Mayor Pete, "Capitalism has let many people down!"

Of course capitalism has let a lot of people down.

That's because some people have gotten it into their heads that all regulation is bad, when in fact it's a critical component of capitalism.

And because those same people have refused to admit that many people simply won't function as well in capitalism and need a hand.

So now, as a direct result of this willful ignorance, more and more people are ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Great job, folks.

Well that's true Mayor Pete.....take a bow!

But here's the thing. Socialism leads more to plunder! Duh. Socialism let's waaaaaaaay more people down.

You want a world where the state decides.....and has power of attorney over you on....

Well hey.....perhaps Mayor Pete is your guy!:113::113:
Who taught you about Socialism? None of those things are true.
Of course capitalism has let a lot of people down.

That's because some people have gotten it into their heads that all regulation is bad, when in fact it's a critical component of capitalism.

And because those same people have refused to admit that many people simply won't function as well in capitalism and need a hand.

So now, as a direct result of this willful ignorance, more and more people are ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Great job, folks.

The point is, capitalism is not perfect. Winners and losers are part of every society since forever. With socialism though, you have the state dictating every aspect of your life which is ghey. Again.....the jealous and the haters will always pick socialism. Most people don't like setting the bar so low.:backpedal:

Well that's true Mayor Pete.....take a bow!

But here's the thing. Socialism leads more to plunder! Duh. Socialism let's waaaaaaaay more people down.

You want a world where the state decides.....and has power of attorney over you on....

Well hey.....perhaps Mayor Pete is your guy!:113::113:
Your link:

"2020 Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg affirmed his belief in capitalism on Tuesday but suggested that the US economic system has let a lot of Americans down and called for greater 'fairness.'

"The comments come amid a heated debate among Democrats and progressives over whether the party should more openly embrace socialist policies in the age of Donald Trump."

Crony capitalists like Donald Trump exploit a fundamental contradiction long present in the Republican Party: Despite fierce anti-big-government sentiment among many Republican voters, no candidate within their party ever emerged to champion their interests.

And he lied about that too.
Of course capitalism has let a lot of people down.

That's because some people have gotten it into their heads that all regulation is bad, when in fact it's a critical component of capitalism.

And because those same people have refused to admit that many people simply won't function as well in capitalism and need a hand.

So now, as a direct result of this willful ignorance, more and more people are ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Great job, folks.

The point is, capitalism is not perfect. Winners and losers are part of every society since forever. With socialism though, you have the state dictating every aspect of your life which is ghey. Again.....the jealous and the haters will always pick socialism. Most people don't like setting the bar so low.:backpedal:
Well, it's all a matter of degree. Finding a point where you're not punishing capitalism too much, and providing a decent safety net.

Look at it this way: It might be smart to consider it social insurance against electoral revolution. These people vote, and they're starting to listen to people who don't care much for capitalism at all.
Of course capitalism has let a lot of people down.

That's because some people have gotten it into their heads that all regulation is bad, when in fact it's a critical component of capitalism.

And because those same people have refused to admit that many people simply won't function as well in capitalism and need a hand.

So now, as a direct result of this willful ignorance, more and more people are ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Great job, folks.

The point is, capitalism is not perfect. Winners and losers are part of every society since forever. With socialism though, you have the state dictating every aspect of your life which is ghey. Again.....the jealous and the haters will always pick socialism. Most people don't like setting the bar so low.:backpedal:
Well, it's all a matter of degree. Finding a point where you're not punishing capitalism too much, and providing a decent safety net.

Look at it this way: It might be smart to consider it social insurance against electoral revolution. These people vote, and they're starting to listen to people who don't care much for capitalism at all.

I think you just made the best case ever for never ever bringing in those people to the USA.

Basically you are saying, change the US way of life willingly or unwillingly. Of course, no US citizen should listen to such extortion. Democracy goes before any of those values, democracy is not mentioned in the constitution while the entire purpose of the constitution is to keep socialism out of government. When those not American people who we moronically brought in start voting for socialism there is always the option of not going down with it.
And for these folks who have circle jerks over unfettered capitalism -- why the fuck do you folks complain so much?? If you are a CEO -- why do you contine to bitch and complain about capital gains taxes not being cut by 2 more percent like your life depends on it?

The rest of the 90% of the country shouldn't have to suffer due to your greed...

Please provide links to show CEOs complaining about capital gain taxes.
I think you are woefully uninformed as to how much money was offshore due to the 3rd highest taxes American firms paid.
To prove that:
Repatriated profits total $465 billion after Trump tax cuts - leaving $2.5 trillion overseas
Repatriated profits total $465 billion after Trump tax cuts - leaving $2.5 trillion overseas

What do you think happened to that $465 billion? Did the companies bury in the back yard or hide under mattresses? What happened to those billions?
They mainly did stock buy-backs to artificially inflate their stock value in order to boost their CEO pay...

We know now that they didn't use it to hire more people and raise wages
How do you know that? Why do you idiots make statements like that without proof?
This is why rational logical people find statements made by the likes of you fraudulent!
And for these folks who have circle jerks over unfettered capitalism -- why the fuck do you folks complain so much?? If you are a CEO -- why do you contine to bitch and complain about capital gains taxes not being cut by 2 more percent like your life depends on it?

The rest of the 90% of the country shouldn't have to suffer due to your greed...

Please provide links to show CEOs complaining about capital gain taxes.
I think you are woefully uninformed as to how much money was offshore due to the 3rd highest taxes American firms paid.
To prove that:
Repatriated profits total $465 billion after Trump tax cuts - leaving $2.5 trillion overseas
Repatriated profits total $465 billion after Trump tax cuts - leaving $2.5 trillion overseas

What do you think happened to that $465 billion? Did the companies bury in the back yard or hide under mattresses? What happened to those billions?
They mainly did stock buy-backs to artificially inflate their stock value in order to boost their CEO pay...

We know now that they didn't use it to hire more people and raise wages
How do you know that? Why do you idiots make statements like that without proof?
This is why rational logical people find statements made by the likes of you fraudulent!
S&P 500 companies expected to buy back $800 billion of their own shares this year
When Trump' tax policy guy was pushing the often used republican lie of giving corporations tax cuts claiming it will lead to raised wages and increased hiring -- it didn't go so well....

"John Bussey, an associate editor with the Journal, asks the CEOs in the room, “If the tax reform bill goes through, do you plan to increase investment — your companies’ investment — capital investment,” and requests a show of hands. Only a few hands go up, leaving Cohn to ask sheepishly, “Why aren’t the other hands up?”

Trump's tax policy guy, Michael Cohen pretended to be shocked when none of them raised their you know why they didn't raise their hands? Because they were going to buy back stocks, not hire, not raise wages..

Watch CEOs admit they won’t actually invest more if tax reform passes
Some people.

When they fail at business, they blame capitalism and not themselves. From the get-go their whole argument falls apart.

Here's the thing. Even if I can't successfully start a business and/or get rich, capitalism STILL hasn't failed me, because I STILL live in an amazing country that makes my life better and easier in a million different ways every day precisely because of capitalism.
This has played out time and time again...there is a reason Bush Sr. called trickle down economics, voodoo economics...because it doesn't work as advertised...

Just ask Kansas...
Some people.

When they fail at business, they blame capitalism and not themselves. From the get-go their whole argument falls apart.

Here's the thing. Even if I can't successfully start a business and/or get rich, capitalism STILL hasn't failed me, because I STILL live in an amazing country that makes my life better and easier in a million different ways every day precisely because of capitalism.
Because of this country having a mixed economy.....

Capitalism is only part of why your life is amazing...

However, I wonder how amazing your life is -- because leave it to you trumpers -- how can you life be amazing when America has to be made great again...was your life not amazing in 2015?
Most people who participate in our economy are not capitalists.....they do not own capital....not many people do...which is sorta of the flaw in our current system
the only flaw is the ones that are to lazy to work hard for it,,,
Most Americans who very hard -- which is why productivity is at all time highs -- but wages have remain stagnant.....Wasn't productivity supposed to be linked to wages?

Salaries: US wage growth in June was 2018's strongest so far
Median base pay for workers in the United States climbed by 1.6 percent in June to $52,052, according to the latest edition of Glassdoor's Local Pay Report. That was the strongest growth in the wage statistic so far in 2018.
Salaries: US wage growth in June was 2018's strongest so far
And the cost of living is what? did it go down or up?

Did the wage gap decrease or increase?

and if everything is so great -- why do you idiots complain so much about losing your country?
the cost of living is dependent on how you want to live,,,,,my cost is very low in fact I could live on less than 20K a year if needed,,,even less if I dropped my standards,,,

God forbid that people have to make choices for themselves about whether or not they can afford what they want. The horror!
Of course capitalism has let a lot of people down.

That's because some people have gotten it into their heads that all regulation is bad, when in fact it's a critical component of capitalism.

And because those same people have refused to admit that many people simply won't function as well in capitalism and need a hand.

So now, as a direct result of this willful ignorance, more and more people are ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Great job, folks.

To say, "Capitalism has let people down" is to imply that capitalism promised them a specific outcome in the first place.

Everything else here is a monstrous straw man, cooked up in your own fevered imagination to assure yourself that your political enemies are always to blame for everything.

"If you had JUST accepted our lies before, we wouldn't have had to create worse lies, so it's all YOUR fault that people are buying our worse lies."
Of course capitalism has let a lot of people down.
That's because some people have gotten it into their heads that all regulation is bad, when in fact it's a critical component of capitalism.
And because those same people have refused to admit that many people simply won't function as well in capitalism and need a hand.
So now, as a direct result of this willful ignorance, more and more people are ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Great job, folks.
To say, "Capitalism has let people down" is to imply that capitalism promised them a specific outcome in the first place.
Everything else here is a monstrous straw man, cooked up in your own fevered imagination to assure yourself that your political enemies are always to blame for everything.
"If you had JUST accepted our lies before, we wouldn't have had to create worse lies, so it's all YOUR fault that people are buying our worse lies."
the only flaw is the ones that are to lazy to work hard for it,,,
Most Americans who very hard -- which is why productivity is at all time highs -- but wages have remain stagnant.....Wasn't productivity supposed to be linked to wages?

Salaries: US wage growth in June was 2018's strongest so far
Median base pay for workers in the United States climbed by 1.6 percent in June to $52,052, according to the latest edition of Glassdoor's Local Pay Report. That was the strongest growth in the wage statistic so far in 2018.
Salaries: US wage growth in June was 2018's strongest so far
And the cost of living is what? did it go down or up?

Did the wage gap decrease or increase?

and if everything is so great -- why do you idiots complain so much about losing your country?
the cost of living is dependent on how you want to live,,,,,my cost is very low in fact I could live on less than 20K a year if needed,,,even less if I dropped my standards,,,

God forbid that people have to make choices for themselves about whether or not they can afford what they want. The horror!
Still waiting for you to tell me when did your life become amazing...was it this year, last year? When?

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