why has your Vegetable Messiah done nothing I over two years in office? Hard to blame Trump for his ineptitude.

And your guy has nothing more than speculation.

Also, from your link:

Nor have rail regulators in Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's department proposed reinstating the safety rule in question, The Lever reported. A spokesperson for the FRA told the outlet that it was continuing to evaluate ECP brakes to improve safety
OK. The brakes were still under development and it appears it was for OTR trucks not trains. You evidence is sketchy at best. Nice try though.

And BTW.The article mentions the DOT findings. The DOT does not regulate or govern railroads.The FRA your article is truly wothless.

What we saw happen here is why you do not rescind regulations, period.
So why has your Vegetable Messiah done nothing I over two years in office? Hard to blame Trump for his ineptitude.

Not sure. Maybe for the same reason? RR lobbyists?

And your guy has nothing more than speculation.

But his speculation is credible given his experience.

It's all speculation until the investigation is done. Duh.

Also, from your link:

Nor have rail regulators in Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's department proposed reinstating the safety rule in question, The Lever reported. A spokesperson for the FRA told the outlet that it was continuing to evaluate ECP brakes to improve safety
Of course. The rescinded regulation didn't force RR to not research or use ECP brakes...but unless your a simp, you know they won't spend the money on it...but may now after this.
Pete is just channeling his inner 'Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden'.
No federal aid?



Sec. 102. Definitions (42 U.S.C. 5122) As used in this Act -
(1) EmErgEncy - “Emergency” means any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in any part of the United States.
(2) major DisastEr - “Major disaster” means any natural catastrophe (including any hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, winddriven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, or drought), or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion,
Why? There has been no evidence the regulation had anything to do with this.

Whether it played a role or not the employee's of the company understand 150+ cars is not safe. Shareholder value says it is. Hence we need regulations.
Whether it played a role or not the employee's of the company understand 150+ cars is not safe. Shareholder value says it is. Hence we need regulations.
Keep scrambling, Simp.
Not sure. Maybe for the same reason? RR lobbyists?

But his speculation is credible given his experience.

It's all speculation until the investigation is done. Duh.

Of course. The rescinded regulation didn't force RR to not research or use ECP brakes...but unless your a simp, you know they won't spend the money on it...but may now after this.
Again that was a DOT study for OTR trucking.
Whether it played a role or not the employee's of the company understand 150+ cars is not safe. Shareholder value says it is. Hence we need regulations.
My guess is that there are thousands of trains on the rails every day with 150 or more cars. All arrive perfectly safe at their destination.

Instead of considering spending trillions on a couple of impractical high-speed rail lines, spend billions upgrading and extending our freight lines. If the whacked-out far-left doesn't want pipelines, we're left with rail and trucks.
My guess is that there are thousands of trains on the rails every day with 150 or more cars. All arrive perfectly safe at their destination.

Carrying chemicals capable of killing an entire town?

If so there should not be.

Instead of considering spending trillions on a couple of impractical high-speed rail lines, spend billions upgrading and extending our freight lines. If the whacked-out far-left doesn't want pipelines, we're left with rail and trucks.

I've seen nothing to suggest the problem was with the infrastructure.

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